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The Adventures of George Lee: Recovery
The Adventures of George Lee: Recovery
The Adventures of George Lee: Recovery
Ebook142 pages2 hours

The Adventures of George Lee: Recovery

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The third book in a series begins with two military officers examining the damage by a satellite weapon's attack on the U.S. capital during a severe snowstorm. There is extensive damage to the White House. U.S. intelligence agencies trying to find

Release dateMay 11, 2023
The Adventures of George Lee: Recovery

Orville Mann

Dans sa jeunesse, Orville Mann vivait dans une ferme du sud de l'Indiana avec ses grands-parents et fréquentait l'école primaire, le lycée et l'université. Il est diplômé de l'université avec un baccalauréat en conseil pastoral. Il a fréquenté l'université de Cincinnati, OH, Overland Park, KS, et a obtenu son baccalauréat du Leal College, à St. Ann, MO. Dans l'exercice de ses fonctions pastorales, il a vécu dans l'Ohio, le Kansas, le Wisconsin et le Kentucky. Lui et sa femme Nena ont eu deux enfants, cinq petits-enfants et six arrière-petits-enfants.

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    Book preview

    The Adventures of George Lee - Orville Mann


    Reluctant Cooperation

    Two months after the attack on Washington, D.C., Gen. John Murphy and Col. George Lee met to examine the charred remains of the White House area. It was now November and snow was falling. It was the worst storm they had in years.

    The enemy’s destructive blast via a satellite destroyed much of the White House in Washington, D.C. They stood on a deserted street, except for a stray dog scrounging for food. The White House still stood, but the damage was so bad they had condemned it as unsafe for housing people. Contractors would begin rebuilding when the weather became bearable to start.

    The snow became blinding as the men passed through the empty street near the White House. The enemy’s weapon had hollowed out the East Wing.

    The temporary location of President Winton’s office was a well-kept secret. Military personnel were working to move documents out of his White House office despite the freezing weather.

    Colonel Lee asked, How could our intelligence have possibly missed this threat? Every security agency was on the lookout for such things, but somehow the enemy sneaked it past our systems.

    True. Just as hard to believe it that no one has taken credit for this attack, stated General Murphy. We are reviewing satellite images to find any sign where this attack originated. All our military units are on High Alert. They are ready at a moment’s notice to move into action against any target in the world, George.

    My unit is eager to go, General Murphy, George assured him.

    This was definitely an act of war. It looks as though WWIII is impossible to avoid unless there is some miraculous intervention.

    Let’s pray that somehow God will provide some avenue, which will allow us to prevent a war.

    Their cell phones rang; first the colonel’s and then the general’s. It was First Lt. Harry Collins. He informed them that a group in Iran had claimed responsibility for the attack on the capital. Because the cell phones were not secure, Collins advised them they should come to the command post for further information.

    They turned and started down Pennsylvania Avenue and then headed toward a group of unscathed government buildings. It took only a few minutes to reach the command post, despite the blasting wind and blinding snow. They were glad President Winton arranged for the temporary use of this government building as the command post.

    They entered First Lieutenant Harry Collins’ office, and he greeted them with cups of hot coffee. He informed them, A small group of Iranians called Jihad for Iran has claimed responsibility for the attack on the White House. We connect them to ISIS.

    We are investigating their claims. First, we must verify they can carry out such an attack, Collins advised. The pentagon has all branches of the military developing scenarios for reprisal once we confirm the information. President Winton has updated Congress.

    Colonel Lee said, It seems likely we will follow an invasion plan similar to the Iraq incursion. We already have found evidence of another satellite controller in Iran?

    How is it possible we missed this third one? I wonder if there are more scattered around the world, Collins commented. We must find and destroy the one thing we have overlooked, their satellite. Everyone agreed.

    The following evening, George and Laura, his wife, watched the news. It showed Iranians in huge numbers celebrating as they watched reruns of the devastation of the White House and of the damage done to the US capital.

    Laura lamented, Turn it off. I can’t watch this. The news of the devastating destruction of a symbol of democracy overjoys them.

    George turned off the TV, pulled her close, and gave her a hug. He said, Honey, in your condition, referring to her pregnancy, you don’t need to get this upset. Let’s go into the kitchen and get a snack. That always makes us feel better, doesn’t it?

    Laura shrugged and nodded her head as she got up from the couch and followed George into the kitchen. There was still a trace of a tear on her cheek. George took a paper towel and wiped it away, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He had just retrieved the cookies when the phone rang. It was First Lt. Harry Collins. He suggested he turn on the news.

    Laura finished pouring their glasses of milk, and they returned to the living room. Laura turned the TV back on and what they saw resulted from a new attack. An attack on New York City had occurred just minutes before.

