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The Twelve Realms: The Chronicles of Ari, #2
The Twelve Realms: The Chronicles of Ari, #2
The Twelve Realms: The Chronicles of Ari, #2
Ebook216 pages3 hours

The Twelve Realms: The Chronicles of Ari, #2

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In this second episode of the series, Ari's team is seen on the planetoid Biliti, where Ari's soul is carried before the bronze doors of the portal to the Beyond by the ferryman Charon. Before appearing before Anubis the unthinkable happens. Horus achieves his goal. The group heads to the planet Therya, as they talk about the 7 lokas, or dimensional planes of existential reality, their nature and their location. They also learn about the lower planes, or Thalas, and the portal of the Zoton, or the Klifot.
Before reaching Therya they land in Malii-Tukal to meet a tribe that lived outside the war and that transcends to its next density without external interruptions, seeking the light of awakening within itself. Many languages are spoken, but the most evolved ones do not speak, but rather communicate by telepathy.
Some discover that mass extinctions, such as that of the dinosaurs on Earth, or the Bubonic Plague, were attempts by the Zoton to destroy humanity. What is the value of immortality? Can a body not have a soul? What is the story of the gray aliens? However, the Zoton have taken control of the Beyond and the party must leave Tilmun with the Lords of Ages in the halls of Amenti, while Horus enters the realms of the unliving. Those legends of the Tibetans come to life as you discover the kingdoms of Agarti beneath the Earth, with magical creatures and inhabitants who live in colorful cities with their own lighting.
The group divides, while both sides (Zoton and Aor) grow stronger. Horus must go alone to the most fearsome of the 9 kingdoms, where the dragon Ouroboros devours souls in the abysses of chaos. They are aware that Earth (Neo Eden) is a portal that has 360 coordinate points, where ley lines intersect, creating an electromagnetic mesh that protects all dimensional portals. When they try to gain access to help Horus, they use the ancient information that Gilgamesh, the Babylonian, knew to make his trip to the underworld.
Everyone learns and knows about the power of the mind to create and eliminate illnesses and diseases, and how this science operates, because they also know that the entire Mem (our universe) is a holographic-mental projection, a dream (Anicca), a veil of the cosmic mind (Maya). The Zoton forces at that time no longer operate on Earth, as their plan was destroyed. When Armilius (the Antichrist) fell, his New World Order, or 'Novum Ordu Saeclorum' (New Order of Sakla), collapsed to ensure that the draconian and Orian power took control of planet Earth, one of the current 7 main embassies of the Confederation.
Jivah helps Guang find his father and mother, whom he thought were dead. In Orion they must escape by freeing their mother, and on a beautiful planet with almost no gravity, they find their father, although in another incarnation, in which, as a being transcended in the Fourth Dimension, they operate together with others similar to him in psychic help. at a distance on worlds in spiritual need.
Fighting pan-dimensional demons, they set out in search of the other 8 gems, starting in the Sagittarius region. Angels and gods confront each other, Jaleb's sovereignty is manifest, but the Zoton forces do not give up, thus causing not only planetary battles, but also dimensional ones and time travel. Another battle in Leo's region strengthens the group as Horus finally emerges from the underworld, completely renewed.

Release dateApr 27, 2024
The Twelve Realms: The Chronicles of Ari, #2

Frederick Guttmann

Israeli writer, researcher, disseminator, documentary filmmaker and influencer. He is the writer of more than 35 books, mostly research and dissemination theses.

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    Book preview

    The Twelve Realms - Frederick Guttmann



    Project Magen

    Frederick Guttmann R.

    The Twelve Realms - saga 'The Chronicles of Ari'


    227 pages

    Canary Islands, Spain / Colombia / Argentina


    Prologue (5)

    Chapter I – THE JOURNEY TO THERYA (6)

    Chapter II – BACK TO SHABETAI (25)





    Chapter VII – HORUS IN THE BEYOND (131)



    Chapter X – THE GEM OF LEO (200)

    Chapter XI - THE GEM OF SCORPIO (218)

    Chapter XII – CAPRICORN UNDER FIRE (224)


    A team formed a decade after the end of the Ragnarök war recovers several precious stones of power to prevent the dark forces of the galaxy from obtaining them, and with them they use a sublime power to overthrow the order in the Milky Way and impose their empire. .

