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The Trouble With Cowboys: Rough Daddy, #0
The Trouble With Cowboys: Rough Daddy, #0
The Trouble With Cowboys: Rough Daddy, #0
Ebook93 pages1 hour

The Trouble With Cowboys: Rough Daddy, #0

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About this ebook

A Stand-alone prequel
A Steamy short read


Taking a Chance on love
Nick doesn't date vanilla women.
For him, a woman has to want the sweet and the spicy.
But she's different.
When he falls hard for the sassy bartender of the Dusty Coyote bar, he realizes that kinky or not, he has to have her.

Katie doesn't date cowboys.
That's a one-way ticket to misery and the last thing she needs in her life is more heartbreak.
But he's different.
There's something about him that calls to her, and his obvious kinky side is exciting to someone with zero experience in those games. For the first time, she's willing to open up a little, and give someone a chance.

But will the relationship work, if she can't find it in her to enjoy the rough play this cowboy Daddy needs?

PublisherKessily Lewel
Release dateMay 2, 2024
The Trouble With Cowboys: Rough Daddy, #0

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    Book preview

    The Trouble With Cowboys - Kessily Lewel

    Taking a Chance on love

    Nick doesn’t date vanilla women.

    For him, a woman has to want the sweet and the spicy.

    But she’s different.

    When he falls hard for the sassy bartender of the Dusty Coyote bar, he realizes that kinky or not, he has to have her.

    Katie doesn’t date cowboys.

    That’s a one-way ticket to misery and the last thing she needs in her life is more heartbreak.

    But he’s different.

    There’s something about him that calls to her, and his obvious kinky side is exciting to someone with zero experience in those games. For the first time, she’s willing to open up a little, and give someone a chance.

    But will the relationship work, if she can’t find it in her to enjoy the rough play this cowboy Daddy needs?

    The Rough Daddy Series

    WARNING: THE NEW ROUGH Daddy series is a spin-off of the Daddy Takes the Reins series. If you haven’t read them, then there will be some spoilers for you in this note (just in the note, not in the story itself). This prequel, however, stands alone, so if you haven’t read the Reins series yet, you can skip the rest of this note and go on to the story.

    NICK AND KATIE ORIGINALLY appeared in the fourth book of the Daddy Takes the Reins series, when Nick arrives to be the new foreman of the ranch. Readers loved them so much, that I decided to let Sam and Charlie enjoy their HEA in the background, while Nick and Katie took over in the next book.

    At least that was the original plan. Then I came to realize that their story had to begin earlier. In fact, it needed to start long before they accepted Sam’s offer and moved there.

    This is a prequel, and the story of how Nick and Katie met.

    When I wrote it, I thought I would give you this, and then just leap ahead into book five of Daddy Takes the Reins with Nick and Katie as the lead characters, but after careful consideration I realized they deserved more than that.

    They needed their own series, with their own romance arc— and not just a little prequel of how they met, before jumping forward to their arrival at the ranch, already married, happy, and settling into a new job.

    So, I have reorganized and replanned everything for a new series starring Nick and Katie. It will begin with this prequel, and we’ll get to see their romance and dynamic grow and develop over time.

    Eventually the timelines will merge, and they’ll end up on the ranch where they should be. That way we can catch up with Sam and Charlie. And Katie and Charlie can get up to lots of shenanigans together. But before that, we’re going to take the time to build a real relationship for Katie and her Rough Daddy Nick.

    I, for one, am excited to start a whole new adventure with this series. I hope you are too!

    Chapter One

    Nick pulled his battered old pick-up into the lot and parked in the last open space. Light and honky-tonk spilled out the open front doors of the bar. The Dusty Coyote looked like it was packed inside. Not shocking for a Friday night.

    It wasn’t exactly what he was in the mood for, but he needed a drink and to blow off some steam. Maybe if he was lucky someone would start a fight. He’d be happy to burn off some of the excess stress with a good old fashioned parking lot brawl.

    If a fight didn’t start naturally, he’d been known to goad someone into it, but Nick never threw the first punch. He wasn’t stupid. His skin was too dark and some of these dinky little towns still leaned hard racist when it came to Natives or Hispanics.

    Nick was both and he wasn’t risking a stay behind bars. He’d learned his lesson about that the hard way when he was a snot-nosed kid with a temper. These days he had that all under control and when his feathers were ruffled very few people could tell.

    He hopped out of the truck and slammed the driver’s side door, and then, when it bounced back open, he sighed and threw his weight into it until it finally clicked. It had been giving him trouble lately with not latching. It was on his list to fix it when he got his next paycheck.

    That list got longer every day. For now, what was left of his cash was going to drinking. Not that he had enough green in his wallet to actually get drunk, but he was hoping to build on what he had with a few games of pool.

    A group of tipsy women were crowding the doorway and Nick tipped his hat politely as he eased around them. He headed straight for the bar, but the room was crowded, and it required a lot of detours and side steps to avoid running into anyone.

    It was pretty early on a Friday night for people to be sloshed already, but it was a small town and there wasn’t much else to do, he figured. He hadn’t been around long enough to know for sure, but nothing much changed in these backwater Wyoming towns.

    Nick was a cowboy and he’d hired on just recently at a ranch a few miles outside of town. It was the busy season, and they needed every hand they could get. Most likely, a few months down the road, they wouldn’t need him anymore and he’d be traveling again.

    That was the life of a cowboy, and it suited him most days. They housed him, fed him three times a day, and put some cash in his pocket for the dry spells—but after a while he got tired of seeing nothing but cows and the ugly mugs of the other hands. He got itchy for some excitement and then he headed into town for some fun.

    Sometimes that fun included women, other times it didn’t. Tonight though, he figured he had a pretty good chance of getting lucky if he found a gal he liked. A gal who... shared the same interests.

    Nick wasn’t really into vanilla. He liked things a little spicier and as he leaned against the bar and scanned the room, he noticed a few possibilities that might, maybe, do. Sometimes you could kind of tell the women with a kinky streak. He’d been surprised more than once though, so it really was a crap shoot.

    Need something, cowboy? Or are you just taking in the sights?

    The feminine voice was filled with dry amusement and Nick’s head snapped around, grin in place as he looked

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