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Divinity at a Distance
Divinity at a Distance
Divinity at a Distance
Ebook1,058 pages14 hours

Divinity at a Distance

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Since the beginning of time, looking up into the heavens has always given life in the universe a sense of complacency and a feeling of purpose. There was nothing within the laws of nature they felt would otherwise change the course of things. Yet when the cosmic riddle they felt was meant for them began to do the unexpected relative to what they truly wanted and desire, it can be as if God is never what you really think it is in the grander scheme of things.

Release dateMay 14, 2024
Divinity at a Distance

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    Divinity at a Distance - Shawn Paul Jones


    Divinity at a Distance

    Shawn Paul Jones

    Copyright © 2024 Shawn Paul Jones

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89157-319-2 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-89157-342-0 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    The Shaper of Worlds

    The Scattering

    Cradle of Civilization

    A New Heavens and Earth

    Animal Kingdom

    The Image of God

    About the Author

    The great expansion of everything that ever was—what we call the big bang—in the ultimate sum over histories of the higher relativitic effects of space and time was divinity at a distance exposed in the mathematical, geometrical breakdown of symmetries in connection with the quantum entanglements of these histories. As dimensions separated and the entropy line spread, the wide out dimension of space-time separated ever so slowly into lesser energy states of dimensionality, to be seen in our minds as separate units of space and time. The other directions were going inward, to be curled up tight in pockets of reality all around us. But if we could zoom in and out on these dimensional arrows, we would see the same relativity effect, everything reflecting every other thing across the multiverse.

    The energy of centrifugal gravitational motion of all relative heavenly bodies across the stretching fabric of space and time is proportional to the dark energy spread of the beginning of the decoupling units that constitutes the thirty-two constants of nature around us. This was what has thrown us off, looking up at the universe around us, when it came to our arguments of how space, time, and matter react to each other in precision functions of interchanging symmetrical framework. As with the breakdown of the centrifugal forces of symmetry from storm systems inside of gas giants that constitute the makeup of those big giants (and the solar cellular units on stars as well as in pockets of gas that boil up to the surface), these reflect the way that galaxies move as well in the rush of time and space from the starting point of our universe (yet outside being the biggest last symmetry break in our own gas giant, Jupiter, in these moving centrifugal, gravitational movements of change and influence from the spreading of the beginning of space and time, it was caused by a higher break in symmetry that I will describe further detail in these writings).

    In this decoupling from the beginning, such virtual properties constituted this space of mirroring magnetism from spheroid shapes between subatomic particle shapes and bigger structures in the shape of monopoles. In the expansion state of the beginning of the universe, every particle is relative to the other in the expansion point at that particular place in certain states that reflect the multiverse as a whole, of course. Each particle—if you would situate it outside its superposition and reverse it—would begin with the original decoupling in how space expanded in the beginning of our universe in every place at once in a way that's outside our visualization as even space itself was part of the multiverse with time in being properties of that original symmetrical framework of our multiverse. Things like mini black holes that give out and evaporate information and other large constituted bodies in space-time, such as some of the quasars out there with pulses of energy that beam out, are the breaking of the symmetries of the original inflation properties of the beginning of our own universe. The entanglement of higher hidden variables via sum over histories constitutes this expansion from all places at once that only incomprehensibly doubles it by powers beyond our ability to comprehend space in the outward direction, as well as our inability to comprehend how it came from the inward direction.

    The comprehensible and theoretical timescale of around fifteen billion years is only after this unimaginable super-sum-over-relativistic-histories event of superposition in the universe that had begun at the beginning of our concept of space and time. The sum over all these particles as the beginning limited by our concepts of their spin that separates the fermions from the bosons and other subatomic properties in exclusion and inclusion principles are the very bubbles of all possibilities that exist in the true dimensions of in and out. The three spatial dimensions are only directions. This in dimension is where the three dimensions of space as we know them are just directions that link our concept of time and where it's expanding with dark energy to the beginning of the quantum beginning that is too small to get to relative to our size, position, and compositional limits. The certain state of particles we observe in that probability wave that show up at some place with a certain velocity in our space is relative in that multiverse hypothesis of—as all bodies with gravity—how the certain observed particle tries to pull your visual back to the beginning of everything that is too small for you to jump into by shrinking yourself all of a sudden (or expanding outward magically like a balloon, expanding yourself past the observable universe) and hopping into the very packed energy inside the nucleus of an atom and traveling along time spatially and as easily as we can move freely in our own three dimensions of what we think of as moving around relative to our pull of Earth's very gravity and trying to slow down time and take us back to the beginning.

    The mini black holes are breaks in symmetries from the galactic structures and quasars with supermassive black holes that are the original decoupling units that take you past the white hole spherical shape of our own universe in that inward direction of properties that take us in dimensions of time that become spatial relative to the multiverse and going back and forward in time as we know it as well. Forward and backward, so to speak, in rotating the entire universe would be like moving in the bigger shape of this multiverse fabric. In a black hole, space now is time sinking in to the multiverse's large hyper-fabric of the dimensions of in and out, where saddle shapes of Riemann geometry become important relative to our comprehensive levels of dimensionality that we're stuck in as fermion matter. Packed neutron stars in relation to crushed-in stars and mini black holes in both representation of information that leaks out of a mini black hole in entanglement properties with the virtual particles that's a part of the fabric of space-time is in relation to the decoupling processes of forces, such as light that comes out of a star, wherein magnetic decoupling from electricity on a large scale, the monopolar properties of pulsars within spinning disks in a discretion of one jet stream of energy or another or both in decoupling oscillating proportions of symmetry breaking. This is all due to relative properties of how symmetries work in breaking down from the decoupling process of the formation of the universe as we perceive it. This is also why galaxies on majority are spinning disks, like the fast-rotating pulsars in which it emits a jet of one gamma ray pulse from a polar region.

