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Light in the Darkness
Light in the Darkness
Light in the Darkness
Ebook42 pages38 minutes

Light in the Darkness

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In a world full of death and despair, Celestia had made it her life’s work to bring healing and love to those in need. First arriving in Everbrooke, she meets a man who catches her attention. Knowing that he may be the most damaged person she had ever met, she takes on the task to mend his heart and soul as well as his physical wounds. This is the first encounter of many for sweet and kind Celestia who captures the heart of devious and broken Kano during many intimate and passionate escapades.

“I’m surprised a holy woman like yourself could commit such sinful acts with a man such as myself.” His voice was gravely and his words were panted against her.

Release dateJan 31, 2023
Light in the Darkness

Audrey Adamare

I started writing when I was 13 years old through forum posts on MSN groups where I would role play with other people. I started writing my first book at the age of 16 although it was never published! I revised it and revised it and am not happy with it still, but one day I will have a novel published! Many, many years later, now that I am in my 30s, I've decided to pursue one of my long-term passions. I was inspired by my friends to write and publish short erotica stories because they said "You're really good at this! You should do it because you like it!" Well, I do enjoy writing, reading, and making people happy. Writing and reading are hobbies as I work full-time jobs and provide for myself. I hope that one day I can inspire others with my work so that they may also pursue their interests! My short stories are all inspired by games I used to play with my friends where we created our own original characters and played through the realms, trials, and tribulations--and of course, there were a lot of intimate moments! Experiences make us who we are and I write those experiences into my work. I really hope others enjoy my stories!

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    Book preview

    Light in the Darkness - Audrey Adamare


    in the


    Audrey Adamare

    Author’s Note

    This is a work of fiction. All characters depicted in this book are 18 years or older. The author does not support under-aged sex or rape. Depictions can be graphic and not for everyone.

    Trigger warnings include possible rape or rape-like scenes, gore and or violence, and coercion. This is a fictional world, with fictional characters, is not set to modern age.

    ~*Light in the Darkness*~

    The city was covered in filth, sickness, and disease; the streets littered with people and animals carrying about with everyday tasks such as hawking, shopping, general labors, and bustling with chatter. Celestia had recently arrived in Everbrooke on a conquest from the monastery in Celondel, she was to teach the people of Everbrooke of the Goddess Cassidy’s love and help rid the people of their diseases and troubles—she was a healer of sorts following the crafts of alchemy and clerical work with the blessings of her Goddess.

    The woman was tall and slender, standing at about 173 centimeters tall with pale, blemish free skin that sparkled in the sunlight. Her hair was below her tailbone and shimmered; a pale golden color, almost akin to white. Hidden only slightly by her hair were her long, prominent ears that marked her of the Elven race. Her eyes were as pale blue as the sky with green and gold flecks. She wore a long white gown with a hood that was inlaid with silver threads and celestial design with the symbols of her Goddess and the monastery.

    She carried upon her back a large sack that had the items she needed to set up a location in the central of the city and only a small pouch of gold upon her hip. Upon securing an empty location near a corner of the central square, she set down her pack and pulled out a long blanket. She fanned the blanket and then proceeded to pull the rest of the items from her pack including incense, oils, herbs, and pamphlets. She sat in the center of the blanket and closed her eyes to meditate for a moment.

    The noises in the city make it hard to think. She said softly to herself.

    Her nose twitched. Is that blood? Upon opening her eyes, she peered down a side street straying from the center and saw a man in tattered black robes with a shoulder holding him upon a wall. She pressed her hands to the blanket and stood. The man appeared to be injured, his other arm holding the one that was holding his weight against the stone as blood trickled down his arm and onto the ground. Perhaps the Goddess had led her to this exact spot at this exact moment.

    She made her way toward the man, Excuse me, sir. Her voice was soft, gentle, and heavenly.

    He had crazy fiery red hair that curled and sprung in every which direction, his eyes were of a golden hue, his skin pale, and his body quite scrawny yet seemed rather muscular. He maybe stood

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