    After recovering the gems that were in our solar system, they are informed that another 8 power stones are hidden in other parts of this section of the galaxy. Fighting against the insurgents escalates more and more as the forces of evil gain confidence in their plan of conquest.

    Chapter I


    SCREAMS ARE HEARD. There is much suffering and anguish. The sky does not let see a single star. There are fires everywhere. There is looting and civil rebellion... What is happening? Around me... Where are all the people? A window bursts and someone falls and hits the ground. It was from a 3rd floor . Not much can be distinguished among so much darkness. A zombie appears in front of me...! I wake up. I see the roof of my house. What was that? A nightmare. Why have I dreamed of something like that if I don't see movies like that? And who am I? My name is Sayandam Iilayna. I am 13 years old - almost 14 - and I live in Yerushalim - or as you know it, 'Jerusalem' - in the Ma'ale Adumim area, in the so-called sector E1. I am from a Sunni Muslim family. My family is Palestinian, residing here for two generations now, but we have been Israeli citizens for a long time - although previously my ancestors were originally from Iraq (my great-grandfather was from Baghdad) -.

    - Sayandam: And you may wonder what I have to do with this story, and with Ari, especially. Well, it turns out that I live not far from Golgotha, where there is something that she told me to find, something of historical significance. Ari chose me to carry out that mission. Hey, I don't live in your time. She has apparently contacted me from the future, and I am beginning to believe that this is true. It seems that the god Horus that is described in Egyptian mythology is in danger. These are the Chronicles of Ari and the saga of the Twelve Kingdoms...

    In the year 11 after Har-Megedon, in the Etanim system, Chester pilots a ship in which he, Jivah, Horus, Guang and Ari go. They launch into hyperspace, while behind them the tiny planet Biliti explodes. They narrowly escape and behind them the shock wave travels thousands of kilometers per second. The moon Kalopp receives minutes later a shower of rocks that destroy most of its surface. The tiny Kalopp leaves its gravitational course. It is a relief for the team to escape unharmed, and Kalopp had been uninhabited for quite some time, so it could be said that there were no victims of the disaster.

    - Guang: And now?

    - Horus: We go to Shabetai, to present the Tilmun before the Moad.

    - Chester: and in which section is that assembly? On one of its moons?

    - Horus: in the palace located in the Ring of Phoebe.

    - Ari: but the Moad is in the Eighth Dimension.

    - Jivah: it is integrated in two instances in the same: an outer sphere regularly gathers 24 representatives of Tapaloka, that is, Sixth Density, and inside is the lower circle of the 9 majors, who are from the Seventh, of the Satyaloka.

    - Ari: I know. We can't access.

    - Jivah: the moad has a plateau around the palace, where they communicate with the consciousnesses of the first heavens of all the worlds of Towsang, as well as minor moadim, with representatives of Maharloka, that is, Fourth Density. Horus and I will present ourselves on behalf of the group on that platform.

    - Horus: unless they allow the whole group to enter. Which implies that a meeting could be carried out astrally.

    - Chester: wait a minute... isn't it supposed that the maximum dimension of the Mem universe is the 7th, the Satyaloka? How come the moad has 8th beings?

    - Jivah: we speak of eighths of 7 because the 8th level is from the entrance of the next eighth of dimension levels. Specifically, the 9 belong to the future of the next Octave of this Reality and have come from that future to manage the affairs of Towsang. In other words, they are apparently here in Seventh Density, but in reality they are a projection of their 'self' from the Nun universe.

    - Ari: friends, I need to rest. And we should look for food. Ship supplies are low, and we haven't stopped eating support pods. Our biological organism needs real food: calorie, alkaline and biophotonic food.

