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Newfound Love And Happiness
Newfound Love And Happiness
Newfound Love And Happiness
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Newfound Love And Happiness

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“I’ll marry you Drake, not because I get weak in the knees and cream my panties whenever I see you, but because I want Riley to suffer for hurting me.” “I don’t care what your reasons are my love, just say yes to me and I’ll worship your sweet, curvy body for the rest of my life, I’ll make you the envy of every woman on earth, just say yes to me, my love.” Mia’s wedding to the big boss, Riley Osborne was cancelled on her wedding day. There was a rumor that she cheated on Riley and ended up getting married to low life pauper, but no one knows who her husband is and they keep mocking her because of her breakup with the boss. The war between Riley and Drake caused everyone to know that Mia is loved and wanted by two billionaire brothers. Who would have thought that she is secretly married to the senior master, her bosses elder brother Drake Osborne, who happens to own 80 percent of the Osborne empire.

Release dateMar 9, 2024
Newfound Love And Happiness

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    Newfound Love And Happiness - Edbless

    Chapter 2: You Must Marry Riley

    "You selfish bastard!

    How are you even my daughter?

    You only think about yourself, you don't consider the rest of the family. You may have finished school, but what about your sister, how do we pay for her tuition when the bank takes everything?

    Your father has a heart condition that needs a constant check-up. We need to monitor his heart condition or he dies. How do we pay for all that, how do we pay for his surgeries, Mia? How do you expect us to survive this, how do we pay the bills?" she roared in anger as the tears slid down her cheeks. My hands instinctively came to curb my cheeks that stung from the pain of her slap and I hung my head low, refusing to look at her face.

    The truth is, I get her. I mean, I totally understand why she is being so persistent. The banks are coming to take our house and our last cargo ship. The Osbornes are our only hope to save my father's company and protect his legacy. We are going to lose everything if I don't marry Riley, everything my father worked so hard to achieve will be taken away from us. We will be shamefully kicked out to the street with nothing. My father's reputation, our family name, will be dragged into the mud. I never wanted this to happen, and that was why I agreed to be with Riley in the first place.

    You see,

    We are used to living as elites, we had it all, and we had everything we ever needed to live a comfortable life. Dad learned about this shipping business from my grandpops, and with that knowledge he expanded the family business, acquiring a fleet of ten cargo ships. We had it all and our business was perfect, everything was going well for everyone. Then all of a sudden, we lost everything. All our cargo ships got lost at sea, my father took loans from the banks to pay for damages and freight claims. In the twinkling of an eye, we lost nine cargo ships and we incurred a high debt that couldn't be cleared up even after selling our port. All we have now is a ship, and dad is so scared to resume business because he thinks we would lose this one as well.

    He had no other choice but to seek help from his business partner, Evans Osborne. From his reaction to this whole ordeal, I can tell that something was up. I can't shake off the feeling that something was up, it felt like he has something to hide and I can't help but wonder if he knows who is responsible for our misfortunes. He claims that the Osborne's were our only hope to have the company, and when they proposed a marriage deal to unite both families before doing business with us, he gladly accepted the deal and he served me to Riley on a platter of gold.

    The Osborne's are our only chance of survival, they can save our business and protect us from danger, you have to marry Riley to seal this deal. He persuaded me. I almost went mad with rage, I was like,

    Protect us from what exactly?

    I mean, It's our business we are fighting for and not our lives. But he makes it sound as if our lives were in danger, and they gave me no choice, I couldn't say no to my family. I was friends with Riley, we attended the same business school and we hung around the same circle of friends. When the deal was proposed to us by his parents, he convinced me to accept the deal, he said we could make it work and he confessed to having feelings for me. So I agreed to this sham of a marriage. And he turned out to be a dickhead, a fucking cheater.

    I can't believe that my mom would hit me because of Riley. It's obvious that she cares more about our family's status. She cares about our elite status and prestige. It sure looks like my happiness doesn't matter to her and it hurts to see that she values wealth and privilege more than her daughter's happiness. Well, too bad she trained me to make my own decisions and stick to what I believe. I'm not a pushover and I'm not going to let her ruin my life by forcing me to marry Riley.

