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Odyssey of the Ascension Souls
Odyssey of the Ascension Souls
Odyssey of the Ascension Souls
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Odyssey of the Ascension Souls

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The Ascension souls (Sheela, Skye, Ericuam, Ava, Bontle, Nemea,

Gninekawa, Drew) are formidable beings of virtually endless

power who are tasked with the onus of maintaining balance

Release dateMay 9, 2024
Odyssey of the Ascension Souls

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    Odyssey of the Ascension Souls - Bongani Prince Zwane

    Odyssey of the Ascension Souls

    Bongani Prince Zwane

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    All global publishing rights are held by

    Ukiyoto Publishing

    Published in 2024

    Content Copyright © Bongani Prince Zwane

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in a retrieval system, in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated, without the publisher’s prior consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published.


    I would like to dedicate this book to all the dreamers out there. Keep believing in yourselves and keep growing your imagination! Our imagination is magick!






    CHAPTER 4 THE WAR BETWEEN THE MONSTERS OF CHAOS                                31






























































    About the Author



    (PART ONE)




    nce, in a vast universe, there was order and chaos, the balance was maintained. There lived all sorts of species, some stood up for the greater good, some for the grimmest calamities, some lived their lives obliviously. Until one fateful year, everything changed drastically.

    A universal organization called ORDER fell in a war against the forces of evil, and the cycle of good and bad events snapped. Armies of evil teemed into the universe from all sorts of atrocious worlds, some came from the lower dimensions, some from the under worlds, most's origins were unknown. They began wreaking havoc. This solar system was full of lower dimensions' monsters.

    As the disrupted scale of balance skewed to only the chaotic side, ORDER joined forces with all the civilians and militaries from all the planets they secretly protected, having revealed their identities and attested their existences, the movements against the evil invaders grew. But, even so, chaos triumphed.

    Days into the war, the remaining survivors were forced to go into exile, while most were slaughtered, the very few remaining were traded into slavery by the diverse creatures that now ruled the universe. A year into the dystopian universe, they had taken over. Their prohibited existence into the universe was still struggling to become a norm.

    No one knew how or why these beings were able to achieve such a feat that diminished the laws of the Universe. And, with most of the primitive species extinct, no one bothered to try any more, instead, the ones who've submitted to these creatures began living with them and serving them — this led to lesser deaths.

    Half a decade later, it had turned out that there were survivors who still clung onto hope. Those who served the beings closely managed to form a derivative ORDER and carry out their secret agendas, however, this version of ORDER never reached the other planets to give them a ray of hope until a fateful night.

    It was once attempted, but there were humans and Namians (Namians who were off their planet), along with other species who were wholeheartedly devoted to their new masters, and the other species shipped to other planets that were suspected of having ties to ORDER who were massacred.

    The Moon Worshippers were a race that conquered many worlds from its original universe, the Moon Worshippers used moons in different dimensions as portals all with the sole goal of colonization. These beings were savages, they all had silver shining skin with raven black eyes. Their headquarters were never known, and their oppositions who were unfortunate enough to locate them, never lived to tell.

    Although some of the hundreds of planets were inhabited by equally horrendous monsters, the Moon Worshippers held higher authority. One reason amongst many was because the Moon Worshippers had conquered hundreds of thousands of planets, and would swarm this universe if the masters at the headquarters in the hidden realm ordered it.

    The derivative secret ORDER movement was in the headquarters of this universe, ruled by a ruthless king and queen in a fortress. The Moon Worshippers had diverse characteristics, some were gigantic and humanlike, some were frighteningly disfigured, their pets were equally feral, there were so many.

    One of the trusted servants, who was secretly carrying the ORDER agenda, made a discovery that would change everything, or she hoped it would change everything. It certainly would not bring everything back to normal instantly, but she had hope that it would gradually. She took this crucial information to her fellow members in a secret meeting spot.

    Luckily, ORDER attained fractions of esoteric

    knowledge from eavesdropping on the Moon Worshippers gloating and from investigating. When Lilith, the elderly woman of ORDER, relayed her discovery to the seven members of ORDER (her, along with the seven others, were the only remnants of ORDER), they were elated.

    Lilith found out about this unprecedented event. She found out that the event was an outcome of nothing more than pure magick. Powerful magick with deeper depths of knowledge that would make even the insane men not believe. Most of which neither members understood.

    Although the side of order was toppled by chaos, there was a glimmer that could be salvaged, that they, ORDER, believed that if strategically carried, would start a different trajectory of the universe.

    They studied this piece of knowledge for months until they had a breakthrough. But, by this time, the Moon

    Worshippers were closing in on them, getting close to finding them and eradicating ORDER once and for all.

    The most elderly man, Mada, who spent more time at their secret spot than all of them, made the breakthrough; there was a ritual to be performed to conjure either forces of evil or forces of good.

    Forces of evil were summoned by acts of destruction, death, and all things woeful — Madness being the most contributing. On the other hand, forces of good were summoned with the exact opposite. The number of participants greatly affected the results of the ritual. So, ORDER believed that if they could get more people to raise their spirits, unite, and rebel against these evil beings, they could perform the ritual altogether and summon the forces of good that remained.

