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What Every Church Member Must Do and Not Do
What Every Church Member Must Do and Not Do
What Every Church Member Must Do and Not Do
Ebook91 pages1 hour

What Every Church Member Must Do and Not Do

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"This ebook helps church members know what to do and what not to do. It teaches how to have a strong faith, build good relationships, and help your church grow. Read this book to learn how to be a good church member and make your church a better place."

Release dateMay 16, 2024
What Every Church Member Must Do and Not Do

Bishop Dusan Pobee

Bishop Dusan Pobee is the Presiding Bishop of Transformed Life Ministries International. With a passion for teaching and guiding believers, he addresses important issues facing Christians today. His extensive knowledge of the Bible and practical wisdom have assisted numerous individuals in finding freedom and victory in their relationship with Christ. The wisdom and practical guidance contained within this ebook are the result of his years of ministry experience and his commitment to assisting believers in finding freedom and victory in their walk with Christ.        

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    Book preview

    What Every Church Member Must Do and Not Do - Bishop Dusan Pobee


    Welcome to " What a Church Member Should Do and Not Do, " an ebook aimed at providing a comprehensive guide for individuals who desire to be active and impactful members of a church community. In this book, we will explore the responsibilities and expectations that come with being a church member, as well as the behaviors and attitudes that should be avoided.

    As the Presiding Bishop of Transformed Life Ministries International, I have witnessed firsthand the transformation that can take place when believers fully embrace their role within the body of Christ. Each member plays a vital part in the growth, unity, and effectiveness of the church, and it is my hope that this book will inspire and equip you to fulfill your role to the best of your ability.

    In the following chapters, we will look into the biblical foundations for church membership, the qualities and actions that a church member should embrace, and those that should be avoided. We will also discuss the importance of serving within the church, building healthy relationships, and reaching out to the world with the message of the gospel.

    It is my prayer that this book will serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to understand their role as church members and to live out their faith in a way that brings honor to God and blesses the community of believers. May it inspire and challenge you to grow in your relationship with Christ and to actively participate in the work of the church.

    Let us embark on this journey together, as we explore what it truly means to be a church member. May the words within these pages bring clarity, conviction, and encouragement as we strive to live a life that reflects the heart and purpose of our Savior.


    Chapter 1:  Understanding the Responsibility of Every Church Member

    Chapter 2:   What Every Church Member Must Embrace

    Chapter 3:  What Every Church Member Must Not Do

    Chapter 4:  Serving the Body of Christ

    Chapter 5:  Building Healthy Relationships

    Chapter 6:  Reaching Out to the World

    Chapter 7:  Attitude Towards Leadership

    Chapter 8:  Discovering and Using your Gifts

    Chapter 9:  Your Financial Commitment

    Chapter 10: Your Prayer Life

    Chapter 11: Your Overall Checklist

    Chapter 12: Strategic Prayers

    Chapter 1: Understanding the Responsibility of a Church Member

    To grasp the duty of being a church member means knowing what is expected of you as a part of the church family. It involves actively participating in church activities, supporting fellow members, and living out your faith in a way that reflects the teachings of Jesus.

    Being a church member means being a part of a community of believers who come together to worship, learn, and serve.

    As a church member, you have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the church community.

    This can involve attending church services regularly, participating in events and programs, volunteering your time and talents, and supporting the church financially.

    You are also expected to show love and care for your fellow church members, offering support and encouragement when needed.

    Being a church member also means living out your faith in your daily life. This includes being honest, kind, and compassionate towards others, and treating everyone with respect and dignity. It means being a positive influence in your community, sharing the love of Christ with those around you, and being a light in a world that can often be dark.

    In essence, being a church member is about living out your faith in a way that reflects the teachings of Jesus and contributes to the well-being of the church community.

    It is a responsibility that should be taken seriously and embraced wholeheartedly.


    Question: What does it mean to be a responsible church member?

    Answer: Being a responsible church member means actively participating in the church community, supporting and encouraging fellow believers, attending regularly, serving in various ministries, and living out the teachings of Jesus in everyday life.

    NLT Scripture: Romans 12:4-5 - Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

    Bible Examples: In Acts 2:42-47, the early believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. They shared everything they had with one another and worshiped together daily. This demonstrates the responsibility of church members to support and care for each other in community.

    Question: How can church members support their leaders and pastors?

    Answer: Church members can support their leaders and pastors by praying for them, encouraging them, obeying their teachings, serving alongside them, and providing financial support for the ministry of the church.

    NLT Scripture: Hebrews 13:17 - Obey your spiritual leaders, and do what they say. Their work is to watch over your souls, and they are accountable to God. Give them reason to do this with joy and not with sorrow. That would certainly not be for your benefit.

    Bible Examples: In Exodus 17:10-13, when Moses held up his hands in prayer during battle, the Israelites were winning. When his hands grew tired, Aaron and Hur held them up for him. This shows the importance of

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