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Poetry in Balance: The Orloj Series: Vol. 5
Poetry in Balance: The Orloj Series: Vol. 5
Poetry in Balance: The Orloj Series: Vol. 5
Ebook162 pages1 hour

Poetry in Balance: The Orloj Series: Vol. 5

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This fourth and final volume of The Orloj is a compilation of all poems, essays, and fables of the first three books. A precious craft of artful verses that are straight forward, easy to understand. Through art that speaks to all, the author seeks to elicit emotions while provoking reflection. With verses th

PublisherRCHC LLC
Release dateMay 20, 2024
Poetry in Balance: The Orloj Series: Vol. 5

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    Poetry in Balance - Erasmus Cromwell-Smith II

    Poetry in Balance

    The Orloj series: Vol. V


    Erasmus Cromwell-Smith II

    Poetry in Balance

    © Erasmus Cromwell-Smith II

    ISBN: 979-8-9873115-5-4

    Publisher: RCHC LLC

    Editor: Elisa Arraiz Lucca

    Cover Design, and Interior Design: erasmuscromwellsmith

    Printed in USA, 2022

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, without permission in writing from the Copyright owner.

    Books written by the author

    In English,

    As Erasmus Cromwell-Smith II:

    The Equilibrist series,


    -The Happiness Triangle (Volume 1).

    -Geniality (Volume 2).

    -The Magic in Life (Volume 3).  

    -Poetry in Equilibrium (Volume 4).                

    The Orloj, series                                                            

    (Young Adults)

    -The Orloj of Prague (Volume 1).                

    -The Orloj of Venice (Volume 2)

    -The Orloj of Paris (Volume 3).

    -The Orloj of London (Volume 4).

    -Poetry in Balance (Volume 5).

    En Español,

    Como Erasmus Cromwell-Smith II:

    La serie El Equilibrista.


    -El triángulo de la felicidad (Volumen 1).

    -Genialidad (Volumen 2).

    -La magia de la vida (Volumen 3).

    -Poesía en equilibrio (Volumen 4).

    The South Beach Conversational Method,

    (Educational) (Educacional)

    - Spanish - Inglés

    -German                                    - Alemán

    - French - Francés

    - Italian - Italiano

    - Portuguese - Portugués

    The Nicolas Tosh Series,


    - Algoritm-323 (Volume 1)

    - Tosh (Volume 2)

    As Nelson Hamel (*)

    The Paradise Island Series,


    - Miami Beach, Paradise Island (Volume 1)

    - Miami Beach, Dangerous Lifestyles (Volume 2)

    - White Spaces at Lake Erie (Volume 1)  (Sci/fi)

    (*) in collaboration with Charles Sibley.

    All titles are or will be available in audiobook.

    Table Of Contents:


    - Poem: The Weakness of Insulting Others

    - Poem: Patience

    - Fable: An Upside Down World

    - Fable: The Young Boy and The Lion

    - Fable: The Kite Flyer and The Wise Old Man

    - Fable: The Old Man and Mother Nature

    - Fable: The Three Bavarian Bakers

    - Fable: The Wounded Tiger

    - Fable: The Gold Men from Cuzco

    -Fable: The Academy of Absurdity and Ignorance

    -Fable: The Young Sheppard and the Tarot Reader

    -Fable: The Young Seamstress and Jolly Looking Man

    -Poem: Grit


    -Fable: The Greatest Journeyman that ever lived

    -Fable: The Four Orphans from Vietnam

    -Fable: The Young Soprano from the mountains of Merida

    -Fable: The Ace Pilots encounter in the deep ends of the rain  forest.

    -Poem: Not Everything We Hear Is What Appears To Be

    -Fable: The Luthier From Mittenwald

    -Fable: The Young Girl From Budapest

    -Poem: Together As Ever As One

    -Fable: The Puppet Master and The Inquisitive Youngster

    -Fable: The Troll and The Determined Youngster from Tromso

    -Fable: The Sculptor and The Stone

    -Short Story: Lafitte versus Lafayette

    -Poem: A Noble Mother There Is Only One

    -Fable: The Street Vendor of Portoviejo

    -Poem: Kindness

    -Fable: Flowers From the Heart

    -Poem: The Magic in the Light of a New Day

    -Poem: Discipline

    -Poem: Impetus

    -Poem: Tenacity

    -Poem: What is Greatness?

