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The Evilution of America
The Evilution of America
The Evilution of America
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The Evilution of America

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Today, America's most dangerous enemies are not the terrorists or those wanting to kill us. They are the unseen evil forces that have been slowly depleting us of morality, decency and value in God. Evil has taken a seat not only in our movies, media, music and schools, but in our White House. The Evilution of America has been eroding what our Forefathers fought and suffered to create and is turning the United States into a country void of everything Godly we once stood proudly on as the greatest nation in the world. Author, Leo J. Battenhausen, exposes the true reality of the battle between good and evil going on in America today for our souls and how politics and the media are working together with evil to gather them up in droves. The Evilution of America is a must read for every citizen of the United States who asks the question, "What happened?" Battenhausen is a licensed psychotherapist, social commentator and syndicated radio guest as well as the author of four other books that speak to the human condition in America today.

Release dateMar 6, 2018
The Evilution of America

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    The Evilution of America - Leo J. Battenhausen MA MSW LCSW LCADC


    This book could not have been written without the never-ending support and love of my wife, Cori. Thank you for all of your patience and insistence in getting the work done and written. Your faith in me is beyond appreciated and I love you more every single day.

    I am also grateful to Shannon Rajewski, my Publication Specialist at Christian Faith Publishing. She has been a true inspiration and great help in the publication of this book more than she may know.

    A tremendous amount of gratitude also to Kip Ayers who designed the art work and made the cover come alive. He does tremendous work, and always creates the perfect picture that represents my work.

    Additionally, I must thank God for allowing me the opportunity to spread His love and salvation in my words, my clients for trusting me with their emotional well-being. John Kelly, my colleague and friend for so many years of guidance and support, and to the gang on Relevant Radio’s Morning Air Show, John Harper, Glen Lewerenz and Cyrus Simcoe, who have helped me spread solutions to millions of listeners for the past 5 years. You guys are awesome!

    Finally, I must also thank all of my friends on Face Book. Thank you for sticking with me and believing in me! I truly appreciate each and every one of you!

    It’s November, two-thousand and sixteen in America. This month an historical Presidential election took place. His victory has been called cataclysmic, an upset, frightening, Hilter-like and many other horrific things that the main stream media have implanted in the minds of millions of Americans and they believe it. Yet, another half of this same country believe his victory was an act of God, America’s last chance to be America again and the best thing that could have ever happened at this point in American history.

    His run against Hillary Clinton was perhaps the most emotion-fueling campaign we have ever experienced. Against all odds, Donald J. Trump won a healthy victory on November 8, 2016 and will become the 45th President of the United States. He is an extremely wealthy businessman and has starred in a Reality TV show but has never had a shred of political experience. He beat the former First Lady of the United States, former Secretary of State and former Senator of New York. He beat a Clinton which the media and many people never believed could happen.

    This election came on the heels of eight years of President Barack Hussein Obama. That name has become synonymous with a lack of care for America and Americans, Islamic sympathy, do-nothing politics, and the demoralization of many Americans. One could reasonably believe that Hillary’s fall had a lot to do with all she never did for America. Many of us could not fathom the thought of four more years of the erosion of American values, jobs, moral, safety and the protection of our rights as guaranteed by the Constitution. All of which Obama contributed to.

    Under Obama’s Administration, many Americans felt unprotected, unheard and simply neglected. After all, he traveled around the world to other countries apologizing for things that we have done in the name of Liberty and Freedom, bowing down to nations that literally hate us and want to see us dead. Although Obama claims to be a Christian, the suspicion of his true beliefs and loyalty has always been suspect. Many Americans are convinced he is a Muslim or at the very least a Muslim-sympathizer. There was and is just something about this man that is hard to trust.

    Indeed, the direction America was headed in was looking more and more like a Socialist Nation and leaning toward joining a Global economy. This is far from American, and would result in the end of the United States of America as we have known it. But, this was what Obama was preaching, and a Hillary Clinton Administration was certainly expected to follow suit. Apparently, America’s majority had had enough and along came Donald J. Trump.

    Trump’s campaign promised to Make America Great Again, and he spoke of protecting American lives, values, rights, economy, military and country. How did this message get translated into one of hate, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and evil? Trump made a few blunders of speech during his campaign, but the power of the main stream media can take a mole hill and create a mountain if it chooses. Try as they did, Americans didn’t all buy it.

