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"The Lost Horizon Chronicles" immerses readers in a fantastical world teeming with magic, mystery, and perilous adventures. Set against the backdrop of a sprawling realm shrouded in ancient lore and dark secrets, this epic tale follows the journey of Elara, a courageous heroine thrust into a destiny she never imagined.

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Release dateApr 8, 2024


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    Swain Eric Christopher

    The Lost Horizon Chronicles

    Copyright © 2024 by Swain Eric Christopher

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    Swain Eric Christopher asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    Really Bad Day

    Something Peculiar

    Grasping at Straws

    Call to Adventure

    Head in Sand

    Pull out Rug

    Enemies & Allies

    Games & Trials

    Earning Respect

    Forces of Evil

    Problem Revealed

    Truth & Ultimatum

    Mirror Stage

    Plan of Attack

    Crucial Role

    Direct Conflict

    Surprise Failure

    Shocking Revelation

    Giving Up

    Pep Talk

    Seizing the Sword

    Ultimate Defeat

    Unexpected Victory

    Bittersweet Return


    Really Bad Day

    The Great Library loomed before me, its vast corridors stretching into darkness like the maw of some ancient beast. I hurried through its labyrinthine halls, my footsteps echoing off the towering shelves lined with dusty tomes. My heart raced with every passing moment, the weight of my responsibilities pressing down upon me like a leaden cloak.

    Dodging scholars and stacks of scrolls, I weaved my way through the crowd, my eyes fixed on the distant glow of the reading room, where Master Thaddeus awaited my arrival. The urgency of my footsteps matched the frantic beat of my heart, each step propelling me further into the depths of the library’s endless expanse.

    But fate seemed determined to thwart my efforts at every turn. With a careless gesture, I knocked a stack of scrolls from a nearby table, cascading to the floor in a chaotic flurry of parchment and ink. Curses spilled from my lips as I stooped to gather them up, my fingers trembling with frustration.

    The passing scholars shot me disapproving glances as they stepped over the scattered scrolls, their disdain like daggers in my side. I longed to disappear into the shadows, to escape the judgmental gazes of those around me. But there was no time for self-pity, no room for weakness in the unforgiving halls of the Great Library.

    Finally, I reached the reading room, my breath coming in ragged gasps as I pushed open the heavy oak door. Master Thaddeus sat at his desk, his expression stern and unforgiving as he regarded me with cold eyes.

    Late again, Elara, he said, his voice like ice in my ears. Do you have any idea of the importance of your duties? The consequences of your negligence?

    I swallowed hard, the weight of his words like a lead weight around my neck. I-I’m sorry, Master Thaddeus, I stammered, unable to meet his gaze. I lost track of time, I-

    But he cut me off with a wave of his hand, his patience worn thin by my constant failings. Enough excuses, Elara. You know the rules of the library and the importance of punctuality. I will not tolerate such incompetence in my apprentice.

    I bowed my head in shame, the sting of his words burning hot against my skin. I had worked so hard to earn his approval and prove myself worthy of his teachings. And yet, with each passing day, it seemed I only disappointed him further.

    As Master Thaddeus launched into a lecture on the importance of discipline and responsibility, my mind drifted to thoughts of the Lost Horizon, the mythical land that had captured my imagination and refused to let go. I longed to escape the confines of the library, to venture into the unknown and uncover the secrets of the world beyond.

    But such thoughts were folly, I knew. Master Thaddeus would never allow it, not while I remained under his tutelage. I was bound to the library, shackled by duty and obligation, with no hope of escape.

    And yet, as I listened to his words, a seed of defiance began to stir within me. I refused to be held back by the expectations of others, to be confined to a life of servitude and obedience. I would find a way to pursue my dreams, to uncover the truth that lay hidden in the shadows of the world.

    With newfound determination, I straightened my shoulders and met Master Thaddeus’s gaze with steely resolve. I understand, Master, I said, my voice firm and unwavering. I will redouble my efforts and strive to meet your expectations.