    Sci-fi Poetry

    -Poem: White Space

    -Poem: Light as A Feather

    -Poem: What Is Life?

    -Poem: Playing God

    -Poem: Cyborg Blues

    -Poem: A Digital Spirit And Soul?

    -Poem: Earth’s Black Hole

    -Poem: To Be Or Not To Be?

    -Poem: Mayhem

    -Poem: Cyber Warfare

    -Poem: My Digital Self

    -Poem: Everything Can Change In A Fraction Of A Second

    -Poem: Life’s Origin

    -Poem: The Contrarians

    -Poem: Empty Places

    -Poem: Daring

    -Poem: An Ever Brief Moment In Time

    -Poem: Digital Life

    -Poem: A Digital Civilization

    -Poem: Reflections from within the Software Lines Of Code (1)

    -Poem: Reflections from within the Software Lines Of Code (2)

    -Poem: Reflections from within the Software Lines Of Code (3)

    -Poem: Reflections from within the Software Lines Of Code (4)

    The Weakness of Insulting Others

    We insult others when feeling less

    than them or the situation we face.

    Even though on the surface,

    pejoratives appear to be directed at others,

    what they reflect in reality,

    is anger at ourselves,

    out of feelings of inferiority,

    perhaps frustrated at our incapacity

    in a given moment

    or reckoning with mediocrity.

    Cursing others is also driven

    by fear of being ousted

    and our weaknesses noticed,

    or our insecurities

    about losing or not prevailing.

    We put others down,

    when artificially,

    we try to feel better

    or superior to them,

    when in reality

    we see them being better than us.

    When we insult others

    what we are really doing

    in the final analysis,

    is insulting ourselves.

    When in the reflection of our conscience

    in vain we try to believe,

    there is a reflection of others

    when in reality it is only us,

    staring right back

    and at no one else.


    Knowing how,

    and knowing when to wait,

    are the essences of patience.

    Patience allows us

    to slow things down,

    as well as,

    to control

    abrupt-impulsive behavior.

    Patience is a character quality

    that requires

    bountiful wisdom,

    profound maturity,

    absolute inner-peace,

    immutable self-control

    and total calmness.

    Patience is a virtue

    that provides us

    with the best shot

    at having The Right Timing

    for anything

    or anyone.

    Patience is the best existential tool,

    to Cool Things Down,

    before we act

    in the spur of the moment,

    perhaps enabling us,

    to realize mistakes or errors,

    which we may be about to incur.

    Patience is a deliberate

    Lapse in time

    between Willingness and Action,

    Rushing and Pausing,

    Winning and Losing,

    being Happy and Smiling,

    regretting Sadly

    and having Second Chances.

    When we are besieged

    by impatience,

    it's sound to remember,

    that in nature,

    Morning will come,

    Night will follow,

    The Sun will rise

    and at Day's End,

    it'll reset all over again,

    while moving alongside,

    Nature's inexorable beat.

    Everything happens in the Universe

    for a reason

    and at the right moment,

    not a speck of time sooner,

    not a fraction of a second later.

    And there's always

    a Cosmic or Divine reason

    for time to behave in such a way.

    But, above all

    Nature as its core

    cannot be altered,

    much less,

    pushed, forced, or sped-up.

    Patience is, therefore,

    an existential requirement,

    as we chase and follow,

    The Beat, Pace, Tics, and Rhythm

    of Life itself;

    Along with Nature, The Cosmos,


    The Universe as a whole.

    An Upside-Down World

    The young girl protests. Nothing works in here!

    Professes her mentor. That is obvious and yet, not quite the way to think.

    She asks impatiently. How can I open any door?

    Quickly asserts her mentor. By closing it.

    She asks incredulously. What about climbing a flight of stairs?

    Her mentor confirms while showing infinite patience.

    You can do that, but only by going down first.

    The young woman asks in turmoil.

    How do you do that, without being able to climb them first?

    He lectures with precision. That’s for you to figure out.

    She declares in despair. I can’t. I’m paralyzed.

    Her mentor confirms in resignation. Yes, you are.

    She declares while totally lost.

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