    We would find a way to survive mom. We can find a little apartment downtown, I'll get a job, and I'll work very hard to support our family. I'll get two jobs, if that is what it takes, I'll do anything to support our family, but I won't marry Riley Osborne. You can hit me as many times as you wish, but it won't make me change my mind. I'm not getting tied to that cheating bastard for the rest of my life. I would rather die! I spat out angrily and turned around once more, making my way up the stairs in annoyance. I was close to the top of the stairs when I heard the sound of a door swinging open, I looked up and saw my father glaring daggers at me, his face void of emotion. He looks tired and grim. I've never seen him looking so stressed in my entire life and it hurts me to know that I am causing him so much stress.

    You will marry him, Mia. You will forgive Riley Osborne and you will marry him. This deal is our only chance and I will not let you ruin our lives. One day, you will come to understand why I am doing this, but until then, you cannot say No to the Osbornes, I won't accept that. He said indifferently, giving me no chance to argue. I have no idea what is happening to our family, my parents love us dearly, and they adore my sister and I. But ever since the beginning of our misfortune, they have been acting so weird. I don't know what is going on, but I won't let him use me as an asset to make business deals.

    No, dad. I won't… I can't marry Riley and you can't make me. I snickered.

    Mind your language, young lady! he yelled at me furiously, causing me to gasp in shock. I could hear mom and Carrie's worried chatter as they both ran up the stairs in a hurry. Dad has a heart condition, called Coronary heart disease. It is vital that he stays calm always. Screaming this hard would raise his blood pressure and that is not good for him.

    I am your father, Mia. You have no idea how difficult it is to give you away to that scumbag. Do you know what we are up against? He scolded me angrily, yelling at the top of his voice, glaring daggers at me.

    "Dad, please…

    You have to stop…" Carrie let out in a panic as she went to his side, trying to get him to stay calm.

    Connor, please remember your heart condition. My mom reminded him as he kept glaring furiously at me.

    But it was too late…

    His hand flew to his chest as he scrunched his face in pain.

    "Mia, quick!

    Get the driver!" Carrie called out to me as I stood there like a statue. I snapped out of my shock and ran down the stairs in a frenzy, calling out to the driver.

    Look what you have done, you stubborn child. Why can't you just listen to us? my mom let out in agony as my father was moved into the car.

    Stop it already, mom. Any sane person would react the same way. It's not her fault. I wouldn't marry that guy if I were in her shoes. My sister scolded her immediately, speaking up for me for the first time since all this began. At least she got mom to keep quiet and I'm grateful for the silence because my head is swirling with different thoughts.

    I was lost in my own thoughts, I can't believe that I just caused my father to have a heart attack. If he does in the hospital, it's going to be my fault.

    Chapter 3: Discovery

    Drakes POV

    My kid brother Riley is getting married tomorrow. He had been begging me to attend his wedding but I couldn't give him a definite answer because I wasn't sure I was ready to come back home after so many years.

    I had a fallout with my parents many years ago. They had wanted me to give up my dreams and aspirations and take over the family business after my father retired but I wanted more than that, I wanted to travel around the world, meet people and expand our business and make it worldwide.

    Our family is wealthy and influential in the country but I want more than that, I desire to make money my own way and become famous through my own hard work but my family just wanted me to pick up from where my father stopped and settle down to live a quiet life. I had a huge argument with them after they tried to force me into an arranged marriage. They can be so overbearing, they plan our lives and expect us to live according to their script. I couldn't take it anymore, so I left Los Angeles and I moved over to New York City, where I set out to expand our family's business without their knowledge.

    Riley was made to run the company while I was gone. He was twenty-five years old when he started working in our company as acting CEO. I coordinated with him from my base in New York, working with him to take our business nationwide, and together, we have succeeded in achieving much more than I had ever dreamed of. Our company is much bigger and we have set up several branches in more than ten different countries. So it is safe to say that we are not just wealthy, we are famous and influential. I even indulged myself and satisfied my desire to own my brand, my own very company, one that bears my name and not my family's name.

    But, It's been ten years since I left, and I think it is high time I come back home and sort out the issue with my family. That is why I came back for Riley's wedding, I was hoping to use this as an opportunity to speak to my parents and apologize for running away and abandoning my responsibilities.

    Who would have thought that the wedding would be canceled after their bachelor/bachelorette party?

