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Heart of Phurturriah
Heart of Phurturriah
Heart of Phurturriah
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Heart of Phurturriah

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IT COMES TO A CHOICE. After surviving a car accident where his parents are kidnapped. Shiloh dares to venture into a hidden world known as Vilece. He finds himself at the heart of an ancient prophecy that threatens its very existence. Shiloh and his unlikely allies, Elnora a

Release dateMay 7, 2024
Heart of Phurturriah

Jonathan I. Williams

Jonathan Williams is the author of the Legend of Phurturriah series. He believes it's important to write about characters who face insurmountable circumstances but also choose to navigate them courageously, with perseverance and hope, believing victory will come. Jonathan was inspired to write by his fifth-grad teacher, Mr. Ewing's creative writing assignments. Jonathan lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife and has the honor of teaching students, too.

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    Heart of Phurturriah - Jonathan I. Williams


    To my parents, W. Earl and Tanya, who inspire me to dream the impossible and believe with God, it can be possible. Thank you.

    To my former middle school teacher, Mrs. Mayer: thank you for believing in me and this story. Your words of encouragement, wisdom on life, and willingness to help me grow as a writer are invaluable. I appreciate you dearly. Thank you.

    To Mr. Ewing, my fifth-grade teacher, thank you for creating an environment where creativity could flow often. I discovered the joy of writing in your classroom, and I will forever be grateful to you for that.


    Victory Will Come

    In another dimension, a country known as Vilece exists. Before it was called Vilece, it was Derun (Dur-run). Derun was a vibrant land where luscious green forests could be found in multiple places. Yellow wildflowers and blue lilies flourished around the land and often provided healing remedies for natives... In a time of great peace, a young prince named Roaran Vilece witnessed a strange magician named Karsh change the lives of his family forever. His parents ruled peacefully in the peninsula until his father grew afraid of losing the crown. Roaran’s father took on what he thought was a loyal council. In fear of making unwise decisions that would cost him his kingship, Quill Vilece called upon Karsh to grant him a wish. When the magician finally responded to the king’s plea, he told him he could grant his wish, but he would not be able to undo it if the consequences became too great.

    Roaran remembered the fearful king didn’t care about the price for which his wish would cost him or the consequences that might arise because of it; all he cared about was his desire to keep his crown. Karsh knew this and cursed the wish unbeknownst to the king. Quill wished for his council to stay with him always so that they could advise him during his reign. Karsh granted this wish by giving the council eternal life, so the king called them the Eternals.

    Roaran had been eavesdropping the whole time Karsh was talking with the King. He could sense the undoing in this desperate plea made by his father, so he tried to stop him by speaking up, but it was too late. The wish had been granted. Several years passed when Roaran reached the age of twelve; the Eternals overthrew the king and killed him and his wife, leaving Roaran and his twin brother Jalen orphans and runaways from the only place they called home.

    Knowing law prohibited either of the princes from assuming the throne until the age of sixteen, the Eternals assumed power and ruled by the way of darkness. The twins stayed in the Vividus Forest, where dwarves and trees protected them from harm. Four years passed like seasons, and finally, just after Roaran and his brother reached the age of sixteen, they led a revolt that refused to accept the Eternal’s rule. The Eternals tried to stop the uprising, but it was too late. A war now known as The Eternal’s War took place, and for two years, blood was shed.

    With the help of allies from all the sectors of the land coming together to help share his quest for change, they took on the enemy at hand during the two long years of war and conquered them. The Eternal’s War had ended, and the once mighty council was dethroned shortly afterward. The people of the land were so full of hope and beaming with pride on that day. For a new age was upon them. When the time came to crown a king, they looked to Roaran Vilece.

    At the age of eighteen, Roaran accepted their nominations and became king of Derun. His first decree was to change the name of the land. On the day after his coronation, he married a renegade he met while fighting in the Eternal’s War named Marleena. Together, they ushered a new age of peace by renaming the land Vilece after Roaran’s last name and calling all the sectors to form five states under one country, Vilece, which means victory will come. To commemorate this new age, new name, and new family assuming power, King Roaran and Queen Marleena created the holiday Kalif, which symbolized their independence from the Eternals. Although dethroned, King Roaran knew the Eternals couldn’t die and sought to sign a treaty of peace with them, but they were uninterested. Therefore, just as his father did, he called upon the magician and asked for a wish.

