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Shadows Of The Past
Shadows Of The Past
Shadows Of The Past
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Shadows Of The Past

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Catarina was a girl who had a hard time making friends. Her passion was literature, which made her dream of one day being a writer. She even wrote a manuscript that she carried around for many years without end... A manuscript guilty of meeting someone very special at a very difficult time in her life, someone who in the past lit up her night with a smile, a smile that she kept for a long time. many years...Some parts of this story are true, others pure fiction, but as the whole story has a background of reality, and some parts of fiction, it is up to you, the reader, to find out what is real and what is not. yeah... Come with me and let s find out the end of this story together
Release dateFeb 14, 2023
Shadows Of The Past

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    Shadows Of The Past - Carla De Oliveira Sampaio Sanches

    Chapter 1

    Catarina was an eight-year-old girl who had a lot of difficulty making friends on her own, because her parents were always around to help her interact with the other children in the neighborhood, even in preschool she was always considered a child shy, and the teachers always pampered her, and helped her to get closer to the other children, she was never able to do it alone, due to the insecurity she presented away from her parents.

    She was such a quiet girl that in preschool, even when a classmate pinched her, she would cry but she couldn't say who had hurt her, because she couldn't look the other children in the face, and she was always being bullied for that, the other children took the opportunity to use it as a punching bag, because some human beings are bad by nature, others become bad by the circumstances of life.

    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches In the first grade, it was difficult for her to learn to read, because she missed the first few weeks of class, due to pneumonia, and ended up falling behind in her literacy compared to other children, her parents had to pay a private teacher, so that she could reach the room.

    Which made Catarina more insecure, because getting behind in the matter, she started to think she was stupid, even when she managed to level her knowledge with the class, and she was in the second grade she continued to be insecure. Judite, one of the servants at the school, who had been studying since the first grade, had noticed this, and since she had met her mother, when she came to enroll her, when she was only six years old, she ended up taking care of that girl, at school as if was her own granddaughter and so she became the best and one of the few friends, with whom Catarina would talk for hours at the entrance, between classes, and on the way out, while waiting for someone to come get her, she didn't need other friendships, and he couldn't make friends even if he wanted to, the words wouldn't come out, every time he tried, and when another child spoke to him, he only answered the other child's questions, and didn't say anything else, he was afraid of saying something wrong

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches and the hated it, so I preferred to stay in her corner and not interact with the other children.

    Catarina had Judite as her heart grandmother, because at eight she lost her paternal grandmother, to whom she was very attached, to cancer, she was so sad at the time, that she cried for weeks, the other friends she had were books, with them traveled to fantastic places, read about 4 to 5 books a week, loved books so much that one day she dreamed of being a writer, to be able to help other lonely people like her to know fantastic places, as she had known, her favorite place was the site of the yellow woodpecker, at the time one of his favorite authors was Monteiro Lobato, he liked him, because it reminded him of the mischief he used to do with his cousins when he went to his maternal grandmother's house, they were the only children with whom he interacted, without fear.

    He dreamed of one day writing fantastic stories, from distant worlds, like that wonderful writer, and he wanted his characters to keep company, and have life, like those he admired so much, he wanted to move people, as well as the characters in the books he lia messed with her.

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches The dream she had was so pure and innocent, it was almost thrilling.

    Between us, I always thought it was an impossible dream, because nowadays a writer has the possibility of becoming really famous, after his death if he's really good, or if he gets rich and manages to pay for his own publications or who knows because of some scandal committed by let him end up on the networks, and be shared with millions of people, but it won't be for the talent of writing in the latter case now in the days of youtube, instagran, facebook, twitter, and so many other social networks, you can't live off literature , it has to be really good, to be able to navigate a sea of information and get someone's attention to the point of wanting to read your story.

    Tell that to a poor dreamy girl, only eight years old, who never imagined that one day she would live in such a world, to a girl who lived in a time when the internet was dial-up, and only rich people had computers, And who was a worker, not someone who never even dreamed that one day it would be possible to access the internet through a cell phone, with a wireless network, because at the time the cell phone could even be used as a weapon

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches because it was so big and heavy , a little girl who, after learning to read and write, has already started to scribble her first stories, and who dreams of the possibility of living doing the thing her heart most desires, which is writing, and with her stories being able to touch people's hearts , as he had had his several times touched.