    A part of me wants to blame myself for what is happening right now, but it's not my fault, is it?


    I was in my hotel room, watching one of my favorite shows on TV when I noticed that someone was tampering with my door lock from outside. I turned off the light immediately and lay still on the bed, pretending to be asleep so I can catch whoever is trying to break into my room. This is so unacceptable, it could be one of our staffers that's stealing from our clients. I'll fucking deal with whoever it is, I'll not let this slide. I laid still and watched the door close, but no burglar walked in through that door, instead, I was greeted with the warm presence of a woman.

    She nearly tripped and fell when she walked in through the door, and I realized that this is no burglar, it was just a very drunk woman that has no idea of where she is or what she is doing at the moment. She must be from the party downstairs and she reeks of alcohol. On the other hand, she is extremely beautiful, so curvy and elegant. I couldn't see her clearly because the room is very dark but I caught a clear glimpse of her stunning beauty when she walked in through the door. She staggered forward and slumped on the bed, heaving a sigh of relief as she enjoyed the comfy bed, my bed.

    Who is this woman and what the hell am I going to do with her? I thought within me as I watched her lying face-down on the bed. There is absolutely nothing I can do to get her out of this room without creating a scene and embarrassing her. I'll just let her sleep off her highness, I'm sure she'll be somber in the morning and we can then sort out this misunderstanding. I'll have to take the couch tonight so she doesn't have crazy thoughts when she sees me by her side in the morning. I'm guessing she is one of Riley's guests and she is also going to be at the wedding tomorrow, it would be a shame if she creates a scene at my brother's wedding because of me, my parents would never forgive me.

    I tried to gently move out of the bed so I don't wake her up, then she stretched her hand and grabbed me, making me still in my movement. She touched my bare chest with her soft warm hands, sending shivers down my spine. Then she raised her head and squinted her eyes to gaze properly at me, causing my heart to beat faster as I anticipated her reaction when she notices my presence. Surprisingly, she doesn't scream or scurry away when she saw me, instead, she flirted with me, moving her soft, warm palm on my chest, sending warm tingles all over my body. From her words, I could tell that she is so drunk and she is mistaking me for someone else, my rational side was telling me to stop her but my body was sending different signals to my brain, eliminating every sane thought from my head.

    No woman has ever made me feel this good. My chest is filled with her sweet fragrance, pulling me closer to her, I know the right thing to do was to stop her because I am not who she thinks I am, but I wanted this, I wanted her so badly, which is so weird because I don't even know her. She kissed me passionately, moaning into the kiss as she kissed me all over, eliciting a groan out of me. I tried to, believe me, I really wanted to stop her, but it felt so good as she pleasures me, it felt so fucking good. I know she wouldn't remember a thing by tomorrow, so I relaxed and let her suck me off, sending waves and waves of pleasure rippling through my whole body as she takes my dick in her mouth like a pro, taking me to the back of her throat like a fucking expert. Damn! I nearly released my cum in her throat.

    I've never experienced something like this in my whole life. The fact that she is still a virgin is quite surprising. I couldn't leave her in her aroused state after she just pleasured me so well. I decided to return the favor and make her feel as good as she just made me feel. I was heading down to her juicy honeypot when she mentioned a name that made me pause immediately,

    Yes Riley, that feels so fucking good. She moaned out in pleasure, making me halt, as I tried to comprehend her words. It's got to be another Riley, right

    Chapter 4 Discoveries

    I mean, there is no way in hell that I'm going to believe that I just had so much fun with my brother's bride-to-be, it's definitely not her. She wouldn't be fooling around on the night before her wedding.  Should have stopped her at this moment, I could have called someone in here to take her to her room and make sure she is okay, but I couldn't deny myself this much pleasure. I couldn't stop, even if wanted to. It's too late to back down now, I need to see this to the end,  I need to make her cum, besides, she would never be able to remember any of this by tomorrow, after all, I'm not planning on taking her virginity, it belongs to the Riley as she mentioned earlier, the Riley whom I know is certainly not my brother.

    After making her cum so hard, I watched her snuggle closer to me, drifting off to sleep. She is so drunk and exhausted from our little sexual escapade, and I adored her beauty. She is so gorgeous, so amazing and I want her for myself. It's quite unfortunate that she belongs to another man.


