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When Angels Fall
When Angels Fall
When Angels Fall
Ebook28 pages21 minutes

When Angels Fall

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About this ebook

"Where do I even start to begin this tale?" Is probably what you're wondering as I pause to look over the barren landscape before me.
"Guess for starters the world wasn't always like this, but when it was habitual, was before my time. The only things I've been able to see is in the scarce archives that the bombs didn't destroy."
But that's mankind, we destroy more than we gave and created of this world after all. But I'm getting ahead of myself, because this story isn't really about mankind, but where the angels fall into this.
Release dateMay 14, 2024
When Angels Fall

R.M. Pape

A passionate writer and artist finally able to make the leap into sharing her creations with the world in her mid thirties. Type one diabetic since the tender age of eight and a half, writing and sketching have always been a past time for her. Finally having enough experience in her own life, hardships, and victories, when she wasn't rising from an easy entry level job of a simple cashier, she knew she was meant for something else. Dedication into the arts of creation and imagination, it became clear that writing for a few hours a day was both relaxing and stimulating instead of a chore for her. Having support in the last couple of years made it even more clear that this was her calling. As one phrase she goes by and has helped her get up, "Never give up."

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    Book preview

    When Angels Fall - R.M. Pape

    Chapter One

    I knew I lived in a world that wasn’t going to get any better unless…we, humans were removed. After all, having nukes wipe out the majority of humanity was the first good step in the right direction. Most wouldn’t want to live in this desolate world as resources were either scarce or contaminated beyond being consumable. A world that seriously went to shit.

    Even though I have the greatest view, when all it is now but dark, destroyed, and void of any life. Whoever was left after the destruction, were either barely living or just waiting for the end.

    If I gave you my name, I wouldn’t be able to really give you one because I don’t have one worth mentioning at least in this life.

    Where do I even start to begin this tale? Is probably what you’re wondering as I pause to look over the barren landscape before me.

    Guess for starters the world wasn’t always like this, but when it was habitual, was before my time. The only things I’ve been able to see is in the scarce archives that the bombs didn’t destroy.

    But that’s mankind, we destroy more than we gave and created of this world after all. But I’m getting ahead of myself, because this story isn’t really about mankind, but where the angels fall into this.

    Chapter Two

    Remember what I said about this story being more about angels? Well, it is important that I start in the beginning now right? Well, as before I stated that the time I hailed from wasn’t exactly the greatest, but if it wasn’t for a petty thief that stabbed me in the back for whatever I had, in ways he did me a favor.

    I didn’t

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