    For if the little piece of good on the scale withers, the universe would never recover.

    It was very difficult to know who to tell and trust that they wouldn't go running to tell the Moon Worshippers, or other rulers from different planets, but ORDER was desperate, so they told as many species as they could — this led to the Moon Worshippers finally finding them and their secret hideout.

    The fateful night before all members of ORDER and their supporters changed the trajectory of the universe. There were only four of them left, the other four were killed, Lilith led the others as they ran away from the Moon Worshippers and sought refuge along with other fifteen humans, but, in a world infested by the Moon Worshippers, there was no place for them to hide, it was only a matter of time.

    One thing no human ever expected happened, a Moon Worshipper took them in to hide them, at least, for the time being. ORDER, along with its supporters, were given an epiphany by the Moon Worshipper who harboured them. He told them that there were other Moon Worshippers who've been secretly infiltrating the higher places of the species, and they wanted to topple the Moon Worshippers' authority.

    At least, in this world. The Moon Worshipper said hopefully. After hearing about ORDER, he sent out his members to protect ORDER so they could help them.

    When asked why the Moon Worshippers were betraying their kind, he'd told them that the Moon Worshippers in higher places also enslaved the ones in lower places, since in this universe there were diverse races inhabiting the planets, the Moon Worshippers of the lower places were saved. At the expense of this universe's species.

    But the Moon Worshipper was quickly found harbouring ORDER and its supporters before they could hear of the revelatory knowledge. The Hunters, the Moon

    Worshippers' version of the police, carried axes, from single-bladed battle-axes to double-blades greataxes.

    At the last moment before the Hunters took them in, one of the Hunters struck the other two Hunters from their backs, he was part of the resistance infiltrating the higher places. Although Lilith was so relieved, there was no time to relax as the other Hunters reported finding the traitor and ORDER and its supporters. She passed on the discovery as they fled with the two Moon Worshippers to meet up with the others in a secret base underground where the resistance held their meetings.

    There Lilith and the others were stunned to find hundreds of Moon Worshippers practially crammed in a hall, they hadn't guessed there would be so many of them. Their leader, a flamboyant tall Moon Worshipper greeted them and went straight to the point. He was part of infiltrators in the Hunters force because unlike the other Moon Worshippers civilians who wore black furry clothes, he wore the black armour of Hunters and held two double-bladed great axes on both hands.

    After they were enlightened by ORDER, one severely injured Moon Worshipper barged in and alerted them that there was heavy artillery approaching their location, and so, they wasted no time and right away began the ritual. They all kneeled down and uttered the incantations in unison.

    The Hunters force surrounded the hall from above, and the captain commanded using a microphone that every one hiding beneath the ground should come out or they'd blow up the secret base and kill every one inside. The captain was a giant, he had six black solid horns around his head, and two pairs of solid black spikes from his shoulders, even the blade of his greataxe was black and made of the same material, the Hunters force had brought two sturdy komodo dragons of sliver skins in leashes.

    Once the ritual was done, every one stood up and waited for an army of forces of good to rescue them, the remaining members of ORDER were quickly dismayed, along with the Moon Worshippers who'd just blown their cover. Lilith dropped to her knees, not caring if they crack. The elderly man, Mada, sprinted to her to assist her, and hopefully restore hope into her.

    The Hunters' captain had counted down, he reached zero and shots fired, explosions roared, and the wild komodo dragons hissed. But, the ceiling of the hall did not crumble, the Hunters had opened fire, and the captain was yelling, Kill her! Something intriguing was happening from above.

    The leader of the resistance rushed to the elevator to go check, and ordered Lilith and Mada to stay behind. When he arrived at the top, his jaw dropped.

    As soon as the ruckus ceased, the leader of the resistance rushed down, his face was filled with so much wonder, he told them, There was a woman, she was flying and has sharp strings swinging out of her, she effortlessly killed all of the Hunters that assembled at this spot and flew onward the Hunters' station. I think she's going to kill them all.

    Every one was ecstatic and enticed that, after ORDER and the leader of the Moon Worshipper resistance fit into the elevator and went up, they rushed to get up on the lift next to see this incredible woman.

    They could see from afar the destruction the woman they'd summoned was causing, although they were expecting an army, perhaps she was all that was needed to vanquish the evil in this world. But deep down they all knew, though they did not want to think about it, they knew that she would need help if she were to purge the entire universe, because there were even more dangerous beings than the Moon Worshippers out there, hopefully not in this solar system.

    The resistance took the weapons from the gory scenes and began fighting alongside this woman who had the sun inside her chest. Some of the higher place Moon Worshippers yielded and fought alongside the resistance. A war began.

    The woman, the people all instinctively called her Sheela, with two e's. She was truly a goddess in the eyes of those she had saved. Sheela resembled a human being, except she was odd. She appeared as though she was wearing her skin as a tight-fitting outfit, or a body suit. Because, although she appeared naked, certain features were concealed, for example, she had no areolas, no nails, no bellybutton, amongst other features.

