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The way the process must go
The way the process must go
The way the process must go
Ebook220 pages3 hours

The way the process must go

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Travel through the alien invasion of the high martial world, awakening one click skip system.

Conventional martial arts cultivation takes a lot of time to cultivate.

As long as you get started with the exercises, you can skip the process of cultivation and go straight to perfection.

PublisherCharles Clark
Release dateMar 1, 2024
The way the process must go

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    The way the process must go - Charles Clark

    Act 1

    Lily Harding slept very peacefully.

    Under the ultra-high-definition magic eye elf lens, it can be seen that he is lying on the stone, sleeping particularly calm, as if his side is not a rotten place of crisis, but a picnic place. Not far from where he slept, he could see the ground covered with skeletons, which were mixed with dead branches, as if they were completely corroded and weightless, and shook slightly when the wind blew, transmitting terror to the outside world.

    His calm attitude astonishes the water friends. If he were still strong, it would be enough. But Lily Harding has fallen to the earth at this moment, and only a relatively powerful ghost can kill him. Is there something at the bottom of the box, or is it just a big heart?

    Just as the water friends in the broadcast room were arguing, Lily Harding woke up leisurely.

    He rubbed his eyes, said hello in a vague tone, glanced at the popularity of the live broadcast on the screen, and was a little startled: Ah? How long did I sleep? How come there are 3.5 million people in the broadcast room?

    Not very long, just over two hours!

    Lily Harding scratched her head and said, I remember before I went to bed, the popularity of the live broadcast was about 1.7 million, right? I thought it would be nice to wake up with half the people left, but there were twice as many! Are you all so bored? Tens of thousands watching me sleep?"

    Miss Ling is beautiful! Special meal!

    I did nothing for two hours, just watched Ling's muscle group carefully! I want to lick it, this screen let me lick leakage!"

    The main thing is to be afraid of missing any wonderful shots! Other things can be put to rest and then do, teacher Ling's live broadcast is the only one in the whole mainland!

    In fact, waiting is not too boring, I also opened a pit to force teammates, angry retreat!

    Miss Ling, do you allow editing and reprinting of your live broadcast? There are so many awesome shots!

    You know handsome handsome at night! Can't you watch something that actually matters?

    It seems that Sister Kay and Lord Vane have already opened the martial arts teaching class? How many students are there now?

    A lot like that? We just started teaching today!


    Seeing the bullet screen, Lily Harding thought for a moment and said, If you are just a beginner in martial arts, it makes no difference whether you follow me or follow my two apprentices. If you are interested, you can sign up for a try. I still have some things to do in the Land of Decay, and I can't get away from them in half a minute.

    Well, without further ado, I am feeling a little hungry now, although the energy in my body can support for a long time, but in order to maintain the best fighting condition, it is better to eat immediately.

    As Lily Harding spoke, she was already surveying her surroundings. Suddenly, her eyes lit up, she got up from the sleeping stone and walked toward the nearby mushroom bushes.

    The color of this mushroom is very beautiful, the canopy is divided into two colors of dark red and ice blue, dotted with round bright yellow spots, mixed with the white handle of the umbrella, giving a strong visual impact. The overall shape is not much different from the ordinary mushroom, but the umbrella is quite large, the umbrella handle is relatively thick, the whole gives the feeling of the race is naive, very lovely.

    Lily Harding picks two different colored mushrooms and shows them in front of the camera, while smiling and asking: Play a little game, water friends guess, which of these two kinds of mushrooms is poisonous? Which one is edible?"

    I know, I know! The more colorful the mushroom, the more toxic it is! So the blue kind is edible!

    This kind of common sense question teacher Ling does not have to ask specifically? So the answer is definitely against common sense, I choose the red mushroom!"

    I suppose it's all about the same? Neither mushroom color is good!

    Do you have any difference to Miss Ling? Anything you can't eat?

    That's right! With Teacher Ling's physical fitness, it is estimated that there are only two categories of things in the world: delicious and not delicious?


    Roughly scanned her eyes, and the proportion of people who guessed that blue mushrooms could be eaten was slightly higher. Lily Harding shook the mushrooms in her hand and smiled: Most of the water friends think that the blue mushroom can be eaten, its name is called blue cap powder, non-toxic, but unfortunately, non-toxic does not mean that it can be eaten, this is a very magical mushroom, composed of more than 10,000 ingredients of blue cap powder bacteria, all of which are organic matter that the human body does not need. In other words, eating this stuff is essentially like eating a plastic bag without any absorbable ingredients, and you have to pull it out or spit it out."

    The red one, called the musca fly, sounds poisonous, and it is also very magical, more magical than the blue mushroom. This is because its toxicity is unpredictable, eat it, you will randomly from the following symptoms: nausea, cramps, drowsiness, excitement, hallucination, dull feeling, dizziness, the duration is not too long, according to the physical quality of different, probably to about an hour. But its components are absorbed by the human body, so even though it's poisonous, it's edible."