    Then there was Clinton. She was caught having illegal cell phones and computers while Secretary of State and sharing Classified Intelligence with unauthorized individuals on devices meant for her personal use. That is against the law. After interviews and interrogations by Congress and the FBI, the issue got conveniently swept under the rug as her campaign chugged along. Well, she may have had a little assistance when her husband just happened to run into the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, on an Arizona tarmac. Billy Boy reported he was in Arizona to play golf (that never happened) and he climbed into Lynch’s jet for a 39 minute chat reportedly about golfing and grandkids. A day or two following their little reunion, on the Friday of the Fourth of July weekend, Jim Comey, Director of the FBI and Lynch’s subordinate, dismissed any further investigation into the email scandal. Of all the luck! But when you are a Clinton, luck isn’t needed.

    Those emails also showed that when American lives were in danger in Benghazi, and calls for help and back-up were made to America, Hillary did nothing to protect her people. Well, she didn’t want the U.S. to look like bullies to the world, so she ignored the emails. When four Americans were eventually killed there, she blamed their death on a You Tube video that caused the monsters to riot and murder when in fact she could have and was obligated to intervene when she was notified of the danger facing Americans. Clintons don’t accept responsibility, they blame. Perhaps many Americans have learned from Hillary. Perhaps they have learned to never take responsibility for their own actions, but rather blame.


    The past eight years of America under the Obama Administration has given rise to an already swelling number of entitled, spoiled and irresponsible young people. The absurdity of antics that are occurring in America following Trump’s victory are at the very least puzzling and at the very worst repulsive. These riots euphemized as protests are unlike any mob mentality we have ever witnessed following a Presidential election. The Trump Haters are refusing to accept the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the election and simply cannot believe that they cannot have what they want when they want it.

    Colleges are supporting this sick behavior by offering Cry-Ins, Pet Therapy, time off from classes, Play Dough, postponing of exams and Safe Rooms for the poor college students that cannot get over Hillary’s loss. One can only wonder how their brains have gotten to this pathetic state in the first place and how such pacifying interventions are even needed for adults enrolled in institutions of higher learning.

    These are the so-called members of the political side that favor peace and understanding, altruism and giving to others. How far from Democrat they have gone is incredible! These are not the Democrats of JFK. They are not even the Democrats of Bill Clinton. No, these are a breed far from anything even remotely political, these are a breed. This breed also demanded that Trump say he would concede to Hillary if he had lost the election. Trump never agreed to fully accept the election results when asked at the final debate of 2016, but rather said, We’ll see at the time. My point is, the breed has done everything BUT accept Trump’s win and are now blocking streets, burning businesses, destroying police cars and property all because they didn’t get what they wanted. They demanded Trump accept a loss when they cannot accept it themselves. And THAT is this generation in a nutshell! They are a breed, not a political party as this country has ever known. They are spreading and encouraging hate, yet claim to be afraid of Donald Trump and how he will be dangerous to so many of them.

    When Obama won the Presidency in 2008 and 2012, millions of Republicans and Conservatives were emotionally dismantled. It was not good news for these people and we didn’t like it but we accepted it. There were no riots or demanding Obama not accept the office. We weren’t missing work or school to roll around on Interstate 80 like spoiled brats who didn’t win a trophy! No indeed. Life went on. But something else went on as well. Something only the enormity of which we are seeing now has unveiled. That is what I call Evilution of America and although it has exposed its evil horns as manifested by the entitled, spoiled and unreasonable breed of liberals today, the full impact of its plan to destroy America as we have known it did not quite make the full cut…yet.

    That idea is the premise and purpose of this book, to expose what has been happening to millions of Americans, hidden in plain sight and gaining more and more power over people as the liberal leaders and liberal media are literally brainwashing Americans to hate America and all it stands for.

    These so-called liberals are scared to death of a Trump Administration. They have been conditioned in many ways to be so. There is no reasoning with the mind of a liberal. They have been programmed, corrupted and truly brainwashed. My intention here is to expose the WHY, BY WHOM and HOW. Trump’s victory represents more than it appears. Against all odds he won the Office of President of the United States. Those who refuse to believe it truly don’t believe in much at all. Powers much greater than the spoiled rioters and the demonic George Soros are at work and the evidence should shake the liberals to their core. The truth is, they have no idea what they are doing or who they are working for.

