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Wizard King: Wyvern Master Chronicles, #4
Wizard King: Wyvern Master Chronicles, #4
Wizard King: Wyvern Master Chronicles, #4
Ebook361 pages5 hours

Wizard King: Wyvern Master Chronicles, #4

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Fiach is not a happy camper. There are far too many people wanting him dead. Add to that, dragon hunters now freely roam in three of the five kingdoms. And there's been another change of leadership at the College. Of course, that happened after the College was invaded by a neighboring kingdom.

And there's more chilling news when he learns someone has discovered Lorcyn's sorcery and has turned a wyvern. Brendal Pendragon, Lord of the Dragons, has come to him for help.

It's now time to settle old scores and forever rid the world of dragon hunters. At the same time, he must defeat the marshalled forces of sorcery that threaten to return the world to those dark days when Lorcyn resurrected dead dragons and unleashed them to destroy his enemies.

Fiach must choose. If he helps Brendal Pendragon, he could lose a kingdom. If he stays in Wyndych, he could lose everything, the College included.

Release dateSep 5, 2022
Wizard King: Wyvern Master Chronicles, #4


pdmac is a diverse author, writer, and editor. He has a MA in Creative Writing, a Ph.D. in Theology, and is a member of the Steampunk Writers and Artists Guild, and the Georgia Writers Association.  He has also sung back-up for Broadway plays, provided voice for radio plays, and acted and directed theater stage productions.  In his off time, he and his wife race mountain bikes, kayak, and occasionally backpack sections of the Appalachian Trail.

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    Wizard King - pdmac




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    Wizard King is a work of fiction.  Though actual locations and historical individuals may be mentioned, they are used in a fictitious manner and the events and occurrences were created/invented in the mind and imagination of the author, except for the inclusion of actual historical fact.  Similarities of characters or names used within for any person – past, present, or future – are coincidental except where actual historical characters are purposely interwoven.  The actions, thoughts, and dialogue of the historical characters featured in this story are fictional and not meant to reflect actual personalities and behavior.


    Copyright © 2022 by pdmac

    All rights reserved

    Printed in the United States of America

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express permission of the author or publisher.