    He regarded me with a mixture of skepticism and approval, his gaze piercing through to the depths of my soul. See that you do, Elara, he said, his voice softening ever so slightly. The fate of the library rests in your hands.

    With a nod of acknowledgment, I turned and left the reading room, the weight of Master Thaddeus’s expectations heavy on my shoulders. But beneath the weight, a spark of hope flickered to life, igniting a fire within me that refused to be extinguished. I knew that no matter the obstacles that lay ahead, I would find a way to forge my own path, seize control of my destiny, and unlock the secrets of the Lost Horizon.

    The Great Library stood as a colossal monument to knowledge, its vast halls echoing with the whispers of countless scholars who had come before me. But as I hurried through its labyrinthine corridors, my mind was consumed by thoughts of the Lost Horizon, a mythical land that had become an obsession, a beacon of hope in the darkness of my own inadequacies.

    I tried to push aside the persistent whispers of temptation, to focus on the task at hand, but the allure of the unknown was too powerful to ignore. With each step, my resolve weakened, until I found myself lost in a maze of doubt and uncertainty.

    I was startled and staggered forward when I rounded a corner and stepped on a loose stone. I crashed into a nearby table with a terrible thud, sending a stack of scrolls flying to the floor in a jumble. My heart pounded from the terror of being found out as I frantically tried to gather up the curses that were leaking out of my mouth.

    But fate seemed determined to thwart my efforts at every turn. With a careless gesture, I knocked over a priceless artifact, sending it crashing to the ground with a loud crash. The curator’s reproachful glare burned into my skin, filling me with shame and self-loathing.

    When I tried to apologize, the weight of my guilt choked out the words that lodged in my throat.

    How could I have been so careless and reckless in pursuing knowledge? I knew the consequences of my actions—the potential for irreparable damage to the library’s treasures. And yet, in my blind pursuit of the unknown, I had betrayed the very principles that I claimed to hold dear.

    Battling against a rising tide of panic, I struggled to maintain my composure as the full extent of my folly became clear. I needed to catch up on my duties, but I neglected my responsibilities in favor of chasing after shadows and half-truths. And now, as I stood amidst the wreckage of my own making, I realized how far I had strayed from the path of righteousness.

    But there was no time for self-pity, no room for weakness in the unforgiving halls of the Great Library. With a steely resolve, I set to work repairing the damage I had caused, my hands trembling with the weight of my guilt. Each scroll I carefully restored, each artifact I painstakingly repaired, was a penance for my sins, a reminder of the consequences of my reckless ambition.

    Hours passed in a blur of activity until, at last, the damage was undone, and artifacts were restored to their rightful place on the shelves. But despite my efforts, I knew I could never truly atone for my mistakes or erase the stain of my incompetence.

    As I stood amidst the silent halls of the library, the weight of my guilt pressing down upon me like a lead weight, I knew that I had only myself to blame for the mess I had made. And yet, amidst the darkness of my despair, a glimmer of hope flickered to life, a faint whisper of possibility in the depths of my soul.

    For I knew that no matter the obstacles that lay ahead or the trials and tribulations that awaited me on the path to redemption, I would find a way to overcome them, rise above my shortcomings, and reclaim my rightful place among the scholars of the Great Library. For I was Elara, seeker of truth, guardian of knowledge, and no matter the cost, I would not rest until the secrets of the Lost Horizon lay within my grasp.

    The weight of my failures hung heavy upon my shoulders as I trudged through the dimly lit corridors of the Great Library. Each step felt like a burden, each breath a struggle against the suffocating grip of my inadequacies. Today’s mishaps were just the latest in a long string of failures, a testament to my own incompetence and unworthiness.

    With a sinking feeling in my chest, I realized that I had once again fallen short of the mark and once again proven myself incapable of meeting the expectations placed upon me. How many times had I promised myself that things would be different, that this time I would succeed where I had previously failed? And yet, time and time again, I found myself trapped in a cycle of disappointment and despair.

