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War's Ending
War's Ending
War's Ending
Ebook425 pages6 hours

War's Ending

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Could she fall in love with a man without ever seeing his face?

    Daughter of a sea-faring nation, Shalyrie voyages to explore a new land where wild horsemen ride in the rugged hills, refusing to show their faces to outsiders. Injured in a sudden raid, she falls straight into the middle of

Release dateMay 5, 2024
War's Ending

AJ Park

AJ Park is the multiple award-winning author of War's Ending, The Ring Keeper and Forgotten Rebellion. In addition to her work as a novelist, she works for Connection Media Co, a marketing company that helps small local businesses grow. She has created magazine articles on a wide variety of subjects that have been enjoyed by countless readers. She loves getting to know new people and serving her community. A committed outdoor enthusiast, AJ enjoys the mountains of Northern Utah as often as possible. She loves hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, backpacking and spending time with her amazing husband, family and friends.

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    Book preview

    War's Ending - AJ Park

    Chapter One


    Lady Shalyrie Almorin

    Afresh sea-breeze filled the sails, pushing the ship steadily toward the harbor. Shalyrie saw the tops of jagged, white mountain peaks before any other part of the new land came into view. Far away in the high places, the morning sun glinted on the snow. She’d never seen snow before. Standing in the prow, she gripped the rail, gazing toward the shore as the ship cut swiftly through the waves.

    Can you see anything yet? Lorelei, her lady-in-waiting, came up behind her. Aren’t you freezing out here? She wrapped a long blue cloak around Shalyrie’s shoulders.

    Thank you. The cool air chilled her skin, but Shalyrie hadn’t wanted to miss her first view of Newport. For years, she had begged her uncle, King Telthan Almorin, to allow her to join him on one of his voyages, citing the fact that her older brother Olthorin had been to sea many times. Finally, he’d relented and agreed. Shalyrie had enjoyed every moment, the boom of the sails when the wind caught them, the vital rhythm of the waves, and the prow heading toward new places.

    Newport was the most recent colony established by the island nation of Almoria, and this would be the king’s first visit here. Several ships were anchored in the harbor, but it was the city with its cluster of buildings climbing up the hill toward the outline of an imposing fortress, that held her attention.

    Are you ready? Lorelei asked, looking over Shalyrie’s gown of pale yellow silk with a critical eye. You’re windblown. Let me tidy your hair before we arrive, she suggested, tucking in a stray strand of Shalyrie’s blond hair.

    In a moment, Shalyrie agreed, not wanting to tear her eyes away from the view.

    I’ll go and make sure everything from your cabin is packed, Lorelei said.

    Thank you. Shalyrie turned to smile at her, before her eyes flew back to the distant mountains, forbidding towers of bare rock with patches of pure white snow. The sight reminded her of white caps atop the ocean waves.

    Ready for your first look at Newport, Ree? her brother, Olthorin, asked, coming to stand next to her. He wore a long coat with shiny buttons, and high, polished boots. They shared the same coloring, pale hair and blue-green eyes, but so did most Almorians. Olthorin had just finished growing a short beard, now neatly trimmed. It made him look older, enhancing his resemblance to their uncle.

    She smiled at the childhood nickname. I’m looking forward to it, almost as much as you are. They both loved seeing new places. So far, it’s beautiful.

    He nodded, looking toward the city. I want to see more. Out of all seven colonies, this one is the most profitable, and it’s grown the fastest.

    She looked up to meet his eyes. Did Camaria mind very much that the king asked you to come with him? She must miss you, especially now with the baby.

    I miss her too, he admitted. But she knows how much he needs me, with Tel so sick, he hasn’t been able to help. Olthorin’s jaw tightened.

    Shalyrie put her arm through his and gripped it. They both loved their cousin. It broke her heart to see his illness progress, leaving him unable to function.

    We’ve all had to accept that Tel might never be able to inherit the crown, Olthorin said. I have to do what I can.