    Chester: You're dead tired. Do they get it? Tired death.

    - Ari: how funny. I need something to eat, and I think we could use a stop at some farm colony on the way.

    - Horus: we are close to the Abbud-Akk system, which on the panel detects 3 planets with admissible conditions for biological life.

    Jivah: I have a better idea. Advancing a little further we will be in a region of advanced beings. There is the planet Therya, of the Malii-Tukal system. It is an appropriate place for us to make a technical stop. The Theryin dwell there, a people strictly foragers and fruit-eaters, as the i'hin were long ago.

    - Guang: We i'hin were frugivorous? I understood that we were hunters.

    - Jivah: you were gatherers until the adverse situations of certain periods on Earth made it difficult to find food. That is why the Alphasirians were on your planet in that cycle to teach you agriculture, but certain communities not related to the i'hin thought system preferred to hunt, first fish, and later birds and quadrupeds.

    - Guang: people not i'hin?

    - Jivah: that's right. You know now only about what they called the black, white and yellow race, but at that time there were 7 i'hin races, and many other non-i'hin, both terrestrial, such as the Yoslings, and non-terrestrial, such as the intraterrestrial drakonian or the guides from Sirius A, who were later accompanied by the Plejaren.

    - Guang: plejaren are the pleyadian... and races? As which? Who else lived on Earth at that time?

    - Jivah: at the level that you could physically see them, at the time of the introduction of agriculture, there were 2 dwarf races, 2 nephelaian races, the last elven race, a draconian race, an alphasirian colony and two paraca races.

    - Guang: and all of them were carnivores?

    Jivah: no. Dwarfs were omnivorous, and Alphasyrians and elves were what you would call them on Earth some time ago, vegans (although that definition conflicts with the naming of Vega's inhabitants).

    - Ari: for Donald Watson that would be true vegetarianism.

    - Jivah: that's right. Actually, the correct word would be vegetarian, but those who called themselves 'vegetarians' on Earth a few decades ago were actually lacto-ovo-vegetarians.

    - Chester: Fabulous. Talking about this has whetted my appetite, and I want to try a good piece of fresh fruit. Heading to that place. Navigator, coordinates heading to the planet Therya, of the Malii-Tukal system.

    The ship changes its route and heads to the new destination.

    - Chester: these vegetarian people, what difference do they have with those of us who eat synthesized foods, having spent so much time in interstellar travel?

    - Ari: Vegetarian food (true vegetarian, that is, vegan) is food that is connected with the mind and the perfect energetic and cellular functioning. That is why today's i'hin no longer get sick and their sahu live so long.

    Chester: Interesting. And, lady of Lanevid, tell us a little about your presence here? Why are you joining us? Reveal your mystery.

    - Jivah: I am a Meorah, an ascended master. I was sent by the Ruach to help you forgive the illusions you are experiencing.

    - Guang: forgive our illusions?

    - Ari: heal the projections that we have created outside of ourselves because of the ego.

    - Guang: oh. I'll pretend I understand... And where did you come from?

    - Jivah: from a space-time line different from your future, in a region of the Virgo system.

    - Guang: wow... and who sent you, exactly?

    - Jivah: you called me.

    - Chester: us? What did we do, a kind of call from our present to your future?

    - Jivah: no, we know each other from the future.

    - Chester: do we know each other from the future?

    - Jivah: no, my dear green friend. Only you, on behalf of all of you.

    There was then a general silence and we all looked at each other surprised by these statements.

    - Jivah: in that future you had lost your friends. To you three. And you had discovered the origin of your family and wanted to find them.

    Chester: what? As?

    Horus: but wouldn't that be altering the Will?

    - Jivah: I presented your case to the Confederation. They were fully aware of what had happened and of the variables that would develop due to my coming to your current time-space.

    - Guang: that is, if it weren't for you, in these days Ari, Horus and I would have died.