    The only features that weren't concealed by her glowing dark skin were her facial features. She was extremely beautiful, she was like a doll, her eyes were like a terrain, her heart shaped lips had darker yellow shade. As fit as she was, her doll-like skin outlined nothing, no abs, basically, she was like a living doll. Her chest had a tiny sun deep inside it, and it was visible from the outside. Her hair was also cyber yellow and was like extensions of her head.

    The sharp strings the leader of the resistance mentioned weren't actually emanating from her body — she carried a burning yellow kusarigama that sliced through the sliver skins of the Moon Worshippers as though it were swinging past the air. And it had the ability to stretch to vast distances. Around her neck, she wore a yellow device that resembled an inhaler, every time she held it up her mouth and inhaled, she would disappear, some argued that she was invisible, some argued that she turned into a ghost. Then she'd appear again.

    16 hours into battle, Sheela and the resistance had killed hundreds of thousands of Moon Worshippers, but she was not as invincible as every one thought, she was mildly scathed, and she grew tired, so, along with her now followers, they found a hiding spot. So many of her followers desperately wanted to converse with her as they boarded ships to temporarily flee and recuperate.

    The hideout was in the mountains, and the mountains were extremely cold, but they were also far away from land, so, they were safe while their mighty leader recovered. There were enough brick houses in the mountains for everyone.

    Sheela rested in her own room, she lay on a mattress, staring into space. No one had ever heard her speak, though every time she'd catch them staring at her with awe, she would smile at them. Even the day and a half trip to the cold mountains, in the ship she was in, she was a mute.

    Lilith walked into her room to try and treat her injuries, Sheela did not turn to look at Lilith. It was as though she were a corpse. Lilith's white hair blended well with the snow, it would be impossible to tell if she had snowflakes on her hair. She donned a white cloak that was insisted by the followers as she and Mada, along with the ORDER members were seen as beacons. Lilith knelt beside Sheela with a tray of medicine to treat her, but most of her injuries were completely healed, and Lilith could see some slowly healing. She asked Sheela, even though she knew she would not answer her, How are you able to do that?

    The biggest wound, the one that was taking more time to heal, came from multiple shots from the Hunters' artillery. The bullets were two meters long.

    There was no response, as predicted. Only then Lilith noticed a mark engraved under Sheela's left breast. She leaned in to make out what was written. ASCENSION, she read aloud. Sheela turned and fixed her rock eyes at Lilith, she displayed her famous innocent smile. It was hard for Lilith to maintain eye contact with the rock eyes. Something was bothering her, and she honestly wanted to scream at her and let out her frustrations.

    You're right to worry, Sheela spoke, her voice was soft. Lilith was shocked. She saw her lips move, and she heard her talk, but she thought she'd imagined it.

    Sheela spoke again, I cannot save the universe alone, the ample evil cannot be stopped by one being. Lilith was too stunned to talk. "I've seen, felt some of the people attempting to use the ritual again to summon more beings like me. But tell them to stop, it won't work, those incantations are only meant to summon me alone."

    Lilith jumped. There's more of you?

    Sheela nodded. Yes, but very few, the imbalance has killed so much of the order side of things in this universe.

    Lilith asked, How many of ones like you are there?

    We are eight in total, but I only have incantations to summon three of my family.

    Summon them, then, please.

    Not here, they would die. Once the king and queen of the Moon Worshippers hear of the hundreds of thousands that I've killed, they will search for me, and they will panic and contact the other Moon Worshippers to come into this universe, and that would overwhelm Ericuam, Ava, and Gninekawa, and eventually they'd die, too. And something's lurking, I feel it, it's... terrifying. It's making me weak.

    Lilith whispered to herself to recall the names, Ericuam, Ava, and Gninekawa. Then asked Sheela, But, where do we summon them?

    I will keep the king and queen busy, and their army, while you flee to another planet, the evil might have disseminated, but there are planets that are still not yet inhabited, there is one too lethal to live in.

    What'll happen to you? Lilith asked, her voice was low, she hoped their saviour does not die.

    "Lilith, you as a member of ORDER, know all about sacrifices for the greater good. I will use the sun in my chest to burn away the planet after you flee to the planet with conditions that will kill you and the rest of the movement. But, you'll summon the other Ascension souls, they can survive there.

    No one would come for them there, giving the three enough time to become orientated, then, hopefully, they find ways to summon the others as well.

    Lilith closed her eyes, but the tears had already began falling. Sheela gave her the incantations of Ericuam, Ava, and Gninekawa. Lilith, that night, assembled every one, and Sheela explained everything. And so, the events went out as Sheela said.

    She killed all the Moon Worshippers by burning away the planet, Lilith and Mada (in a spacecraft) saw flashes of her kusarigama splashing about as the other Moon Worshippers spotted their spacecraft and tried chasing after it —but Sheela handled them.