    He’ll get better, she insisted. We have to keep hoping. Maybe that’s one reason the king keeps exploring. Somewhere in one of these new lands there must be a cure. We just have to find it.

    Olthorin squeezed her hand. Maybe this will be the place. I will search. Uncle Telthan asked me to stay when he continues his journey. He wants to know more about this colony and the opportunities here.

    They were near enough now to see the docks packed with people. Several of them waved blue and white Almorian flags. Traveling with the king brought excitement wherever they went.

    Just as the ship pulled gracefully up to the dock, King Telthan Almorin appeared on deck. He wore a formal coat reminiscent of the soldiers’ uniforms but with more medals and decorations. Shalyrie had always thought him a distinguished-looking man, tall and energetic. His hair and beard had begun to gray, but his blue eyes were as bright as ever. They twinkled when he smiled. He had been a father to them since their own had been lost at sea when she was a child.

    Surrounded by his guards, the king walked up to the rail. Shalyrie and Olthorin followed him. The people quieted when the ship’s captain announced in a loud voice, King Telthan Almorin!

    The crowd cheered enthusiastically as the king descended to the dock. A tall young man dressed in a fine coat stepped forward to greet him. He bowed. Welcome to Newport, Your Majesty.

    King Telthan smiled in greeting. Can this be young Galenor, the son of my old friend? The king embraced him warmly. It’s been years, and look at you, governor already. You’ve done well. Your father would have been proud.

    Galenor nodded. Thank you, Your Majesty. You’re very kind. We’re so pleased that you’ve come, and very excited to share everything we’ve accomplished here.

    Shalyrie searched her memory. She must have seen Galenor before, back on the island, but the young man talking to the king didn’t look familiar. He was nearly as tall as the king, with broad shoulders, an athletic frame, and eyes the deep blue of the ocean.

    This is my nephew, Lord Olthorin, and my niece, Lady Shalyrie, the king said.

    Galenor shook Olthorin’s hand warmly, before turning to her. His vivid eyes caught hers, and he smiled as he brought her hand to his lips. Welcome, Lady Shalyrie.

    Thank you, Governor. She nodded graciously. His eyes held hers for a moment longer, and she found herself returning his smile before he released her hand and stepped back.

    The surrounding crowd moved back to allow them through. Olthorin offered her his arm as they followed Galenor and the king away from the dock and into the wide city streets. From the press of people, it looked like every person in the colony had turned out for the king’s arrival.

    The city was bigger than it looked, much larger than she’d expected from a colony only five years old. Many of the buildings were stone, well crafted, lending a sense of permanence to the place. They traveled along the central roadway, climbing a slow, steady incline, not too steep, winding from the harbor, around the hill and ending at the open gates of the fortress.

    Inside waited more soldiers, standing in the courtyard in neat rows, each looking the same in their dark blue uniforms. One at the end of the row caught her eye and winked. Shalyrie refused to allow the gesture to disturb the calm expression on her face. This place would certainly not be boring.

    …done so much in such a short time here, Governor Galenor, the king was saying.

    We’ve worked very hard, Galenor agreed. And we’re so pleased to have you recognize our achievements. Now, if you’ll follow me, I’ll show you around the fortress.

    They followed Galenor across the wide central courtyard and into the main hall. They went through many more rooms and up the stairs to the top of the walls, high above the harbor.

    The view is amazing, Governor, Shalyrie exclaimed, looking out over the ocean.

    Galenor smiled. I’ve always thought so. That was one reason I chose to make this place my home.

    I can see why. She turned to look the other way, at the mountain peaks.

    Well, I think we’ve walked far enough for now, Galenor said. I’ll show you to your rooms and send someone to inform you when lunch is served. He bowed to the king and turned to face Shalyrie. May I escort you to your room, Lady Shalyrie?

    You’re very kind, she said, taking his arm. They followed the others back down into the fortress.

    Your father was the king’s friend for many years, Shalyrie said, nodding toward her uncle, who walked down the hall ahead of them.


