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Unlocking Your Dreams
Unlocking Your Dreams
Unlocking Your Dreams
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Unlocking Your Dreams

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This book is an incredible self-help guide, much like several others by author Mabel Iam, who's been recognized at various book fairs in Los Angeles and New York as a top author in the self-help genre. It offers a complete journey to self-awareness and becomes a reliable companion on your path to personal

PublisherMabel Iam
Release dateApr 30, 2024
Unlocking Your Dreams

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    Unlocking Your Dreams - Mabel Iam


    "I dreamt of paradise, where your eyes were the sky, your embrace the earth. Your sweat enveloped me like warm water, and your passion burned like fire.

    In my dream, our dreams converged, our souls intertwined, and our hearts touched.

    Perhaps under a strange spell cast by fairies, wizards, and goblins, I will discover the formula to keep dreaming of you for all eternity."

    Mabel Iam

    Dreams are the manifestation of our internal world, both total, luminous, and shadowy at once.

    In dreams dwell our most distant desires. They shape the most perfect and magical world that we must build and manifest.

    Dreaming is a creative activity that arises from the depths of the human being. This explains those finely woven images that, emerging from the most hidden and unknown levels of consciousness, burst into our minds.

    These images encompass various scenes that can be interpreted as symbolic representations. Within them, the soul articulates its deepest desires, secret aspirations, concealed fears, or unmet yearnings for affection, security, or solace.

    Exploring dreams, daydreams, and fantasies offers us a pathway to connect with our personal shadow while also discovering our inner light.

    Each of us dreams and indulges in fantasies. By attentively observing these activities, we can glean valuable insights into ourselves and their meanings. Within dreams, we experience a spectrum of emotions—from fear and disgust to joy, power, confusion, and wisdom—as they serve as a direct conduit for our soul to communicate with our conscious self.

    It is worth noting that the collective unconscious of humanity is an integral part of the human soul, encompassing all its facets and manifestations, thus housing an extensive repository of memories.

    These memories or scenes have been structuring the collective consciousness over the centuries and serve as the basis for the elaboration of the situations that humanity is experiencing. This encompasses individual and social behavior, beliefs and customs that are part of each individual's unconscious.



    Dreams are the treasures of the mind; cherish them to remember and unravel the destinies they unveil to you.

    Mabel Iam

    In our society, where the dream world often goes unacknowledged, many people assert, 'I don't remember my dreams', or 'My dreams are so peculiar; I struggle to see their relevance to my life', or even, 'My dreams are so distressing and unsettling that I'd rather forget them'.

    Nonetheless, we can develop the capacity to remember our dreams, interpret their meanings, and utilize their insights to enhance our everyday lives.

    But what is the rationale behind dedicating between ten and thirty minutes a daytime spent delving into our dreams and inner world—as the sole means of safeguarding ourselves from violence and social neurosis? How can we be certain that profound intuition and transformative change can indeed be derived from our dreams?

    Only through dreams can we find the answers. When we acquire the skill to recall them and consciously attend to them, we start constructing a bridge that facilitates the flow of our energy during wakefulness. Dreams unveil our true dynamics, illuminating what lies beneath the surface of our consciousness. They address fundamental questions, such as:

    How do we perceive the world and interact with one another?

    What are the assumptions and myths that influence us?

    What are the recurring thoughts, repeating over and over?

    What are the authentic psychological conflicts inherent in the struggles of the external realm?

    How do we attempt to solve problems of unknown origin?

    When and how are these problems being resolved?

    What fears exist in the expression of the impulses shown in our dreams?

    What are true desires and what are needs conditioned by external influences?

    How do we compensate when these desires and needs are not satisfied?

    What we learn with our minds often stays within it.

    What others say about us may influence us, but often it doesn't penetrate deeply enough to prompt real change. That's why it's crucial to remember our dreams and have the ability to interpret them. As we start practicing this ritual daily, we may find that while we are dreaming, we are also deciphering the dream and receiving its information and insights simultaneously.

    The simple act of consciously recalling, experiencing, and exploring dreams links us to our authentic self, rekindling forgotten realms of creativity and vitality inherent in all the potential material mentioned above.

    Effective Techniques to Remember Your Dreams

    Dreams are touchstones of our character. If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.

    Henry Thoreau

    Awakening jolts the mind, especially when it is triggered by the electronic buzz of our alarm clock or the gentle touch of a loved one pulling us from the embrace of our inner world. It is rare to wake up immediately after dreaming. The transition to full alertness can be gradual, which explains why recalling dreams can be such a challenge.

    It is common that when we recall a dream, it is merely a fragment, typically from the end. Therefore, to truly understand the dream, we must reconstruct the entire narrative from this small piece.

    Frequently, a solitary clue can evoke the essence of a dream: its emotional depth, connections to waking life, and the potential storyline. Such is the potency of a dream image.