    Karsh answered right away and appeared before the king and queen in the throne room of the newly built palace in the new year. King Roaran asked if the Eternals could be put away and could only come out when Kalif was being celebrated. Karsh saw the purity in his heart and in his intentions, so much so that he granted his wish but once again warned them that their actions had consequences. Karsh saw that they understood but knew something they didn’t. The consequences of this wish wouldn’t happen in their lifetime but in the lives of their children’s children. Another war would come, and only the one who shared Roaran’s pure heart would be the answer to overcoming the advisory of darkness and bring victory to Vilece.

    So it was that their wish was granted. The Eternals were sealed away after Kalif had ended and came back every Kalif year, which occurred every three years because it took two years to win the war and eighteen months to write the constitution and get all the sectors to agree to become a country. King Roaran and Queen Marleena made it so Kalif would only occur once every four years and on special circumstances when the sun and the moon aligned themselves. That way, the Eternals would come less. This event was later known as The Eternal’s Eclipse because the Eternals would usually be able to stay a little longer depending on the time the eclipse was coming and when it ended.

    Now when King Roaran was twenty and Queen Marleena was nineteen, they welcomed twin boys. The country rejoiced at the birth of Prince Baylen and Prince Oadwen. During this time, the country grew, too. Knowing the states were getting too big to be governed only by him, he elected five Elders to oversee the local responsibilities of the states and report back to him once a month. Faireryah (Fair-er-yah), Nardinyah (Nar-din-yah), Paraphane (Pair-ra-fame),

    Crieosenphane (Cree-os-sen-fame) and Enaviyah (In-nave-vi-yah) were stronger because of it.

    All was well and peaceful for many years until a king from the land of Welmdur threatened that peace. King Jylin, who assumed the throne about the same time King Roaran did, was an evil king and was feared in the eyes of his people. People from his land came in droves to Vilece because of his ruthlessness, so he sought revenge. Jylin lived in a country called Rieosenphane (Re-os-sin-fame) and ruled from the capital, Ulturkrin Castle. He wanted power so much that he tried to imperialize Vilece and make it his own. After reaching out to make an ally of Jylin to no avail, King Roaran and Queen Marleena declared war on him.

    Jylin gathered an army known as the Dark Body while King Roaran led the Light Body, signifying the age-old battle between light and dark. The Dark Body took the Wheelock River, where both sides met in an eerie Crimson Forest. For a week, many lives were lost. In order to win, King Roaran called upon his trusted knights, who were blessed with different abilities and carried energy stones found in different parts of the country. Together, the six of them combined their power to defeat Jylin and his Dark Body of soldiers. Vilece rejoiced in victory, but King Roaran, who knew they couldn’t hold him for long, called upon Karsh again, as his father once did. He wanted to put him under an enchantment that would force him into a deep sleep. Karsh granted his request, and times of peace came back to the land. The dead were buried in the forest and remembered as the place where great blood was shed.

    Peace once again graced Vilece. Times were good, especially for the Vilece family. Oadwen married a nobleman’s daughter named Irena at the age of fourteen while she was four years his senior, and together, they bore the king and queen a son whom they named Roaran after his father. The other twin son, Baylen, had fallen in love with a commoner, but they didn’t know who she was or how long they’d been seeing each other until Baylen complained of her being with child with that of a mortal.

    The king and queen were furious and sought justice for their son. So it went that King Roaran called upon the secret guard of highly trained soldiers known as the Timarks to track her down, kill her and her unborn child, but despite their best efforts to track her down, there was no trace of her whereabouts. During this time of searching for her, Oadwen and Irena’s family grew to a family of five, where now they had little girls they named Bianca Annalise and Amala Hope to complete their family. While peace ruled in the land, a horrible winter struck and killed many. It was called The Great Snow for its aggressive nature and taking of those lives. Winter winds from Rieosenphane swept the land like never before. Unfortunately, one of those lives was King Roaran, who passed away from pneumonia. Queen Marleena’s heart was broken, and it depended on the news that Baylen had run away.

    Not able to handle the reality of losing her husband and the loss of her son, Marleena died three months later in the New Year. Oadwen and Irena bravely assumed the throne after a mourning period. He was twenty-two. King Oadwen ruled like his father had, and peace continued still in the land of Vilece. Times were good until Grenilda, the prophetess, shared a prophecy with the king and queen. Oadwen immediately remembered his father, who often talked about the coming of a new legend, the one who would find the ancient energy stone known as Phurturriah and help aid them in war for peace. Oadwen had chosen not to believe and was unwilling to accept his father’s heeding at the time. He even denied the prophecy for years.