    Published by Trimble Hollow Press

    Cover Art by Jonathan Gragg

    eISBN: 978-1-946495-35-8

    for Terri Lynn


    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9



    Albee – King Manus’ wine steward

    Arlynn – Manus’ wife and Queen of Bryton

    Ballyn – King of Parneth

    Baynon – Chamberlain to Taegan in Markyl

    Beatham – Assistant Wisdom Caste Master and Spy Master for the College

    Berget – Princess, sister of King Manus of Bryton

    Betsan – former AIT at the College

    Cadoc – Prince, eldest son of King Manus

    Caradoc – Chief Wizard for King Manus

    Carys – Wisdom Caste Master at the College

    Cliona – Wizard Caste Master at the College

    Colbryn – Taegan’s father

    Derec – Prince, middle son of King Manus

    Devnet – former Dragon Rider Caster Master at the College

    Efa – Princess, King Manus’ daughter

    Eriko – Regimental Commander in Bryton

    Faroh – King of Kenrath

    Fergil – Associate Wisdom Master and Protocol Officer for the College

    Fiach – Deputy Grandmaster of the College

    Fiskl – Norduin Chief

    Gavlyn – Wisdom Caste Deputy Master

    Gilmur – King of Markyl

    Gunnhyld – Bryton Regimental Commander

    Halwyn – Emeritus Wizard Master

    Haskyll – Dragon blood specialist

    Hynes – Emeritus Wizard Master

    Jaret – College Advisory Council

    Kane – former Battle Caste Master

    Keeva – Advisory Council member

    Kenzie – Fiach’s great-great-great-great-great-great-granddaughter

    Kiernan – King of Dunwyn

    Langen – Captain of the Palace Guards in Wyndych and future Lord Chamberlain

    Leri – Chambermaid at Manus’ castle

    Lorcyn – Wizard who resurrected the wyverns

    Manus – King of Bryton

    Marasil – King Kiernan’s daughter

    Marged – King Faroh’s youngest daughter

    Merletta – Street urchin in Muleton

    Nemiso – King Kiernan’s Chamberlain

    Niall – Battle Caste Master at the College

    Olvi – College Advisory Council

    Rhobart – Emeritus Wisdom Master and Genealogist

    Rordyn – King Manus’ Chamberlain

    Roskyll – Rune-marked wizard in Markyl

    Rus – Duke of Enyscrone

    Saffyra – Kiernan’s wife and Queen of Dunwyn

    Shiri – Taegan’s mother and sister to King Gilmur

    Solvi – Captain of the Palace Guards in Wyndych

    Sturnwel – King Manus’ Head of Security

    Tadg – Grandmaster of the College

    Taegan – Dragon Rider Caste Master at the College

    Tecwyn – Cliona’s father, member of Wizard Council for King Kiernan

    Thyra – Emeritus Wizard Master

    Torgil – Commanding General, Bryton’s armies

    Vilma – Rune-marked wizard in Parneth

    Watcyn – Prince – youngest son of King Manus

    Yive – Rune-marked wizard in Markyl



    Alyx Sky-Cleaver – Dragon Council member

    Brendal Pendragon – King of the Dragons

    Dakyll – Taegan’s mind-bond partner

    Doryet – daughter of Nymech and Novax

    Kryn Night-Sky – Dragon Council member

    Nalgar – wyvern – soul-bonded to Novax

    Novax Dune-master – dragon in Dunwyn

    Nymech – Fiach’s mind-bond partner

    Pallas Peacemaker – Dragon Council member

    Pym – wyvern – soul-bonded to Alyx

    Sherilot – Bloodracer Dragon

    Syndreth – wyvern – soul-bonded to Melkim

    Tagrim – wyvern – soul-bonded to Kryn

    Varus – wyvern – soul-bonded to Nymech

    Zedeth Windborn – Dragon Council member

    Text Description automatically generated with medium confidence

    Chapter 1

    We found the dragon hunters a little more than half-a-day’s distance from the foothills of Dragnaholm.  I was surprised when the Norduin scouts returned and told us that there were wizards with the dragon hunters.

    Wizards? I said, my lips tight. 

    Yes, Sire, a scout replied.  He was a lean limber man dressed in camouflage leggings and tunic.  We counted perhaps four.

    How many dragon hunters? Niall asked.

    When I translated, the man shook his head.  It’s like a mob come to burn a witch.  There has to be at least a hundred or more hauling harpoons, catapults and baggage trains.

    A hundred? I exclaimed then turned to Fiskl.  Has anyone ever climbed the mountains to Dragnaholm?

    Not for hundreds of years.

    Is there a path or trail that they would follow? Niall asked.  I could see his frustration at the delay between their answers and his questions while I translated.

    Fiskl nodded.  There was a road once, a very long time ago.  Nature had claimed it since then.

    But someone could use it if they knew where they were going? Niall pressed.

    I suppose so, Fiskl reluctantly admitted.  But one would have to know it was there to begin with.  Like I said, it hasn’t been used for probably 500 years.  What was once a road is now overgrown with forest.

    Parts of the path were also blocked a long time ago, a woman scout added.  She too wore camouflage leggings and tunic. 

    We’re getting side-tracked, Niall muttered, folding his arms.  We need to focus on the here and now, and that means these dragon-hunters.  He pointedly looked at me and Fiskl.  The best solution is to set up an ambush and eliminate this mob once and for all.

    As if on que, the scouts, Fiskl and the other Norduin leaders swiveled their heads to nod agreement and stare at him, assuming he had a plan.

    Without a second thought, he took charge.  First, I need to get a look at the surrounding area... without being seen.

    Fiskl’s eyes brightened, and he hooked a finger at him.  Follow me.

    He led us away from the landing field and on through the town to a field where two very large warehouses made of stone and connected by a covered walkway stood.  Windows lined the upper stories of both buildings.  Entering the first building, I didn’t know what lay before me until we climbed a set of stairs and stood on a walkway that edged the walls of the entire building.  When I looked down, I saw a terrain model that filled the entire warehouse floor.  It looked vaguely familiar.