    As magnetism pushes electrons along a field line, so are these jet streams conducting a field line of sorts in a fast-rotating singled ejection area…probably one of the secrets behind why our universe had expanded in the first place from a single point we can at least comprehend in our brains by doing analogies of the situation. Light goes out from all directions in a star of representations of decoupling forces from our universe's formation, and so does electric and magnetic fields along their force lines in direction force line metric tensor proportions. This is behind monopoles, our singled-out inflationary periods, as well as the multiverse fabric as a whole with each subatomic particle and massive gravitationally attractive body in space-time that makes bigger frameworks of relation. We're like a monopole region—or field line of sorts—in the ultimate sum over histories of the interwoven fabric of all possible states in superposition, as well as a deeper entanglement on a larger scale with this sum over all histories, especially if someone were to go back in time theoretically and change or fulfill events in the past or the future relative to our timeframe.

    But for our section of reality, the black hole that was forming in the middle of the Milky Way happening was blowing off entropy arrows of star systems outward over the unfathomable eons. And in the lower symmetry states that ironically form a downward fractal pattern of point of focus was our Sun here, in the best part of the galaxy with the best starlike-sized body called Jupiter, even as evolution on our planet will be tidal-locked with the Moon in due process of the breakdowns of symmetries over space and time.

    And that shining star, in another symmetry breakdown of a lower energy state, formed that Morning Star, the Light bearer of intelligence, that revolved the closest in approximation as starlike from the Sun that was reversed from where the bigger starlike object should be (which is Jupiter), and that was the planet Venus. So Jupiter acts as the father, keeping things at bay outside the Solar System, even as our present Moon locked in its time evolution relative to life, land, and ocean shapes and atmospheres around Earth.

    But Venus had been the Shining Star, the Cherub that Covereth, if you like, in a superstitious realm of reading it if someone could look back on the Earth records later in space and time. And that is the ultimate face of divinity at a distance, of the Face of Fate, as well as the most reasonable explanation of reality at the same time.

    And thus, did reasonable evolution happen once more in the breakdown of symmetries across space-time as smaller machines—yet ironically more complicated—arise in the anthropic arrow of this time of entropy shape, what we call intelligence, reflecting on everything around us in quantum entanglement, which is the mystery in itself of seeing divinity at a distance, something that Covereth and comforts you against the uncertainties of reality around you that could mess up your state of affairs?

    In relation to environments, things evolve and react in the symmetry of its dimension and place. In a bigger macro object beyond the small world of the atom—the smallest piece of measuring divinity at a distance—there is a quicker entropy copying of adaptations to the chemical makeup of these small divine pieces.

    But like a person who would be in a padded six-sided walled room where the walls are suddenly wiped out from your perception of how reality really is, then you will find an ultimate lunacy.

    So clinging to a perception of the most probable (relative to our place in time) as space gradually breaks up, cracks down, out, and expanding. Like our certainty of perception in history, relative to what we see in the universe, we look out from our pale blue dot.

    To be able to see your own little world as something you had never thought, even looking down at an object relative to your position in life, is divine in a sense. Does a cat exist when you're not looking at it? Or do you cease to exist in its little brain when it's not thinking about you at all, curled up and snoozing in a little comfort-seeking cubbyhole?

    But the question that had stumped first life-forms when they first came across quantum theory was what their ultimate effects would have on the environment around them they wanted to shape and mold to their fashion.

    The limited superstition of comfort zones of religions such as the Christian faith today put their trust, ironically, in a divinity at a distance in the shape of a literal Christ coming in the clouds of heaven, and that is interesting in the psychological makeup that can take over cultures when it comes to their relation to uncertainties in life…and what comes next. What changes there are and there had been. Yet their place in the universe as one, single intelligence is relative to the rest of all sections of space-time.

    The mysterious working symmetries on the Morning Star took on what would ever be perceived as any mind of God or creation of angels there ever could be relative to our position in this part of the universe. Venus was at the right hand of the Sun, perfect in beauty. So it's reasonable that historical records of events of great magnitude can become almost mystical in proportion from a reader of the future. Its atmosphere was the best for the mechanisms at hand to perceive the spooky probable roll of the dice for them to be entangled neurologically.

    The symmetries of mechanisms that are connected are not much different from the comforting bedtime stories that are told even via religions of comforting words spread to societies, how these first bacterial forms begun on Venus. Skip hundreds of thousands of years later in space-time, and you see an almost supernatural, mystical planet that is the origin of such fantastical places in today's culture as Superman's original crystal technologically oriented planet Krypton. It was Lucifer, son of the Morning, at the right hand of the anthropic principle, a legend still reflected today concerning the planet Venus and its location in the sky. They knew of the spooky roll of the dice, of course, but figured they could set themselves a higher standard. As the eons in this seemingly metaphysical existence, though, a circumstance of greater breakups in entropy would of course play out, as an ultimate disaster akin to the greatest Titanic disaster to ever occur would hence commence.

    The other planets were their own mystical worlds as well, when they had eventually been terraformed, but circumstance is the creator of worlds as well as the destroyer of worlds in the ultimate wave function collapse of how history would occur.

    There was something coming, you see, that looked like a piece of the face of God itself coming toward our intelligences' version of existence and what it all meant. It seemed a benevolent movement in the order of the spooky roll of the dice higher beings had eventually figured out, but when they were beyond their kin of certain calculations in their position relative to higher forces, they had no choice in the matter. As human beings have their built-in fears of certain things like arachnophobia, so was it for this civilization when it comes to their feelings of what God is when they saw a piece of the sky—what they imagined was unchanging and fixed in the benevolent face of reality—turn a wrathful hand on them.