    Once they were far enough, the planet exploded, destroying the other two planets that were near, almost causing crippling damage to the spaceship Lilith and the others had stolen, though, few of the Moon Worshippers of the movement had decided to stay and fight with Sheela. They protested that they were going to die in the planet they were headed, so, they preferred dying in the battlefield.

    And so, within seconds of landing on the dwarf planet, ORDER, and the supporters who were initiated into ORDER, and the Moon Worshippers summoned the other three, but all the ORDER members died before they could see them, the Moon Worshippers' bodies could not quickly adapt to the conditions of the dwarf planet, though their lives were prolonged for a couple of hours, they, too, perished.




    ne Earth year later.

    Ava, a tall, slim, very beautiful woman of a mixed race, she had curly hair with bangs, her eyes were amethyst, bright and beautiful, almost glossy, her lips red and thin. She wore a drop shoulder white shirt tinged with tan, she was wearing black cargo pants with black combat boots.

    She had two tattoos on either side of her forearms. A red orb on her right, and an orange on the left. There were fragments of metal spiralling toward each orb. Her brown curly ringlets hung down her shoulders.

    The orange fragments on Ava's left tattoo could manifest any firearm and artillery desired, and the right could manifest any vehicle desirable. She, like Ericuam and Gninekawa, had the word ASCENSION engraved under her left breast. The yellow orb with metal fragments on her lower back gave her the ability to manifest any armour or technological devices.

    Ericuam was an Egyptian man with an undercut and short black smooth hair, and he had a goatee. Unlike the others who preferred solely the Ascension Arts on their bodies, he took the liberty of tattooing practically his entire body with the blood of the ORDER and Moon Worshippers members who died and dried it with the poison air. On the side of his face, on his perfectly linear cheek bone outline, he had tattooed a word in cursive — read from top to bottom. He also had tattoos on his head, one of them was of Aphrodite.

    On either side of his shoulders, he had metallic plates attached to his skin, no, outer layers of his skin. Although as indestructible as the metals were, he could bend the metals like they weren't metals. The right one was white with a black circle in the center, the other one was black with a white circle in the center. These were his Dark And Light swords, one to smite those in the physical, the other to smite the metaphysical, but this was bestowed to him as to compensate for his future long adventures in different spiritual realms to come.

    On his back, he had a lustrous black pyramid metal plate, it was big enough to match the size of his rib rage, in diameter. Surrounding the pyramid were numerous monster tattoos. On his chest was another outer layered metal plate, this one was square, and innard was the red cross. His ASCENSION mark was almost camouflaged in the tattoos.

    His eyes were golden with no apparent sclera or iris, only a network of chords, golden chords in a golden ball. He wore black harem pants with patterns of entangled hieroglyphics, he slipped on a pair of red hi-tops . Like Gninekawa, he was shirtless, he, course, he had a more muscular body. He gripped two unsheathed katana swords, the black and the white, primed for slaying. He was the strict adult, and always persisted things get done his way whenever he was leader on a mission.

    Gninekawa was a dark-skinned African who did not identify with any particular ethnic group, he had long drooping thick red dreads, they were shoulder-length, like willows around his head, his eyes were bloodshot. He was shirtless, he had abnormally thick and great red wings, they were as if stacked layers on his back, a single feather could grow a metre long. His robotic right hand, it appeared bionic, and like his hair, eyes, and wings, was red, but with different shades of red. The knuckles were rose, the back of his hand had a double layer, maroon, so was his palm. His phalanges were visibly divided, they were crimson, they had horizontal rectangles on each segment, all the rectangles were wine red. It was like a glove attached to skin.

    He wore black shorts with a vertical neon blue light on either side, and a pair of white sneakers with red soles. Gninekawa's left hand had a red lustrous globe sunken in it appearing on the dorsal and ventral sides, but it was slightly bigger than a golf ball, and it grew whenever he used it, like his enormous wings. They shrunk to his back as they folded.

    The planet they were in had been named Lato, as far as they knew. The weather was always gloomy. The entire planet had only soil and rocks and mountains, nothing else, nothing lived there. Them being Ascension souls was solely the reason they survived the harsh conditions, and they've managed to survive for so long without the need for water or food. The planet was quiet and isolated. The sky was hardly clear.

    Ericuam was doing another target practice, with one eye closed, he held his Dark sword up close to his face and focused, hundreds of meters away, he'd placed a small rock on top a larger one. He hurled the sword; it whooshed as it flew across the air. He anticipated with absolute confidence. And attested it was, he hit the small rock.

    He celebrated, Ava walked up behind him and asked, We were born with honed skills. And, you always hit right on the spot, why do you still practice?

    Ericuam turned and threw his arms. We've been in this abandoned planet for a year now. I ran out of fun things to do.

    Ava laughed. Were there any fun things to do?

    Gninekawa landed beside them, he came from the highest point in the sky, his Mighty Wings were huge, he said, Tomorrow we'll be allowed to venture into the other worlds. That was Sheela's only request for us. You should be excited.

