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Haunted: Eternal Brethren, #3
Haunted: Eternal Brethren, #3
Haunted: Eternal Brethren, #3
Ebook279 pages3 hours

Haunted: Eternal Brethren, #3

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No regrets. No apologies. Not that she'd ever accept them.

Tucker "Ghost" Robertson makes the most of his life as vice president of an undercover motorcycle club. Training hard, achieving mission goals, and spending his nights with whichever woman strikes his fancy isn't a hardship and he sees no reason to change it. Not even after turning his back on the only woman to breach his defenses since tragedy altered his life many years before.

Daniella Sullivan has worked hard to become a member of her father's exclusive training center for military and law enforcement. After an unanticipated breakup, then a short, but heart-shattering affair with an outlaw biker, she's ready to focus on nothing except helping mold another class of elite warriors.

Recuperating from a potential career-ending attack, Ghost has one last chance to get his numbers up or the admiral will relieve him from combat duty. It's a fate he's determined to avoid, pushing himself to do whatever it takes to stay with his team. Nothing prepares him to walk into the training center briefing and see the woman he'd cut from his life with a few brutal words. Nor does the sight of her do anything to stop the desire still burning within him.

From the flash in her eyes, Dani hasn't forgotten or forgiven his cruel words and ruthless behavior. Now Ghost has two goals. Stay on the team and win Dani back. If only her stubborn pride would crack enough to give him a fighting chance.

As unexpected attacks target her father and the training center, she must shove aside her feelings for the enigmatic warrior. Will working for a common goal force them closer together or further divide the two, fiercely protective fighters?

Haunted is book three in the Eternal Brethren Military Romantic Suspense Series by best seller Shirleen Davies. It is a stand-alone, full-length novel with no cliffhanger and a guaranteed HEA.

Release dateJun 4, 2019
Haunted: Eternal Brethren, #3

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    Book preview

    Haunted - Shirleen Davies


    Robertson Ranch

    Georgetown, Texas

    Three hundred ten, eleven, twelve

    Tucker Ghost Robertson lay on his bed at two in the morning, hands clasped behind his head, staring upward while counting knots in the pine ceiling.

    He was facing one of the most important days of his life, yet his body refused the sleep he so desperately needed. Instead, his mind kept wandering back to his fiancée, Kylie Morris. In twelve hours, the woman he’d loved for six years would be his wife. Mrs. Kylie Robertson. Tucker sure did love how that rolled off his tongue.

    One of the youngest in his high school graduating class, he’d started his freshman year at Texas A&M at seventeen. A few months later, the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen took a seat next to him in Physics 101. At nineteen, and a sophomore, Tucker had expected her to look down her nose at the lowly freshman.

    Instead, three months later, they’d become inseparable. After six years together, the day before their wedding, he still had a hard time believing she’d chosen him over all the men who’d wanted her. Unlike some women, Kylie supported his decision to join the Navy after graduation, waited for him while he’d completed the grueling twenty-four week BUD/S program.

    Tucker remembered how thrilled she’d been when he’d achieved his goal of becoming a Navy SEAL, a member of one of the most elite combat teams in the world. On leave after two tours, he’d ratcheted up the courage to ask the love of his life to marry him.

    He’d been pretty certain she’d accept. What he hadn’t expected was for her to scream, jump into his arms, and burst out crying. The often vivacious, yet serene Kylie lost all composure before he’d taken control and hauled her to bed. Two hours later, they’d emerged from the covers long enough to swallow a few bites of food before slipping back under the sheets. It had become one of the most memorable days of his life.

    After all this time, the elementary school teacher and Navy SEAL would start a new chapter in their lives. When they returned from their honeymoon, they’d surprise their parents with another announcement. He and Kylie would be presenting them with a grandchild in six months.

    Giving in to a wide-mouthed yawn, he felt the first surge of exhaustion, a slight smile curving his lips. Twelve hours, and he’d have achieved all his dreams.

    Drifting off to sleep, he never imagined what awaited him. Instead of the bright future with Kylie and their child, he’d be facing his worst nightmare.

    Chapter One

    Eternal Brethren Clubhouse

    Liberty Lake, Arizona

    Nine years later

    Ghost cursed the pain in his chest and left leg. It had been almost three months since being wounded in a mission against a terrorist cell. The cracked rib and bullet wound to his femoral artery hadn’t healed as fast as he’d expected.

