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Dead Target
Dead Target
Dead Target
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Dead Target

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In the murky underworld of covert operations, an elite team of hardened soldiers operates under the veil of utmost secrecy. Known only as Dead Target, this band of brothers and sisters is comprised of the most lethal and highly trained operatives from the world's premier special forces units. Marcus, a former Navy SEAL sniper with unparalleled marksmanship. Lena, a ruthless ex-Spetsnaz martial arts expert who can infiltrate any stronghold. Jack, a British SAS demolitions guru who wields heavy firepower with surgical precision. And Mei, the ghost-like former Mossad assassin who strikes with silent, deadly accuracy. Together, they form an unstoppable force tasked with eliminating the terrorist threats that conventional militaries cannot reach.


When intelligence uncovers a diabolical plot by the notorious Al-Wazir terror cell to unleash devastating attacks on civilian populations, Dead Target is activated. Their mission: infiltrate war-torn Syria and terminate Al-Wazir with extreme prejudice before his sinister plans can be realized. Utilizing state-of-the-art surveillance tech and old-school tradecraft, the team tracks the elusive terror leader to his heavily fortified compound in the desert badlands. 

Under the cloak of night, Dead Target executes a daring assault on the enemy stronghold. Marcus rains down suppressive sniper fire as Jack unleashes a blistering bombardment to sow chaos. With the defenses breached, Lena and Mei silently breach the interior, cutting down hostiles with brutal efficiency. Floor by floor, room by room, they fight through a hail of gunfire from Al-Wazir's merciless guards.

Finally, they reach the terror chief's inner sanctum as he prepares his ultimate attack. With his eagle-eyed focus, Marcus ends the threat with a perfectly aimed headshot. In the aftermath, the team secures critical intel exposing Al-Wazir's vast network of terror cells before vanishing like ghosts into the night. 

Their mission accomplished, Dead Target turns towards exfiltration when sudden disaster strikes. An armored convoy of enemy reinforcements ambushes their escape route, threatening to box them in the crossfire. Jack calls in a daring emergency evac, but their transport chopper takes a crippling RPG hit before it can land. With no way out, the team digs in as an overwhelming force encircles them.

As ammo runs dry, the battle seems unwinnable against the onslaught of hostiles. But Dead Target has one final play. Mei acquires the last remaining RPG and takes a high-risk shot, shearing through the enemy's fuel and ammo trucks to spark a massive fireball. In the chaos, Marcus, Jack and Lena provide suppressive fire for a daring last-ditch run to the downed chopper. With time running out, they drag the wounded pilot aboard as Mei detonates her last charges, momentarily stalling the enemy's advance. 

The battered chopper barely clears the ground in the nick of time, allowing Dead Target to escape the fiery ambush site. Though bloodied and battered, their harrowing mission has prevented Al-Wazir's horrific attack. As they soar over the burning battlefield, the team takes solace that once again, they have struck a crucial blow against the forces of terror that threaten the free world.

Release dateMay 16, 2024
Dead Target

Brian Leslie

Brian Leslie is a Nationally Recognized Coercive Interrogation Expert, Commercial Fiction Writer and Best Selling Author. He is regularly retained by Federal, State, and Military Courts on high-profile murder cases throughout the United States. 

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    Dead Target - Brian Leslie




    Marcus is the embodiment of discipline and precision. His stoic demeanor masks a wellspring of intensity that he channels into every mission. A man of few words, Marcus speaks through his actions, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to his team and the objectives at hand. His strong moral compass guides him, ensuring that even in the darkest moments, he never loses sight of what he's fighting for.




    Forged in the crucible of Navy SEAL training, Marcus emerged as a sniper without peer. His military career is marked by countless covert operations that have shaped him into the operative he is today. The burdens of past missions are etched into his psyche, serving both as a source of strength and a silent specter that accompanies him.




    Lena is the embodiment of ruthlessness and resourcefulness. Her time in the Spetsnaz has honed her instincts, making her a formidable opponent who can think on her feet and adapt to any situation. She's slow to trust, a trait born from operating in environments where a single misstep could be fatal. Despite this guarded nature, Lena is fiercely protective of those she considers her team, displaying an unwavering loyalty that belies her icy exterior.




    Hailing from the elite ranks of Russia's special forces, Lena 'The Panther' Petrova brings with her a wealth of combat experience and tactical acumen. Her past is etched with the rigorous training and covert operations that have shaped her into the martial arts expert she is today. The discipline and skills learned in the Spetsnaz continue to serve as the foundation for her current role in Dead Target.