    Ericuam held out his hand, and his black sword faded from its spot and appeared in his hand. What we read from the Moon Worshippers’ minds about the members of ORDER, she sacrificed herself fighting those other evil Moon Worshippers. When I get out of this place tomorrow, I'm going to hunt them down and kill all the remaining ones.

    Me, too. But, remember, there are so many other evil beings in this universe, we have to purge this entire universe. Ava said, staring at the sky, with wonder and aversion of what lay beyond.

    Gninekawa also stared at the sky, he clenched his Othum hand, and said with indignation, We should pick one planet to save, then, once we know what to expect, we will go on solo missions, from the least dangerous to the most dangerous. One by one, we cleanse this universe.

    But we'll have to be careful, once the forces of evil pick up a pattern, they will definitely come for us. And if we die, then it's all over. Eciruam put in mind. Gninekawa had a wide mouth smile. Then we'll have to find a way to bring the others through quickly.

    Ava sighed. And the only way to do that is to do some good, find those with intents for good, and perform the ritual. Ericuam gave a nudge. Hey, you know our place in the hierarchy. You shouldn't even be allowed to worry. Sheela merely died because she was alone and she was the last of the Old Generation, her Ascension Arts were weakening because of something from this universe, we have each other. And soon, we'll bring our brothers and sisters to help us.

    Ava smiled, but Gninekawa and Ericuam could see that it was a fake smile, she asked with an up beat tone, So, the ravaging beasts' planet is our first destination. Should be a breeze.

    Gninekawa added, Yeah, I've been sensing it from here, the number of survivors drops every day, there's only one good being left, I just hope they hold out until tomorrow. A single life is just as important.

    Later that night, but honestly, in that planet there were only gloom days and the darkest of nights, the solar system of the planets they were in's sun did not reach the planet. And it was obscured by a bigger planet. The same one they'd venture into in a couple of hours.

    Gninekawa was on the other side of the planet, prepping for his routine training. He'd cluster the rocks in one wing — using his wing like a basket. He then went on to mark some of the rocks with his Othum hand with X's.

    He steadied his left foot and deployed his right wing to maintain a horizontal leap, then he took a deep breath. In an instant, he jumped to sky and scattered the rocks to the highest point in the sky, mixing them up. His bloodshot eyes danced to spot out the ones he marked as the rocks fell. His left red Light Orb was engulfed in a bright red light. He swirled, did somersaults, and even hit a shot his Light Orb and still hit the marked rocks with his back turned.

    He counted the rocks each time he hit them, he had marked ten rocks of the twenty five. The goal of this training was to hit the ten rocks before they reached the ground. And, like every other night, he hit the ten rocks shortly before they reached the halfway distance.

    He raced to the ground, raised his wings, when they clapped on the ground he then shot up to skyward. He began kicking them with different techniques, each time he targeted one rock, he'd make sure to avoid hitting the ones he was not aiming for. His swift moves were impeccable.

    He landed on the ground with his fist down to the ground, he crouched, his wings slowly shrunk and folded on his back. Even though he did this practice and nailed it each time, he was ecstatic that he'd accomplished it. His dreads hung down his face. He smiled to himself with satisfaction, until one rock hit him on the head and fell right in front of him.

    He dropped his head and grunted. He got up after five seconds to go and find more rocks to do it again. Eciruam stood at the edge of a cliff, looking up at the pitch black sky. Unlike Gninekawa, he and Ava did not have wings, but they could leap over extended distances.

    He turned, and saw Ava approaching plummeting from the sky, she landed, the ground grumbled, she walked toward Eciruam, her mood was less sombre, she asked him, Why do you always sit alone with your thoughts?

    I keep visualizing smiting all the evil, cleansing this poor universe of their presence.

    I love how fervently determined you are, but is this just about saving the universe?

    What difference does it make? The end result will be the same.

    You're acting on vengeance, for Sheela's death. Don’t add emotions.

    They are already there, and I will not be abashed about it, she meant a lot to us. To me. Why hasn't she crossed back into our dimension when she died?

    I wish I had an answer to that question, really, but I was also perplexed. Perhaps, things are different in this universe.

    Ericuam refused to believe that, he believed something was amiss, and he would not rest until he figured it out. Ava held his hand for comfort, and pointed out to him; You are seething so much energy, save your strength for tomorrow. We may have extended stamina, but that doesn't mean we have to waste it. She suggested, You should train with Gninekawa to make use of that energy you are  wasting. Focus on tomorrow, please?

    Ericuam placed his hand on top Ava's and promised her, "I will train with Gninekawa, and I will put constraints on my human emotions, but I will not stop trying to find out what happened to Sheela's spirit."




    t the faintest light of dawn, Ava, Gninekawa, and Ericuam stood at the highest cliff on the dwarf planet, they stood side by side. Gninekawa asked, Any first words? Ava chuckled, First words?

    Always follow your instincts, Ericuam answered, quoting Sheela's most famous advice to them whenever they'd wage into battle in the other dimensions. Ericuam and

    Gninekawa looked at Ava, she held her right arm out, fingers stretched, and her red orb began lighting and shutting down, as though an alarm or police sirens.

