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The Brighton Affair: A Pride and Prejudice Variation
The Brighton Affair: A Pride and Prejudice Variation
The Brighton Affair: A Pride and Prejudice Variation
Ebook50 pages39 minutes

The Brighton Affair: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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After rejecting a most improper proposal, Elizabeth Bennet is in search of something to take her mind off the confusion of emotions that threaten to consume her. Taking solace in her family, Elizabeth does her best to immerse herself in the chaos of Longbourn once more.


But her respite was short-lived as her younger sister Lydia, ever the impulsive one, announced her intention to join the militia encampment in the seaside town of Brighton as the guest of Colonel Forster's wife. Fearing the consequences of Lydia's reckless behavior, Elizabeth insists on chaperoning her.


But all is not well in Brighton, and when Elizabeth is reacquainted with Mr. George Wickham, she cannot help but feel some unease in his presence, though she cannot determine why. But when she overhears Mr. Wickham speaking in confidence to Mrs. Forster about Lydia's dowry, she knows that she must act quickly to rescue her foolish sister.


But Elizabeth cannot face Mr. Wickham on her own, and the only one who can come to her aid is the most disagreeable gentleman of her acquaintance…

The Brighton Affair is a sweet, clean, Pride and Prejudice variation that is suitable for all lovers of Jane Austen's romantic classic.

Release dateMay 5, 2024
The Brighton Affair: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

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    The Brighton Affair - Alice Tyson


    As we sat in the drawing room of Longbourn, a hum of conversation encircled us like bees drawn to the fragrant blooms of spring. Mary was deep in discourse over the moral fiber of our neighbors, while Kitty and Lydia giggled behind cupped hands, no doubt concocting some fresh mischief. Mama fluttered about, her anxious eyes surveying us as if we were prized hens who might at any moment lay golden eggs.

    Did you hear, Jane said, her voice ever so gentle, that Mr. Collins has taken to sermonizing the sheep in his pasture? The poor creatures cannot escape his lectures.

    A ripple of amusement spread through the room. I joined in the laughter, but my mirth was as hollow as a dried gourd. My mind, a traitor to the present company, wandered down paths best left untrodden. It was ensnared by the memory of a man whose pride had both offended and intrigued me—a man who had offered me his hand while withholding the warmth of his heart.

    Dear Mr. Darcy. His proposal had been so fervently delivered, yet so devoid of tenderness. How could one refuse a man of such consequence and yet feel the pang of rejection oneself? The conflict within me was as turbulent as a stormy sea—his words had pierced me, yet his dislike of my family rankled still. Could it be that I yearned for his good opinion whilst I abhorred the manner of his affections?

    Elizabeth, dear, you are not listening! Lydia's voice called me back from my reveries.

    Forgive me, I replied, My mind was occupied elsewhere.

    Indeed, it must have been a most serious occupation to draw you away from such delightful scandal, Lydia teased with a twinkle in her eye. 

    Perhaps Lizzy is composing a sonnet in her head, Kitty suggested.

    Or pondering the mysteries of the universe, Mary added solemnly, missing the jest entirely.

    Neither sonnets nor mysteries hold sway over me today, I assure you, I said, trying to recapture the lighthearted tone of the conversation. And yet, my gaze strayed to the window, to the world beyond where decisions of great import were made and feelings were as intricate as the lace on Jane's work.

    Take care, Lizzie, Jane interjected softly, reaching out to squeeze my hand, her own concern for me clear in her tender blue eyes. Your countenance betrays a mind not at ease.

    Thank you, dearest Jane, I answered softly. Some matters do weigh heavily upon my soul.

    And with that, I forced my attention back to my sisters, to their laughter and chatter, though my inner turmoil refused to be quelled. In the confines of my heart, Mr. Darcy's image lingered, proud and unyielding, yet somehow earnest in its flawed declaration.

    The tranquility of the drawing room was abruptly shattered as Lydia, with all the subtlety of a winter tempest, burst through the door. Her cheeks glowed with an incandescent flush of excitement, and her eyes sparkled with the fire of untold news. The very air around her seemed to crackle with her energy.

    Guess what has been decided upon! she exclaimed, barely containing herself as she stood before us, hands clasped together in irrepressible delight.

    Pray, do enlighten us, I replied, my curiosity piqued despite my

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