    Then maybe you and I have met before?

    I remember meeting you years ago, before we came here, he said. But it’s been a very long time. So much has changed since then.

    No matter how she tried, she couldn’t recall him. A very long time, she agreed, smiling.

    I’m glad you came with the king. He turned, his gaze capturing hers. I hoped you would.

    Shalyrie flushed. As a member of the royal family, she was used to this sort of attention, but never quite this blatant. It’s already been an amazing voyage, she said, hoping to take the focus off of her and back to the journey. Traveling with my uncle has been a great opportunity. I love visiting interesting places.

    So, you’ve already been to the other colonies? he asked, glancing in the direction of the harbor.

    Some. I want to see them all, she admitted.

    I’m sure you won’t find any of them more beautiful than Newport.

    She laughed lightly. Every one of the colonists has told us how their colony is the best, the most unique and valuable, and has the most potential for growth and profit.

    He smiled over at her, his blue eyes meeting hers. Well, the others were only boasting, of course. Newport is the most valuable and by far has the most potential.

    Of course. She returned his smile.

    You’ll see, he said, sounding more serious. We’ve barely begun to grow here. Give us a few more years and we’ll rival Almoria itself.

    You do have big plans.

    Yes, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

    She couldn’t help but notice the air of confidence that surrounded him. He had already accomplished great things, and he would undoubtedly accomplish many more. The king was obviously impressed.

    They stopped in a hall, and Galenor gestured to the doors. Here are your rooms. The rest of your luggage will be brought up shortly. Lady Shalyrie, here. King Telthan, in the middle, and Lord Olthorin, on the end. There are more rooms across the hall for your staff. Take a moment to freshen up. After lunch, I will show you around. With your permission, Your Majesty, we will hold a celebration tomorrow night in honor of your arrival.

    You’re very kind, Governor, King Telthan said. We appreciate your welcome.

    I hope you’ll enjoy the party, Galenor said, turning to Shalyrie. I want you to have a wonderful time while you’re here. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it. His eyes lingered on hers for a moment longer, and then he was gone.

    Her luggage had already arrived, and Lorelei was waiting for her when she entered the room. A beautiful girl with dark eyes and long black hair worked to hang gowns in the wardrobe. When she saw Shalyrie, she stopped abruptly and curtsied respectfully.

    There was obvious fear in the girl’s eyes. No one had ever looked at Shalyrie like that before. She was used to being treated with respect, certainly, but she’d never given anyone cause to fear her. Thank you for helping me. Will you tell me your name?

    Karrah, my lady, the girl replied. She had an accent that Shalyrie had never heard before. They sent me to serve you. I will do whatever you command. She bowed her head again.

    Thank you, Karrah, Shalyrie said. Hoping to ease the girl’s worries, she added, I appreciate your service. I’ve never been here before and would love to hear anything you might tell us about Newport.

    At that suggestion, Karrah looked even more frightened. I don’t know anything to tell you, she answered hastily.

    That’s all right, Shalyrie said, startled that the request had bothered her. For now, we’ll concentrate on unpacking.

    With obvious relief, Karrah turned back to hanging the gowns.

    Shalyrie and Lorelei exchanged a silent glance before Lorelei motioned to the pile of baggage. Everything is here, she announced. Where would you like your things?

    Shalyrie surveyed the large, welcoming room. Two big beds sat along one wall, with a sitting area opposite them, and another room attached where a bath was set up. Would you put my small trunk next to the bed? she asked. Everything else can be unpacked.

    Of course. Lorelei set the small trunk down, then directed Karrah where everything else should be placed.

    When they had finished, Karrah turned back to Shalyrie. Is there anything else I may do for you, my lady?

    No, thank you, Shalyrie said in a gentle tone, once again trying to make sure the girl knew she had nothing to fear from her.

    If you need me, ask one of the guards to send for me. Karrah curtsied again.

    I will. Thank you, Shalyrie promised, and Karrah disappeared.