    Eventually, he went about living his life with his family, but soon, it would become very clear that the prophetess and his father’s words were true. Now, after nearly fifteen years had passed, Oadwen was in for a big surprise. The peace his father and his grandfather fought so hard to protect was about to unravel, and all because of a boy named Shiloh. When he enters their world, he will change everything, and it is unknown if it will be for the better.

    Chapter 1

    Unbelievable Yet True

    The low hissing sound of a small air conditioner behind her brought Dallas from her boredom to the two-and-a-half-hour meeting. She looked around the open board room and smelled the collective must of tension that everyone gave off before sighing. She hadn’t felt this tension in a long time due to traveling, but she could detect it anywhere. As she twiddled her thumbs, she decided it might be time to tune in. The office boss was a middle-aged man who loved himself more than anyone else. Dallas rolled her eyes when he checked his cell phone before he got up to speak. Some people may have thought he was bored, but she knew he was just checking out his appearance.

    Well, everyone, I’ve been talking for a while. I know, so let’s hear from one of our senior advisors, Mr. Bobby Turnbill, the presenter said.

    Dallas sighed again when he stood up and offered a winning smile to them before he began. She got a job working for an advertising agency known as Grounded three years ago when she and her family moved here after relocating. She didn’t really want to work here, but it was the only job available at the time, so she took it.

    Her husband, Kevin, who was in the military, now worked as a police officer and couldn’t be happier. All was well. She just hoped it stayed that way. Immediately, she thought of their son, Shiloh. When they told him they were moving here a couple of years back, he didn’t take it so well. Still, she promised that it would be the last one for a while since he was entering high school soon. Still not believing it, she thought about it again until it sank in. Shiloh was a freshman in high school. Time really flew.

    Realizing she’d gotten distracted again, she turned into Bobby’s report, committing to focus. He flashed the group another smile before apparently wrapping up on the numbers, and then it hit her: whenever he wrapped up with numbers, the weekly meeting usually ended soon. Suddenly, she found herself feeling better until it happened.


    Dallas blinked rapidly, hoping she didn’t just get called upon. When she looked around and saw all eyes on her, she realized she was sadly mistaken. He’d called on her, and she had no idea what he’d just gone over. Silently panicking, she hoped she would be able to answer.

    Yes, Mr. Turnbill? she said, gulping rather loudly.

    Would you mind staying after the meeting? There is something we need to discuss.

    Dallas nearly fell out of her chair. Of course.

    Bobby fixed his striped tie before flashing everyone another one of his winning smiles. He must have thought he could sell the moon with those pearly whites. Dallas was unfazed by it, but she could tell by glancing at her coworkers they were like puddy in his polished hands.

    Alright, everyone, that wraps up this meeting. See you all Monday bright and early.

    Dallas braced herself while everyone respectfully exited out the north glass door. She watched them exit the door, which seemed like a cage until now. Well, it still felt like one to her because she was still here, with Bobby. When he approached her, she thought it was going to be about her not listening in the meeting, but she was completely off.



    I wanted to talk with you about your decision.

    Dallas bit her lip. I’m not sure what you’re referring to?

    Bobby sighed and locked his hands together before making eye contact with her again. You’ve been here—what? Almost three years now?

    Yes? Dallas confirmed, slightly suspicious.

    When you interviewed for the paid internship, you told me and some of the other senior advisors you weren’t planning on staying long term. Is that still true?

    Dallas gulped. She remembered that interview. She wasn’t thrilled about the job, but when they told her she got the internship, she did it and worked hard. After all, Kevin was still getting used to the transition of being a police officer, so she had to make money fast. It was a job of convenience back then. Was it one now?

    I only ask because, as you know, we’ve been talking about hiring another senior advisor since Andrew is retiring in the fall.

    Dallas sat upright and tried to look enthusiastic, but she knew where this was going. What are you saying, Bobby? She pretended not to know to save face.

    Bobby flashed her another smile. This time, it seemed sincere.

    Dallas, we’ve been talking, and with your approval, we would like for you to apply. Of course, you would be up against outside applications and some internal ones here at the office, but I want you to know you have a strong chance. You’re a favorite among the board. Of course, that last part is off the record.