    Subsequently, a third dimensional drawing of red ink began forming a big structure, the framework then began being clothed in metal, Ava always admired the process, she awed till the small spaceship was completely materialized. It was not like a rocket, it was fairly small and most of its interior was the cockpit.

    Ava sat on the single pilot seat and piloted the spacecraft, honestly, it was not necessary for her to be on the seat because she piloted with her mind. But she was very persistent, she needed to feel  the spacecraft, or perhaps she just missed the physical realm, though it meant being subjected to sentient tendencies, like Ericuam's emotional leak with dilute chains around it.

    They closed in into the planet's atmosphere, the pressure was extremely light, unlike from the planet they'd been summoned on. The entire planet was a jungle, there were rainforests, plains, and grasslands. It was alarmingly quiet, and there were no creatures on sight. Gninekawa suggested the creatures must have hid or they were planning an assault against their spacecraft, but the latter did not seem to bother any of them, they were wholly confident in their abilities and strength, but they weren't presumptuous.

    Ericuam activated his Black Pyramid shield around the spacecraft, it swallowed its entire body. The pyramid was pitch black and dully, and huge. All that the skulking creatures could see was a big pyramid flying in the sky. The Ascension souls could sense the creatures' presence, and the remaining survivor of the planet.

    Ericuam took charge of the mission, he assertively told Gninekawa and Ava, I will go save the remaining survivor, you two search for the creatures and kill them on sight. Once I have the survivor, I'll bring them into the spacecraft, and join you in the cleansing.

    Ava and Gninekawa looked at each other with that 'Did he really just make himself the leader?'  look they, along with the other Ascension souls, always gave him whenever they were on a mission without Sheela or Skye. You'd think they would have gotten used to Ericuam's bossy attitude.

    The enveloped spacecraft hovered above a massive rainforest. The sun was at its zenith, it seemed the sunrise of their planet was prolonged by this planet's position.

    Ericuam said, in a bold tone, What I can only assume to be the leader of this world, is down there, I think it is hunting for the last survivor. So, I will need you two to keep the other creatures away from this area.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know. Gninekawa replied, he mimicked a talking puppet at Ericuam. Ava snickered. Ericuam ignored him, he summoned his Dark sword and tapped it on his Medicine Symbol Art. Ava stopped the craft and got up from her chair, she opened floor of the spacecraft, it slid open, and then Ericuam removed the Black Pyramid shield.

    Ava wished Ericuam good luck, Gninekawa snorted. Are you being serious? We are Ascension souls, the creatures down there are just disgraceful creatures who prey on the weak. We are not even in the same hierarchy.

    Ava applauded and dipped her head. Short, impactful speech, Gninekawa, she winked at Gninekawa, then turned to Ericuam, why are you still here? You should be down there saving a life.

    Ericuam made a jest, An eternity with you guys, sometimes I forget. Then jumped. He landed on the ground in a squat, beside a tree with entangled big roots that came out the ground. He held his sword out.

    Almost immediately, Ava flew the craft to a nearby old and brittle temple infested with cracks. It was as though the mildest quake would cause the temple to collapse. The spacecraft disappeared and Gninekawa and Ava thudded on the plains ground in the temple's vicinity. 

    Gninekawa popped his fingers, his Othum hand screamed in clanks. They entered the temple cautiously, it was dark, like afternoon in their gloom planet. Ava's left tattoo manifested a revolver, not a normal one, it had a wider and longer muzzle and barrel, the cylinder had more than six bullets inside — if those things were called bullets.

    They walked further into the temple, their heads dancing to every direction their senses led them whenever the beasts inside the temple whisked by. Dust shook off the temple's door as it plodded close. Neither Gninekawa nor Ava made any attempts of preventing it from closing, if this meant the hiding beasts would attack, then so be it.

    Once the door closed, darkness was all there is, Gninekawa's Light Orb glowed red, it did not spread so far, and they'd only see the beasts at close quarters, but they had faith in their reflexes. So, they continued walking farther in. Gninekawa and Ava leaped to opposite directions, dodging a sixteen feet tall elephant with a stature that resembled a human's, a built fat human body type, the elephant fell from the ceiling and stomped on the ground.

    At the same time, in an instant, as Gninekawa deployed his wings to bring himself to stop, he felt two horns prod him from the back. A buffalo, with the same size and body type as the elephant, tackled him, sending him toward the elephant. Ava had halted already, so she aimed her revolver at the elephant, seeing it prepping to thrust its huge fist upon Gninekawa, but something, another beast, kicked Ava's hand, the gun went off, embers flying behind the bullet, and averted the aim.

    Luckily, Ava had a firm grip on the gun, so it did not fall off her hand, instead she staggered. When the bullet hit the wall, it blew a big hole. Gninekawa's right wing dug deep into the ground, then his left did an upper block, when the fist met the Might Wing, Gninekawa did not even lurch, it was as though the fist were nerfed. The same could not be said for the beast.