    Again, the phone rang. General Murphy spoke, George, we’ve located the satellite. We were not prepared to find it when the first blast occurred, but we were waiting for it when this second blast occurred. We are launching a strike against it as we speak. We still have not located the controller, but we know it is located somewhere near the border of Iran and turkey on Iran’s Northeastern border.

    There is a lake there named Lake Urmia. The city of Urmia, Iran, is on its shore. Urmia is a very salty lake. It used to be quite large, but due to water supplies being damned and diverted, it has shrunk.

    It’s also quite mountainous around the area, so the exact location has not yet been determined. We are searching for sites. You and your team may need to have boots on the ground there just like you did in Pakistan. Prepare your unit to leave at a moment’s notice. We have contacted the Iranian government to see if they are involved in this attack.

    We must bring whoever conducted these attacks to justice. Another call interrupted him. Excuse me, I’ll get right back to you after this call ends.

    A few minutes later, George’s phone rang. Sorry about the interruption. I just learned the Iranian government is denying any complicity in this attack. Iran has agreed to assist us in locating the offenders. We will soon see if they actually are serious about this. Meanwhile, get your troops ready.

    Colonel Lee immediately called Lieutenant Collins and advised him to warn the company commanders to prepare for deployment.

    Laura listened as George talked with Harry. She looked worried. She thought, I know it would be useless to ask George not to leave. She recalled his other deployments. She remembered how her friend Pamela Collins and she wept together as they watched their husbands leave on the Pakistan mission.

    His love and loyalty for his team drew her to him when they first met. I wouldn’t change him for the world.

    George received a report that they successfully destroyed the enemy’s satellite. Hopefully, no other existed. No satellite means there should be no further strikes against us. But it is still imperative that every controller is located and eliminated. It was likely a waste of breath, but the US demanded reparation from those responsible.

    During a meeting with General Murphy, he explained to George that the Iranian government remained committed to their agreement to assist the US in bringing the attackers to justice.

    George’s team could enter the country under the supervision of one of their military leaders. They would assist them in locating the group responsible for both attacks on the United States soil.

    Watching the news, George learned there were many casualties resulting from the New York City attack. The New York City’s mayor and New York’s governor demanded action. Members of congress too, were demanding retaliation against the attackers. They were also asking about the weapon which caused such damage.

    George’s troops were ready and eager to comply with everyone’s request for action, but first, it must identify the offenders. The president and his advisors were working out the details with Iran for George’s team to enter their country.

    It was apparent that the Iranians were reluctantly complying with their offer to allow foreign troops on their soil. However, after a month’s delay, General Murphy received instructions on what they expected of the Americans during their visit. They reminded them of the fact they were guests and they expected restraint before any use of force while they were in Iran. The Iranian military forces must organize and control any use of force only. American forces were only to observe how real soldiers get things done.

    Colonel Lee’s troops landed at Tabriz Air Force Base, Iran, which was west of Lake Urmia. By special arrangements, they picked up the American troops in Iraq and flew them to this Airbase in Iran.

    It was a sunny day when they escorted George’s team to the bivouac site. They watched as their escorts went into Quonset huts with both heat and air-conditioning while they left them to live in tents.

    General Omar Benhasan sent a vehicle to take Colonel Lee to meet with the commander of the Iranian troops in Urmia.

    The general greeted Colonel Lee with a large smile, Hello Colonel Lee, my name is General Omar Benhasan. Welcome to Iran.

    They shook hands, and the general offered George a chair, which he graciously accepted. His aide poured them cups of coffee, then excused himself. At first, the conversation was light. They talked about George’s flight, but then the general’s face took on a solemn expression.

    He stated, So you think the cause of the strikes to America is located somewhere in this area?

    George answered, According to our sources, the controller used to fire the blast is in this vicinity. They hide the controllers until needed. After they used them, they can easily hide them again. They hid the last one in an abandoned mine.

    Well, I don’t believe any mines ever existed near this location, commented Benhasan, and I am not aware of any caves, but we will ask the local citizens.

    Consider any place where they could wheel out the device, use it, and then return it to cover, General Benhasan, George advised.

    We have ways of finding hidden things, my friend, said General Benhasan with an impish grin.

    One other thing to consider, general, George said, It takes a considerable amount of electrical power to operate this device.

    The general stood and called for his aide to escort George back to his unit. George saluted the general and followed the aide out to the waiting vehicle.

    Once back with his team, he met with Lieutenant Collins and reviewed his conversation with the general.

    Harry Collins, after hearing what transpired, said, General Benhasan was not very clear with you about how he would proceed with his inquiries, was he?

    I don’t think he is really concerned about locating this control mechanism. George answered.

    After a couple of days, General Benhasan once again brought George to his office. He said, "I just wanted to give you an update on our investigation. There is no way that someone could have activated the attacks on your country from Lake Urmia. So, we will take

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