    What is this? I asked, studying the scaled down mountains, winding rivers and tiny cities, before pointing to a tiny cluster of buildings nestled against a mountain in the center.  That could be Cragrath right there.

    It is, Fiskl said with a smile.  He curved a hand at the terrain model.  This is what the world looks like.  He then pointed to a set of mountains in the opposite corner.  That’s Dragnaholm.

    And there’s Wyndych, I replied, pointing to another tiny set of buildings with a castle.  Marveling at the detail, I thought the College ought to have something like this.  Don’t know where they’d put it, but the accuracy and detail were amazing.

    Why? Taegan asked.

    Fiskl shrugged.  It’s something we’ve always done, keeping track of the world. 

    How?  She furrowed her brow at him.

    We have our ways, he grinned then turned to Niall.  Your concern is better addressed in the next building.

    We descended the stairs and circled the perimeter of the terrain map until we reached the doors to the connecting walkway.  The second warehouse was much like the first one, with an upper walkway around the edges.  However, instead of a terrain map of the world, this one was mostly mountains before leveling out to foothills and forests.

    Dragnaholm, Fiskl announced then pointed to his right.  That way is north.  Over there, he pointed to the forested area to his left, is where the dragon hunters are.

    Show me, Niall said as he headed to the stairs and down onto the terrain map.

    While Fiskl  and a few others followed, I was about to stay put and watch, figuring I knew nothing about setting up ambushes and would let the professionals take care of business, when Niall pointed a finger at me. 

    You come too.  I need you to translate, remember?

    We gingerly stepped onto the terrain map, following a road I assumed led from Tregadar.  Forests comprised of scale model oaks, maples and birches lay on both sides of the road.

    They’re coming straight up the road, here, the lead scout said, standing on the map about six feet away from the edge.

    Niall frowned.  They’re making no effort to hide themselves?

    Like I said, they’re a mob.

    Could you tell if anyone was in charge?

    He shook his head.  We didn’t stay long enough to get that close.

    Niall nodded.  I understand.  He studied the map a bit more before retracing his steps to the upper walkway in order to get a better look from above.  After several minutes, he pointed to a spot where the road narrowed as it headed into a ravine.  There.  We take them there.

    A suggestion, I said.


    Take out the wizards first.

    Niall thought just a moment then slowly shook his head.  While that is a good idea, I think it best to simply kill them all at once, not wasting time in trying to figure out who is who.

    I shrugged.  You know best.  I watched him turn to study the map a bit more, his words echoing in my brain – Kill them all.

    One question occurred to me as Fiskl and his fellow Norduins bustled about loading supplies and weapons onto dragons.

    Where are you staying? I asked Nymech.

    In one of the lairs.

    Lairs?  Where?

    See that road over there?  She ticked her head at a trail off to the left that curved around and disappeared behind a knoll.  Behind there is our resting place.  It goes deep into the mountains where it’s nice and warm.  Perhaps one day I can show you.

    I would like that.  I have another question.


    If dragons have everything they need here, why leave in the first place?

    Because we don’t have everything we need.  We need food, especially meat, remember?  The Norduins can’t produce enough to feed us and them.  Also, while dragons may dream of simply lying about on piles of treasure and eating to our heart’s content, we do need exercise.  Simply flying around the mountains isn’t enough.  And of course, we also wanted to keep Dragnaholm sacred and secure.  The best way to do that is to divert attention away from here, which is why this latest transgression into our kingdom will not go unchallenged.  That dragon hunters have been permitted and even encouraged to roam again means that the world has changed... again.  This time we will not allow anyone to harm us.

    How did they even know about Dragnaholm?  It’s not like it’s common knowledge.

    My guess is that someone saw dragons coming to these mountains and once word spread, that was all it took.  After what we did to Tregadar, Ballyn didn’t need any encouragement.  He probably got his scholars together and they told him about Dragnaholm.  To be honest, I’ve been expecting this.

    You have?

    As soon as that harpoon was launched during our attack on Tregadar, I knew dragon hunters had returned.