    Aah! We adults should have that innocent faith in the future, that faith that only children can have, but that often ends up being shaken in adulthood, by wars, epidemics, lack of motivation, lack of money, debts and all those things that we start to see in adulthood, and which often destroy our health, which makes us lose our faith even more and feel a lot of pain.

    As the years go by, we lose the gift of dreaming, and the almost blind faith we had as a child, that we would manage to make all our dreams come true, are lost as well as our innocence, and so many things happen over the years, that many sometimes we even lose the gift of loving our neighbor along with our self-love We should learn from children to dream, to have faith, to love life, to be good and to have that joy of living; we should encourage them to do the same so that

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches they never stop dreaming and trying to make our dreams come true, we should never let the child inside us die, because it is this child that makes us truly live, that gives meaning to our daily lives, and makes our life better, and more colorful.

    When Catarina was in the second grade, she was a bookworm, always picking up a new book to read almost every day, even at that time she started to talk more with the librarian, and it was easier for her to interact with adults, but she still had difficulty with the other children.

    He liked literature so much that at that time he wrote his first book of stories, they contained stories that his mother told him when he was little, they were not popular stories, like snow white and the seven dwarfs, they were stories that his mother told about things, that people children used to do when she was little, and she liked so much the pranks and pranks that her mother told her she did when she was a child, that she decided to make some small stories based on her mother's tales, and wrote them on some bond sheets, he drew some pictures, stapled them together and delivered them to the school library, as he saw that there were other children who were leaving their books to share in the library.

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches I still remember the butterflies in my stomach when I did this...

    When a writing teacher was already in the third grade, she asked to call Catarina into her room, this teacher taught eighth grade and had done so, so that she could serve as an example for her students, she asked Catarina to read her book aloud loudly, in front of his students.

    Catarina, felt her heart racing, wanted to cry and laugh at the same time, because she was thrilled to receive recognition from a teacher because of her book, and at the same time she was dying of fear and shame, because she was panicking to speak in public, even more to other children, she was so scared, she wanted to run away, but her legs wouldn't obey, she tried to calm herself in her thoughts, looked at her book in her hands, took a deep breath, and read without looking into the living room, and even after finishing reading, she didn't dare raise her eyes to look at the other children who were applauding her.

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches After she finished reading, and the children applauded, the teacher asked her students to be quiet and said:

    - This is a true composition, it is a true story, worthy of a book, not this rubbish that you present me every day.... And look, this girl was only eight years old when she wrote that book, she had just learned the first letters, and has already written something very precious.

    I'm going to reveal a secret, it was the happiest day of her life, because she had even more faith that she would manage to become a famous writer as an adult, because this was the biggest dream of her heart, and she was very happy for an adult to recognize her talent, despite wanting a hole to appear and swallow her up for being in front of so many older children, having been applauded and the teacher considering her text better than those children who were in front of her and who probably knew much more ..

    I wish I could go back to being as dreamy as I was at that time, too bad that time passes and we can't go back and that moment is lost in the sea of time, just as a

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches distant memory of who I once was. You must be wondering, but is this girl you? Yes really that little girl, shy, fearful, insecure and full of fear, but traveled really was me one day.

    But I'm the type of person who doesn't like to talk a lot about myself, I don't even know how to tell a whole story in the first person, and I already make it clear that this is not my autobiography, it's just a few scraps of moments in my life that that I sewed and served as inspiration for this book, I believe that every story in this world always has a background of truth and another of fiction, it won't be any different, dear reader, I didn't want you to discover that this lonely and sad girl was once me, as you've already opened the game, there's no way ago, some moments in this book really happened, others are pure fiction, I hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoyed writing it and get the most out of this story, and maybe even learn something, but keep referring to myself as just a character fictional, because at that moment it's just what I am...

