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Contradictions of the new Testament
Contradictions of the new Testament
Contradictions of the new Testament
Ebook36 pages25 minutes

Contradictions of the new Testament

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Some argue that these inconsistencies are due to the different purposes and perspectives of the Gospel writers. Ancient biographical writing often allowed for non-chronological narratives and selective storytelling. This approach means that the Gospels focus more on theological messages rather than strict historical documentation

PublisherJuan Lopez
Release dateMay 15, 2024
Contradictions of the new Testament

Lopez Galan

im a 52 cuban immigrant who came in 1990 in a raft when i was 17 years old looking for freedom

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    Book preview

    Contradictions of the new Testament - Lopez Galan

    Table Of Contents

    Chapter 1: Introduction to the New Testament

         The Origins of the New Testament

         The Importance of Studying the New Testament

         Overview of the Gospels and Epistles

    Chapter 2: Contradictions in the New Testament

         Differing Accounts of Jesus' Birth

         Conflicting Genealogies of Jesus

         Discrepancies in the Resurrection Narratives

    Chapter 3: Conflicting Accounts of Jesus' Teachings

         The Sermon on the Mount: A Unified Message?

         Parables of Jesus: Interpretation and Meaning

         Miracles of Jesus: Authenticity and Significance

    Chapter 4: Inconsistencies in Jesus' Actions

         Jesus' Approach to Social Issues

         Jesus' Interactions with Religious Leaders

         Jesus' Views on Violence and Nonviolence

    Chapter 5: Resolving the Contradictions

         The Role of Faith in Understanding the New Testament

         Interpretive Frameworks for Reconciling Differences

         Embracing the Mystery of Faith in the New Testament

    Chapter 6: Conclusion

         Recap of Contradictions and Consistencies

         Implications for Modern Faith and Practice

         The Continuing Relevance of the New Testament in Today's World

    Chapter 1: Introduction to the New Testament

    The Origins of the New Testament

    The New Testament is a collection of Christian texts that form the second part of the Christian Bible. It is comprised of 27 books that were written over a span of several decades by various authors. The origins of the New Testament can be traced back to the first century AD when the early Christian community began to document the teachings and actions of Jesus Christ. These writings were initially circulated as individual letters and accounts among the early Christian churches.

    One of the key factors that led to the compilation of the New Testament was the need to preserve the teachings of Jesus and the early Christian community. As Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, there was a growing demand for written records of Jesus' life and teachings. This led to the collection and preservation of various texts that eventually formed the New Testament.

    The process of canonization, or the official recognition of certain texts as authoritative scripture, took several centuries to complete. It was not until the fourth century AD that the final list of books that make up the New Testament was agreed

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