    The universe—when Lucifer was at the right hand of the beautiful Sun in relation to the mathematical layout of the other worlds beyond their covering one in the evolutionary time scale (from Moons to planets to stars to galaxies, etc.)—was at this point around seven billion years old. Yet space and time were still cracking down and up from sections where black holes had formed, where fermion and boson spins of matter and electromagnetism are proportional to the direction of time they want to go to. But in our section of the dimensions of space and time, Lucifer, Son of the Morning, was virtually immortal.

    And yet the face of God began to show itself, something that would reverberate in the darkest fears of every living intelligence ever since. You can actually, ironically, see the inverse psychological built-in effect of that religious belief system reverberation in Christianity of seeing something coming back in the sky like a ghostly image in their minds of what their relative art and culture is in moral judgments, relative to how space and time work. Where do we humans look in a direction for divinity? The sky, of course.

    They knew the roll of the die in quantum mechanics, yet they set their civilization in trying to formulate a plan to go and make the dice keep the quantum spooky cosmic role perhaps simulated forever in one of those black holes they could see on other spinning Fibonacci breaks in space and time since it begun.

    They could do it. They could conquer existence, which they had thought at first. It was a beautiful planet, the glorious Cherub that Covereth, as they had artfully claimed, as an ingenuity of collective intelligence could finally conquer the laws of nature.

    Yet there was still that divine piece of the sky, of reality as they pictured it, moving in their direction. Surely it was God himself to greet them for their great work, perhaps, as the tens of millions of years progressed in that virtually invincible Solar System network.

    When they had terraformed the planets, the angels set about their work to make intelligence lower than them in keeping up the fundamental groundwork for the spheres of disconnected space-time from their godlike image of what the Sun was to them. The Earth and Mars were two disconnected spheres outside of Venus that were more prone to be able to work properly from their own evolutionary makeup in chemistry to evenly distribute information such as the carbon-based double-helix structure on the planet Earth. Moving to Mars, they did the same thing, which would result in a civilization—now lost and scattered—which are the grays as we know them today: small, big bug-eyed creatures that were the original Martians in our ancient past.

    As for the Venusians, they are what human beings—in their limited perception that can only be subtly hinted at through DMT trips and such—would deem as angels or even quantum-tunneled ghost information from biological organisms whose systems had shut down. This is from quantum wave functions and redistributing information, of course, which were what the angels were all about.

    Yet that divine piece of the sky is intuitively built into their nature; these lost Venusians who were cast from their piece of heaven are still entrenched into the very being of their nature in rebalancing of hells and heavens, of the worst entropies and the best symmetries. And these are behind many of the things us humans deem almost supernatural in how time progresses, but there is a reasonable explanation for the events that occurred, are occurring, and what will come in what we see as reality.

    When Earth was terraformed, it was the historical frame of reference for the Judeo-sided—and even the Far East–sided—ways of picturing the beginning of time in their minds, but there was a deeper evolutionary beginning that would've far suppressed Charles Darwin's wildest dreams.

    The shape of the sky in their minds was always the face of God, you see, and this super-advanced civilization on Venus was the central hub of a highly advanced internet system across the Solar System that looked almost divine for countless, long-expanded generations of these angels…and yes, for better colorful paintings, let's just call the Venusians angels as their slice of heaven that fell—Venus—is Lucifer. For it was the Light Bearer, as in the fractal metaphorical pattern of the Sun being god, in a mystical term in their minds relative to their best certainty they studied of their place in the galaxy. They could see even that the Andromeda galaxy itself was coming toward them, and they could do computer simulations just as we do of what would happen if they collided, but these time frames seemed mystical as it even does to us when we open up bigger perceptions of space and time.

    Yet they were naïve enough to assume that what was coming toward the Solar System was God coming to meet them in some way. It was an object, a globular section of space and time also, like any round-shaped body in reality, and something that had greater, grander meaning relative to our nearest star neighbor, Proxima Centauri, yet they were benevolent in mind, enough relative to reality, to assume there might even be a grand purpose when this piece of divinity greets them.

    Oh, they knew of the worst-case scenarios, but it sparked much speculation when the word was passed among the worlds in the Solar System of what could happen when this face of God meets up with them.

    It almost seemed to be wanting to smile at them, to come and shake their hands, many of the superstitious scientists on the worlds had felt, just to keep hope alive. Yet there was that darker assumption that stumped many intelligent beings as they saw this moving piece of divinity—this fallen star, if you will in metaphysical language—coming to them.

    It goes to show you that reality is smarter than intelligence in an ironic twist of reciprocal senses of what conscious beings really desire in their comfort zones of thought and action. They even thought that they could conquer the spooky roll of the dice if they so pleased to be like God in a way that reflects what superstitious people of today think of the entrepreneur spirit that separates the rich and the poor and the talented and less talented even today in our evolutionary history.

    Yet sometimes circumstances rule in quantum theory. They knew of the odds, some of the smarter angels, and they knew that it was disaster waiting to strike, to wipe off the comfort zones of intelligence that could ever exist forever in ever recapturing quantum information that could be lost ever again. Oh, it seemed like a bad thing to future people reading about that one Garden of Eden story in the Christian Bible relative to their religious belief in historical records when intelligences were opened up in awareness of lost quantum information, but people had to call upon science, even in the midst of entropy events that lead to disruptions.

    But there was something coming still, something that looked like God wanting to meet them, or something even more dramatic that they tried to block out of their minds, even the most reasonable scientists across the worlds.