    Ava finally saw what tried to kick off the revolver from her grasp, it was another giant beast, a leopard, it had its vicious teeth and claws displayed as it jumped at her, the goal was probably to either bite Ava or claw her face. There wasn't any time to aim the gun and pull the trigger, so Ava manifested a small targe in the leopard's mouth,

    immobilizing the wide mouth of the leopard beast. Now she had the chance to aim and blow its head off its shoulders, but she didn't do it. She crouched and let the leopard go over her, she heard the small shield being crushed by the beast's steel-hard teeth.

    Gninekawa hit the elephant with  both feet with a double front kick, it fell and it tumbled away from him. The fore-end of Ava's barrel was burning red, she surveyed it and narrowed her eyes at it, she needed something bigger. Albeit the big bullets being apt to leave a gape on the beasts' bodies. Perhaps, she was angered. When Gninekawa turned to look for the thing that tried to stab its horns into his back, it was gone, camouflaged by the dark.

    Ericuam was also cautious and on guard, he followed his instincts, which lay a route toward the survivor they'd come for. He chose to handle this one because the creature hunting the remaining survivor had a more malevolent nature to its presence, and he deemed himself the only one capable of killing it while saving the survivor's life without any slip-ups.

    There were bits of mangled and raggedly torn corpses of the very few who were recently feasted upon by the beasts — the night before. There was an awful stench that pervaded in the rainforest. This made Ericuam more eager to kill the one responsible for this. And so, he summoned the Light sword.

    Gninekawa's wings folded back into his back, it was clear to him and Ava and these beasts were acting on coordinated attacks. So far, they had seen three, but they were certain there were five of them. Their eyes met, Ava was toting her version of an AR-15. It had a narrow barrel and a broad magazine.

    They nodded to each other, they'd decided to split up and lure the beasts, since they were outnumbered, it would be difficult for them to kill them. But, if they split up, so would the beasts. Gninekawa, with his Light Orb seething red, flew further into the tower while Ava stood where she was. She had the revolver tucked on the side of her hip, she stared intently at the crushed targe.

    Rocket shoes constructed around her combat boots and lunged her forward, she'd dodged another surprise attack. She twirled, and saw the leopard again, its arm was curved, it tried to snatch her. She opened fire, the pews were audible for Gninekawa. The blood squirted each time the thin long bullets hit the leopard beast.

    Ava ran the target from the leopard's forearm all the way up to its shoulder until it quickly scampered, she still shot at it as it retreated, she hit its back multiple times before she lost sight of it.

    Gninekawa stopped in front of a stage with statues on either side and a throne in the middle of the statues. The throne was made of chains melted together to give the shape of the chair, but was not done well. One more thing Gninekawa noticed was that the throne was too small for any of the beasts.

    He heard swift thuds coming from his right, he had momentarily let down his guard — distracted by the chair. Another beast, but this time a rhino, Gninekawa was going to try and stop it using his Othum hand, but the rhino, thanks to the brief distraction, managed to grab both of his hands. It lifted him off the ground and continued to run, it ducked its head, prepping to stab him with its horns. The horn was sturdy enough to, if it pierced Gninekawa, it would tear him apart. If he could be torn, or even affected.

    Gninekawa's hands were restrained. He glanced behind him, there was a pillar. Now, if the rhino does impale him and his torso remains attached, he would be stuck to the shaft.

    The rhino's right hand turned scorching red and it quickly let go of Gninekawa's hand, he was burning it with his Light Orb. The rhino then thrusted its horn toward Gninekawa's stomach, but he halted it with his now free hand. His wings deployed and stuck deep into the ground, and he reared the beast's heavy body and flipped it over him. The rhino crashed into the pillar. The old temple was strong, after all. His wings folded back, he sensed something imminent.

    Gninekawa quickly raised his head alertly and beamed a laser at the wall, he sliced off the tip of the buffalo's left horn and the buffalo retreated up the walls. It had planned to tackle him from behind again. He would have gotten its hoofs cut off with his laser if the rhino behind him did not grab his head with its enormous hand.

    It lifted him, squeezing hard on his head, but before it could get him high enough, he span, the beastly rhino did not even notice that in that split second he span, one of his wings had deployed. By the time it saw the wing fold back into his back, it had its hand snipped off. The rhino watched in terror as its hand flopped.

    While the rhino was in a daze, Gninekawa hopped and flipped twice in the air, then planted an axe kick down the rhino's head — a loud crack and the rhino dropped dead. Ava hovered on her rocket shoes as she followed the trail of blood, it seemed her modified bullets cut deep into the beast's rock-hard skin, and left the beast to bleed profusely. Honestly, it would be a miracle if she found it still breathing, or if she did find it still breathing, it would be too injured to move. She used her yellow orb tattoo to construct night vision goggles.

    She heard sniffling a couple of pillars away, she was close. She froze to the sight of a lion, same size as the other four, hunched over the leopard as it wept for it. One of Ava's shot to the leopard's back had pierced its heart and the internal bleeding could not be stopped.