    Wow, this is a lot to think about. Can I get back to you?

    Dallas watched Bobby’s smile diminish a bit. She knew that was not the answer he wanted to hear, but she also knew if it had been three years already, she also had to consider leaving.

    Sure, he finally said in a half-hearted tone.

    Thank you. I must be going. Shiloh will be home soon.

    Bobby sat back and smiled again. Ah, your son, how old is he now? I haven’t seen him since you brought him to work one day a couple of years ago.

    He’s fifteen.

    Wow, fifteen. Well, let him and Kevin know I say hello. Have a good weekend, Dallas. Please consider the opportunity to apply.

    Dallas did her best to smile. You too, Mr. Turnbill.

    The drive home had been easy. It was a ten-minute commute, but with traffic, it could get up to twenty minutes. When she pulled up to the driveway at 5:30 p.m., she sighed under her breath again. She knew Kevin was home and would already have dinner going. She was grateful to him because, on top of working, he cooked and helped maintain the home. It was a luxury, considering where she was from. The woman did everything in regard to maintaining the home.

    Hey honey, glad you’re home.

    Dallas smiled at her husband after putting the keys down on the rather faded lemon looking kitchen counter.

    I’m glad you’re home too. How was work?

    Kevin, who had been taste-testing their meal for the evening, stopped what he was doing to answer. It was work; got off early. You?

    I had an interesting meeting with Bobby Turnbill today.

    Oh, the self-absorbed one?

    Dallas chuckled, knowing he’d never let that reference go after she gave him the title one day. In her defense, she just wanted him to answer a question for her, but all he could do was stare at his cell phone the whole time.

    Yes, him.

    What did he want?

    He wanted to offer me a job to become a senior advisor at the agency.

    What? Kevin’s voice elevated a little as he stopped cooking the soup he was making.

    You heard what I said. She replied while sitting down on one of the stools to watch him drop the ladle.

    Dallas, that’s huge, babe. It seems you were just an intern last year.

    I know, which is why this is the second reason this is crazy.

    What’s the first reason?

    Bobby reminded me that I kept the future open in case I…we decided to leave.

    Kevin nodded his head and finished the soup, which smelled tasty, buttery, and oniony. It was her favorite, clam chowder.

    Has it been that long already?

    Dallas shrugged her shoulders. Apparently. Do you remember when we moved here, Shiloh was entering the sixth grade?

    Kevin smirked before starting to cut some fresh bread he pulled from the fridge.

    I do remember. He seems to be adjusting to Abilene well.

    Dallas pursed her lips. She knew why he was making that statement. It was just as she feared; he didn’t want to leave either.

    Kev, you know why I can’t just take the job, right?

    It’s them again, isn’t it? Are you sure they’re still looking for us? We’re in the middle of Texas, of all places.

    Dallas tensed on her stool. When she didn’t respond right away, she looked up to see Kevin’s arms spread wide next to her.

    Come on, you know what this means. Bring it in, he said with a grin on his face. How could she say no? She wouldn’t. His embrace was comfortable and familiar. She could feel his love for her, which made this a little better.

    Hey, I know you said we need to relocate every two to three years, but maybe this time is different. Besides, you told our son how this would be the last move for a while, remember?

    Dallas sighed against his red flannel. She remembered very well, but that wasn’t the problem. You don’t want to leave, do you?

    She tensed again when she felt his arms around her weaken as if the support they’d brought minutes ago now dissipated with each muscle tense. Looking up at him, she waited for a response, although she considered his silence an answer. It was obvious, but she wanted to hear him say it.

    I will follow you anywhere, you know that, but I am adjusting here too. It would be nice to stay longer.

    Dallas motioned to say something when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Releasing herself from Kevin, she turned around and waited for him to come down. When he did, she immediately smiled. He was almost taller than her now, and his eyes, a sea green, reminded her of someone she once knew and loved. It was harder now because he started to look like him, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. It was a wonderful thing to be reminded of him, and she would keep it that way.

    Hey, Dad, is dinner ready? he said in a low voice.

    Dallas smiled, Hi, Shiloh, how was school?

    Shiloh turned and made a meh face at her before coming over to hug her.

    It was good. I got an A on my test.