    That great crystal planet, with towering crystals of information and data that dwarf things we make today like the building the Burj Khalifa, where the DNA information of trees and other flora on Earth are just a chemical reverberation of those high structures, was virtually eternal, in all the longevity of generations that evolved and functioned there, spreading out their glory among our section in the galaxy around the slightly average Sun, relative to evolutionary certainties in the Milky Way. Of course, if we were too close to the center or too far, it wouldn't work either in a bigger Goldilocks zone the angels knew of even then. So they felt and seemed close enough to what consciousness labels as God as they ever could be. And the coming of the shift in God's face sparked many uncertainties and legendary promises—both for good and bad—for some hundreds of years as they watched the globe approach in relative sharing proportions to our nearest star, Alpha Centauri. They even proposed it was another intelligent race such as theirs that have actually shifted their planet or star, like a moving spaceship itself, in spite sending many radio and other electromagnetic signals to it in its unresponsiveness.

    Yet they kept their superstitions up, their hopes up, as the centuries went by, and they saw it come into the vicinity of their Solar System at last.

    In quantum theory, they knew about the alchemic properties to be able to make the best terraforming possible for the worlds, but Lucifer was a planet so highly advanced, it was paralleled with the supernatural intuitively in our senses even today…and the disaster that awaited in that spooky epoch of existence in the anthropic principle of our part in the universe.

    As the smallest increments of credible certainty of consciousness came with the fractal pattern downward toward the planet Venus, the land's geology was smoothed by gravity in the beginning, just like all the other worlds. The Sun shined on Venus, even as a Son would shine on his Son or a God on his counterpart, which is the enigmatic reverberating mystery of the arrow of entropy even to such mystics as Helena Blavatsky. In electromagnetism and dark energy, this was taken to mystical heights as well on the planet Lucifer, the Morning Star that fell, to reverberate other mystical proportions of reality of battles between good and evil as personified entities built into conscious memory as the burning of Venus, the fallen star, is confused and mixed up with God, which is circumstance in quantum theory. All other things are just consciousness woven into existence even as all colors are one in white light discovered by Sir Isaac Newton way back in the seventeenth century.

    But Lucifer was lifted up as that civilization figured that the face of God itself was even coming to reach out an even more dignified hand to its existence, until the living creatures in the Solar System begun to grow more suspense as the time of the shaking of the hand of God was almost coming.

    So thus are stories that we think in terms of Planet X and such, mysterious events that we wonder ever happened to make what we see in the Solar System look the way it does today. When Lucifer stretched out his hand to greet his maker, in mystical terms, because divinity is relative in the conscious mind—as the Sun was to Venus, so is God is to the devil—even today in our biological makeup of what good and evil is. So of course, the ultimate result down all beliefs on planet Earth is an enigmatic battle in entropy—both the physical as well as the social and psychological—where God and the devil are personified.

    But it's just life versus circumstance, and that's where quantum entanglement has its deeper roots in the anthropic fabric of reality.

    When Lucifer fell from its relative divine place to the star Sol, it was a catastrophic occurrence that has reverberated in people's deepest nightmares that parallel with the afterlife ever since. The planet Venus is a hot, dead place now, but it's only fitting it would be hot and compared to disaster and catastrophe in our collective thoughts of hell in an afterlife, as well as being a place that is just as beautiful as our own world before scientists had discovered how hot it is. But Venus used to have a cooling mechanism in its nitrogen-rich atmosphere in relative chemistry spread of the other gases that had formed chemically proportional relevant to the Sun. The rocky inner worlds—relative to a good-stationed Solar System for intelligent life to ever exist at all with Jupiter where it developed—were proportional now for divinity at a distance with the first organisms of life on Venus. Earth itself was without form and void as well of a breakup of its geological symmetry on its surface, but Earth and Mars both had their own nitrogen-rich atmospheres, relative to their chemical makeup when the Sun had formed from hydrogen, then to helium, and releasing higher elements even as black holes released smaller sections of space and time like Hawking radiation in energy packets we see sparkling all around us.

    For colorful perspective, let's call this sphere of space and time of the different movements of the face of God in Lucifer's sky as Planet X or Wormwood, to be with extra linguistic assurance. As it arrived came the great divine challenge and real purpose for all intelligent life in that epoch of existence in our Solar System. Of course, we mystically think of them with psychic intelligence as crystal balls; this lost Venusian technology with crystal powers and structures were just capturing quantum superposition in a hologram shape in that lost interplanetary internet. But individuals were watching day and night on these clairvoyance machines as they were ready to meet their maker or a friend just like them…or an enemy and maybe the worst and ever-so-growing realizations in the simulations being calculated and prepared for.

    On Earth, long after the first intelligent hominids were given this knowledge of where the gods came from in that garden-based station with strife among the dragons—which we now call dinosaurs, only long-since-gone dinosaurs that were so intelligent that they rivaled dolphins and octopi when it came to communication and cooperative skills—that was mixed with Eve having to create other genetic offspring from strife among Cain and Abel tribes to again be personified in people's minds generations to come when reading records on planet Earth.

    Well, the biological organisms and intelligences on Earth were just as in the dark about this mysterious hand of God coming as the Inner Star that Covereth in fractal metaphor with the Sun as well in relation to a civilization's own art, culture, and mysticism when connected to the universe we see around us naturally. But individuals kept a watch, listening in on data from astronauts, such as an individual who would be known to later generations on this planet as Enoch as well as other Sons of God when read in the Bible these days, relative to our historical take and perspective to be personified. As anything is when it comes to divinity at a distance, whether it's a something you admire and see from a distance in your own relative conscious—like that pretty girl you'd like to kiss or that delicious fruit you'd like to scent and wrap your taste buds over—it is all a part of a deeper quantum entanglement properties when space and time progress.

