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Sweeping the City
Sweeping the City
Sweeping the City
Ebook129 pages1 hour

Sweeping the City

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Walking the streets of the city of Odessina, Viktor Ivanov, a dangerous criminal with an extensive criminal record, camouflages himself under the guise of a humble street sweeper. Discreetly, he goes unnoticed in the crowd, while he meticulously observes the surroundings. His eyes do not miss any details, and his mind forges the details of his next heist: the bank robbery of the Krasnaya Estrella shopping center.

Release dateMay 13, 2024
Sweeping the City

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    Sweeping the City - German Adolfo Ramirez

    Bank robbery

    In the dead of night, acriminal gang transits the streets of the city of Odessina, they move like urban predators,Viktor Ivanov, the ringleader,He drives a dark car, accompanied by his henchmen.They've been planning this audacious coup for weeks, and tonight, they'll finally execute it.They stealthily advance towards the largest bank in the city, located in the shopping center.Krasnaya Star.

    The silence inside the vehicle is only broken by the hum of the engine and the clink of tools in the bags.

    As they advance towards their objective Viktor tells them:

    —Tonight we cannot allow mistakes.

    —Natasha, you are essential to the success of our operation. Once we reach the shopping center, you must go to the main door and distract the guards guarding it, neutralizing them without raising suspicion or making noise that could alert the other guards.

    -I will do that. It will be quick, clean and quiet, I've done it before.

    —Dimitri, you must deactivate the alarm at the bank's main entrance and the security cameras. The sooner we are inside the better.

    I'm ready, Dimitri responded, I've created a group of keys that I'm sure will help me break the system.

    —Svetlana, Alexei, you must open the vault. Every second counts, so make sure you're ready to act. It must be quick, they will take everything they can and leave in 3 minutes, they cannot exceed that time.

    There will be no system or lock that can resist us, Alexei responded holding his tools.

    —The rest of us will be at the doors and hallways watching. Remember, we must do it in less than 5 minutes.

    —Are you all ready? Come on. Tonight we will become legends.

    Upon arrival, Viktor stops the vehicle away from the bank, so as not to be detected by the guards.

    Natasha prepares to do her part in the operation, making sure she has her most effective weapon, the paralyzing gas, on hand. With a determined expression on her face, she concentrates on her goals as she checks once again that everything is in her place. Determination shines in her eyes as she gets out of the car, ready to put the plan into action.

    With slow steps and seductive movements, the slender woman advances towards the entrance of the Shopping Center, where the security guards are her targets, at that moment they are distracted talking. His presence does not go unnoticed; He exchanges smiles with the guards and, with skillful flirting, manages to get close enough, with a big smile, he speaks and dances before them with movements that hypnotize and distract, taking advantage of the surprise and confusion of the guards, with a quick and precise movement, releases the paralyzing gas, which disperses into the air.

    The guards look surprised and confused, unable to react to the sudden attack. They begin to stagger, weakened by the effects of the gas. Natasha acts quickly, disarming them with accurate movements to avoid any counterattack. The scene unfolds with surgical precision, and within seconds, the guards are left helpless, unable to stop the advance of the criminal team.

    With quick gestures, Natasha signals to her accomplices that she has fulfilled her part of the plan. Seeing her, Viktor and Alexei run towards the fallen guards, who lie helpless on the ground. With agile movements, they tie and gag them, drag them across the floor and take them to a small cleaning room that Viktor knew, to prevent them from making noise and alerting others.

    Inside the car, the only sound that breaks the silence is that of Dimitri's fingers, frantically tapping the buttons on his battered laptop. Every time you enter a code, the security system relentlessly rejects it. The previous loss of some of the information on his laptop leaves him with an overwhelming feeling of frustration and despair.

    From the entrance of the bank, Viktor waits strategically, carefully observing every detail of the environment. With subtle gestures, he signals to Dimitri, indicating that they are waiting for his signal to proceed. His gaze conveys determination as he remains in position, ready to move forward as soon as he receives the proper indication.

    The pressure on Dimitri increases with each passing second, feeling the uncertainty begin to overwhelm him.

    Your mind works, desperately searching for a solution to the problem you face. In an instant of clarity, a flash of inspiration flashes through her mind like a bolt of lightning, illuminating the darkness of her confusion. She remembers having digital access to the systems of a security company associated with the bank in the past.

    Those procedures use similar codes in their security systems, a crucial piece of information that could now become your salvation. With determination and a hint of hope, his fingers fly over the keyboard of his device, entering the codes he has saved in the internal memory of his device. A sigh of relief escapes when the screen shows a green light, indicating that the codes have been accepted. Quickly, she disables the mall's cameras and other security systems protecting the bank.

    With a quick movement, Dimitri gets out of the car and runs towards them, signaling with his hands, indicating that the way is clear. Seeing the sign, they push the door and enter the bank to carry out their criminal plan.

    In the darkness of the shopping center, and flashlights in hand. Viktor, Natasha and Dimitri deploy strategically, each focused on his designated responsibility. Viktor, with a serious face and watchful eyes, stood at the entrance of the bank, from where he could see Natasha who had remained standing at the entrance of the shopping center, attentive to any suspicious movement in the surroundings. Meanwhile, Dimitri glided through the hallways, scanning every corner for possible threats or obstacles.

    Elsewhere, inside the bank, Alexei stood motionless against the wall, his senses heightened and his attention focused on the main room. While they kept guard, Svetlana began opening the electronic locks with a special device. With skill and dexterity, the bold woman works quickly to remove the security barriers from the door. Her mind works at full speed while her fingers move with agility, executing the necessary commands. Finally, with one last click, Svetlana manages to open the electronic door. A feeling of triumph takes over her as she feels that she is close to getting the money she so badly needs.

    The first phase is completed, now it is Alexei's turn to take over. He approaches the vault and begins working on the mechanical locks. His skilled hands manipulate the tools with exquisite precision, disengaging each lock with the dexterity of a master.

    Gradually, the vault's lock begins to give way to Alexei's skill. With one final twist, the vault opens, revealing its hidden treasures. The pair exchange a triumphant look, knowing that they have overcome the biggest challenge of the night and that the loot is now within their reach. They cautiously enter inside. The light from their flashlights illuminates the space, revealing rows of safe deposit boxes, shelves loaded with gold bars, and cases full of jewelry.

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