    As I reached the relative safety of the archives, I sank into a nearby chair, my head in my hands as I struggled to make sense of the chaos that seemed to follow me wherever I went. What was the point of it all, I wondered? What was the point of striving for greatness when all I seemed capable of achieving was mediocrity?

    But even as doubt and self-pity threatened to consume me, a flicker of determination ignited within me, a stubborn refusal to surrender to the darkness that threatened to engulf me. With gritted teeth and a steely resolve, I forced myself to push on, to salvage what I could of the day and prove to myself and others that I was capable of more than I appeared.

    I rose from my seat, the weight of my failures still heavy upon my shoulders but no longer holding me back. I had come too far to turn back now, too invested in my quest for knowledge and understanding to let a few setbacks derail my ambitions.

    As I made my way through the archives, I caught sight of my friend and confidante, Liara, poring over a stack of ancient scrolls. Her presence was a balm to my troubled soul, a beacon of light in the darkness that threatened to consume me. Without hesitation, I approached her, eager for the comfort and reassurance only she could provide.

    Liara, I said, my voice soft and hesitant. Can I speak with you for a moment?

    She looked up from her work, a warm smile lighting up her face as she saw the turmoil in my eyes. Of course, Elara, she said, setting aside her scrolls and giving me her full attention. What’s on your mind?

    I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to express the jumble of thoughts and emotions that churned within me. But with Liara’s patient encouragement, the words began to spill forth, a torrent of fears and doubts that I had buried deep within me for far too long.

    I feel…lost, Liara, I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of my own inadequacies, like no matter how hard I try, I’ll never be able to measure up to the expectations placed upon me.

    Liara reached out and took my hand in hers, her touch a comforting anchor in the storm of my emotions. You are not alone, Elara, she said, her voice soft but firm. We all struggle with feelings of inadequacy from time to time. But you are stronger than you know, stronger than you give yourself credit for.

    I wanted to believe her that I was capable of rising above my own limitations and achieving greatness. But the doubts still lingered, whispering their poisonous lies in the darkest corners of my mind.

    I just…I want to do something meaningful with my life, Liara, I said, my voice trembling with emotion. I want to make a difference, to leave my mark upon the world. But I’m afraid I’ll never be able to break free from the shackles of my shortcomings.

    Liara squeezed my hand gently, her eyes shining with empathy and understanding. You are already making a difference, Elara, she said, her voice filled with conviction. Every day, you inspire those around you with your passion and determination. And as for leaving your mark upon the world, I do not doubt that you will achieve greatness in whatever path you choose.

    Her words were like a balm to my troubled soul, a soothing salve for the wounds that threatened to consume me. With Liara’s unwavering support and encouragement, I felt a glimmer of hope ignite within me, a spark of possibility in the darkness surrounding me.

    Thank you, Liara, I said, my voice choked with emotion. Thank you for being there for me, for believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself.

    She smiled warmly and pulled me into a tight embrace, her arms a comforting shelter from the storm that raged within me. Anytime, Elara, she whispered. Anytime.

    The day wore on with relentless cruelty, each passing moment a testament to my own shortcomings and failures. Despite my best efforts, I was drowning in a sea of frustration and despair, the weight of my inadequacies pressing down upon me like a leaden cloak.

    As the sun dipped below the horizon and the shadows lengthened, I found myself standing once more before Master Thaddeus, his stern gaze fixed upon me like a judge presiding over a trial. I braced myself for the inevitable reprimand, knowing I had once again fallen short of his expectations.

    Elara, he said, his voice cold and unforgiving. You have squandered your potential, neglected your responsibilities, and disgraced the name of the Great Library with your incompetence.

    His words cut me to the core, slicing through the fragile facade of confidence that I had spent so long constructing. How could he be so blind to the struggles that I faced, so quick to condemn me for my failures without offering a word of encouragement or support?

    I felt the heat rising within me, a simmering rage that threatened to

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