    Now, there had been more water in the Solar System back then, taken in part with Europa, and how the water was formulated on the planet Earth relative to the geological smoothness of gravity's formation of spherical shapes in sections of space and time. So those mystical proportions of a hand of God moving things around can be seen even in the great historical script called the Bible in the weird way it's written in tangent with that ancient terraformation, talking about moving seas around and planting stuff and things, but it's only the result of what happens as space-time progresses relative to our mystical take on beginnings in our own religions—being true in historical record ironically but only shifted in perspective, is all—which is the mystery of divinity at a distance in the first place.

    The thing coming into our Solar System from this eon-long constellation that had been unraveling since their existence began to make the outer gas giants do strange things, things that were giving the intelligence of the Solar System within uncertainties. Astronomers and astronauts began to go by the theory of relativity in the worst-cast scenarios they had already portrayed as it seemed almost as if God was literally tearing apart the face of the sky that had been etched in the fabric of intelligence since it had begun.

    The object that had seemed to be reaching out a benevolent hand centuries ago was now showing its more intuitive nightmares in the creatures that had observed it. The spheres of space and time—Uranus and Neptune—began to change in magnetic and gravitational positions, throwing off the smaller spheres of space and time that had broken off from it since the beginning of the formation of the universe. So objects were flung into the inward regions of the Solar System as well as all around other sections of our star's arena we see remnants of today. Day and night calculations were done relative to the positions of the worlds round the clock, year after year (then to month after month relative to the constellation closing in on our own Solar System now, feeling like a different type of end-times of divinity to them back then, only they felt almost as if it was a crowing coming to them of this perception cultures have of Ending or Changing times), as the changes in the sky they were so familiar with progressed. Their technology of silicon chips that progressed to crystal power in holographical-bound embedding information were advanced in quantum computers that could do seemingly supernatural multitasking in the advancement of the Morning Star, and in the super internet across the Solar System were intelligences bound on the brink of destiny as they homed in on the changing sky over the decades, centuries, and millennia.

    The inner spheres of space and time relative to the changes and spread of evolution in our part of this galaxy were in astonishment as the simulation of disaster begun to occur. It felt almost like their benevolent face of what God was had just pulled the illusionary rug of reality right out from under them. They were thinking the most horrendous thoughts about the spooky cosmic roll of the dice and knew the horrible truth back at that Cherub that Covereth, the inner star toward the other star in their fractal pattern of mystic thoughts in religious metaphors during that point in history of our part in the universe.

    When the effects that changed how the outer gas giants in the Solar System look today happened, it was then that the intelligences in the worlds began to run simulations of all sum over possibilities in their quantum computers, only it was from whatever the spooky roll of the dice of reality would really choose which history that would be.

    And sure enough, in the ultimate wave function collapse of worst-case scenarios, was the Morning Star doomed in its ultimate reverberating, mystical destiny.

    Going by trajectories in relativity and gravitational pulls, the smaller Moons of Neptune were knocked away, along with some other Moons of the other gas giant Uranus. Pluto and Charon are the results of deeper things going on with this growing constellation of the Kuiper Belt's present-day position. And the gas giant Uranus was knocked on its side. Some of the scattered Moons plummeted toward the inner part of the Solar System, creating changes as they went. One Moon smashed into Jupiter's atmosphere, creating a hurricane disturbance that stuck in one of its cooling bands of gas swirling around it from when it was much hotter and brighter, the bands forming in the natural symmetry breaking in dimensions that paint the color of what is reflected back in what we call consciousness as space and time progress.

    The Moons that were flung away from the outer gas giants—or ice giants, as these outer spheres technically are—went into their worst-case-scenario trajectories toward the bigger rocky spheres of space-time that had sectioned off from the Sun at the beginning of the universe closer in, one lost Moon of the gas giants each having its effects on the inner worlds by gravitational simulations on their computers as intelligence was helpless but to watch this monstrosity unfold.

    When the planet Mars was affected by this course of events, it resulted in what we now know as the asteroid belt; the very little spherical shape left of that Moon that struck Mars is the small satellite within the asteroid belt we dubbed the planetoid Ceres. The resulting catastrophe on that world by one of the Moons of the outer gas giants affected by the gravitational pull and push of the great wormwood of death deemed the hand of God come to greet them has turned into a fist of fury against all of intelligences' hopes and dreams when intelligence in the Solar System realized the truth. When the Earth was affected by another Moon flung out from the gas giants inward, its position of disaster relative to Earth destroyed the earlier race of dinosaurs and many other unrecoverable, extinct species. Ocean animals escaped most of the disaster on Earth relative to their atmospheric position when the Moon Thea, which we now call Luna, became our Moon after the disaster that resulted in a worldwide-recalled memory of disaster on this planet reflected in such records as the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Biblical Deluge, and mystical recalled knowledge of godlike wisdom of the ancients in some hypothetical Golden Age that had existed.

    For a time were things sought out to be fixed a little too quickly in the hub of the beginning of new society after that disaster in a land called Sumer, but it was evident that the new populace would have to spread. There was an ancient fertilizer that was still in the lower lands around the equator of planet Earth that had been given by the gods from the sky when the foundations of their planet had been formed. This was the stuff in the interplanetary biosphere station of Eden, reverberated in history as a dragon in memory that would surround a city before things like fires from above scatter knowledge of what space and time really are when reading the book of Revelation in the King James Bible about the dragon at the end. Naturally, the prophet John was just reverberating his own recollections for future events that could come when ancient knowledge is once again recovered, but this is all relative effect to individuals down throughout history that intuitively and genetically carry this long-ago memory of lost paradises, fallen graces, and beauty in Golden Age metaphors and heavenly destruction in how brains react to entropy, as well as disturbances in their comfort zones.