    As soon as they were alone, Lorelei ran to Shalyrie and collapsed into a chair beside her. Did you ever see a more gorgeous man?


    "Of course, Galenor. Who else would I be talking about? Those eyes! When he looks at you, it makes you feel like you’re melting. And he wasn’t even looking at me. How did it feel to you?"

    Shalyrie didn’t want to confess that it had felt exactly like that. But she always told Lorelei everything. She smiled ruefully. All right. He does make me feel like I’m melting.

    They laughed together.

    So, you like him? Lorelei pressed.

    I just met him, Shalyrie protested. Lorelei looked at her sternly.

    Yes, I like him, she admitted. But we came to tour the colony with the king, to support him and help him, not to… she paused. Well, not to get involved with the governor.

    But his father was an old friend of the king. Surely King Telthan wouldn’t object if you were friends with Galenor?

    Friends? No, of course, he wouldn’t object. But Galenor doesn’t look like he’s thinking about friendship.

    I agree. So, what are you going to do about it?

    That question occupied Shalyrie’s thoughts for much of the rest of the night.

    Chapter Two


    Lady Shalyrie Almorin

    The next evening, Shalyrie wore a gown of aquamarine trimmed with silver. The color matched her eyes, blue in some lights and green in others. Lorelei had arranged Shalyrie’s hair, half pulled up with long curls framing her face and half hanging in golden waves down her back. She wore her mother’s favorite jewelry, sapphires set in silver. Long ago, it had been a gift from the king’s brother to his new bride. You look amazing, Lorelei said, squeezing her hand. He’s going to fall over when he sees you.

    You look wonderful too, Shalyrie replied, brushing the skirt of Lorelei’s pale green dress. Lorelei’s crisp curls framed her wide cheekbones and slender chin. Don’t forget, there will be a whole room full of young soldiers in there who are very, very lonely.

    Lorelei smiled, blushing slightly. I haven’t forgotten.

    King Telthan and Olthorin joined Shalyrie outside the doors to the hall, where they were waiting to be announced. The king smiled fondly at Shalyrie. You are beautiful, my dear. He gave her a swift hug and kissed her cheek. I hope you’ve left the first dance open for me?

    Of course, Uncle, she said. The first dance is always yours.

    He offered his arm and then nodded to the man waiting at the doors. The doors opened wide, and a fanfare announced the coming of the king. They entered the room and walked down the open aisle in the middle. People packed the hall: officers and their wives, merchants and business people of various sorts, but mostly soldiers in their blue uniforms. Even Shalyrie, very used to being in the public eye, had never had so many people looking at her at once.

    They paced down the length of the hall to where Governor Galenor waited to greet them. We are so pleased to have you in Newport, King Telthan Almorin of Almoria. And welcome, Lord Olthorin and Lady Shalyrie. All of Newport greets you! Everyone cheered, and they turned to face the crowd.

    We thank you for your warm welcome, King Telthan said. And thank you for all the work you have done to build this colony.

    They all cheered again.

    We are honored to have each of you here tonight, the king said to the crowd. Eat, drink, dance! I have asked Lady Shalyrie to reserve the first dance for me.

    The music started up, and Shalyrie began her dance with the king. It looks like this will be quite a night, he said in her ear. This crowd makes me wonder if I should have assigned a dozen guards to you.

    She smiled. It’s not that bad, is it?

    This is still a new colony, the king said. There aren’t many families here yet, but there are a great many young men. They’re already serving away from home, and now they are so dazzled by your beauty that every last one of them will be in love with you before the night is over.

    She laughed. They wouldn’t feel that way if they had more choices.

    He raised his eyebrows. Wouldn’t they?

    You are prejudiced in my favor, Uncle, she protested.

    Of course I am, he said. And I plan to stay that way. You go and have a good time tonight, enjoy the attention, and I’ll get rid of any that linger too persistently at the end of the evening.

    As you command, my king. She curtsied, smiling.

