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The Forbidden Pleasures of A Female Prison: The Forbidden Pleasures of a Female Prison
The Forbidden Pleasures of A Female Prison: The Forbidden Pleasures of a Female Prison
The Forbidden Pleasures of A Female Prison: The Forbidden Pleasures of a Female Prison
Ebook37 pages31 minutes

The Forbidden Pleasures of A Female Prison: The Forbidden Pleasures of a Female Prison

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Officer John Stone is a hardnosed officer at a female prison. He has a difficult case of the rebellious Alice who just won't be seduced easily. If you like prison, anal, oral, group sex, threesome, public sex, bdsm, shower, multiples, poly, or fantasy stories, then this is a hot one.

Release dateApr 14, 2024
The Forbidden Pleasures of A Female Prison: The Forbidden Pleasures of a Female Prison

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    The Forbidden Pleasures of A Female Prison - MissyMay

    The sun glinted menacingly off the wire. The metal mesh looked ready to tear flesh from bone as I pulled my car onto the dusty concrete outside the hellhole that was to become my new workplace.

    Prisons aren't gentle creatures—a fact I was reminded of as I swung open the first door. Raw, unfettered testosterone dripped from the walls. Sweaty bulls of men. There was nothing like the squeeze of fear to make my heart rate spike as I ventured further.

    But that was a lifetime ago.

    I exhaled deeply, the memory losing ground as I neared the imposing structure I now called my place of employment. Compared to the men's prison, this one was relatively subdued as I stepped onto the grounds, but barely: a palpable tension crackled in the air.

    Hey, Stone. The chains linking cuffs to utility belt jangled as Officer Martins beckoned. Welcome to purgatory. He escorted me to the entrance, my boots kicking up dirt with every step.

    You're on observation duty. Overseeing block D—a whole new level of hell.

    Martins bade farewell by clapping me on the shoulder, leaving me momentarily stunned. I blinked and then steadied myself, taking slow breaths as I scanned my new environment with mounting wariness.

    Block D was at the heart of the penal complex, a storm of hormones and femininity. Women: young, old, inked, and restless. A good number snapped their heads up, eyes sparking with interest as I passed by.

    I tightened my jawline, locking gazes with one. Her red hair cascaded over her shoulders, electrifying the atmosphere with a jolt.

    She's the one causing the ruckus, I realized. All eyes seemed to beg for my attention, but hers remained keenly latched.

    As my shift got underway, I couldn't escape the fervent draw of the inmates. They pulled me in, whispering lewd suggestions through cracked doors.

    Hey, Officer Stone, a voice—velvety, alluring—echoed from a corner cell. I wheeled around to meet the eyes of a femme fatale. Dressed provocatively in a tight tank top and pants, she lounged on her bunk, her smoky gaze trained on me. The faintest hint of a smile played on her lips as she stretched lazily.

    Mind if I ask you something?

    Inmates were always eager to bend the ears of the guards, picking their brains for escape plans or jailhouse gossip. However, underneath her boldness I sensed a different type of longing, something raw and undeniable.

    Shoot, I replied nonchalantly, bracing myself for whatever proposition awaited.

    Well, she drawled, her Southern twang tickling my ears. "New girl got here yesterday. Fresh meat.

    I stiffened at the thought of another sex-starved criminal.

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