    As the heavens above were moved out of proportion, the intelligences of the worlds in the Solar System grew from benevolence and almost a lifting in their pride, to uncertainty, to terror…then horror…as divinity shown its true face.

    The divine sphere that moved the smaller spheres of the gas giants played an uncertain picture in the worst-case simulations of what could happen if intelligence greeted the handshake of God, so to speak. But it seemed as if God was prepared to punch them in the face instead.

    These lost Moons from this new disturbance in the steady state of affairs in the Solar System—seemingly unchanging and timeless in the minds of the inhabitants of the worlds—began to go toward their relative gravitational projectiles in what intelligence in the Solar System had most feared.

    You see, divinity at a distance is just a ratio proportion of our perception of what is seemingly greater than us, and that goes even to our disproportional concept of how space and time are in the breakup of their symmetries. And that goes with how intelligence sees those changes—depending on gradual of quick changes—happening to their perceptions around them that disrupt their state of affairs. Watching the sky, and hence the face of God in their own minds, slowly progresses in a change different to their perceptions of how the Solar System was supposed to be set was almost akin to a Judgment Day of sorts that was playing out over the centuries watching these astronomical events progress like an ever-changing and calculative constellation.

    It was the face and hand of God in their minds at work—it was to them.

    The warnings for what was to come to the sphere of the Earth, the second Cherub that Covereth from the Sun, was given in messages by astronauts via the lineage that goes back to the biosphere Eden genealogy of Seth through Enoch and Noah. Though these would be personalized in that divinity at a distance phenomenon of the human consciousness in reading old legends, where it was a set program of eight programs of collecting data in submersible-like spacecraft that could survive the coming of one of the flung-out Moons that were going to inevitably collide with the inner rocky planets by the gravitational pulling simulations of the worst-case scenarios, relatively speaking.

    But Lucifer was doomed, something that would reverberate in the superstitious claims of the Judeo-Christian side of their perception of what the history of the Solar System was really like. But that is how personified some significant events can become in legend, just in the way that Carl Sagan had exclaimed when it came to people and their perceptions of dinosaur fossils compare to dragon legends told in various cultures around the world.

    And the even worse-case scenario made the hopes dashed to the ultimate extreme that ever existed in stories of tragedy that could ever be told. There was little time to prepare for the Covering Cherub, for what were the odds that the most protected would be the one that would get it the worst? Thus, it was cursing of circumstances and horror and dread that went about the grand world that was at the right hand of all intelligence, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty in expression of science, art, and religion. Even the color from the terraformation of the worlds reflected colorful symmetries when viewed relative to the worlds looking in toward the Sun or out, even with things done with the gas giants. Mars and Earth reflected beautiful colors of primary green and blue from the carbon and water genetic engineering that had been done over the eons of interstellar space travels from the fractal star that covereth relative to the Sun in the closest worlds inward toward divinity. The days and nights had reflected for a long time in the evolutionary line on Lucifer of mystical uncertainties within themselves that are how we humans perceive resetting our metabolism by shutting down for a while when the electromagnetism from the Sun isn't reflecting down on us, or how certain flowers will open up and close, relative to their reactions to the environmental changes and cycles around them.

    The Cherub that Covereth, that shining crystal world closest to our star Sol, had been colorful in symmetrical reflections of color and vibrations relative to the colors of the other worlds they laid the foundations of later on in the spread of intelligence across the Solar System with whatever materials that had been at hand. The fertilizers that were used on the planet Earth can still be seen in the location of the continent South America on that world, as was the case in the usage of the soils and chemical makeups of them when they had formed the worlds at their intellectual and entrepreneur will, preserving the knowledge, preserving the life force.

    Yet the face and hand of their perception of God seemed to be doing what they feared the most in the most unprepared circumstances, like God himself was ripping down the very fabric of all their hopes and dreams of living forever, something that had roots in what had been going on in the biosphere base of the great Garden of Eden when terraforming had begun on that planet second closest to our star Sol.

    News of the disaster first with Mars spread quickly through the interstellar internet they had back then, where individuals would play back the simulations of what they feared most over repetitively in a dark doom effect, knowing that there was no escaping it: the Moons that were flung out from the gas giants from the disturbance in the Solar System were going to destroy their shining crystal planet that had always seemed to the other worlds to be at the right hand of divinity for so many eons, for so many generations that came and went before them.

    And now came the greatest tragedy to ever be carried out in the existence of living intelligent life in our part of the Milky Way galaxy. The Martians had escaped, a lot of them, in what we see today as flying saucers, creatures that have only been recently rediscovering since we've rediscovered lost knowledge and had been experimenting with nuclear weapons during our worldwide conflicts. But a lot of them were destroyed in their own catastrophe that got back in terrifying news of what other fates awaited the worlds closer in toward the Sun through the interterrestrial internet via crystal ball clairvoyance machines.

    The planet Earth was—by the certainty of where intelligence's arrow of direction of time will relatively take it—the most probable luckier planet to escape most of the tragedy that had happened across the Solar System when the great Wormwood mystery disrupted the positions of the outer gas giants, flinging Moons that had formed around them out and in relative to the direction of the other planets revolving around the Sun. Water also was sprayed out from the catastrophes on Mars and Earth that would result in comets' elongated elliptical orbits, as well as one icy and rocky Moon from the outer gas giants that had been flung from the outside disturbance of the Solar System that broke up around the planet Saturn, creating a huge ring around it, along with that Moon that slammed into Jupiter's surface and created a slight magnetic disturbance that comes and goes over long spans of time on its surface in one of the cooling bands of gas in the chemical symmetry breakdowns from the beginning of time, what we call the Great Red Spot.