    Jivah: no. Just Ari. Right now you would be looking for your mother alone, and they would have killed you. You would have tried unsuccessfully to rescue Ari in Biliti, and after that you would have separated. Horus would have been imprisoned in the underworld while attempting to personally go to Helheim to rescue Ari. You, Chester, not knowing of Horus, knowing of Ari's death, and knowing that Guang wanted his mother back, would have let him go without saying a word to each other. You would have plunged into your own suffering, lonely and without answers.

    Suddenly no one uttered a word and we were staring into space. Guang and I looked at each other, and that look, deep and noble, made us feel more connected than ever before. We were very grateful that things had not happened the way they were going to happen. Then Jivah broke the silence.

    - Jivah: the Ruaj sent me to you. Although the Confederation operates within the Ruach, in effect, the Ruach is the driving force of pure light that is over all. The teachings of Yehoshuah Immanuel are pure Will of the Ruaj, but nevertheless they were hardly accepted by the inhabitants of the Earth for two thousand years. Ergo, those of us who come from the future – be it in your space-time continuity, or from another – know that he gave more advanced guidelines than the inhabitants of the so-called Earth believed to understand about him.

    - Chester: but in Neo Aretz the Bible is not taught, as far as I understand.

    - Ari: she refers to the messages transmitted by Yehoshua to a psychiatrist named Helen Schucman several decades ago, and also through an anonymous channel some time later.

    - Guang: several questions come to mind.

    - Jivah: I know it, and I perceive it. I appeared for the first time in your combat in that temple.

    - Guang: the spirit that intervened and altered the water when we were fighting against Thirium Shen's troops.

    - Chester: you were behind the landing on Titan, when the impact speed of the ship was reduced before it hit the ground.

    - Jivah: Yes. I was starting my contact, integrating myself into what was happening. You need to understand that everything is very different in Jaleb after Ragnarök, and not only because of the fact that several of the most important speakers of the division between the AOR vision and the Drakonian vision have been arrested, but also in the integral understanding of Love . Agapi, Oneness and true Forgiveness – or 'Janinah' -, which will really finally transform the Heimarmene towards pure Light. It will not be war at all.

    We arrived at Therya's orbit. Chester waves us over and we move to the front. We are surprised to see a beautiful small blue planet, very similar to Neo Aretz. No one speaks to us on the radio nor are we received by anyone. The ship perceives that the density of the outer atmosphere is slightly higher than that used to us in Neo Aretz, the humidity in the environment is also higher, the heat is pleasant, the gravitational pressure is almost identical and the air is very similar to that of our planet, albeit slightly denser. As it crosses the atmosphere, large clouds and vegetation loom. It was like seeing the Incai Amazon, but with trees ten times the size. It looked like a world of super sequoias. We land on an esplanade in full view of some people who stop to look at us.

    - Horus: These beings do not speak any of our languages, but they practice telepathy.

    - Chester (sarcasm): good! To practice telepathy.

    We land and open the rear hatch. We immediately notice an ecstatic freshness and humidity. We go downstairs and are greeted by several i'hin-like people. They wore a pendant with a spiral and I could recognize them as a primitive people descended from the Lumanians (a humanity that lived on Earth before the Neanderthals). They looked like indigenous people with blond hair and green eyes, beautiful and dressed in colorful costumes.

    - Maakiramail (telepathy): welcome!

    We all bowed our heads and waved. We all understood them. Even if someone does not know how to communicate mentally, it is enough for an interlocutor to know it so that he understands his mental dialogues and thoughts, and can communicate his own.

    - Horus (telepathy): this is a wonderful place. We come passing through wanting to load food supplies.

    - Asumiwali (telepathy): we will be happy to supply you and invite you to get to know our culture and our world, stay, eat and take whatever you need.

    - Romalagi (telepathy): we will present you first of all to our elder elder.

    We nodded. They advanced towards the interior of the forest of a vegetation similar to conifers and firs. We follow them. Then before us was an unimaginable paradise full of lush and very tall fruit trees, perhaps family of the redwoods. A rainbow above waterfalls and springs, rivers and small mountains covered the landscape. And before continuing, an old man

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