    I mean, There I was sitting on my own when she walked into my room. Yes, I knew she was drunk and I could have at least stopped her from making a fool of herself, but I couldn't help it, okay?

    I'm a man, and I have feelings as well. How on earth am I supposed to say no to such a beautiful lady, especially when she was touching me in all the right places, making me feel so damn good. I gave in to my desires and I had fun with her. You can sue me for it, but that wouldn't change the fact that I had fun with her and I don't regret it.

    I would have tried to talk to her in the morning, but she woke up way earlier than I expected, and when she realized that she was not in her room, she flew into a panic and ran out of my room like her life depended on it. I ran after her in a bid to stop her and explain to her that nothing happened, and maybe get her number, but I couldn't do any of that because she had a much bigger surprise waiting for her in her friend's room.

    She caught her best friend screwing her husband-to-be, who happens to be my kid brother, Riley. That fucking did it. She ran out of the hotel like a lunatic, sobbing sadly. She was distracted and confused. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings and she nearly got hit by a car. She came this close to getting hit by a car, the shock and heartbreak were just too much for her, and she passed out on the street, lying helplessly on the road.

    I never showed my face, I kept lurking in the dark, observing from a safe distance. I waited a few minutes to give my brother a chance to save his fiancee and make things right, but he never came for her, he couldn't care less about her safety. I had to take her to the hospital, I know this shouldn't be my problem, I mean, I don't even know this girl. But seeing her lying helplessly on the street made me realize that I'm now involved in this matter, whether I care to admit it or not.

    Are you sure you will be okay without me? Liam let out as soon as I stepped out of the hospital that Saturday morning. I have been in this hospital for a couple of hours, I had to stay back and make sure she was okay and when I confirmed from the doctor that everything is going to be okay, I left her in the hospital.

    I'll be fine man. They are still my parents, it's not like they are going to kill me or do anything to hurt me. Just make sure she gets home safely, I'll meet you back at the hotel. I responded.

    "And why do you care so much about this girl, Drake?

    She is still your brother's fiancee and last I checked, you are still in a relationship with Rosalie." he did a quote in the air when mentioning her name and he scoffed at the end. He never hides the fact that he hates Rosalie, and she makes it quite clear to him that the feeling is mutual. I have never understood the conflict between them, but I try to keep the peace between them before it could get more conflicting. I try to limit their interactions, making sure they have no reason to see or speak with each other.

    I know she belongs to my brother, but I still need to look out for her, Liam. Besides, Rosalie is no longer my girlfriend. She left me two weeks ago, remember?

    Yeah, whatever. Just don't go having any funny ideas about that girl, she is taken! he let out sternly, throwing his hand in frustration as he turned around and went back into the hospital.

    I almost laughed at his theatrics. I wonder what he is going to say when he finds out that she had been in my room last night. I'm sure he would never stop teasing me about it. Gosh, what was I ever thinking?

    I went back to the hotel and had a quick shower. The news of Riley's canceled wedding is everywhere in town. Their wedding was supposed to be today, and everyone was looking forward to it because it was supposed to be the talk of the town. Our family is so popular in this city, we practically run this city. And from what I heard, her family is doing great as well. They are going through a rough time, but then again, that is how business is. I'm sure her father would sort out it out in no time.

    I felt uncomfortable as I stepped down from my Porsche, the news about my brother's breakup is everywhere. And there is a leaked video of my brother and the girl he screwed last night. That video is supposed to be confidential, I wonder how it got leaked.

    As I walked into the hotel lobby, I spotted the girl causing this whole scandal, the same girl that had been with Riley last night. She was having a conversation with the receptionist, the same one that had given me the key to my room last night. I saw her passing a brown envelope to the receptionist before turning to leave the lobby. I guess she is checking out of the hotel because she had her luggage with her.

    I did not stop, and I acted oblivious to their dealings, but something else caught my attention and I realized that something else is going on here. From the glass doors of the elevator, I saw her walk toward a black SUV that is parked in front of the hotel. The driver came down and took her luggage from her, putting it at the back of the car. Then she opened the back door and stepped into the SUV and just before she shut the door, someone sitting in the back seat of that SUV leaned down to place a peck on her cheek.