    Jack 'Boom' O'Connell is the heart of levity in a group that operates under constant pressure. His humor and easy-going nature are as reliable as his expertise with explosives. He has an uncanny ability to crack jokes even when the stakes are highest, providing much-needed comic relief to his comrades. Despite his jovial demeanor, Jack is fiercely loyal and protective of his team, ready to lay down his life without hesitation.




    Hailing from a long line of military servicemen, Jack followed in the footsteps of his forefathers by joining the British SAS. His natural aptitude for strategy and demolitions quickly set him apart, earning him a reputation as one of the best in the field. Over years of service, he honed his skills in some of the most dangerous war zones around the globe before being recruited into Dead Target.

    MEI LI



    Mei is the embodiment of still waters running deep. Her demeanor is calm and collected, often giving off an air of detachment. She speaks little but observes much, always calculating her next move with precision. Mei's reserved nature stems from a life where trust can be a liability, and emotional attachments are a luxury she cannot afford. Despite her secretive ways, there is an underlying sense of loyalty and commitment to her team that cannot be shaken.




    Formerly one of Mossad's most effective assassins, Mei has left behind a trail of covert operations that have shaped her into the ghost-like operative she is today. Her past is shrouded in secrecy, with only snippets known to those closest to her. The skills honed during her tenure with Mossad have made her an invaluable asset to Dead Target, where she continues to apply her lethal expertise without leaving a trace.




    Rashid Al-Wazir is a mastermind with a cold and calculating demeanor. He possesses a strategic mind, always thinking several steps ahead of his adversaries. His leadership style is authoritarian, demanding unwavering loyalty and obedience from his followers. Despite his ruthlessness, he exhibits a charismatic charm that can be disarmingly persuasive.




    Born into conflict and raised amidst political turmoil, Rashid Al-Wazir quickly learned the art of survival in a world dominated by power struggles. His rise to infamy began as a cunning operative who swiftly climbed the ranks through his tactical genius and unscrupulous methods. Over time, he established himself as the leader of one of the most feared terror cells known for its sophisticated operations and global reach.




    Abdul Al-Wazir is the embodiment of a cold and calculating mind, with an unyielding determination to achieve his nefarious objectives. His charisma is overshadowed by an air of menace that he carries with him, making even his most loyal followers wary in his presence. He is known for his strategic acumen and lack of empathy, viewing people as mere pawns in the grand chessboard of his terrorist activities.




    Rising from the shadows of conflict-ridden regions, Abdul Al-Wazir has forged himself into a figure of terror and command. His past shrouded in mystery, it's rumored that he was once part of elite military forces before turning rogue. Over the years, he has built a vast network of loyalists through both fear and fanaticism.




    Elena is a master of composure, her stoic demeanor often mistaken for coldness. She possesses an analytical mind that thrives under pressure, making her an invaluable strategist during covert operations. Her loyalty to her team is unwavering, and she has a subtle sense of humor that surfaces only in the company of those she trusts.




    Born into a family with deep military roots, Elena was raised on stories of valor and discipline. She excelled in intelligence analysis and quickly rose through the ranks of her nation's elite counter-intelligence agency. Her expertise in electronic surveillance and cyber warfare has thwarted numerous threats before they could materialize.




    Captain Sarah Owens is the epitome of a no-nonsense leader. She's tough as nails, with a sharp mind that cuts through ambiguity like a knife. Her decisiveness and unwavering focus make her an anchor for the team in times of crisis. Sarah's communication style is direct and to the point; she doesn't waste time on pleasantries when there's a job to be done. Despite her hard exterior, she cares deeply about her team and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety.




    In her early 40s, Captain Sarah Owens sports short-cropped blonde hair that underscores her practical approach to life. Her piercing blue eyes seem to miss nothing, reflecting a keen awareness that's been sharpened by years in high-stakes environments. Her physique is fit and toned, bearing witness to a disciplined regimen that keeps her ready for any challenge.




    Sergeant Neil 'Doc' Thompson is the embodiment of composure, maintaining a calm and steady presence even amidst the chaos of battle. His voice rarely rises above a measured tone, and his decisions are made with thoughtful precision. Doc's empathy and reassuring nature make him the emotional anchor for Dead Target, often providing a listening ear or a word of encouragement when it's needed most.




    With years of service in military medical corps behind him, Neil 'Doc' Thompson has seen his fair share of conflict zones. His transition from military hospitals to the front lines was driven by a desire to save lives where seconds count. Doc's extensive training in trauma care and battlefield medicine is complemented by his experience in high-stress situations, making him an expert at triage and emergency interventions.