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches Chapter 2

    A month after these last events, Catarina was taken to a psychologist, because her father thought she was very strange, did not interact easily with the other children, and was very clumsy when they went out for a walk, but he always caused this insecurity in her, because the girl saw that when her father felt upset in some way by her mother or by her, it was a fight, a shouting on his part, which he made when he was close to him, and far from the mother acting on eggshells, not to break the fragile shell of his patience, and he burst into screams at her.

    The psychologist didn't find anything, he said that contrary to what her father thought, she didn't have a problem with her head, she was very intelligent, and mature for a child her age, she was just shy and insecure, but the doctor said that it could be solved if practiced theater, or some sport that would help her with her insecurity, even so, she gave her some neurological exams, at her mother's request, because her father would not believe just what the psychologist said, without detailed exams, showing that the brain The girl was healthy, because there were children and adults in their

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches family with some neurological problem, and because the girl was born six months old, she believed she might have a problem. He didn't see that he was one of the causes of her problems.

    That same month, by coincidence of fate, the city hall was selecting the ten best students from the schools in the city, so that they could practice golf, free of charge, in a club in the city, and our heroine was one of the selected ones, in part that was good for her, because this allowed her to meet older children from different parts of the city, and she ended up being able to interact a little shyly, but these children abandoned classes over time, and it ended up being just her, who did not miss classes in the years that followed, she did for many years, until he turned eighteen, when he was told that he could no longer continue unless he switched to private practice.

    At the time he started, he was a total disaster playing, but he was very hardworking, as in everything he did, and he didn't give up, the course, always striving to do his best, but he was scolded by the professor, because he managed to send everything away, except the golf ball, even her club flew sometimes.

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches It's funny to remember that now, I miss it, I miss playing golf it was so good, and I was starting to get the hang of it, I could already send the ball a long way in a single shot, and also put the ball in the hole in a few strokes, but no we argued about it, because it would have to go into the theory of the sport, and explain how it works.

    In the same week that started in golf, I was returning from school one night, around five forty-five, the weather was so dark that it even seemed dawn, the sky had already darkened a lot, due to the bad weather, and it was raining heavily, since the afternoon, it even seemed that the weather was crying, knowing that our heroine would go through a moment that would be a spark of something pure in her heart, and that would mark her for a long time.

    As our heroine lived only a few blocks from the school, she was already going home alone at that time, with her head down and curled up, under her little blue umbrella, with beautiful roses painted on it, curled up because of the cold, as she turned the block to On your

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches street, a very handsome young man, with beautiful dark hair and emerald green eyes, about sixteen years old, was leaning against an open gate and leaning against the doorframe of it, when he saw her pass he said:

    - Good night, girl!

    That good night was given in such an affectionate and spontaneous way, and with such a bright smile, that she raised her head a little and looked at his smile for a few seconds, which seemed like hours to her, then she lowered her head again, answering shyly. , almost in a whisper:

    - Goodnight!

    Her heart was pounding almost out of her mouth, at this time, her stomach was full of butterflies, her throat was in a knot after speaking, her legs were shaking and it wasn't because of the cold, she didn't understand what was happening, but her heart felt restless, it was exploding of happiness and sadness at the same time, because he felt that it would probably be the first and last time he would feel that, that he would see that angel, so enlightened, that he would feel that disquieting charm, at

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    Shadows Of The Past, An Untold Story, por Carla de Oliveira Sampaio Sanches that moment he didn't know, but his heart knew very well that he had found his soulmate.

    That simple and innocent, good night, moved her in an inexplicable way, and it accompanied her for years along with that sincere smile, and those emerald green eyes, for years she dreamed of him, even though she hadn't seen the features of the person who gave it to her, the voice still sounded in his head every night, and his heart squeezed in anguish, with longing, for never having seen that angel again.

    That night, she still looked back a few times before arriving home, and he followed her with his eyes and guarded her way from afar, until she entered his house.

    When we meet our soulmate, we don't always realize it consciously, but our heart makes us realize it unconsciously, that's what happened on that rainy night.

    During the following weeks,

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