    Always supportive, Wrath and Rock, his teammates and closest friends, were quick to remind him of his luck. A millimeter difference separated him from those who survived an injury to the artery and those who didn’t. Instead of thanking them, he’d spouted eloquent curses before resuming the grueling exercises to strengthen his abs and lower body.

    Do you suppose you could get over yourself long enough for a meeting with Wrath? Rock grinned at the venomous look that warned off most. Prez has some new orders for you.

    Rolling off the mat, Ghost stood, stifling a groan. Over the last few weeks, he’d learned not to let the discomfort and pain show, lest his return to active duty be jeopardized. The thought of hanging up his UMP45 in favor of manning a tech console shot a fierce stab of terror through him. Grabbing a towel, he wiped sweat from his face, the irritation gone by the time he looked at Rock.

    Did he happen to tell you what those orders are?

    Flashing him a get real look, Rock shook his head. Your eyes only.

    Returning a you’re full of it glance, Ghost tossed the towel into a nearby bin. Let’s go.

    Shoving open the doors of the well-equipped gym, he walked down the hall to Wrath’s office. Giving a brisk knock, he pushed the door open, glancing at Rock.

    Like I said, brother. Your eyes only. Slapping him on the back, Rock turned and walked back to the front of the clubhouse.

    Are you just going to stand in the doorway, or sit down and learn your fate? Wrath’s amused voice hit a nerve, setting off a rush of irritation through Ghost’s already alert body.

    Scraping a chair across the fake wood floor, he sat down, crossing his arms over a broad chest. All right. Give it to me.

    Holding up a scrap of paper, Wrath’s face sobered. Here’s the deal. You, me, and the entire team know you’re not a hundred percent.

    Which means Grayson knows. Anger tinged Ghost’s voice.

    Wrath ignored the bitter sound, nodding toward the main clubhouse. I’ve spoken to every man out there. Not one believes you’re ready for combat duty. That aside, each wants you back with them, but only if you aren’t putting yourself, or the team, at risk.

    Nostrils flaring, Ghost forced himself to show no other reaction. Understood.

    Ignoring the shot of pain he saw in his friend’s eyes, Wrath passed the paper across the desk. Your next assignment.

    Grabbing it, Ghost’s brows rose as he read the information. White Eagle Training Center?

    It’s a private facility offering military and law enforcement training.

    Setting the paper down, Ghost’s mouth twisted. How come I’ve never heard of it?

    Wrath shrugged. Grayson’s always sent those under his direct command to other centers. It doesn’t mean this one isn’t as good. The fact is most of the students who go there are at the elite level of their profession. It’s run by a retired SEAL.

    Ghost’s eyes widened. Who?

    Sully Sullivan. Wrath’s tension eased at the surprised expression on his friend’s face. You’ve heard of him.

    Who hasn’t? He’s a legend in our community.

    Nodding, Wrath slid a brochure across the desk. Now he’s a legend in the world of elite combat training.

    Opening the brochure, Ghost scanned the list of courses, his interest rising. He held it up. How could they be this close without us hearing about them?

    Sullivan leases land on one of the reservations. From what Grayson said, it’s a long-term contract between him and the tribe. They’re able to send tribal police for Sully to train at no cost, and he gets the land for four generations.

    A sweet deal for both.

    Wrath nodded. Especially since Sully’s put over half a million into building the facility. It’s also the headquarters for White Eagle Security.

    Ghost didn’t suppress his disbelief. Mercenaries?

    Private security for the rich and infamous, plus various investigation services. He also offers training for civilians. Usually executives working overseas in high-risk locations.

    Setting the brochure down, he relaxed into the chair. Am I the only one going?

    Wrath’s mouth slid upward. Rock and Raider will be tagging along.

    Ghost choked on a smirk. Great. The newlywed and the surfer dude.

    Three of the best. Wish I could go with you.

    "Why isn’t Grayson sending you along?" Ghost asked.

    I’m next, along with Wrangler, and either Tracker or Fargo.

    So, we’re the guinea pigs. We give a thumbs up and you’re in.

    Wrath chuckled. Pretty much.

    They both knew Ghost’s training meant much more than a test run. This was his last chance to perform at full capacity, or be relegated to a desk job. In his mind, and those of his team, it was a slow death sentence. If the pendulum swung that way, he’d be better off leaving, seeking a job outside his team. Another slow demise. One Ghost wasn’t willing to accept.

    Pack your gear. You’ll be leaving with Rock and Raider tomorrow morning.

    Standing, doing his best to hide the grimace of pain, Ghost grabbed the brochure. How long?