    Hearing Lily Harding's explanation, many water friends felt eye-opening:

    What insight! Poisonous mushrooms can be eaten, but non-poisonous mushrooms can not be eaten!

    This kind of symptoms, it doesn't seem particularly uncomfortable?

    Mentioned the name of the poison fly umbrella suddenly remembered, there is a magical race called Mario, their staple food is the poison fly umbrella, it is said that the more eat the body bigger!

    I realized that Teacher Ling had asked two questions before!

    That teacher Ling ate this mushroom, will also randomly get a symptom?

    Why does it look like a game? Get a random feeling of being in a negative state!

    I have felt this way ever since I entered the land of decay! So much of it is like playing a game! It is too terrible to continue to think downward along this line of thinking, continue to watch teacher Ling's live broadcast, I hope the final result is different from what I think!


    This toxicity of the muscilla is completely ineffective for those who are physically stronger than intermediate fighters, and it can basically be eaten as a delicious snack, especially the variety grown in a rotten place, which contains very rich energy and can provide me with energy needs for a long time.

    After Lily Harding finished explaining, she threw the blue mushrooms to the ground, picked up a few red mushrooms, and put them into her mouth and chewed them carefully. At the same time, her voice was very clear, and the food in her mouth seemed to have no effect on her:

    I have seen a lot of field teaching to advocate eating mushrooms, mainly because the possibility of dark mushrooms is very small, than in those colors and shapes of the grass to find can eat much more convenient. But in my opinion, this is misleading, the composition of mushrooms is too complex, even non-toxic mushrooms, at least one kind of no nutritional value, eat in addition to waste energy decomposition has no benefit, just cheat the stomach, do not help your wild survival."

    So, if one day you are unlucky enough to stray into the land of decay, remember this food I recommend to you, and you can escape, said Lily Harding, leaving the mushroom bushes, bending down on the ground, picking up a large skull, and saying, Look, there it is, the more dangerous places in the land of decay are everywhere.

    Looking at Lily Harding's pale, grisly skull in her hands, especially the hollow eye sockets of the skull staring at the camera, the studio suddenly exploded:

    Damn it! Miss Ling, think ah!

    No, Miss Ling, you want to eat people? Didn't you teach Sister Kay not to eat people?

    Although Teacher Ling you are a foreigner, but directly propagating cannibalism is a little too careless?

    The skeleton is dead, isn't it?

    No! You can't eat it even if you're dead! I really can't accept this!

    You're a little late in persuading me! Looking at Teacher Ling's relaxed look, it should be eaten many times!

    Thinking about it, I suddenly feel so sick!

    What a cannibal! I'm watching cannibals live! Close the broadcast room and be safe!

    Ling teacher, you want to eat like this, that martial Dao also promote a hair ah! You're scared to death!"


    Act 2

    Watching countless water friends in the broadcast room to advise themselves to think and act, Lily Harding was a little unable to laugh and cry, the skull was thrown up and down in his hand, and he said amusingly:

    Where were you all thinking? How could I possibly teach people to eat? Only a very small number of animal species will eat their own kind, because the probability of carrying the same disease is very high, and the possibility of eating disease is very high. This one in my hand looks like a skull, but it's the fruit of a plant called Snapdragon, but of course I prefer to call them skeleton.

    Lily Harding bent down again and picked up the dead branch from the ground. Only this time could the audience in the broadcast room see clearly that several forks were separated from the dead branch. At the end of each fork, there was a skull-shaped fruit hanging. With the strength of Lily Harding's hand, the whole skull was broken apart, and the flesh and seeds hidden under the skull were exposed.

    See? It's actually a plant, but it looks like a skull. Due to the crushing force of the Land of Decay on the human mage is too strong, resulting in a far lower level of exploration of the land of Decay than other Jedi, many adventurers who have been to the land of decay, the impression of the place is full of bones, in fact, is mistaken for the goldfish skull. It's not the fault of the adventurers, of course. Look away.

    After listening to Lily Harding's words, the Magic Eye fairy promptly switched the lens to the distance. At this time, it was about to get dark, and I could only see blue bright spots everywhere in the open space and branches of the forest. If I looked closely, these halos danced with the wind, brightening and fading like a group of ghost fires! From time to time, there are two groups of skeletons floating into the ground, under the shadow of the ghost fire, these skulls seem to be smiling, with a strange light in their eyes.

    In the live broadcast room, the barrage of scared me to death and bullet screen protection body floated by, and Lily Harding laughed:

    Isn't it scary? Those ghost fire, in fact, is the lowest level of the rotten land of monsters - ghost lamp demon, when the night, ghost lamp demon will drift with the wind, it looks very infiltration. But they are completely harmless, and they act as energy and information transmitters in the Rotting Land ecosystem, pollinating plants such as snapdragons, stranglers, and the Queen of Hearts to keep the Rotting Land ecosystem stable.

