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Ebook51 pages40 minutes


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In a fast-paced world where timing is everything, this quick read reminds us that the choices we make either propel or delay our destiny, and why the choices others make can end it. Timeline will take you on a journey of hope, laughter, and the dark realities that often haunts us all. In this easy to read but poignant novel, Neilie takes the reader on a path to answers often overlooked and the courage needed to follow them. A must read for all, Timeline will leave you exposed and pensive as you wrestle with your own shortcomings, if your timeline allows it.
Release dateMay 13, 2024

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    Book preview

    Timeline - Robbie Neilie

    Chapter 1

    MayRee was fifteen when she became pregnant.

    Being an honor student with college credits from dual enrollment, she was devastated as the thought of possibly not attending her dream school brought her to her knees. Crumbled on the floor and soaked in tears is how the morning found her. She mindlessly went through the school day, consumed with her new reality and the uncertainties that loomed ahead.

    Her mind ran aimlessly at a speed not uncommon to her, but wearisome nonetheless as each possibility had its own challenges. What should she do? What did she want to do? Who should she tell? Why should she tell anyone? What did she need? Why would she need anything from anyone? There’s that feisty, independent streak that she’s known for, the one that got her in trouble on a few notable occasions.

    She’d been babysitting since she was thirteen and had saved every dime from it to help with college tuition and to go on the senior class trip. So, money was not the issue.

    Yes, she was only fifteen and a junior in high school, but she’d worked her tail off and studied hard to be there. While she wasn’t the most popular girl in school, she was a talented flutist and cheerleader; and apparently, popular enough to make DJ ask her to homecoming. Yes, he was seventeen and a senior and on the varsity team, but he had never treated her like a child or lower classman.  Intellectually they were as the saying goes iron sharpening iron, and they both enjoyed challenging each other to be better. Always one upping each other. She’d won the last challenge of getting more A’s than he did last semester. She’d relished that one and made him her chauffeur for most of the summer. Yes sir, victory is sweet!

    Ah, DJ.  The thought of him made her smile. Tall, dark, and handsome. The tallest latte with an expresso shot from the popular coffee shop had nothing on this dude.


    How was she going to tell him the news? Afterall, he was her best friend. She couldn’t tell him the news!  His signing day to accept a basketball scholarship to play for Howard University is in two weeks. This was bad timing, very bad timing.

    Chapter 2

    I’ll just have to do it, she kept mumbling to herself.  It’s the only way out.

    She’s been talking to herself a lot lately, a lot. So much that her parents have been asking if everything is alright. Luckily her story about preparing for a debate has kept the questions to a minimum.  But for how much longer?  Even DJ has been curious at her unusual quietness. Her customary bubbly demeanor seems to be fizzling. How much longer could she keep her secret to herself without losing control?

    The past three weeks have been a blur.  She still doesn’t know how she made it through DJ’s signing, her sixteenth birthday party, and the cheer banquet.  Smiled and danced through the Christmas party, ate for two in the midst of it all; citing the abundance of holiday goodies as the reason for the indulgence.  Greeted the New Year happily, all the while wishing that what only she knew could be forgotten.

    It was the second semester of school and she was now eight weeks along, still too early

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