    And thus, the intelligence that begun life was destroyed in the most tragic disaster of the Solar System's existence in our part of the galaxy when what was one of the Moons of the outer giants, that would result in a planetary inner orbit past Venus after its side glance that disrupted Venus's surface, destroyed a magical world that once was. This side glance was from a lost outer gas giant Moon that we call Mercury, its surface later disrupted by material that would fall into its gravitational pull later on after the disaster that made Lucifer fall from its place of grace.

    The civilization of the Venusians thus carried out the greatest thing closest to a religious praying congregation that any group of intelligence ever had in our known existence. They knew of the spooky roll of the dice, of course, and that there was no God per se, in the way they always thought it would. Even with life-extension properties that would carry on into intelligence on the planet Earth with the dragon species and mammalian hominids with longevity, resulting in stories of age spans of hundreds of years at the very beginning of the Holy Bible in the Christian section of relative belief, going by limited perceptions of their positions in time and space.

    But they thought they could preserve the knowledge in their crystal transistors of data collections, carrying them to the other worlds that would only survive on Earth, but they knew that quantum information of their existence would be lost forever. They would have to carry out the wave function of probabilities to future intelligence after they all die.

    As the Moon that would become our perceptive orbiting planetlike Mercury made its side glance on that mystical fallen angel and beautiful Venus (or Lucifer or Light Bearer) was the greatest call to superstition as well as a cursing of circumstances and fears of the afterlife ever experienced as we know it. This is built into the very fabric of our consciousness, this spooky parallel to the book of Job—like testing of human humility when faced with lost dreams, destroyed hopes, which was just another echoing coincidental parallel of things that had happened in legends long ago that seems to carry out like an intuitive lesson down throughout existence.

    What would become our own moon was the result of one of the outer gas giant Moons that slammed into Earth and had volcanic eruptions on its near side that tidal-locked in cosmic evolutionary traits of symmetries and how they break and reshape down over time. What had been the best water system terraformed on Earth with lesser oceanic-based areas than there used to be was disrupted, resulting in monstrous floods as well as a cracking of the planet all around the surface of Earth and volcanic activity and asteroids that would strike the surface of the planet off and on for centuries and millennia after the disaster occurred. What had once been that biosphere, the Garden of Eden, is what would evolve later on in cultural tidal-locking over time is where mysterious things are found in the continents of South America and Australia. Although Pangaea-like shifting and movements of the continents on the planet had and do happen, there is a certain Pangaea limit in magnetic reversals after the breakup of the relative smoothness of its earlier surface when the planet had formed with the Sun.

    After civilizations had spread out from a place called Sumer and African regions where certain arrangements with astronauts were agreed and disagreed upon, civilization spread out again to start the spread of intelligence on the planet and restore it once more. Meanwhile, Mars's original surface had been ultimately destroyed, its intelligent life-forms escaping in ships in mostly the outer regions of the Solar System. The few leftover Venusians had communed with the Earthlings before and after the disaster in the rebuilding of civilizations and restoring and preserving knowledge for future generations. Great structures that had existed in the echoing of the Venusian crystal technology back home at the Cherub that Covereth, nearest to what could be God in levels of intelligence and cultures on the outer terraformed worlds, were what we reveal in archaeology as magnificent megalithic structures such as mysterious huge pyramids and things. The glancing blow of the Moon that would become our own moon Luna hit around where the Pacific Ocean is in a side glance where the majority of the terraformed and natural water areas filled in when the disaster on the planet Earth would happen. The last remnants of life-forms that didn't make it from preparations carrying out a mystical collective doomsday prayer themselves as an astronaut and nautical captain that would be personalized as Noah and his three sons were personified from bigger systems of orders being carried out in a fleet of organization of preserving what biological information there was around them. But what would be deemed the wickedness of man was merely the majority of intelligences and life-forms that were ignorant and uninformed of what was about to happen with the changes in the sky. So there was hardly that much that could be saved relative to our position of the survival of intelligence after what we deem the Deluge in the Bible and the extinction of the dinosaur species had occurred on this planet.

    And the Venusians that were left back closest to the Sun were gathered in the greatest religious congregation that could ever be perceived. They cursed circumstance in the destruction of all quantum information that could reform their consciousness after death—unlike the astronaut angels that fell from heaven to be later perceived by lower intelligences on Earth eons later—as they knew about the spooky roll of the dice, knowing their quantum information would never be formulated again. The doom that they must've felt was probably horrendous as they saw Mercury come in its relative blow certain in its proportional worse-case simulations on crystal ball computers to be the ultimate disaster. They cursed existence; they cried out for anything resembling God and other existence in their consciousness that any collective intelligences ever did. They also cried out their greatest love toward one another than any collective love and tears had ever been.

    And then there was a great rumbling—like what had been heard coming in from updates of the destruction of the other worlds—as Mercury got closer and closer, coming up at night and getting even bigger in the sky, each passing night…uncertainty in the daylight hours as they were always watching it on the internet coming toward them, distraction from any comfort in their growing anguish.

    And then finally came the greatest prayer ever conducted. The scattered Moon crushed into the atmosphere of Venus, creating great horrific atmospheric storms and earthquakes as their crystal makings far, far past our version of a lost silicon valley there ever was reverberated in our mind with lost paradises even in the subconscious of Earthlings. The ones watching it hit them on the night side could see the object in an angle relative to their view of the sky they never imagined, while on the day side of Lucifer, people were watching it on the internet, waiting for the atmospheric and seismic effects to finally reach their side of the planet as well, gathered in the same collective group prayer and fear of what was to come in whatever afterlife there was after it was over.