    He was right. As the first song ended, she found a throng of men wishing to ask her to dance. She moved graciously from partner to partner, thanking each of them for their interest. A man came forward and several of the others blended back into the crowd when they saw him. He had darker hair than was usual for an Almorian. He bowed and offered her his hand. Will you consent to dance with me?

    I would be honored, she replied out of habit. The music began again.

    I am Calreth, Captain of the Guard, he introduced himself. I report directly to Governor Galenor.

    It’s very nice to meet you, she said politely. You must be deeply involved in all the work here.

    Yes. He nodded.

    Have you worked with Galenor long?

    For several years now, since before Newport was colonized.

    Are you originally from Almoria? The closer she looked at him, the more she thought that his features didn’t look Almorian.

    No. He shook his head. I’ve traveled to many lands and settled here when Galenor founded Newport. What do you think of our colony so far?

    His gaze felt appraising. What exactly was he trying to decide? I’m very impressed with your work here so far, she said. I know there is still much to see.

    Calreth smiled. Yes, very much more. Galenor and I agree that this land is a place of opportunity. We’ve built it into the strong colony it is today. And we will do much more. Surely, the king will see the advantage of helping us grow.

    I’m sure he does, Shalyrie agreed. He’s already done much to support you.

    Yes, but we’ve made sure he’s gained greatly from our efforts as well. But enough about business. You’re here to enjoy yourself. We can talk about that another time. Now, there are many people waiting to meet you. Calreth smiled and bowed to her as the music ended.

    She turned to see another young man standing behind her, waiting. He was tall and attractive. As she met his eyes, he bowed. Lady Shalyrie Almorin, will you dance with me?

    I would be honored.

    He smiled as she took his hand and they began to dance. We’ve met before, he said. Back in Almoria. When I heard you were coming, I couldn’t believe it. Now, you’re really here.

    She looked at his face. Was he the one who had winked at her earlier? She couldn’t be sure. Remind me your name?

    Finn, my lady. I’ve been to King Telthan’s court many times with my father. You danced with me once before. It is a memory I treasure.

    She looked up at him. Maybe his features appeared vaguely familiar, but she really didn’t remember him. How nice to see you again, Finn. How do you like it here in Newport?

    I haven’t been here very long, he said, but it’s a good place. What do you think so far?

    The warmth of his hand pressed into her back. He held her a little more closely than usual for polite dancing. When she looked up at him again, she saw the same warmth in his eyes. You look beautiful. His gaze focused on her.

    Thank you, she replied, a little taken aback. Was he serious? What would the king do if he thought Finn’s actions inappropriate? Maybe he would need to be removed at the end of the evening by the king’s guards, as they had joked about.

    Everyone wants you to like it here, Finn said.

    She nodded. They’ve all been very kind.

    "Good. And if there’s anything you need, you have only to ask."

    Thank you, Finn.

    As the music ended, he pulled her closer still. This time, I want you to remember dancing with me, he murmured in her ear. He released her and vanished into the crowd.

    Her cheeks warmed. Who did he think he was? Shalyrie was the king’s niece. Finn had no right to—

    Taking a deep breath, she adopted her poised expression. Whatever else happened, he would get his wish. She would remember.

    During a lull in the dancing, Shalyrie found Lorelei at a table full of food and drink. Are you having a good time? Shalyrie asked.

    Very! I’ve been asked to dance so many times that I haven’t had time to—

    Excuse me, a voice interrupted. They both turned to see an extremely handsome soldier. I wondered if you would do me the honor of a dance?

    He was looking at Lorelei, clearly. But sweet, thoughtful Lorelei looked at him and then at Shalyrie, to make sure. Shalyrie smiled encouragingly and took a small step back. Enjoy yourself.

    The soldier offered his hand to Lorelei, and they began to dance. Shalyrie turned to see Galenor. There was something about him. Others looked to him, respected him, and followed him. He had a presence about him.

    He caught her eye. Moving nearer, he bowed gracefully, offering his hand. If you are not too weary, Lady Shalyrie, will you dance with me?