    Hassan Al-Bakri is defined by his courage and resourcefulness. Despite the constant threat looming over him, he remains calm under pressure, showcasing a resilience that is both admirable and necessary in his line of work. His commitment to justice drives him to take significant risks, but he is not reckless; Hassan's actions are calculated and deliberate. He has a strong moral compass that guides him through the treacherous landscape of covert information exchange.




    Growing up amidst the turmoil of his homeland, Hassan developed an acute awareness of the geopolitical forces at play. His early life was marked by personal loss due to ongoing conflicts, which instilled in him a deep-seated desire to restore peace and stability to the region. Over time, he cultivated a network of contacts and honed his skills in gathering intelligence, eventually becoming an invaluable asset to those fighting against terror cells.


    Bullets pierced the air, a cacophony of death that tore through Marcus's eardrums as he crouched behind the crumbling wall. Dust and debris showered down around him, each impact a reminder of his own mortality. The enemy gunfire rained relentless destruction, but Marcus remained a pillar of stoicism amidst the chaos.


    Alpha team, status report, he barked into his headset, his voice carrying an authority forged in countless battles. The responses came quickly – terse acknowledgements, punctuated by the sounds of combat. They were fighting tooth and nail, but Marcus knew that every second counted.


    As if in response to his inner urgency, Marcus's world narrowed down to the task at hand. With swift, practiced movements, he assembled his sniper rifle, each piece clicking into place like clockwork. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand and peered through the scope, his icy blue eyes scanning the battlefield for his target.


    Bravo six, this is Eagle. I've got eyes on the HVT, he reported, using the call sign bestowed upon him by his peers. The Eagle – a name earned through years of sharpshooting excellence. Now, as he lay prone on the cold ground, the weight of that legacy bore down on him.


    His mind raced with memories of fallen comrades, their faces haunting him even as he focused on his objective. But it was their sacrifice that drove him forward, pushing past the pain and fear. He would not let them down. Not now, not ever.


    Copy that, Eagle. Take the shot when ready, came the reply, and Marcus felt the familiar pull of responsibility tighten around his heart. His finger hovered over the trigger, every nerve in his body honed to razor-sharp focus.


    Through the crosshairs, he watched as the distant figure appeared, unaware of the impending doom. Marcus took a deep breath, steadying his aim. He exhaled slowly, and time seemed to slow with it. In the space between heartbeats, he squeezed the trigger.


    A thunderous roar echoed across the battlefield, but to Marcus, it was the only sound that mattered. His bullet cut through the air with lethal precision, finding its mark in an instant. The figure crumpled to the ground, and for a heartbeat, the world held its breath.


    Confirmed kill, Eagle. HVT down, came the awed report from one of his teammates. Marcus allowed himself a fleeting moment of satisfaction before he steeled himself for the fight that still raged around him.


    Copy that. All units, prepare to fall back and regroup. We've got more work ahead of us, he ordered, his voice resolute. As he disassembled his rifle and prepared for the retreat, the weight of the day's events settled on his shoulders.


    But beneath that burden, Marcus Whitmore stood tall. For every life he took, he vowed to save countless others. It was a promise etched into his soul, as indelible as the ink on his skin.


    And as long as he drew breath, he would keep it, no matter the cost.


    The taste of gunpowder lingered on the air as Marcus returned to his base, the adrenaline still coursing through his veins. He entered a dimly lit room, casting long shadows that seemed to grasp at his heels. Waiting for him there, standing with an authoritative posture that commanded attention, was Sarah Owens.


    Good work out there, Eagle, she said, her voice steady and strong. Your precision and efficiency were nothing short of remarkable.


    Thank you, ma'am, Marcus replied, his heart pounding in his chest like a drumbeat calling him back to the battlefield. He could still feel the weight of his sniper rifle in his hands and see the distant target collapsing from his perfectly placed shot.


    Your performance today has saved lives, Sarah continued, her eyes locked onto his with unwavering intensity. And it's brought us one step closer to stopping Rashid Al-Wazir.


    Stopping him is all I'm focused on, ma'am, Marcus responded, his jaw clenched as determination burned within him. I won't rest until he's no longer a threat.


    Sarah studied him for a moment, her gaze probing beneath the surface of his stoic demeanor. I know you won't, she said finally, her words tinged with a respect that was hard-earned. You've proven yourself time and time again, and I have no doubt you'll do so once more.


    Failure isn't an option, Marcus murmured, his voice low and resolute. His mind briefly drifted to the faces of fallen comrades, their memories fueling his drive to succeed.


    Let's debrief and plan our next move, Sarah suggested, turning towards a table strewn with maps and intelligence reports. Every second counts.


