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Blood Lust
Blood Lust
Blood Lust
Ebook58 pages36 minutes

Blood Lust

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An absolutely gorgeous woman hailing from France now resides in the United States where she tends to sleep all day and works at a battered women’s shelter at night. Her name is Monique and certainly doesn't think of herself as a guardian angel, but she does take delight in righting wrongs in her own way.

One such woman is Annette, who has a knack for attracting abusive women into relationships with her. The divorced mother of a college student had sworn off men because she got knocked around during her eighteen years of marriage. Her shock came when she discovered that her new lesbian lifestyle was not without its bullies and abusive women. The frightened divorcee seems to have nowhere to turn.

Annette suffers two severe beatings by two different women within a year. The last such assault left her abused and battered, hiding in a battered women's shelter. That is where she met Monique, a lovely French woman that helps out at the shelter in the evenings. Monique seems to take a serious interest in Annette's well-being and promises her things will get better. Annette is skeptical since Monique doesn't know the kinds of women who have abused her.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateMay 15, 2024
Blood Lust

Sherry Stone

Sherry Stone is the pen name of a thirty-seven-year-old single mother of two teenaged boys. A former college instructor and medical consultant. She has now begun to devote her time to writing. Science fiction and Romance are her passions, and she loves to spice her stories with some steamy erotica, just to give her work a punch other writers lack. Born in Birmingham AL she is an avid Crimson Tide Football fan. She currently lives just outside Cincinnati, OH

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    Book preview

    Blood Lust - Sherry Stone

    Blood Lust

    Copyright 2024 Sherry Stone

    Published by Tenth Muse at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


    'Author's note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older.

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six


    About Sherry Stone

    Other books by Sherry Stone

    Connect with Sherry Stone


    Evony Fleurette Marquise

    Chapter One

    Monique glanced at the photo on her iPhone then stared at the woman at the bar. She was short, frumpy, and overweight. Her cheap blue dress accentuated her bull dyke look. Monique had been searching for her for the past week.

    As the tall sexy brunette stepped into the bar, heads turned and men ignored the women they were with. She was used to that reaction. High cheekbones, even higher sitting breasts and a tiny waist that spilled out to unbelievable hips. She sat at an open spot at the bar, ten feet from Judy Wilson.

    Judy stared at her in her not so subtle way as she ordered her drink. She made eye contact with Judy. The woman practically drooled. How elegant.

    She got up and sat on the open stool next to Judy. I finished my drink. Would you like to buy me another?

    Uh, sure. Of course. How about we sit at that table?

    Monique went to the table as Judy got their drinks. She engaged her in small talk, pretending she was interested in what she had to say.

    So, Judy, do you have a partner you're hiding back home?

    No. I've been searching, but I haven't found a woman who has captured my heart.

    Monique smiled at her lie.

    What I need is a great gal like you. Judy ordered another gin and tonic. So, Monique, that's a pretty exotic name. You must not be from around here.

    I was born in France.

    I have important clients in France. I travel around the world quite a bit with my job.

    Is that right? Another lie. Judy Wilson told her she was a marketing manager for an insurance company. Monique knew she was a pharmacy technician.

    Yeah, I fly to different countries to meet clients. I'm hoping to do more teleconferencing in the future. Still, you can't beat those frequent flyer miles, let me tell you, and it's a good idea to get close to the customer. So do you have a significant other?


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