    Yes. She took his hand. It was difficult to feel cool and controlled when he looked at her like that. The touch of his hand on her back made her feel warm in a different way than Finn had.

    Will you tell me about yourself? he asked.

    What would you like to know?

    I want to know all about you. It would be a privilege to know you better. He gave her that slow smile. I know already that the king is like a father to you. And that you love him and support him, and do everything you can to help him.

    That’s right. She nodded thoughtfully. He’s been my father since my own was lost.

    And you love sailing with him.

    Yes. She recalled the way the salty sea air had felt blowing through her hair and smiled.

    I see the way you look away into the distance, he said. You keep your eye on the horizon. You want to know what’s out there.

    She nodded in agreement. It’s true. I do want to know.

    Since you enjoy exploration, I want to be the one to show you this place, he said. We have everything we need. The future is wide open here.

    And you are ambitious, she said.

    Of course. He grinned and his eyes danced with life. Why shouldn’t I be? Spend a few days here and you’ll see it too.

    I look forward to it.

    They shared a few more dances before the evening ended and Galenor walked her back to her room.

    Lorelei had arrived ahead of her, and as soon as Shalyrie shut the door, they kicked off their shoes and took off their jewelry. Lorelei stretched back onto the bed with a deep sigh. What a night! She closed her eyes.

    Shalyrie laughed. It was, wasn’t it?

    Did you ever see so many nice-looking, available, friendly men? Lorelei asked in a dreamy voice.

    Shalyrie lay back beside her, laughing. I’m glad you had fun, she said. Was there someone in particular who you enjoyed meeting?

    The one who came while we were at the refreshment table, Lorelei said.

    Oh, yes. Shalyrie recalled the young man who seemed to only have eyes for her friend. He was charming.

    How about you? Lorelei turned to look at Shalyrie. Did you find any of them… charming?

    She thought of Galenor and the way he had exuded such charisma. He definitely was charming. But then she remembered Finn. "Some of them were too charming," she said, rolling her eyes.


    The next morning, Galenor invited her to take a walk with him through Newport. The morning air felt fresh as they left the building, and the sun shone brightly while they walked. Building was in progress in several places throughout the city. They stopped to watch for a while. A tall man, with dark hair beginning to gray, expertly smoothed and shaped the stone. His hands moved skillfully. He looked up when he saw them watching him. No expression crossed his face, only a flicker of resentment in his eyes. Something in his features reminded her of Karrah. She couldn’t help but wonder where the hostility came from. Everywhere she looked, she saw progress. The people seemed to love Galenor. She looked back at the man—well, most of the people.

    You do excellent work, Shalyrie observed. He nodded in acknowledgement, but said nothing.

    There’s much more to see, Galenor said, taking her arm and leading her away. This way.

    They made their way through the town and back into the fortress. In the large courtyard, many people engaged in various tasks. Soldiers drilled in one corner. Groups of men worked on building projects. One group worked on the wall just inside the gate. Shalyrie and Galenor strolled around the courtyard, watching them work.

    Suddenly, they heard cries and shouts as a man bolted past them toward the open gate and the empty road leading into the hills. Several guards moved to bar his way. The man was unarmed, dressed in ragged clothes, and dark-haired. As the guards tried to stop him, he fought. Three of them he knocked down with his hands before he wrestled a weapon from one of them. The man obviously knew how to fight, but he was alone, and many more soldiers came to reinforce the first group.

    As the fight went on, Shalyrie saw blood in several places on the man’s skin. The soldiers tackled him and tore the weapon from his hand. They held him down as he struggled and yelled in a language she couldn’t understand. Galenor stepped in front of her, as if to protect her from the scene, but she could still hear the cries.

    Who is he? she asked.

    The man is a lunatic. Galenor shook his head sadly. I’m sorry you had to see that, and we will keep you safe, of course. Don’t be afraid.

    She had not been worried about her personal safety. I’m fine, she said firmly. What about him?