    I felt a strange quiver of anger pulse within me, like a feeling of a long-suppressed desire for revenge.  Yet within that anger was the emotion of justification, a sort of righteousness that protecting my kin was the most important thing in my life.  And I suddenly realized that my ‘kin’ included dragons.

    It was still daylight when we landed at the ambush site, just ahead of where the forest ended in a narrow ravine with high sloping rocky terrain dotted with evergreens and scrub brush on both sides.  Niall divided the ambush team into three groups, one on each side of the ravine and the third in the forest to bring up the rear when the dragon hunters passed.

    How long before they get here? I asked the Norduin scout.

    Not for a couple of hours, Sire.

    I looked at Niall.  We’re attacking in the dark?

    Depends when they get here, he answered, studying the terrain and positioning of his forces.  He peered intently at me.  You got any magic that might help us?

    I was thinking about that on the way here.  I have an idea.

    When I didn’t elaborate, he smirked.  Care to share?

    Uh... not yet.  I don’t want to give any false hopes, especially if I can’t do what I want.

    He stared at me a moment then shrugged.  You know what you’re doing.  That said, please keep your wyverns with the rear group.  They’re mission is to prevent anyone from escaping.

    I get the idea, I said with a half-smile. 

    Sorry, he sheepishly replied.  I forgot who I was talking to for a moment.  He ticked his head at the Norduins spreading out on both sides of the ravine.  Tell them no one fires until I give the signal.

    They know that already.  I watched the Norduins scramble up the slopes and find cover.  I was impressed for they left no trace of their presence and very quickly were hidden behind rocks and trees.  Taegan  followed Niall to a protective spot behind a thick clump of bushes and disappeared from view.  All too soon, the only ones left were the rear guard.  Guess you better go get into position.

    Though I was nominally in charge because of my rank, I spoke to the Norduin commander, a well-proportioned young woman all too comfortable with the coming battle.  Let’s be realistic.  I’ll have enough on my plate with the wyverns.  Besides, you look like you know what you’re doing, so you take charge of the rear detachment while I and my wyverns go where I think best.

    As you wish, Sire, she said with a respectful nod.  Circling a finger in the air, she pointed to the forest and the rest silently followed her, leaving me with Nymech, Varus, and the other wyverns.  The rest of the dragons, having unloaded troops and supplies, had already removed themselves a safe distance away up in the mountains.

    Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? Nymech asked.

    No, I’m not sure, I honestly replied, but I can’t chance the possibility of you getting hurt.

    In this instance, I agree whole-heartedly with him, Varus interjected.  You getting hurt is bad for both of us.

    Nymech turned to Varus.  I’m holding you responsible for his safety.

    Relax, young one.  You know nothing about me.  I am a dragon of my word. 

    Nymech looked like she was going to say something then changed her mind and shifted her head to gaze at me.  You know where I’ll be.  Just holler if you need me.

    I know.  I gave her a hug and a weird feeling of melancholy pulsed within.

    It will all be over soon enough, she reassured me.  Besides, you have a kingdom to get back to.

    Too quickly, I was the only one still standing in the middle of the road.  Deciding I needed to be where I could see the dragon hunters, I made my way up to where Niall and Taegan were.

    Got room for one more?

    Niall placed a finger to his slips and pointed to a spot next to him.

    It was not quite dusk when I heard the dragon hunters as the sturdy draft horses trudged their catapults and ballistae up the road.  Voices urging them forward along with the groans and complaints of tired men and women mingled with the creaking of the wheels of the war machines. 

    It’s getting’ dark, a voice called out.  We’d better find a place to settle for the night.

    Shut yer trap, another voice replied.  We’ll stop when I say so.

    I did my best to peer through the layered branches of the hedge to see who spoke.  Dragon hunters surrounded the wagons, trudging stoically forward.

    We’re all tired, another voice complained.  We been haulin’ this stuff for the past four days.  You sure we’re goin’ the right way?

    Be patient, friends, a voice soothed.  Soon you will have more dragons to feast on than you have ever seen.  But you are right.  We do need to set up camp before it gets too dark.