    Thankfully, remembering our dreams isn't always a challenge.

    In fact, sometimes it is easy, especially if sleep is very strong, if we wake up immediately afterwards. If we are not forced to start our usual routine in the morning, we might barely wake up.

    Remembering dreams is a skill that can be learned.

    Here are some steps to take:

    Tell ourselves, several times during the day: «I am going to remember my dreams».

    Before going to sleep, we repeat this intention with special conviction to program the mind.

    It is important to have a notebook or logbook when we wake up.

    If we don't have time at that moment, we write down the key words of the dream and then expand on them later. Faced with the images that emerge, we ask ourselves and write:

    What happened before and after such a situation?

    Why do I need this dream now?

    What does it mean?

    What does it reveal to me?

    Where in my life do I need help from my inner guidance?

    Then, with more time, we dedicate ourselves to expanding the answers. This is a very simple method to remember and grow awareness of our dreams.



    Emotional Dreams

    They are brought about by tensions proceeding from unmet needs, failed hopes and diverse fears housed in our souls, like the fear of death, the fear of being insecure, lonely, or a failure.

    They come to us as nightmares. They serve the function of reminding us that we are slighting our inner world, and that we are worrying about the outside and drifting away from our inner core. Our unconscious mind releases these images in the form of nightmares. They are really meant to protect us: living them in a dream prevents us from living them or experiencing them in our real lives.

    Clear or Transparent Dreams

    Coming from the wealth of the personal and collective unconscious, clear dreams can be easily remembered on waking, and they are usually related to our present situation.

    Premonitory Dreams

    Our inner wisdom resides in the unconscious mind. At this inner mental level, time as we know it does not exist. Everything is present, always. Many times, the soul needs to warn the personality or ego about certain experiences, either positive or negative, and it does so through a dream.

    Sometimes, premonitory dreams warn us about conflicting relationships we might be establishing and, for some reason, also denying and pursuing. The circumstances shown in our dream may actually come to pass, and when this happens, we have the chance to become aware and take the right course of action.

    Mystical Dreams

    Coming from the soul, our consciousness reproduces the dream according to our level of inner development. They are scenes – psychic facts or situations – which reveal our worries or simply our beliefs as to ethical, moral, religious, or spiritual issues. Angels, saints, and mystical symbols of the religious faith are the usual images in dreams of this kind. They hold significant relevance in erotic magic, as they communicate what the superior Ego wishes to reveal directly to the dreaming person’s soul.

    Erotic Dreams

    Erotic dreams are nothing like our waking social and sexual behavior. They are impulsive, violent, over the top, enticing, perverted, joyful, or frustrating. They manifest and respond to unconscious emotional conflicts and needs.

    Sometimes, they express our fear of intimacy. They are very frequent in teenagers - or people who, for some reason, have refrained from sex and are undergoing a period of abstinence. In some cases, the dream assesses the degree of repression or denial in a person, which cannot be channeled in their social life. In other cases, the dream merely expresses the wide range of possibilities open to the dreamer.

    Dreams are a gateway to the mysteries of the inner worlds. There are techniques to remember them. And when we learn to do so, we will have built a bridge for our energy to flow back and forth, even during our waking time. Dreams reveal the real dynamics of what is happening inside of us. Knowing yourself means following your dreams.

    Have you counted the times you have had impossible erotic dreams? How many times have you day-dreamed that your sex life was better?

    Dreams are generated by symbolic representations produced directly by the unconscious. These dream images are closely related to the emotional and mental experiences we had during our waking hours. The symbolic expression involved in dreams isn’t always a direct representation of our lives, especially in the case of erotic dreams, which come in the most unexpected myriad of ways.

    Erotic Dreams in Women

    According to a survey carried out in America, around 70% of the women interviewed had experienced at least an erotic dream once in her lifetime. A high percentage also claimed to have experienced orgasms during such dreams.

    Erotic dreams in women are more frequent before menstruation and during ovulation and pregnancy. In general, the women who have these dreams have a rather dissatisfying sex life. For some, the dream is terrifying, painful and frustrating, including violent scenes – real or denied – that they cannot channel in their social lives. It is also usual that those women who feel a lot of inhibitions dream about rapes or harassment. In the case of women with a more active sex life but undergoing a period of frustration, they might dream about somebody they know and fantasize about. The dream is then gratifying.

    Erotic Dreams in Men

    In many cases, men fantasize and dream about passionate women, liberated from inhibitions, women who desire them intensely, and who, for that reason, will willingly do anything to make their most daring wishes come true. They also usually dream of collective lovemaking or orgies. A very usual dream in men has to do with the domination and submission of the woman they want but can’t get.

    When the dream is homosexual, the man might be homophobic in his waking life, but fears or repressed needs in this connection may be surfacing in the dream. The situations he dreams about are situations where the masculine identity is threatened.

    When men,

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