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Deadly Red-Eye Flight
Deadly Red-Eye Flight
Deadly Red-Eye Flight
Ebook35 pages25 minutes

Deadly Red-Eye Flight

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About this ebook

The Haven, a last bastion of humanity, was built on promises of salvation.

But dwindling resources and a dying Earth force desperate choices.

Sarah, a brilliant biochemist, holds the key to survival – an accelerated evolution that could save their future...or corrupt their humanity forever.

Against a council driven by fear, Sarah's race against time becomes a battle for the soul of what it means to be human.

PublisherRoberta James
Release dateMay 8, 2024
Deadly Red-Eye Flight

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    Book preview

    Deadly Red-Eye Flight - Roberta James

    Chapter 1: Turbulence

    The recycled air of the red-eye from Washington D.C. to Los Angeles tasted stale, an apt metaphor for the dull ache Sarah Henley carried in her chest. Beside her, her husband Alex slumbered with the oblivious ease of a man untroubled by the intricacies of love or art. His soft snores were a monotonous soundtrack to the turmoil churning within her.

    Sarah's fingers itched for a brush, the feel of raw clay against her skin. If she closed her eyes, she could almost conjure it – the coolness of the material, the intoxicating scent of damp earth. It was a world of textures and emotions, far removed from the starched collars and polished smiles of her sister's wedding, the very event that had dragged her back to D.C. in the first place.

    Sarah and Alex were an equation that never quite balanced. Ten years ago, the juxtaposition had been thrilling: him, the sharp-suited, fast-talking attorney, and her, the paint-splattered artist with wild hair and even wilder dreams. The spark of their differences had ignited passion, but passion waned when it found no common ground to fuel it. Now, it was just her chasing the embers of what once burned brightly.

    Her gaze drifted across the dimly lit cabin, seeking respite from her own restless thoughts. It settled on a lone figure across the aisle. Mid-forties, perhaps, the woman was all understated elegance and contained energy. Ink-black hair was pulled back in a severe bun, emphasizing a face that held a hint of weariness that mirrored Sarah's own. Yet, there was something else there, a steely resolve that seemed at odds with the graceful poise of her form.

    Desperation nudged Sarah towards boldness. Five more hours of this, she muttered aloud, a bit louder than intended, hoping to catch the woman's attention. To her relief, those sharp eyes flickered in her direction.

    Excuse me? The woman's voice was a low, velvet contralto.

    Sarah felt a blush creep up her neck. I- I was just... the energy of this plane. It's a bit overwhelming.

    The woman's

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