    Varus interrupted my thoughts as I concentrated on the spell I intended to use.

    I say we jump up and blast them right where they are, he impatiently suggested.

    How about we just stick to the plan? I countered.  Think of the confusion if there is no evidence of dragons as the reason for their failure.

    Think of the fear if they find them all burned to a crisp.

    While part of me liked the idea, the rational part said to let Niall and Fiskl take care of business.

    OK.  Fine.  I’ll be patient.

    Quit reading my thoughts.

    Can’t help it.  You’re always in my head.

    The rear elements, consisting of food and supply wagons, finally passed by.  My senses on edge, Niall touched my elbow and I nearly jumped out of the hiding spot.  He grabbed my arm and mouthed the word, ‘Now.’

    Nodding, I closed my eyes and concentrated, imagining all the dragon hunters suddenly going blind.  My efforts were partially rewarded when I heard the confusion.

    Why are you stopping? a voice demanded followed by overlapping cries of What’s going on?  I, I can’t see.  What’s happening to me?  Where is everyone?

    Before the wizards could discover the magic, Niall stood, bold and strong like a fabled hero and chopped his hand at the dragon hunters.  The Norduins rained down a barrage of arrows and crossbow bolts.  Their aim was remarkably true and even those not yet blinded by my magic crumbled under the attack.  I watched the Norduins continue shooting as they descended the sides of the ravine, picking off dragon hunters scrambling to hide amongst the wagons and war machines.

    Now, I commanded Varus and the others.

    Varus and the wyverns leaped into the sky and before I could remind them that they were supposed to look for stragglers, long trails of fire spewed forth as they raced up the road in single file, catching fleeing dragon hunters in their wake.  I watched burning bodies scream and stagger before crumbling in a heap of fire.

    So much for not having evidence of dragons being responsible... I grumbled.

    The road was filled with burning catapults, ballistae, wagons, and bodies.  Several dragon hunters had tried to flee back the way they came or into the forest, only to be cut down by the Norduins who gave no quarter.

    The pungent smells of burning flesh and smoking wood assaulted my senses and I rubbed my eyes as I worked my way farther up the side of the ravine to find some clear air.  Part of me felt a sense of loss, sorrow for those poor souls.  Yet the rational part said they had come to kill, to destroy those I held most dear.  They deserved what they got.

    Niall looked over his shoulder at me and climbed up to stand beside me as we watched a number of Norduins methodically work through the battlefield, dispatching those still clinging onto life.  Others dragged bodies towards the burning war machines and tossed them into the flames.

    That went well, he casually commented, looking up to the sky.  We’ll need to stay here the night and do a thorough check in the morning to make sure no one’s escaped.  He shifted a glance at me.  That was a nice trick, though I was surprised that not everyone was affected.

    I’m still new at this magic stuff, I said with a shrug.  Cliona would know why, which reminds me, I need to get going.

    You’re gonna leave now?  He cocked an eyebrow at me.

    I really don’t have a choice.  I’ve got a kingdom to run, and I’ve been gone too long.

    What about your father and Dunwyn?

    You’ll have Taegan with you, I said just as she climbed up.

    Have Taegan with him to do what? she said.

    Help father against Dunwyn.

    Where are you going?

    Back to Wyndych like we discussed.  As soon as I get back, I’ll send help.

    How many dragons are going with us? she asked.

    As many as you need.  I’m taking the wyverns and Nymech and some others with me.

    You’re leaving now? she frowned.

    I huffed in frustration having to repeat myself.  Yes.  I gotta get back.  You two will do fine.  I’ll be in touch.

    The smoke of the burning bodies piled on top of the hunting machines wafted up, causing me to cough.  I was ready to leave, my first taste of battle leaving a sour taste in my mouth.

    Nymech?  You ready?

    On my way.  We going home?


    Good.  You need to get back.

    You know something that I don’t?

    Just that you’ve been away for too long, especially as you just took over as king.

    Good point.


    I puzzled at the other voice for it did not sound like Varus. 

    It is I, Brendal.

    Yes, my friend?

    I think it unnecessary for you to send Niall and Taegan and the dragons down to help your father against Dunwyn.