    As they dove into strategic discussions, Marcus couldn't help but feel grateful for Sarah's unwavering support. He knew that together, they formed a formidable team – one that wouldn't rest until the world was a safer place.


    Rashid Al-Wazir won't know what hit him, Marcus thought, his eyes burning with fierce determination as he poured over the documents before him. I'll make damn sure of that.


    And as he and Sarah exchanged a final nod, their shared understanding of the challenges ahead only served to strengthen their resolve. The clock was ticking, and failure was simply not an option.


    The room's shadows flickered as Sarah traced her finger along the map, highlighting a series of strategic points. The dim light reflected off her piercing blue eyes, which were locked in on Marcus with an intensity that matched his own. Her voice was steady, but the concern beneath it was unmistakable.


    Marcus, the next mission is unlike anything we've faced before, she said, her tone grave. Al-Wazir has fortified his defenses, and intel suggests he's planning something devastating. We can't afford any mistakes.


    His gaze never wavered from hers, the weight of her words sinking in. As if instinctively, Marcus's hand tightened around the grip of his sniper rifle – the weapon that had been his constant companion throughout countless missions. The steely resolve in his eyes grew even sharper, like the edge of a honed blade.


    Whatever it takes, Sarah, he replied, his voice laced with determination. We'll stop him. I won't let you or the team down.


    He could feel the familiar fire of anticipation smoldering deep within him, stoked by the knowledge that every bullet fired and every life taken served a greater purpose. In this deadly game of cat and mouse, only one side could emerge victorious – and Marcus would do everything in his power to ensure it was theirs.


    Your skills are unparalleled, Marcus. But remember, this time it's not just about accuracy and efficiency, Sarah cautioned, her eyes narrowing. We need to be adaptable, ready for anything Al-Wazir might throw our way.


    Understood. Marcus nodded, his mind already analyzing potential scenarios and calculating the best course of action. He knew that on the battlefield, things rarely went according to plan. But his adaptability had always been one of his greatest assets, forged through years of experience and sacrifice.


    Good. Sarah paused, scrutinizing him for a moment before continuing. I have faith in you, Marcus. We're going to need every ounce of your expertise for this one.


    Thank you, Sarah, he replied, his expression resolute. The knowledge that she trusted him bolstered his confidence and lent him an added layer of determination.


    As they dove deeper into the details of the upcoming mission, Marcus felt the familiar blend of adrenaline, focus, and purpose surging through his veins. With every piece of intel they dissected, the stakes grew higher – and so too did his resolve. He knew that failure wasn't an option; too much was riding on his shoulders.


    Let's bring this bastard down, he thought, tightly gripping his sniper rifle. For the team, for the innocent lives at stake, and for those who can no longer fight by our side.


    The line between predator and prey blurred as Marcus steeled himself for the battles ahead, ready to prove once more why he was the best in the business. And as he and Sarah turned their attention back to the maps and documents before them, a shared sense of urgency propelled them forward, driving them towards their common goal: stopping Rashid Al-Wazir, no matter the cost.


    A single bead of sweat trickled down Marcus's temple as he stood in the dimly lit room, his piercing blue eyes staring out through the narrow window at the twilight sky. The weight of his sniper rifle in his hands was a silent reminder of the life and death stakes that came with each mission, and the lives that had been both saved and lost.


    Are you thinking about them? Sarah's voice cut through the silence, her gaze unwavering as she observed Marcus's contemplative expression.


    Always, Marcus replied, his voice low and steady. It keeps me focused on what's important – doing everything I can to make sure their sacrifices weren't in vain.


    Sarah nodded solemnly, understanding all too well the burden that came with leading a team into the unknown. You've proven time and time again that you're up for the challenge, Marcus. Your skill and determination have brought us this far, and I know you'll be the one to lead us to victory against Al-Wazir.


    Thank you, Sarah, Marcus said, his resolve steeling as he met her gaze. Her confidence in him served as a reminder of why he fought so hard: not just for those he'd lost, but for the living as well.


    Remember, we're all in this together, Sarah added, placing a reassuring hand on Marcus's shoulder. We trust you, Marcus. You've got the skills and the instincts to get us through this. And when the dust settles, we'll be standing right beside you.


    Marcus allowed himself a slight smile, appreciating the unspoken bond that connected them as comrades in arms. He knew that their trust in him was earned through countless successful missions and hard-won battles, and he would do everything in his power to ensure that they could rely on him once more.


    Let's make sure Rashid Al-Wazir never sees it coming, Marcus said, his eyes narrowing with determination as he gripped his sniper rifle tighter. For our fallen brothers and sisters, for the innocent lives we protect, and for each other.


    Damn right, Sarah agreed, her eyes flashing with steely resolve. We're going to bring him down and make the world a safer place.