    They’ll be staying a week. Wrath stood, eyes narrowing. You need to plan on at least two. Take as long as you need, brother. I want you back. Don’t disappoint me.

    Description: C:\Users\Renee Laptop\Pictures\Shirleen - Scene Break images\Haunted scene break.jpg

    At least two weeks. Ghost repeated Wrath’s words over and over in his mind as he loaded the duffle, determined not to disappoint his boss…or himself.

    Opening a drawer in the table next to his bed, his gaze landed on a folded piece of paper. A lump formed in his throat, remembering who’d left it. Unfolding it, he read the scrawled words.


    Hope you don’t mind that I cleaned up and stocked the kitchen. It wasn’t my intention to intrude, but your buddies are busy and this seemed like a good way to pay you back for a couple great weeks. I hope you heal fast and get back to what you love. I’ve deleted your number from my phone, so you won’t have to worry about me pestering you.

    Stay safe.


    Regret flowed through him. He’d ended their time together by telling her to leave, unable to deal with the emotions the petite woman awakened. Powerful sensations he hadn’t felt in years, and had no intention of ever experiencing again.

    Instead of explaining his reasons, Ghost had spewed some garbage about her being a fun lay, followed with a brisk see you around. Months later, he still remembered the hurt in Dani’s eyes, the way she’d packed up and left within minutes of his ugly outburst.

    Rock had found the note in the kitchen after he’d brought Ghost home from the hospital. Even after the way he’d treated her, Dani had cleaned his house, then stocked his kitchen so he’d have what he needed when he got home.

    He looked at the note. No last name. Nothing to indicate she ever wanted to hear from him again. He didn’t blame her. At least he still had her number programmed into his phone. If he gave it to Raider or Wrangler, they could discover her last name and address. But he wouldn’t do that.

    After two incredible weeks together, what he’d done had been callous. She’d been a breath of fresh air, the light to his dark, everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. Something he never thought to experience again after Kylie.

    Ghost had seen her once since he’d kicked her out, at Rock and Tessa’s wedding. He remembered it as if it were yesterday.

    She’d been sitting at a table with Cara and Val, Tessa’s assistant, doing her best to ignore him. Sucking in a fortifying breath, he’d ask her to dance. Several long moments of silence ensued before Dani reluctantly agreed. Partway through the song, he tried to apologize for his earlier behavior. She’d cut him off before leaving him standing alone.

    For two weeks, she’d lit up his world, provided the sunshine absent from his life for much too long. An unexpected surprise he’d been too selfish and stupid to grasp with both hands.

    If it hadn’t been for Alan, her ass of a boyfriend who’d called things off with a terse voice message, Ghost might not have had even that short amount of time. He’d offered her a shoulder to cry on, which turned into a bed to sleep in, his arms wrapped around Dani each night until he’d asked her to leave. No, ordered her out.

    Reading the note one last time, a finger moving over the scrawled words, he refolded it, slipping the paper into a pocket of his jeans. Once he finished his time at the training center, gotten himself back to a hundred percent, Ghost would work with Raider to hunt her down and apologize for his unforgiveable behavior. He told himself forgiveness was all he wanted, knowing the lie the moment the decision had been made.

    Finishing, he hauled the duffle outside, loading it into his truck. Estimating it would take about three hours to reach his destination, Ghost took another look around his secluded property. The ten wooded acres had become his refuge, a serene heaven from the life he’d chosen.

    At least it had been until meeting Dani. In a couple weeks, she’d unintentionally shown him how lonely his world had become.

    Shaking off the remorseful thoughts about a woman he might never see again, Ghost climbed into the truck and checked the time. Fifteen minutes remained before the planned meet with Rock and Raider. From there, he’d follow them to White Eagle headquarters.

    Driving to where his friends waited, he continued to wonder about the training and security businesses located on the reservation about three hours from Liberty Lake. He’d studied the map printed inside the brochure, the red arrow pointing to a spot on the eastern boundary of Apache lands in the heart of the Silver Mountains.

    Not for the first time, Ghost wondered why in the hell Grayson had chosen to locate them hundreds of miles from an ocean. At least the southeast crew of Eternal Brethren was close to the Atlantic. He envied them.

    Stopping next to Rock’s truck, Ghost kept the motor running as he got out on a muffled groan. Walking toward them, he waited until Rock rolled down the window.

    Have either of you ever heard of the White Mountain facility?

    Rock shook his head. We were just talking about how there could be a place so close to our clubhouse without us knowing about it. Wrath says it’s owned and run by Sully Sullivan.