    Many water friends are now almost collapsed, an id called Longhe meteorite water friends ridicule the most accurate: According to this, this ghost lamp demon, in fact, is the role of the butterfly bee in the field of decay?

    Lily Harding nodded approvingly: This description has been more accurate, and the butterfly is slightly different, because the shape of the ghost lamp demon is more uncertain, so the evolution and mutation are relatively fast, if you see the kind of oversized, like a torch in the air rampage of the ghost fire, must pay attention to avoid, it is not the ghost lamp demon, but the ghost lamp demon advanced body 'black impermanent', Being targeted is almost a guarantee of death.

    As Lily Harding spoke, she had picked a good-looking skull from the ground, gathered up some dead leaves and branches, and randomly popped out a spark, and a roaring fire rose. Found a relatively long vine, picked off the snapdragon wear up, hanging over the fire roasting up.

    The rustling of the vine through the skull's eye sockets made people feel numb, and when the fire burned on the skull's skull, there was a faint scream from the skull, which made people feel cold. But Lily Harding felt nothing and did not hear it. She pulled the skulls to prevent them from burning, and said with some regret:

    Unfortunately, there is no pot and bowl at hand, in fact, the best way to eat these snapdragons is to boil soup. The shell of the roasted snapdragon is crisp, but the flesh inside is bland and not nearly as fragrant as the flavor of the soup. I've tried digging out the flesh before, and it doesn't work, because without this skull-like shell, there's too much energy to lose. Ha, the roast is done, I don't know if the water friends have eaten, I started!"

    Then, Lily Harding began his strange dinner in the high eyes of tens of thousands of viewers in the broadcast room. The color of the roasted snapdragons was bright red, like overripe crabs, and finally it was not so scary. He broke off a piece of his skull and crunched it, with an intoxicated expression on his face. Then the back of the head is lifted, the white flesh is poured out, and the juice is splashed.

    Hello, I haven't had cooked food in days, can I have some?

    A beautiful female voice sounded from the trees directly in front of Lily Harding. A few seconds later, a slender young woman in a tight black dress came out of the darkness, and she was leading a horse that was also pure black. The horse was very tall, strong, and handsome, and Lily Harding was only about shoulder and back height. The hoof alone is the size of an ordinary millstone!

    Suburban picnic, campfire night talk, young women come uninvited, intoxicating, if the woman has some beauty, presumably will be more intoxicating. Unfortunately, Lily Harding had no idea how beautiful the woman was.

    Neither she nor her horse had a head.

    There was a smooth cut in her broken neck, and the black air oozed from it. Lily Harding looked at the woman, her pupils shrinking slightly, and she gave way to the edge of the skewer. She smiled.

    Good, said Hermione.

    The appearance of snapdragons and the author's description is completely consistent, not fiction, curious water friends can directly search for skeleton grass

    Lily Harding's pupils shrank slightly, not because the woman was strange, but because he had received the task cue:

    You found the headless rider.

    The opponent's strength is being judged...

    Success has been judged, the strength of the locomotive headless knight in front of us is: the middle class Warcraft.

    The main task, requiring the defeat of the locomotive headless knight strength is: level upper Warcraft.

    The peer party does not meet the conditions of the main task, and the task scenario cannot be triggered.

    These lines of tips are very concise, but they reveal a lot of information. First of all, originally Lily Harding thought that the headless rider of the motorcycle refers to a specific warcraft, after all, the headless rider usually rides a horse, and riding a motorcycle is very rare, but now it seems that the headless rider of the motorcycle should be a group, or even a race; The system requires the defeat of the locomotive headless knight, the strength has strict limits, must be the level of warcraft, not low, not high! If you meet the master, it should trigger a special task scene, the role of this task scene, Lily Harding wants to know with her toes, probably in order to show the full range of martial combat power is crushing magic at every level.

    Since the other party is not the target of the mission, and it seems that there is no malicious intention for the time being, Lily Harding naturally will not make trouble. He makes a gesture of please to the headless woman, and then eats on his own.

    The woman in black thanked her politely and quietly, and then walked over to the fire. As she gradually stepped into the light of the fire, the people in the studio saw her appearance.

    The first thing that stood out was, of course, that she had no head, that she was dressed all in black, that she had gloves on her hands, and that the only thing that was visible was her neck, and that her skin was very white and smooth, like the color of good milk. The incision on the neck was very smooth, a standard oval shape, and there was no flesh to be seen down from the incision, nor spine, but only a deep hole, with wisps of black air rising from the inside out. Looking down again, you will find that the headless woman's body is actually very plump, with big breasts and hips, but the hands and feet are very slender, proportional, close to the golden section, and the whole gives the race a slender feeling.

    To tell the

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