    Ava froze because she had a flashback, it was hazy, but the lingering emotions were discernible. The lion looked up at her, and grumbled. The Ascension souls all possessed the intrinsic ability to read into the memories of any being they came into brief, close encounter with, and Ava saw the leopard and lion's memories.

    Their romantic memories, including the memories of them feasting on the defenseless shrimpy species that inhabited this planet, but the five beasts and their leader came into this planet not when the entire evil forces flooded into the universe, but three weeks ago.

    The lion was swift, it charged at her, but Ava pulled the trigger, and with one shot aimed between the lion's eyes. It dropped and briefly tumbled. Ava moved on, she scoured for another one of those things. She bumped into Gninekawa also searching for the remaining beasts, only the elephant and the buffalo remained.

    Ava groaned. This is taking too long! She asked Gninekawa to follow her, she shot at the ceiling until there was a hole, and flew skyward, with Gninekawa behind her. She stopped in the air, the night vision goggles deconstructed and faded in the air, along with the rifle and the revolver. She constructed a rocket-propelled grenade twice the size of an average one, held it over her shoulder, and aimed at the temple, she told Gninekawa, You saw, right? In their memories? We have to finish up here and go help Ericuam,

    But Ericuam can definitely take on these beasts' leader, it's only more powerful than its followers, not us. Gninekawa replied.

    Yes, but this is not about that. It's about rescuing the remaining survivor. As much as I believe in Ericuam's capability to execute this mission without flaw, I can't risk putting our only survivor's life at risk. Remember, there aren't many of them, and we need  as many of them to bring the entire family. The minimal rule, Gninekawa.

    She shot, the smoke was red and parched white, like coal. Gninekawa peeked over the entrance before the grenade hit, the elephant was trying to escape, but the explosion engulfed it along with the temple and all that was near and blew it to smithereens. Ava did not wait for the smoke to clear, she instructed Gninekawa to follow her.

    Ericuam reached the spot he was sensing the remaining survivor, but there was just a pile of leaves on the ground, he looked up the surrounding trees, nothing. He lightly bounced off the balls of his heels twice, then jumped high. He lobbed his black blade sword from the air, it thwarted to the ground at great speed, then it sifted into the ground. He smiled to himself. He'd figured it out.

    He pressed his legs together, and his arms on either sides of his body, and began speeding down toward the ground. His eyes suddenly shifted to the side, there was something thin and long, and it was shaded dark, he thought perhaps it was a snake. He hauled his white blade sword at this elongated creature. The sword flew right through this strange serpent and right through the trees until it disappeared far ahead.

    Ericuam squatted as he landed on the ground, he watched the serpent fall lifelessly to the ground. It made dull metal sounds. It was a chain, a sliver dark chain morphed into a serpent shape. Three more rose around Ericuam, summoned his Dark sword and it appeared on his palm and he gripped it, he knew the Light sword was also effective, but it was fun to see the chains being sliced.

    These three chain serpents were different, they were thin as they drew toward the tip, and broad as they went below, he could not see the source that these chains were attached from because of the lateral roots that weren't underground obscuring his view.

    He dodged the strikes of these serpentines, he was very nimble, he cut the first one in a zigzag cut, the second one with an uppercut, and the last one with a vertical cut. The lower bodies dragged away from him and disappeared behind the plants and bushes.

    Ericuam slid his right foot to the side and steadied firmly, he bent his left, then held his sword close. He closed his eyes and listened. He heard it, the footsteps, the footsteps that stomped and grew louder each step. He opened his gold eyes and saw it.

    A woman, her arms dangling in the air, she had dark sliver skin. She had black chains tied around her face — it should be impossible to breathe because it was masking her entire face. Her lower body seemed to have been attached to a creature that was similar to a scorpion's lower body, but, like her, the solid skin of the scorpion-like creature was silver. There were those black chains again, each segment partly melted and dried to attach the two bodies. There was no segmented tail to the woman's attached lower body.

    Ericuam saw the three lower and broader parts of the serpentines pulling back to where they came from — the woman's back. There was another observation to be made about the woman, and Ericuam was happy about it, she was definitely a Moon Worshipper.

    The white blade sword appeared in Ericuam's hand, now he was wielding both swords, and he made it his priority to kill the Moon Worshipper first, then rescue the survivor afterwards. Again, emotions.





    he Moon Worshipper had heavy chains with interwoven links drooping from her palms, but even so, she moved her arms briskly, she whipped the chains at Ericuam as he maneuvered smoothly as he ducked and swung his swords. Each time the white blade sliced through the chains, they'd detach and fall to the ground, and new ones protruded. He was right - he cut extensions of her soul, so she disposed of the physical bodies, and grew new ones.

    His black blade sword nipped off pieces of the chain whips, and they also regenerated. Ericuam realized amid his impressive maneuvers that there were a bunch of chains melted together being slowly lowered around the spot he sensed the survivor.

    The woman was causing a diversion with her never-ending whips, Ericuam ran up a tree, and once he was high enough, he hurled his black sword at the woman's head,

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