    As they prepared to launch their assault on Al-Wazir's stronghold, Marcus felt the familiar blend of adrenaline and focus coursing through him. The memories of those who'd come before, the trust of those who fought beside him now, and the weight of the lives that hung in the balance – all of it fueled his unwavering drive to see the mission through to its end.


    With each step forward, Marcus Whitmore, the Eagle, was ready to strike once more – lethal, precise, and unstoppable.


    The dim glow of a single lightbulb cast eerie shadows on the walls as Marcus and Sarah stood in the makeshift briefing room, the air tense with anticipation. Marcus could feel the weight of his team's expectations pressing down on him, but it was Sarah's unwavering faith that brought clarity to his thoughts.


    Thank you, Captain, Marcus said, his voice steady and resolute. I won't let you or this team down. We'll bring Al-Wazir to justice.


    Damn right we will, Sarah replied, her tone laced with urgency. She tapped the map spread across the table between them, zeroing in on the heart of enemy territory. We've received intel that Al-Wazir is planning something big – an attack that could claim countless innocent lives. Time is of the essence, Marcus. We need to stop him before he can execute his plan.


    Marcus nodded, his eyes narrowing as they traced the intricate web of streets and alleyways marked on the map. He could envision himself stalking through the shadows, every footfall silent and purposeful, as he closed in on his target. *I won't allow another atrocity to be committed by this monster,* he thought, his determination burning like a fire within him.


    Understood, Captain, Marcus responded, mentally preparing himself for the dangerous mission ahead. We'll move quickly and decisively. Al-Wazir won't see us coming.


    Good. Sarah's gaze remained locked on the map, her fingers drumming on its surface. We're counting on you, Marcus. Your skills have gotten us this far; now, it's time to finish the job.


    As Marcus absorbed Sarah's words, a torrent of past missions surged through his mind. He remembered the faces of fallen comrades, the sacrifices made in the name of justice. *This one's for you,* he vowed silently, renewing his commitment to the mission and those who had come before.


    Let's gear up and move out, Marcus commanded, the fire in his eyes reflecting his unyielding determination. We've got a terrorist to stop.


    With grim resolve, Marcus and Sarah stepped away from the table, their every movement precise and filled with purpose. As they prepared for the dangerous task ahead, the shadows of past missions seemed to merge with the darkness that lay before them, fueling their drive to confront the evil that threatened countless lives. And as they moved forward, united by their shared convictions, the ghosts of fallen comrades whispered their silent encouragement, urging them onward to victory.


    The wind howled past Marcus's ear as he stared down the scope of his sniper rifle, his breath slow and steady. He could feel the weight of the mission on his shoulders, but it only served to sharpen his focus. The target, Rashid Al-Wazir, was a mere speck in the distance, but Marcus knew that even the slightest mistake could spell disaster for countless innocents.


    Marcus, are you in position? Sarah's voice crackled in his earpiece.


    Affirmative, Marcus replied, his jaw clenched and determination burning in his eyes. I'm locked on target.


    Remember, we need this done quickly and quietly, Sarah reminded him, her words emphasizing the high stakes of their operation.


    Understood, Marcus whispered, the conviction in his voice unwavering.


    As Marcus took a moment to compose himself, he thought about the lives at stake – innocent people who would suffer if they failed to stop Al-Wazir. He couldn't allow that to happen, not on his watch.


    Take the shot when you're ready, Marcus, Sarah said, her voice tense. We're all counting on you.


    Copy that, Marcus responded, his heart pounding as he exhaled slowly and squeezed the trigger.


    The shot rang out, echoing across the barren landscape as Marcus watched Al-Wazir crumple to the ground through his scope. But there was no time to celebrate; they needed to move swiftly before enemy forces caught on.


    Target down, Marcus reported, his tone urgent. Let's get out of here before things turn ugly.


    Agreed, Sarah replied, her voice filled with relief and pride. Meet us at the extraction point ASAP. We'll be waiting.


    As Marcus sprinted toward the rendezvous point, adrenaline coursed through his veins, pushing him forward. They had succeeded in stopping Al-Wazir, but this was only one battle in a much larger war. And as Marcus and Sarah exchanged a final nod at the extraction point, they knew that the challenges ahead would test them like never before.


    Good job, Marcus, Sarah said, her eyes locking onto his, conveying both gratitude and anticipation.


    Thank you, Captain, Marcus replied, his voice steady and resolute. I'll be ready for whatever comes next.


    Together, they boarded the waiting helicopter, their determination to face the future stronger than ever. As the aircraft lifted off into the darkening sky, an unspoken

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