    First, your father has dragons already to assist him where Kiernan has none.  Second, Kiernan still has to guard the border with Bryton.  He has to know by now that you are king and will support your father.

    What do you recommend?

    Take what dragons you want with you to Wyndych and let the rest of us return to Dragnaholm.  We need to establish precautions and defenses against further dragon hunters.

    You are right, of course, I said.  I relayed Brendal’s concerns to Niall who immediately understood.

    Then you need to stick around until tomorrow so we can all go together, he said.  There’s protection in numbers.

    Nymech descended a little distance from the still burning piles of dragon hunter bodies and weapons.  I heard what Brendal said, and he’s right, of course.  She waited until I scooted down the side of the ravine and stood in front of her before tersely saying, How many dragons am I going to have to share you with?

    You and I are mind-bonded, I replied.

    You and Brendal are spirit-bonded, she sourly pointed out.

    It wasn’t my idea, I protested.

    It doesn’t matter, she sighed.  You are one of us now.

    Welcome, to the club, Varus said with a soft chuckle.

    After posting sentries and fire-watchers, we settled down for the night, scattered here and there along the road.  Varus and the other wyverns conducted an overwatch, spreading out miles from our encampment.  For some reason, I felt safe knowing he and the others were keeping watch.

    You’re welcome.

    Stop it, I half-heartedly groused.  Let me sleep.

    Just a reminder that I am a dragon of my word.

    I never doubted it.

    Varus paused before saying, You’re the first one to ever say that.  No one else.  We will answer to no one else but you.

    I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    Good.  You have a world to set right, and we can help.

    I snorted a laugh.  How about we start with my kingdom?  I’m a king of a kingdom I know very little about.

    Then you’d better start learning fast, because no one is going to give you the benefit of time.

    How about letting him sleep? Nymech fussed.

    Fine.  I just wanted him to know where we stand.

    He knows.  We all do.  Let him sleep.

    Yes Ma’am.

    I smirked and did my best to get comfortable, wondering why anyone would voluntarily join the military or any other organization where sleeping outside on the hard ground was part of the job.  I had no problem admitting I liked my creature comforts.  However, my immediate problem was trying to sleep when my brain wouldn’t shut off.  I imagined Niall was already fast asleep, as was Taegan, and probably everyone else not on guard.  I rolled over again and tugged the blanket up over my shoulder.

    I suppose I must have dozed, because daylight was upon us, and folks were moving around.  I smelled breakfast and sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

    Good afternoon, Niall grinned walking up.  Sleep well?

    I gazed up at him, wanting to think of something clever to say, especially at his chipper attitude.  He looked well rested and ready to take on another day.  What time is it?

    Time to get up and get some breakfast, he brightly said.  These Norduins know how to cook in the field.  There’s biscuits with the eggs and steak.  I know you like sleeping in and ringing down to the kitchen to prepare something special for you, but it ain’t like that here.  When the food’s gone, breakfast is over, and these folks know how to eat.

    I looked past him to see Taegan heading towards us, carrying two plates.  Niall turned to see what I was looking at, shook his head and rolled his eyes  You’re spoiling him, he teased.

    Didn’t want him to think we didn’t care, she said, handing me a plate.

    I’d do the same for you, I gamely offered, my mouth salivating.

    Uh, she said, cocking an eyebrow in doubt.  You’d actually have to be awake for that to happen.  She turned to Niall.  When we leaving?

    He hooked a thumb at me.  As soon as his royalness finishes breakfast.

    What about searching for any who might have escaped? I asked, slicing a piece of steak.

    Already did that.  While some of us were sleeping, he said, coughing twice for emphasis, the rest of us were out searching for possible escapees.

    Find anything?

    He shook his head.  Nothing.  Not even a bent branch or twig.  I’d say we got them all in one fell swoop.  Hopefully it will be enough to dissuade others from foolishly coming here.

    Don’t count on it, I said, finishing up the last bit of eggs.  I think Ballyn may have uncorked a demon’s bottle.  We can’t let any of that spill over into the other kingdoms.

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