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Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the Walls
Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the Walls
Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the Walls
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Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the Walls

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In the shadowy depths of the remote countryside looms the Nightmare Mansion, a place shrouded in dark legends and even darker realities. "Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the Walls" by Matthew Petchinsky invites readers into a chilling world where the boundary betw

Release dateMay 16, 2024
Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the Walls


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    Nightmare Mansion - Petchinsky

    Nightmare Mansion

    Nightmare Mansion

    Nightmare Mansion

    Whispers in the Walls

    Matthew Petchinsky

    Apophis Enterprises LLC

    Copyright © 2024 by Matthew Petchinsky

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    First Printing, 2024

    Nightmare Mansion: Whispers in the Walls

    By: Matthew Petchinsky

    Prologue: The Summoning

    The restaurant was quiet, its polished wooden tables bathed in the dim glow of hanging lanterns. Shadows crept across the walls, creating a blend of soft warmth and eerie undertones. In a private corner, eight women sat at a round table draped in dark velvet, their faces illuminated by the flickering candlelight. Cindy, the high priestess, adjusted the folds of her midnight-blue cloak, her gaze sweeping over each member of the coven with a commanding calm.

    Ashley, the quartz, she instructed firmly, her voice low yet clear.

    Ashley, seated to Cindy’s left, nodded silently. Her auburn hair shimmered in the dim light as she reached into her leather bag, retrieving a clear quartz crystal. She placed it reverently in front of Cindy, the facets glinting with an ethereal glow.

    Mindy, your obsidian, Cindy continued.

    Mindy, a petite woman with raven-black hair, produced a sphere of polished obsidian from her satchel. She passed it across the table with care, her dark eyes reflecting the flickering flame.

    The ritual continued, each coven member contributing their own unique crystal to the growing circle. Diamond, with her sleek silver-blonde hair, placed a piece of amethyst beside the others. Stephanie, her eyes darting nervously around the room, offered up her tumbled carnelian. Pearl, her head held high, provided a cluster of citrine, while Raven's hand hovered for a moment before finally placing her moonstone carefully into position.

    Cindy looked at each crystal, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. With a swift, graceful motion, she drew her tarot deck from a pocket sewn into her cloak. The edges of the cards were worn, a testament to their age and frequent use. One by one, she fanned them out in front of her, her fingers dancing over the intricate designs on their backs.

    Tonight, we fortify the bonds of our sisterhood, she declared, her voice rising with a confident cadence. Together, we summon the ancient forces that have guided us through darkness and light.

    The women exchanged glances, their faces a mixture of anticipation and unease. They placed their hands upon the table, fingers brushing the cool surface of the crystals.

    Repeat after me, Cindy instructed, her eyes gleaming with an almost otherworldly intensity. O spirits that guard the realms unseen, we call upon you to bless our bond and empower our journey.

    The coven members spoke in unison, their voices low and melodic. O spirits that guard the realms unseen, we call upon you to bless our bond and empower our journey.

    A soft rustling seemed to stir the air, as if a breeze had whispered through the restaurant. The candles flickered, casting long shadows across the walls. Cindy shuffled the tarot cards, her eyes narrowing as she laid out a spread before her.

    Each of you must draw a card, guided by intuition alone, she instructed. Let the spirits reveal what they will.

    One by one, the women drew their cards, glancing nervously at Cindy as they placed them face down on the table. When all eight cards were drawn, Cindy began to turn them over.

    The Hierophant, she murmured, revealing Ashley's card. Guidance and tradition.

    The Tower, she announced next, pointing to Mindy's card. Change, upheaval.

    Each card bore a message, some of comfort and others of forewarning. As Cindy flipped the final card—Raven's—her expression grew solemn.

    The Moon, she whispered. Illusions and the unknown.

    A hush fell over the group, their eyes locked on Cindy's unwavering gaze. She straightened her shoulders, her voice resolute.

    We have been warned, sisters. Darkness stirs within the walls of Nightmare Mansion. Whispers are growing louder, and they seek to divide us.

    Pearl spoke up, her voice steady. But our bond is strong, Cindy. We'll face this together.

    Cindy nodded, her eyes meeting Pearl's with a flicker of gratitude. We will. Together, we will uncover the secrets within those walls and silence the whispers.

    The coven members clasped hands, their energy weaving together in a silent promise as the candles burned low around them. With a final, firm nod, Cindy blew out the flames, leaving the restaurant in shadow once more.

    Chapter 1: The Arrival

    The gravel crunched under the wheels of the van as it rolled to a stop in front of the mansion's wrought-iron gates. Tendrils of mist curled through the air, hugging the ground like spectral hands as the coven members stepped out. Each one was cloaked in layers of wool and cotton, the chill seeping through their clothes and into their bones. Above them, the looming silhouette of the mansion stood against a stormy sky, its high turrets and arched windows casting long shadows across the grounds.

    Cindy led the way, her long cloak trailing behind her. She paused at the gate, her fingers running along the intricate ironwork. Nightmare Mansion, she said softly, her breath visible in the cold air. The whispers have brought us here.

    Ashley shuddered, clutching her shawl tighter around her shoulders. It doesn't feel right, Cindy. Are you sure we're ready for this?

    We're ready, Cindy said with a firm nod, pushing open the creaking gate. We're going to uncover its secrets.

    The coven followed her, the mist swallowing them as they walked the winding path towards the mansion. Once they reached the grand oak doors, Cindy glanced back, her eyes flicking over each face.

    Stay close together, she warned. We don't know what lies inside.

    With that, she pushed open the heavy doors, and they entered the dimly lit foyer. Dust motes danced in the faint light filtering through the stained-glass windows, casting fractured shadows on the marble floor. The air was thick with the smell of age and neglect.

    Pearl let out a low whistle as she gazed up at the vaulted ceiling. It's beautiful in a twisted sort of way.

    Raven, however, seemed uneasy, her eyes darting nervously around the room. It feels like we're being watched, she murmured.

    Diamond stepped forward, peering up the grand staircase that led to the upper floors. It’s unsettlingly quiet.

    Mindy knelt by a dusty, abandoned suitcase near the foot of the stairs. Looks like someone left in a hurry.

    Cindy took a deep breath and strode to the center of the room. She placed her hands together and whispered softly, calling upon the protective energies she knew so well. A low hum seemed to resonate through the room as she cast a circle around them, the invisible barrier flickering briefly in the candlelight.

    We should explore, she said finally, her voice echoing off the vaulted ceiling. But stay together.

    As they ascended the creaky staircase, their footsteps echoed through the halls, disturbing the silence. The dim corridor stretched before them, lined with portraits of stern-faced men and women who seemed to glare down upon them from their dusty frames.

    Stephanie stopped at one particularly imposing

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