    Alright! Give me five! she shouted while holding her hand up. When he met it with his, she leaned on the counter and watched him and Kevin interact. He was definitely closer to him than he was to her, but she didn’t mind. Seeing them together was a sight that made her heart fill with peace. When they started laughing, she sighed. Maybe staying longer wouldn’t be such a bad thing.



    Dallas looked up at Kevin, who’d stopped what he was doing to listen in.

    I’m in the process of getting promoted.

    She glanced at Kevin, who approved with a nod. When they both looked at their son, he seemed to have mixed feelings.

    If you get the job, does that mean we get to stay longer? he asked innocently with a little dash of strategy. She knew what he was doing. She probably taught it to him. Dallas signed under her breath. She shouldn’t be surprised. He was just like Kevin in that way—getting straight to the point.

    Yes, if I get the job, we will stay.

    Great! Let’s eat then? he asked with his eyes on the pot of soup, exercising what little self-control he had. Dallas recognized his appetite had changed lately. He was eating them out of house and home. This must be a teenage boy thing.

    She smiled and nodded her head. If you set the table first, we can.

    You have a deal! he said optimistically.

    After Shiloh got some plates and went to the next room to prepare the table, Kevin came over with a look of gratitude in his eyes. It caused her heart to quicken a little more than usual.

    Why, Kevin Underwood, what’s that look for? she teased playfully while he came closer.

    Thank you.

    Dallas smiled warmly before kissing him on the cheek. Don’t thank me yet. I still have to get the job.

    I know, but you’re trying, and that means a lot to me and our son.

    Dallas mouthed the words I know before smiling again. Let’s have dinner.

    Kevin made a silly face this time. You’re on.

    Chapter 2


    Two months later

    Dallas was ready for work. As she walked to the corporate meeting room for their weekly meeting, she walked in to see everyone’s eyes on her from her coworkers.

    She wasn’t sure what was going on until Bobby Turnbill emerged from the far west side of the room with one of his flashy smiles.

    Everyone, please congratulate Dallas on being promoted to the senior advisor position!

    Dallas softened her features to smile. She couldn’t believe it. She was scared about applying, but now that she had the position, she was grateful. Shiloh and Kevin would be thrilled. After walking around the room and accepting congratulations from her friends and coworkers, Bobby went to the front of the room and used a remote to turn on the projector.

    Okay, everyone, settle down. We still have a meeting to get through before the weekend. Now I have a surprise I’m going to present, and we can go home early.

    Dallas laughed when everyone joined in on a collective cheer before Bobby began. This was turning out to be a great day. The meeting went by fast. Since Bobby was sending everyone home early, everyone paid attention, so he was able to get through everything without having to stop and answer questions people would have known if they were listening in the first place. When he finished, everyone cleared out so fast Bobby could barely get out the word goodbye.

    It looks like everyone really wanted to leave for the weekend, Bobby joked.

    I would say so. Well, I will…

    Dallas stopped packing up her stuff when she saw Bobby bite his lip. She knew what that meant.

    What is it?

    Bobby flashed her a smile. Before you go home to deliver the good news to your family, can you sit in on an interview?

    Dallas rolled her eyes. You knew I would get the job, didn’t you?

    How can you say that? It was a tough decision, he said, shrugging his shoulders playfully.

    You’re not hard to read. I’m guessing you put out the application a couple of weeks ago when I became a finalist for the position. Am I right?

    Booby scoffed before whipping his face with his hands. Alright, alright, you got me. As soon as you became a finalist, I knew you would get it, so I put out the app for others to take your junior position.

    I knew it.

    So, will you? This woman has an awesome resume. In fact, she reminds me of you when you interned. I’ve met with her before, but I wanted to have your opinion since she will be taking your job.

    Dallas crossed her arms, You mean since I will be training her?

    Bobby shrugged his shoulders again while he held out his arms in a surrendering gesture. You got me again.

    Alright, send her in, Dallas said, deciding to concede.

    Alright, I’ll get her, Bobby said energetically, like a boy on Christmas morning.

    Dallas managed a half smile before sitting back down in the comfortable yet confining office chair. She admitted to herself that she was hesitant about accepting the job. However, with everything working out, she felt better. Maybe they could stay here longer.

    She was brought back from her thoughts when she heard Bobby talking within earshot of the office. She prepared herself to meet this woman until her heart started racing in her chest. Then she gulped loudly and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

    Right in here, Mrs. Storm. My other colleague is in the conference room.