    Earth's axis was tilted, and some disturbances in its relative general rotation weren't affected that much, same as with the planet Mars, but Venus was never the same again. Full of wisdom that world had once been, perfect in beauty, but now it has been brought to the dust and ashes before their very eyes. It was as if, to the rest of intelligence that existed, God himself had been ultimately destroyed, the source of life relative to the greater source of life in the shining Sun.

    And they would never look at God the same again.

    Oh, how art thou fallen, Lucifer, Son of the Morning! For eons your life-forms hath said in the face of your relative position of biblical and mechanical evolution that ye would even perhaps exalt your existence beyond the quantum probabilities! As anything closest to God relative to divinity at a distance you could be and have been. But what are the chances, ye fates cannot calculate! For ye know now that there is no God, your eyes have been opened to the truth long ago, and now the probabilities have come, and you shall be brought down to hell, brimstone, raining sulfuric acid across your crystal cities! Weeping, waling, gnashing of teeth! Cursing reality and the circumstances thrown at you! Seeking feebly toward every other living thing next to you as you pray and wait out the disaster. And now your beautiful Godlike planet's history—never known again!—shall be lain among leaders, kings, and warfare generals of the rest of the survival of intelligent life on surviving worlds to reverberate even in the creepiest and crawliest criminal, iniquitous corners of the planet Earth itself—in cursing circumstances of existence! For what are the odds that even God himself can be ultimately destroyed in the very eyes of what existence deems intelligent.

    For reality was all just divinity at a distance.

    For all perceptions are relative, to what you take of the circumstances of the life and world around you, and sometimes your perceptions can be pulled right out from under you, throwing you plummeting into a place worse than death.

    As the crystal metropolis network of intelligence was destroyed and melted down into the crust of the newly terraforming surface of Venus, great, monstrous volcanic activity begun to occur; the atmosphere as it once known it long gone as it was replaced by a hostile atmosphere of carbon dioxide and raining sulfuric acid, its surface forever covered by white clouds. The sulfur was coming up from the newly changed geological surface after the volcanoes begun to happen for eons after that, until they gradually began to stop after a time. A lot of this effect had to do with the melted crystal cities as well, after the destruction had occurred and volcanic activity rumbled and reverberated in monstrous earthquakes for centuries afterward.

    The surface of Lucifer was now very hot, the heat trapped forever in a runaway greenhouse effect that was the opposite of the original built-in air-cooling mechanism in its evolution.

    The catastrophe was so great that it even reverberates in human intelligences' limited out-of-body senses relative to our senses of entropy and pain in the most mystical feeling visions of hell as well as the other way around. Yet the moment when Lucifer fell from heaven, there was never such a sadness and loss and grief ever felt in the existence of intelligence in our part of the Milky Way galaxy. They looked about their great world they created in despairing loss while waiting out the disaster to come, their world built over eons so long it felt mystical in godlike proportions to them and never felt such a feeling of betrayal anything had ever been felt.

    Divinity at a distance is relative to what mechanisms are working in colorful portrayal as entropy increases in which every direction, anything from an electron and its proportions to the nucleus or eerie properties of quantum entanglement. You see it in the distraction of an animal or child with a toy, like a baby with a pacifier or a dog with a rubber ball. Up the evolutionary intelligence divinity distance entanglement portrayals of consciousness, you see a man in his interests in certain businesses or areas and researches in science. What constitutes divinity at a distance to a plant may be its proportions relative to its intake of materials from the sky and ground, while others have a bigger free-range will as thinking, consciously aware moving beings separate from our relative stuck position walking on the surface of a planet. Same with gravitational forces and divinity at a distance relative to planets to their stars and stars around their supermassive black holes, where time and space are seen through the different perspective of how the symmetries had broken and melded in those dimensionality perceptions in the first place. Entanglement properties of the rules of the very small in divinity at a distance's mathematical properties are related in certainty to general relativity in the expanded outward direction of space and time in our perceptions.

    And thus the wrath of God judgments of their realities of perception ripped out from under them are relative to each of the worlds that were destroyed in that ancient disaster that occurred in the Solar System. For each of the worlds, they saw other worlds flung out to greet them in the most divine wrath of a god in their minds imaginable. For each world, Mars, Earth and the Covering Cherub, they had to greet their maker in the spherical shape of worlds in dimensionality as their own, only to in reality be nothing more than the smaller worlds, of course, that had been a part of smaller Solar Systems themselves around the outer gas giants before the outer, bigger, divine disturbance had been greeted with open arms by intelligence eons ago. To slowly see a divine constellation unfold in their high-tech advanced interstellar internet they once had, it was logical to assume of their own superstitions over reasonable cause and effects that could happen to a civilization—or civilizations—that could evolve and develop in the anthropic principle of certainty in the wave function of intelligence in any part of our galaxy or the innumerable other galaxies that are beyond our own.

    The truth of god to the ancients—when that cosmic rug was pulled out from under them—was destroyed in their minds by how a real god can sometimes make your divinity at a distance nothing but a smaller picture, a smaller god, in a much grander cosmic riddle and illusionary effect on the consciousness and how it functions for what it paints its desires and outcomes to be.

    So let's reevaluate the constellation of God as it had been to our Solar System.

    Uranus shifted in its position in evolutionary tidal-locking reorientation after the outer disturbance had happened in the gravitational pulls and pushes on this gas giant. Neptune was also disturbed, but not as much as Uranus in the calculated constellation that had occurred in the ancient past of our Solar System.

    The destroyer of worlds is relative in the mind. Even in the mess-ups, the universe is pretty divine in our minds any way you take it.

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