    I know him, I've heard so much about him and I know what he is capable of. His name is Austin Foster. He is a member of the Russian organized crime or Russian mafia, otherwise known as Bratva. He is a notorious criminal, and he is wanted in many countries for drugs and human trafficking.

    I may not be Bratva, but I am the Godfather and the Bratva pakhan cannot dare to cross me. I don't know how Riley got himself involved with these guys, but I'm certainly going to get to the root of this matter.

    Chapter 5 Choosing To Rebel

    Mia's POV

    How is he, Carrie? I asked her when she stepped out of his hospital room, but she didn't get a chance to respond to my question because mom was right behind her and mom pulled her back so she doesn't answer me.

    What do you care? mom snorted, eying me angrily.

    Mom… I started but she put up her palm to stop me before I continued.

    You had only one task, Mia. Just one task, but you failed to carry it out. You failed your family and you put your dad in the hospital. I will not forgive you if anything happens to your father or to anyone of us. She scolded in anger before walking away, leaving Carrie and I standing in front of dads hospital room, looking so confused and frustrated at the same time.

    How is he? I managed to speak out after some seconds.

    His condition has been stabilized, for now, Mia. But the doctor warns that we should not do anything to upset him anymore or we could lose him the next time he has another heart attack. Carrie explained calmly. You could tell from her tone that she doesn't want to lose him. I feel exactly the same way, I can't bear to think of a life without my father, but how on earth am I supposed to forgive Riley, how do accept him back into my life?

    He would never treat me right, he would always cheat on me because he knows that I would always come back to him, he knows that I would never leave because my family cannot survive without their help. What the hell am I going to do, how do I get out of this pickle? The door was opened from within and the doctor peeked out of the room, looking at my mom's disappearing figure before turning to Carrie and I…


    Which of you is Mia?" he asked brusquely, looking at the both of us for answers. I indicated to him that I am Mia, smiling nervously as I looked at him.

    You can come in now, Mia. Your father is asking for you. He told me.

    Oh, one more thing Miss, he called out to me as I took a step towards the door. I stopped and turned to him once more, flashing him that same nervous smile that I keep giving to everyone since we arrived at this hospital.

    Don't say anything to get him upset, hanging on a thin thread here. He added, offering me his best platonic smile. I have no idea why he would say that to me. I've been standing out here just to avoid a situation like this, I don't want to upset dad anymore, so I stood outside his hospital room like a fucking stranger while my mom and my sister went in with dad. And now I'm staring at the doctor and he is making it sound like I am the reason behind my father's current situation. I know that he doesn't know about the issues we are facing as a family, but I can't help but feel a little awkward when he told me not to do or say anything to upset my father. He sounded as if he knows everything already, and it made me feel so embarrassed because I know that there is no way he would know about all these things, except my mom had been running her mouth… again.

    I took slow steps as I walked toward my father's bed. He is lying on one of those electrical gynaeco hospital beds that has a Bed frame and foot made of steel tube, Pre-treated and epoxy powder coated. The mattress is made of high-density polyurethane foam and covered with washable faux leather that is also waterproof. And then there are the six functions adjusted by electric and manual. The bed has been adjusted to a sitting position and dad is sitting with his back resting on the backrest. He has a warm smile on his face as I approached him, and I feel so guilty for being the reason why he is lying on that hospital bed. He should be at home with his family, but here he is, lying on a stupid hospital bed, looking so weak.

    Come here, Mia-Mia, he beckoned to me with his hand. He still has that warm smile on his face and I wish I can reciprocate his warm gestures, but I just don't know where to begin.

    It is not your fault, Mia. It's just my stupid heart disease. He joked, eliciting a smile from me.

    I'm sorry, dad. I never meant to hurt you, I never wished for any of this to happen, I always wanted a happily ever after, and Riley won't give it to me because he is a cheating bastard and he makes me so damn upset. I said it in such a hurry, I did not realize that I was screaming at my father again until I heard the sound of the beeping monitors that indicated that his blood pressure was rising again. He was glaring at me in shock and I felt ashamed of myself because I never meant to say all this to him while he is lying on the hospital bed. My hand flew to my mouth in shock and I tried to stop myself from saying something that might aggravate his condition.