    America has been granted an about-face for the time being. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did. It was miraculous and necessary to give this country another chance to stop the evil and selfishness that too many Americans believe they DESERVE today. The new breed of this generation is a dangerous one. It is filled with hypocrisy, hate, selfishness and evil. It has been raised to believe that whatever it wants, it gets. That is what Obama has role-modeled and delivered, but it is not reality. It is his reality, but his subjects have a lot to learn about their reality and that of those around them.

    We almost lost America forever. Look at the reaction of this Snowflake Generation! Four more years of a Hillary Administration would have put the majority of many others under their spell, creating twice or more of them that we are seeing now stamping their feet because they lost! Trump won fair and square. Get over it. Trump won because God made it happen. We have one more chance America. Be thankful for that.


    Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we’re looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn’t test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. P. J. O’Rourke

    The plan didn’t go as according to schedule in this election. The liberal breed was planning on Hillary Clinton’s win so they could get more stuff they have been programmed to believe they need to live! Free college, legalized marijuana, a cool Prez that supports women, gives endlessly to the poor, insists that transsexuals be allowed free access to whatever public bathroom they feel comfortable in (even in elementary schools), open borders to let in everyone and anyone to have whatever their culture wants and then some, no right to own firearms, ceasing the expression of free speech, oh! And, keeping God out of everything American. The breed also wants us to be a warm and friendly representative to the world even if that means getting spit on, taken advantage of or even killed. Does this sound reasonable? Not to millions of Americans, it doesn’t.

    What are these people thinking? Let me clarify a few of these fears before going further. Donald Trump is not against women, gays, transsexuals, African-Americans, Latinos or any other group. My guess is Clinton isn’t either, that is, as long as they voted for her. She is a power-monger who has been reported to be mean, physically violent with her staff, demanding, degrading and beyond impossible to get along with. She has spent her entire lifetime expecting to become the first female President of the United States and was taken down by over half of America and Donald Trump. Now, because of her and the liberal leftists’ creation of a society of entitled, spoiled brats (like her and Obama), we have riots in this country going on because people just cannot accept the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the election. America has never seen anything like this, and luckily, if this type of population was what was expecting to win the election, they now do not have a chance.

    This crowd of rioters are only happy when they get their way, much like Hillary Clinton. The concept of losing anything in life is so foreign to them they refuse to accept it. Perhaps they missed the memo, but in every election as in life, some win and some lose. These programmed snowflakes as they have been called are completely out-of-touch with reality. What can one expect from a generation that has been coddled all of their lives, never taught to accept responsibility, never taught that hard work and effort are the only ways to succeed in the world, never had to face consequences for their mistakes and always won a trophy no matter how poorly they did? It’s sad and disgusting. It is un-American.

    Too many Americans today want their way but have not done a thing to work for it. Apparently they just cannot get it through their heads that it doesn’t work that way. Nor can they grasp or choose to consider that Trump won by such a high number precisely because of people who think like them. This generation almost had the opportunity to grow ever stronger in its ignorance had Clinton won. That is not to say that they will not continue to multiply but at least for the next four years, the sane Americans are hoping for a more common sense leader who is promising to allow God back into our country, eliminate this disease of political correctness, fortify and respect our Armed Forces, protect our borders and cease the pacifying of un-American cultures and activities that have been eroding our country for far too long now.

    The left does not see any of this that way, but have been brainwashed into believing that Donald Trump is a scary, dangerous, sexist, xenophobe, etc. with a desire to become like Adolph Hitler. Clear thinking individuals can see exactly what has been going wrong with America when disregard for God, values, our military and police forces have reached record levels. And watching a leftist government support such anti-American activity only raises that clear-thinking individual’s concern and fear as to what will happen next? The left remains clueless to America’s becoming a wasteland and third world country in this process. How can they be so blind? It appears that they themselves do not even know what they want this country to be! What are their values based upon? Certainly not God or patriotism! They are burning American flags while American soldiers are coming home limbless, mentally ill or dead! Grow up and wake up! This is no game and you deserve no trophy for your immature behaviors that are damaging businesses, making people late for work, violently hurting people and even killing them. This group is far beyond simply being sore losers, they are programmed to behave this way by powers far greater than Hillary Clinton!