    Not knowing what else to do, Dallas stood up nervously and widened her eyes in shock when she saw her. It felt like a nightmare, only this was real life, and she had no means of escaping without Bobby getting the wrong idea. Sighing, she forced a smile when the woman with the familiar face waltzed in.

    Dallas, meet Angela Storm.

    Dallas, huh? What a unique name. It’s nice to meet you, she said with a calm, sarcastic tone.

    Dallas tensed when she saw Angela’s hand stretch out to meet hers. This wasn’t good. She knew if she touched her, there would be a chance of being captured, so she thought on her feet.

    It’s nice to meet you too. I would shake your hand, but I think I’m coming down with something. I’m sure you don’t want to get sick now, do you? she asked as nicely as she could muster, given the circumstances.

    Bobby must have sensed the tension between them and interjected with one of his lines to break the awkward tension.

    Hey, Angela, would you mind sitting down so we can interview you?

    Angela glanced at Dallas and then smirked, which angered her.

    When they sat down, she made sure to sit next to Bobby, who made sure to let her know he approved. It was annoying, really. They both were, but what could she do except grin and bear it?

    So, Angela, you’ve mentioned looking for something permanent. Where are you coming from?

    Oh, I’m from a place called Vilece. Have you heard of it?

    Dallas tensed and looked at Bobby, who seemed confused.

    Oh? I haven’t heard of it. Where is it?

    Oh, well, Dallas knows where it is. I even believe she’s from there?

    Dallas tensed again as her heart raced once more. This wasn’t good. She was playing with her.

    Oh, really? I didn’t know that. You’ve been here three years…

    Three years, huh? Angela added.

    Yeah, she started out as an intern and worked her way up. She just got hired as our new senior advisor, so we’re hoping she and her…

    Okay, well, I think we should review her file and not talk about me. I’m sure she didn’t come for that, Dallas said, interrupting unapologetically.

    Bobby glanced at her with an awkward what-are-you-doing-face before shuffling Angela’s so-called papers. She mouthed an apology before he continued. The interview was long. At least it felt like it. Dallas spent it being on edge the whole time. Would Bobby reveal more information? Where she lived. Her family. Anything that would give Angela an avenue to begin her search. Dallas knew if she found out something, it would only be a matter of time.

    Alright, I think the last question wraps up our time together. Do you have any further questions, Dallas? Bobby asked, still thrown off by the sound of it.

    No, I think Mrs. Storm is…

    It’s ‘Ms.’

    Dallas turned her head to see her aggravating smile. I’m sorry, what?

    It’s ‘Ms.’ You said ‘Mrs,’ that’s all, she corrected in a light and airy tone, none of which was her regular voice.

    Dallas forced another smile, Of course, I apologize, Ms. Storm.

    They all stood at the same time. Dallas tried to appear casual and unrushed, but none of that was accurate to how she was feeling inside. She wanted to leave, and she wanted to leave now.

    Thank you for interviewing me, Mr. Turnbill.

    Bobby flashed her smile, Oh, please, my friends call me Bobby.

    The woman laughed forcefully like one did when they didn’t think something wasn’t funny. However, though she respected Bobby, he was too dense to tell.

    Well then, Bobby, thank you, Angela cooed.

    It was my pleasure, he replied in his unsuccessful attempt to charm her. When she reached out to shake his hand, they both seemed surprised when he turned it over and kissed it. Dallas felt beads of sweat forming at the base of her temple when she saw the woman make a really face at her while he did it. She didn’t know why. She wasn’t going to apologize for him, especially since it was her. Afterward, she reached out to shake hers, causing Dallas to panic inside once more. Not knowing what else to do, she started coughing irregularly. It didn’t fool the woman, but Bobby seemed to buy it.

    Dallas, are you alright?

    Dallas held her arm over her mouth to cough more before nodding. I just need to get home. You know, it’s allergy season, and I need to take my pill so it doesn’t affect me too much.

    Bobby laughed heartily. I understand. Well, it’s a good thing you live close—

    Dallas widened her eyes, knowing what would come next.

    —by, he finished in a supportive tone.

    Suddenly, Dallas felt as if her world had come to an abrupt halt. He didn’t know what he’d just done, but by the look of the woman’s face, she had succeeded. No. This wasn’t good. She needed to get out of here.

