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Jie Jie 姐姐
Jie Jie 姐姐
Jie Jie 姐姐
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Jie Jie 姐姐

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When an ill-stricken matriarch mumbles a string of strange names while lying unconscious, her grandson goes on a journey in search for the kinship his grandmother has long missed while learning about his family history along the way.

PublisherGerald T
Release dateApr 26, 2024
Jie Jie 姐姐

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    Book preview

    Jie Jie 姐姐 - Gerald T

    Part One

    Dad. Dad!

    Dad just dozed off about 15 minutes ago. His eyes are puffy, with circles around them—just like how pandas have theirs.

    It has been many sleepless nights for all of us. Dad has been rushing in and out of the hospital—before work, and after work. To be honest, Mum and I have not seen him much at home, so much so that I lost track of the last time I had breakfast with him.

    Mum has been trying to take turns with Dad but he insisted on staying in the hospital since day one. It has been two days past a week now and nothing much has changed.

    Dad is quite an optimist. He never fails to turn a dreadfully unfortunate event into an awesomely fortunate one. There was once when I accidentally bumped into another car when driving out of a junction. I even got the police involved. Mum, she was pretty unhappy—for obvious reasons. But Dad?

    Don’t worry, son! It’s just an accident. At least no one died, right?

    That was exactly what he told me. And no, it did not help.

    It’s his daily routine to exert positive vibes in our household. His bright and cheerful good morning is especially helpful on Mondays; and not forgetting his loud and annoying T.G.I.F.! which surprisingly puts us in a weekend mood every Friday night.

    However, the past week has been extremely quiet. No good morning. No T.G.I.F.. And no, not even a single dad joke. I mean, what the hell, he was not even home most of the time.

    Ever since nine days ago, Dad has not been the same. I cannot blame him, really. I would probably react the same if Mum were the one lying in the hospital right now.

    When Grandpa Phil passed on a few years ago, Dad did not react much. Grandpa Phil had a rather peaceful passing. He died in his sleep after spending a night in the hospital due to a fever. Though the news was a shock to every one of us, his passing had little impact on us, especially Dad. I mean, they were not very close to start with. They didn’t even talk about stuff during our visits. The only common topic they had was the nine o’ clock news.

    But Grandma Beth is a totally different story. She is the closest kin Dad ever had, both figuratively and literally. When Dad turned five, Grandpa Phil got posted to London for work and only returned home permanently after twelve years. Dad, being an only child, had no one but his mother to rely on during his childhood and adolescent years. They celebrated their birthdays together, they did his homework together, and they even went to Dad’s first football game together. To Dad, Grandma Beth is not just any ordinary mother, she is also his father, his teacher, his coach, his doctor, and more importantly, his superhero.

    If it wasn’t for your grandmother, I would not be the man I am today. And for that, I am forever grateful, Dad said to me on many occasions. He just cannot afford to lose her.

    If something bad happens to Grandma Beth, Dad will lose himself. And I swear, that is not an understatement.

    So here I am, praying hard, hoping that whatever the doctor is about to tell him, it better be good.

    Dad! Wake up! It’s the doctor. He’s looking for you,

    Dad slides from his chair when he hears the word doctor—that word scared him out of his slumber. As much as he wants to rush to the doctor immediately, he trips on the table when he attempts to move away from his seat. He is safe, fortunately. But the plates and cups on the table, let’s just say, they are not that fortunate.

    As for Mum and I, I think we have to prepare ourselves for the stare when the janitor comes over to clean the mess.

    Henry, I think I should go check on your father. You know, just in case…

    And that is how Mum leaves the scene of the crime.

    I stand corrected. I, not we, should prepare myself for the stare.

    I eventually decide to clean up some of the mess Dad created just to avoid the stare. It is our fault that the place is in a mess anyway. It’s not like I have anything else to do. Grandma Beth is just lying there, with tubes hanging all around her. It pains me a lot whenever I try to look at her. Don’t get me wrong, I love Grandma Beth. But I really cannot bring myself to see all these. It just pains me, a lot.

    While cleaning up the plates and cups that are partying on the floor, I avoid making eye contact with Grandma Beth, who is lying on her bed unconscious. Just as I am about to go into the washroom to get a damp cloth, I hear a sound.


    The sound is short, weak, soft and unclear. And I have no idea where it came from.


    Now this sounds like a name. It sounds like Benny? Wait. Who is Benny?


    The voice becomes clearer. It’s someone in this room. I’m sure of it. And I’m not the one talking, so…

    Oh my god, Grandma Beth!

    I drop the cloth in the sink and run towards her bedside.

    Ah Mah, Ah Mah! Can you hear me?

    Grandma Beth is conscious, I think. Her eyes are slightly open. But she looks weak, very weak.

    Ben…ny… She calls out again.

    Ah Mah, it’s Henry. Hen…ry…

    Ben…ny…Jie…Jie…is…sor…ry… Grandma Beth says, in her weak and breathless voice.

    Jie Jie? Elder sister? Wait. I thought Grandma Beth only had one elder brother, Granduncle George. So who is this Benny?

    Ja…key… Grandma Beth is trying very hard to speak, using all the strength that she has left within her.

    Oh god, another one? Okay. So there’s Jakey and Benny. Grandma Beth is Benny’s Jie Jie. And Jakey’s status is still unknown.

    Wi…Wi…ugh… Grandma Beth is calling someone else again. And this time, I hear nothing but Wi and Grandma’s heavy breathing.

    Ah Mah, Ah Mah. Slow down, okay. Slow down. You rest well alright. I’m going to get Mum and Dad, pronto.

    I turn around, looking at the ward entrance, aiming to rush towards the door as fast as I can. But, as I am about to take my first step, I feel a weak yet certain pull at the bottom corner of my shirt—just like any child would do to their parents.

    I turn back to Grandma and give her reassurance that I am coming back shortly, very shortly.

    Ah Mah, I am just leaving for a few minutes to get Mum and Dad, okay? Don’t worry.


    Another name has been vaguely revealed. And God only knows who.

    Alright, alright, Ah Mah. I will call Benny over, okay?

    I have no choice. I have to lie.

    After hearing my promise, Grandma Beth let my shirt go. She looks at me, and tries to move her lips slightly, showing both her dimples. I guess she is trying to put on a big nice smile for me. I can see it, I can see it through her smiley eyes.

    But through her smiley eyes, I also see something else. I see desperation, I see regrets. And more definitely, I see tears.

    I cannot really do much without Mum and Dad here. Maybe, just maybe, Dad can solve the mystery behind the names. I have to get him back here, now!

    I will be right back alright, Ah Mah. I tuck Grandma Beth nicely in her bed and rush towards the door. Just as I am about to reach for the door handle, the door opens. It’s Mum.

    Mum! Oh thank god you’re back. Grandma Beth is awake!

    Dad comes out from nowhere and pushes Mum aside. He rushes into the room and to Grandma Beth’s side.

    "Ma! Ma!

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