    Have you ever tried to have a political discussion with a liberal? Have you ever tried to have a conversation about the existence of God with an Atheist? The results of either are frighteningly similar. Both are very quick to anger, defend and protect their points of view, but they truly are not saying much at all. Most liberals’ defense is largely condemning the right wing’s actions instead of stating what the Democrats are actually doing that would solve the stated issue. Atheists react the same way. They simply state that people of faith are fools, the Bible is a bunch of fairy tales and there cannot possibly be a God. Blaming others is paramount to being a liberal and an Atheist.

    Neither liberals nor Atheists can even entertain a civil conversation about the opposites’ respected points of view. Like programmed robots their minds do not compute. Their thinking has been hijacked by forces of evil and mind control that would take great effort to deprogram however only if they were willing. Clear-thinking individuals have learned that attempting to discuss politics or God with these two types is akin to playing a game of ping-pong by oneself, pointless. However, conversations are one thing, but the impact of the mind-controlled individuals in America is another.

    My belief is that most liberals are also Atheists. After all, the liberals have no problem with being Politically Correct which in a great part entails keeping God or any reference to Him out of every day conversation and holidays that were created to celebrate His existence. It’s also the liberals who want the Pledge of Allegiance to not include One Nation under God, or our money to have In God We Trust on it. They feel it is too insulting to the non-believer or other religions. Well boo hoo. There is something fundamentally wrong with this thinking and its only getting worse. That is another reason Donald Trump won this election. Many Americans are not accepting of the programming and brain-washing that’s being dealt out to them. And thank God for that!

    Believers make up most, if not all of the right wing thinkers. Yet, the message to us via the main stream media and leftists is that we are all angry, hate-filled people that have no heart for the poor or under-privileged. That is simply propaganda. Believers and Republicans are not against helping those in need. In fact, we are expected to be giving according to our God. And following this election, it is clear who the angry and hate-filled truly are. Where is the passive, caring heart of the liberals now that they didn’t get their way? When Obama won in 2008 and 2016, we sucked it up and went on with life as unhappy as we were. We didn’t riot, or make ridicules demands to have the Popular Vote recounted five-thousand times! We did not make death threats to the Electoral College to insist they change their votes in our favor. We didn’t burn American flags or effigies of Barack Obama. We don’t act that way, like children. Christians are not haters, we are Americans.

    There is something very wrong with this epidemic of liberals today. These are not the Democratic Party of JKF. These are monsters created by the combined forces of evil and the main stream media. They feel no shame for the pathetic and destructive nature of their selfish behaviors. They want what they want when they want it, and cannot take no for an answer. This mindset is chilling and dangerous. However, it has been perpetrated by those who crave power and destruction of anything Godly, good or American. We have seen the Evilution of America unfolding for the world to see, and it is a call to action for believers and non-believers alike. If your soul is worth saving, continue reading and draw your own conclusions about your future.


    There is a moral and spiritual war for the souls of Americans. And this war must be waged by preaching the Gospel, prayer, and obedience to God’s Word. David Jeremiah

    One can only wonder how the values, morals and principals of America could have eroded so drastically over a relatively short span of time that we have been a nation. In a mere two-hundred and forty years, the transformation of a God-loving people to a God-less people has demonstrated just how powerful the forces that oppose God have been. What was once considered sacred has somehow become corny or old-fashioned, not-applicable anymore to a society that believes crystals can cure pain and infidelity is the norm.

    America was founded on Judeo-Christian principals that made it one of the freest nations in the world, but like giving a child too much freedom, this country was destined to fall asleep at the wheel and get into trouble. It took some time to become a country addicted to sex, selfishness, blame, hate and sin though, and I believe the advent of Satanism gained great momentum when America crept into the Computer Age. It was through technology that the masses could be more effectively brain-washed and mind-controlled by the evil forces that want to win over souls from God. The more technology made life easier and accessible, the less Americans felt or believed in a need for God in their lives.

    Blindly, Americans all just went along with the progress that has corrupted our original commitment to God which was established by our forefathers when they won the American Revolution over England. Ironically, many college students today do not even know who won the Revolutionary War. For a nation so highly advanced in technology, many people just aren’t that bright. But that is part of the design.