    Alright, well, I will see you Monday, Mr. Turnbill. Thank you both, she said before exiting the room.

    Turnbill? She usually calls me Bobby… he said under his breath disappointedly.

    I must be going too, Bobby.

    Oh? Have weekend plans? he asked suggestively.

    Angela rolled her eyes before he could notice and then smirked. Yes, actually I do. I am going to visit an old friend.

    Meanwhile, pushing the door wide open to the women’s restroom, Dallas walked through it and went straight for the sink. Suddenly, her head started to pound, and her heart raced even more than before.

    She started to pace the floor, trying to pull herself together. She had left so fast she didn’t want to run into Bobby on her way out. Looking at herself in the mirror, she tried to breathe, but even that wasn’t working.

    Breathe, just breathe. She can’t hurt you. She doesn’t even know where you live. So what if Bobby revealed you live close by? A lot of people from work do. You can do this. Just gather your things and go home—now!

    After talking herself down, Dallas sighed and started for the door when the woman with the familiar face walked in. Surprised, she attempted to step back, but it was no use. Without warning, she went for her throat and clasped it hard to the point where she could barely breathe.

    Did you really think you could hide from me for long? Terah said mockingly.

    Dallas gasped, struggling for air as the woman forced her to the wall behind the bathroom’s main door.

    Let go of me at once!

    The woman looked into her eyes sadistically before putting a finger to her lips. Shhhh, someone might hear you. You wouldn’t want someone else to die for your mistakes now, would you?

    I said let go! She yelled as she pushed her off of her.

    Ah, I knew you could still fight. It’s been way too long, Dallas. Is that what they call you now?

    Dallas stepped back and got into a fighting position. They seem to call you Angela here, so why wouldn’t I go with an alias?

    A what? You’ve adapted to their culture quite well, haven’t you? You’re even using their language as your own. You are a traitor! I just had to see it for myself.

    The woman stepped forward again and tried to grab her, but this time, she pulled out a knife and began swinging it around like she was in the jungle, cutting down tall blades of grass. Thinking quickly on her feet, Dallas dodged her every strike until they were on opposite sides of the bathroom. She couldn’t take this for much longer, but she needed more time, more energy to do what she’d always done—escape.

    How did you find me? Dallas asked, regaining some of her courage.

    How do I always find you? You leave clues. You’re not as careful as you like to think you are.

    The woman lunged at her, and because the bathroom was tight for space, she couldn’t dodge. Before she knew it, she was being thrown into the wall. When her back hit the paper towel machine, she winced in pain, but it only seemed to fuel her opponent’s mission. When she came at her again, Dallas pulled herself together, and they locked hands.

    When are you ever going to stop chasing me? It’s over!

    The woman laughed. You’re pathetic if you think it will ever be over. I’ll never stop till you face justice for what you did.

    Dallas widened her eyes in horror after being reminded of what she’d run away from. Allowing her anger to surge, she used it to clench the woman’s finger to the point where she now winced in pain enough to let go. When she lost her footing, Dallas tried to seize the moment to attack her when she heard his voice.

    Is everything alright in there? Bobby asked nervously from the other side.

    Quickly, Dallas elevated her voice so he wouldn’t know it was serious.

    It’s nothing, just catching up with an old friend, Dallas glanced at her when she said it. She wasn’t lying. They were old friends, but that was a very long time ago.

    Oh, I see. Do you ladies need any help?

    Dallas rolled her eyes at Bobby’s absurd request. He really was a pig. A dense pig.

    No, I think we can handle it on our own, thanks.

    There was some silence until he responded with a half-hearted okay. She sighed, relieved when she heard footsteps going in the other direction. That was a close call. She needed to end this now. When she turned to face the woman, she was met with a punch toward her jaw.

    I’ve been waiting to do that since you left all those years ago.

    Dallas spit in the sink when she felt the taste of blood circulate in her mouth. She was in pain, but that was not an excuse to be uncivil.

    You don’t know anything, so just…

    Just what? Leave? Like hell, I will!

    The woman came closer till Dallas punched her in the gut with her right fist. When the woman went down, she stepped back and took a deep breath. She knew if this worked, she would have to be composed when she got there.

    Terah, please, I don’t want to fight you.

    Terah, who pretended to be Angela Storm for however long, looked up when she called her real name. It seemed to phase her for a moment, and then her face hardened once more. When she gained her breath back

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