    Who’s another mystery, Raider added. He’s a secretive sonofabitch. I couldn’t find out much by doing a search. The brochure has more information than what I pulled up. Then again, Wrath told me not to waste my time.

    Ghost’s brows drew together, lips pursed. Odd. Wrath usually lets you ply your trade without interfering.

    Raider nodded, looking as disgusted as Rock and Ghost. My thoughts exactly.

    Rock glanced between the two. Better to let it go. If Wrath warned you to back off, there’s a reason, and he’s not sharing. Checking the time, he started to roll up the window, smiling. Let’s get going. I don’t want to miss dinner.

    I’m right behind you, Ghost called over his shoulder as he walked back to his truck.

    He followed them down the state highway and onto the interstate, taking the turnoff toward the reservation. The entire time, his mind refused to shift from thoughts of Dani. As hard as he tried, the image of her laughing at some random joke while playing pool at Robbie’s, grinning as they cooked dinner at his house, and the devastated look when he’d so coldheartedly told her their time together was over wouldn’t stop flashing through his head.

    Then there was the disgust on her face when he’d asked her to dance at Rock’s wedding. None of the warmth or the mischievous grin Ghost had come to expect. Even as her body stiffened against his during the slow dance, Dani had been polite until she’d had enough and left him standing alone among the other couples.

    Trying to apologize had been a mistake. The timing couldn’t have been worse. Ghost glanced out the window as he drove past a large antique warehouse on the highway, cursing his stupidity. He should’ve waited a little longer, asked her to get a drink with him at some quiet bar near the ranch.

    He choked out a harsh laugh, knowing she would’ve refused, the same way she’d shunned his attempt to explain while they’d danced. Ghost couldn’t recall the last time a woman had left him in the middle of the dance floor, mouth twisted in frustration as she walked away.

    Continuing to follow Rock as the road snaked through several small towns, he forced himself to think of the upcoming training.

    Rehabilitation is more accurate, he ground out, turning east at a signal light.

    Mentally turning off the flash of anger, Ghost willed himself to stop the negative energy dragging him down. If he ever wanted to return to active duty with his team, he needed to accept whatever help the training center offered.

    A year ago, Grayson had ordered him to a meeting at his office in Coronado. Upon arriving, he’d learned the commander of the other undercover motorcycle club in the southeast United States was retiring. The admiral had offered Ghost the position. It had taken him all of a few minutes to politely turn down the promotion most men would be honored to accept.

    Winding along the mountain road behind Rock and Raider, he grinned, recalling the stunned look on Grayson’s face. It took quite a while to convince the admiral he wouldn’t budge from his decision.

    He’d finished his house several months before, had no desire to leave it behind by relocating across the country. Nor did he want to leave the Navy. All he wanted was to finish his time in the current assignment as a member of the Eternal Brethren, western division.

    For a few tense moments, he’d thought the admiral would order him to take the new duty station. If he had, Ghost would’ve accepted the change, done his best to lead as well as Wrath. Thankfully, Grayson accepted his decision, even taking him to dinner before Ghost boarded a helo for the short trip back to Liberty Lake.

    Feeling a twinge of pain in his left inner thigh, the spot where he’d been shot, Ghost didn’t have to wonder if Grayson would offer him the promotion now. Instead, the admiral had ordered him to report to what he figured must be one of the most elite military training facilities in the western U.S.

    Ghost also suspected Rock and Raider were attempting to push him along, make sure his head was in the right place before reporting back to Liberty Lake. Instead of irritation, he felt relief. As with every mission, they’d have his back, doing all they could to help him succeed.

    Gripping the steering wheel tighter, he shoved aside his apprehension. He refused to let them down by failing. More importantly, he refused to forsake the only thing keeping him sane since losing Kylie and shoving Dani from his life.

    Chapter Two

    Dani perused the student list for the next advanced military training class. Three from the Navy and three from the Army. It didn’t take much for her to realize they were SEALs and Delta Force members. Those were the students WETC targeted, the ones who’d have an immediate use for their cutting-edge training.

    Her gaze wandered over the last names, not recognizing any. Sully would’ve received detailed information on each one, including their backgrounds and any special needs. Once the men arrived, he’d share the complete data with her and the other instructors, allowing them to make adjustments to the training curriculum. It would also alert her to any students who might need physical therapy, treatments she’d provide as the company’s only licensed therapist.

    She’d spent the last week updating course timelines and reviewing new requirements with the instructors. They’d hired a new trainer, Chrissy Porter, a woman with excellent

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