    Knowledge is power, but America has been becoming more and more ignorant and let’s say, uninformed about God, history, values, right and wrong, caring for anything other than themselves while they feel justified in making demands of our nation and others just because they want to. The Age of Entitlement is here, and is frightening. Exactly like Satan believes that the world is owed to him and he can take from it whatever he wants, so do today’s Millenials think and behave. Gone are the days of respect for God and others, responsibility, empathy, fairness and simple caring. There is a disturbing lack of knowledge here replaced with self-gratification.

    This growing lack of Godliness is reflected hugely by our Democratic Party and the main stream media. In fact, it’s my opinion that these two entities are working together to spread their message across the nation in an effort to win over the souls and mentality of this new generation. And they are buying it. The leftists and their media are a very powerful force and the extent of their corruption is evident almost everywhere we look today, beginning with the riots following Donald Trump’s victory for President of the United States.

    Most of these rioters cannot even verbalize one planned policy of Donald Trump’s presidency, but they are literally starting fires because their candidate didn’t win. Has anyone educated them on competition and the reality of losing in life sometimes? Perhaps they should gain more of that thing called knowledge they sure do lack! When asked what they don’t like about Trump, almost in unison, they spew out of their mouths every negative and mostly false narratives that the main stream media has been reporting throughout the campaign to foil Trump’s chances of winning. They are programmed with a lack of facts and understanding what skeletons their candidate has brought to the campaign mostly because the main stream media never covers it. They were far too busy trying to destroy Trump. Why? To keep that incestuous relationship between the leftists and media intact.

    The advertisers that pay the media billions of dollars to advertise are also the businesses that contribute mega bucks to the Democratic Party. They are not just being charitable, they contribute to politicians, especially Hillary Clinton, to get their special interests groups and lobbyists heard and their agendas put in place because now they are owed favors from the politicians they contributed to. So, in essence, Wall Street and other big businesses are dictating how America is run. The media is a wonderful propaganda machine and according to them, Trump SHOULD have lost. The moron crowd was TOLD THIS and because it didn’t come true in their fantasy land, they cannot accept it. But you said CNN!

    The press was once held in high esteem and respected by people for reporting news in an unbiased, bipartisan fashion. Facts, just the facts. Today there are by far more leftist-run newspapers and television news shows then there are fair ones. One party is dominating the news industry and holds their narrative. I call this mind-control. But remember, most of the media eats off the same table as the liberal leftists and even some Republicans. If one doesn’t seek out reputable news sites online, one only hears the leftists’ agenda and principals. So for the moron nation, there’s a whole other side to the story they are missing, but they don’t care. That is a huge problem for America as the brain washing continues.

    Watching or listening to America’s main stream media only provides what they want you to hear (they, being the leftist media) and not the entire picture or story. This is frighteningly close to Nazi Germany’s propaganda machine that brainwashed the masses of Germany to worship Hitler and support his demonic rise to power and slaughtering of millions of innocent people. America has not reached such levels yet, but it certainly could if things do not change or if people do not become more aware of what is happening to them under the evil control of the media and leftists’ agenda.

    The campaign for U.S. President opened the eyes and minds of millions of Americans to the corruptness in our media’s reporting. During CNBC’s Republican Presidential debate, Ted Cruz received the loudest applause of the night when he blasted the moderators for asking questions he considered anti-Republican, saying The questions asked in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media. Yet, the media remains a very powerful, if not the most powerful tool of the leftists’ ultimate mission, control. Control is also Satan’s ultimate desire so together he and the media make a powerful and dangerous team.


    Whoever controls the media, controls the mind

    —Jim Morrison

    We all know that the Bible describes the devil as the originator of sin. Throughout time, he remains very busy and is highly intelligent with enough power to be anywhere in a split-second. However, he is not omniscient nor is he omnipresent so he needs minions to do his dirty work.

    Satan and his army of demonic spirits are all over the world, but because they are spiritual beings they are restricted and incapable of acting in our physical realm. So what does this mean? It means he needs assistance from human beings and organizations. We can see him at work in countries that are run by evil dictators who command control of their people. These dictators are being used directly by the devil. However, in the free world, Satan has found the liberal media makes for an effective tool for guiding and controlling society.


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