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The Deadly Bestseller: Northwoods Cozy Mystery, #6
The Deadly Bestseller: Northwoods Cozy Mystery, #6
The Deadly Bestseller: Northwoods Cozy Mystery, #6
Ebook55 pages30 minutes

The Deadly Bestseller: Northwoods Cozy Mystery, #6

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In the tranquil Northwoods town of Havenwood, a series of gruesome murders shatters the peaceful facade, mirroring the chilling plot of a newly released bestseller by reclusive local author Edgar Moore.

Reverend Sam Bennet and Sheriff Tom Granger find themselves drawn into a twisted game of cat and mouse, as they attempt to unravel the connection between the fictional narrative and the real-life crimes.

As they delve deeper into the mystery, they uncover a dark history of vengeance and betrayal, rooted in the town's gold rush past and the bitter feud between the Miller and Holland families. Edgar Moore, revealed to be a descendant of the ostracized Hollands, seeks retribution through his writing, using his novels as a platform to manipulate susceptible individuals and enact his twisted sense of justice.

With the help of a forensic psychologist and a criminal justice expert, Sam and Tom discover the insidious power of hypnotic suggestion and subliminal messaging embedded within Edgar's novels. They identify a network of individuals who have become unwitting pawns in his deadly game, their actions triggered by the dark narratives and carefully crafted cues that exploit their vulnerabilities and desires.

As the investigation reaches its climax, the true extent of Edgar's manipulation is revealed, exposing the darkness that lurks beneath the surface of Havenwood and the devastating consequences of unchecked vengeance. The town is left grappling with the aftermath of the tragedy, seeking healing and restoration while remaining vigilant against the lingering shadows of Edgar's influence.

Release dateMay 7, 2024
The Deadly Bestseller: Northwoods Cozy Mystery, #6

W.R. Madison

With years of ordained ministry in the Church and after publishing over 100 self-help and spiritual books, W.R. Madison is now taking his treasure of inside wisdom and stories, combined with his passion for searching and solving life's many mysteries, and created his Cozy Christian Mystery series wrapped in the Northwoods, of Wisconsin.  He portrays the charm and legends found only in Havenwood.  W.R. Madison's goal in writing his fiction stories is to help the reader take a break from the sometimes harsh realities of daily life, and wrap themselves in solving the mysteries buried in the shadows of Widow Hill.  His hero, The Rev. Sam Bennet, will inspire deeper faith, trust in God's plans and the constant need for integrity in daily living. Welcome aboard!

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    Book preview

    The Deadly Bestseller - W.R. Madison

    Chapter 1: The Book and the Body

    Reverend Sam Bennet sipped his lukewarm coffee, the silence of the Daily Grind broken only by the rhythmic whir of the espresso machine and the murmur of early morning conversations. 

    He watched a light snowfall dust the quaint storefronts of Havenwood’s Main Street. Havenwood was nestled amidst the towering pines and glacial lakes of northern Wisconsin. The Northwoods was a haven for tourists seeking escape in the summer and a tranquil retreat for its residents in the winter. 

    Sam, with his salt-and-pepper hair, kind eyes, and gentle demeanor, was a pillar of this community, offering solace as the part-time pastor of the Community Church and a listening ear to anyone in need.

    The jarring ring of his phone shattered the peaceful morning. It was Sheriff Tom Granger, his voice laced with urgency. Sam, we need you at Widow Hill. Someone found a body. Looks like foul play.

    Widow Hill, a looming 2,000-foot hill just north of town, was shrouded in local lore. Tales of strange lights and unexplained disappearances had been passed down for generations. The famed Havenwood gold rush of the 1800s was focused on Widow Hill.

    Sam felt a shiver crawl down his spine. He knew this was more than just another case for Tom.

    THE VICTIM WAS A YOUNG woman, her lifeless eyes staring blankly at the snow-laden sky. Sam recognized her as Sarah Miller, a waitress at the local diner. As he offered a silent prayer, a horrifying thought struck him. He had read about a murder eerily similar to this just the day before, in a newly released book by the reclusive local author, Edgar Moore.

    Edgar, known for his chilling mystery thrillers, lived a hermit's life in a secluded log cabin on the shores of Crystal Lake. His books were bestsellers, but he shunned all publicity, preferring the company of his characters to the real world. 

    His latest work, Shadows of Havenwood, had been flying off the shelves at Edna Finch's Bookworm bookstore, and Sam had picked up a copy out of curiosity.

    The scene described in the book was almost identical to the one before him - a young woman, murdered in the same location, with similar details. Sam's mind raced. Was this a chilling coincidence, or something far more sinister?

    He shared his unsettling discovery with Sheriff Granger, who initially dismissed it as a

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