    Galenor drew in a deep breath. We’ll have to do something with him. He’s becoming more dangerous all the time.

    Shalyrie’s eyes widened. He’s attacked you before?

    Not like this, but he’s tried several times. He’s crazy. I don’t know what we’ll do with him now.

    The soldiers carried the man away, still struggling and yelling.

    Shalyrie turned to Galenor and put her hand on his arm. Please. What will they do with him?

    Galenor rubbed his forehead. We’ll have to lock him up for a time. It’s not safe to leave him free.

    They won’t hurt him? If he’s not in his right mind, then it’s not his fault. The thought of a man being punished when he didn’t even know what he was doing seemed unfair. I must know what is to become of him.

    Galenor sighed, and shook his head, but he led her to follow the man through a doorway and down the stairs to a part of the fortress Shalyrie had not been in before. They turned down a long hall. Rows of empty cells with heavy iron bars lined the sides. The soldiers threw the man inside and quickly locked him in.

    The prisoner jumped back to his feet and leaped for the door just as the guard with the keys secured the lock and stepped out of reach.

    Is everyone all right? Captain Calreth asked. Lady Shalyrie, you shouldn’t be down here. He looked at Galenor.

    She’s worried about our friend here, Galenor explained. Since he’s out of his mind, she was concerned that he be taken care of until he recovers. We felt we should do all we could to help him.

    What could we possibly do to help him? Calreth protested. He’s like a cornered animal. He’ll attack anyone who comes near him.

    But he’s hurt, Shalyrie pointed out. Surely, we could bring him water and bandages, even if no one can help him?

    Maybe, Calreth said dubiously. He nodded at one of the soldiers, who bowed in response and disappeared down the corridor.

    He quickly returned and set the supplies just inside the bars. He’s crazy, Calreth said. He won’t know what to do to help himself.

    You’ll bring him food, of course? she asked.

    Of course, my lady. I will have it done at once, if it pleases you.

    Yes, thank you, Captain.

    The captain nodded at another of his men, who left and returned with a plate and cup, which he slid beneath the bars.

    There, Galenor said. He’ll be as comfortable as he can be. Your charity becomes you. He placed a hand on her shoulder—in comfort or to encourage her to leave, she wasn’t sure.

    Please, promise me you’ll take care of him? That you’ll make sure he isn’t harmed? Shalyrie felt involved now. She wanted to be sure the poor man received decent treatment.

    Galenor’s eyes met hers. I would promise you anything, he murmured. He will not be harmed. Now, if you will join me, your brother is waiting for us in my dining room.

    Chapter Three


    Lady Shalyrie Almorin

    Shalyrie couldn't get the days events out of her mind. Where did that man come from? she asked Galenor when they finished their dessert. He didn’t look like an Almorian, and he obviously speaks another language.

    Galenor smiled and patted her hand. You have a kind heart, and your concern for others is admirable. He turned to explain to Olthorin. There was an unfortunate incident this afternoon with one of our workers. His mind has been failing for some time, but today his reason left him and he attacked some of my men. We had to lock him up.

    Was Shalyrie in danger? Olthorin asked.

    No, Galenor assured him quickly.

    Was anyone else hurt?

    Nothing serious. Galenor shook his head.

    You were about to tell me who he was, Shalyrie reminded him.

    He is one of the horsemen. When we came here, we discovered that a few of them lived far out in the hills. They ride on the backs of horses.

    What is a horse? Shalyrie asked.

    A large powerful animal, swift as a deer, but much bigger and stronger. The men have somehow learned to ride on their backs. I don’t know how they do it. We’ve captured a few horses from time to time, but they are wild and dangerous.

    And their people ride them? Olthorin asked curiously.

    We’ve seen them do it, Galenor said.

    The thought intrigued Shalyrie. What did horses look like? And if they were wild and dangerous, how did the horsemen tame them? They must have some way to gentle the animals. Can you ask them how?

    Galenor shook his head. "I’m not sure anyone has ever asked the few remaining in the city. And

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