    Family is all about making sacrifices, Mia-Mia. Do this for your family, do this for me, my daughter. He let out calmly. He stretched out his hand and took my palm in his, pulling me closer. He had this sad look in his eyes that made it practically impossible for me to reject Riley. He kept looking at me, his sad eyes pleading for me to accept his request. If I keep fighting this, his heart may give out once more and it would be my fault if he dies in this hospital bed. I looked deeply into his eyes, weighing my options, trying to find another way to help my family. But there was no other way, I have to accept to marry that cheating bastard. That is the only way.

    Fine. I'll marry him. I responded firmly and I turned around and walked towards the exit, stepping out of his room to give him time to rest. The longer I stay in here, the more furious I become. I can't believe that they are trading my happiness for business, it's so preposterous.

    You are doing the right thing, Mia-Mia. You will never regret your actions. He called out to me as I left. I scoffed at his words because I know that he is just trying to make me feel better. I also wondered how his voice got louder all of a sudden, but I didn't think too much about it, I just left him to see to the details and arrange a reconciliation meeting with the Osbornes. Besides, I know that if I stay there one more minute, I would say something to provoke him, and mom would lash out at me once more.

    Mom and Carrie stumbled into the room when I opened the door. Obviously, they were eavesdropping on my conversation with dad. Good thing they regained their stamina before falling to the floor because I would have stood there and watched them fall without lending a hand. I ignored them and walked away, I need some time alone, I need to drown myself in alcohol and forget about my miserable life.

    I'm so proud of you, Mia-Mia. You have no idea what this means to all of us. I'll go in now and discuss it with your father, we would fix a lunch date with the Osbornes tomorrow. You are such an amazing child, mom keeps praising me, but I don't give a damn about her praises. I kept walking away, ignoring her. I could hear her voice in the distance as she urged my sister to come after me and make sure I'm okay. I heard the clinking of her heels on the tiles as she ran after me, calling out to me. I ignore her and kept on walking, I knew she would catch up with me in a while, so there was no need to wait around for her.

    Come on, Mia, wait up

    You don't intend to walk home, do you?

    Mia-Mia, wait up! she kept on calling, but I ignored her. I sighted a bar up ahead, and that is exactly where I'm headed.

    Extra dry Martini, please, I ordered the bartender as I sat on the bar stool.

    Better still, make it a bone dry Martini. Carrie added, smiling seductively at the bartender

    Chapter 6: Choosing To Be Rebellious

    Bone dry Martini for the gorgeous ladies, coming right up. The bartender responded to Carrie, flashing her a more seductive smile. I scoffed as I watched them flirting with each other. Carrie is such a flirt, she is the life of every party, and she spends all her time clubbing and partying. She is so lucky to be the second child, she doesn't have to worry about the family business and she will never be pawned off to a lying, cheating bastard.

    Go home, Carrie, I want to be alone. I told her firmly, but she acted deaf, making it seem like I was talking to myself. The bartender served our drinks and I sipped from my cup, gulping it down in a few seconds. I exchanged my empty glass with Carrie, gulping down hers as well, ignoring the weird look from my sister and everyone else at the bar.

    Fill it up, I told the bartender, smiling at him the same way Carrie just did a few minutes ago.


    It's settled then, you are getting married to Riley after all." Carrie let out a sigh.

    I don't want to talk about it. I responded sternly, hoping she would take the hint and back off. But that was merely wishful thinking because Carrie will always be Carrier. She never listens to anyone and she always looks at the bright side of life, that is why she is always cheerful.

    "Oh, come on, Mia. You are getting married soon, I know that. And I'm not going to stop you if you want to party hard and have fun before you get hitched to that idiot. But this is not the way to go about it and this is not the right place, Mia. Look around you, sis, everyone is staring at you because of the news of your breakup with Riley. And here you are, portraying the look of an abandoned bride who ends up being a drunk and a sadist.

    Gosh, Mia!

    That's awful!

    I don't expect you to whine and sulk like a baby, I expect you to get back at that fool by cheating on him the same way he cheated on you. You are the strongest woman I know, Mia-Mia, and it hurts me to see you this way. You may not be able to stop this wedding, but you can give him a taste of his own medicine by having wild sex with some unknown dude." I glared at her when she said that and she put her hands up in mock surrender smiling sheepishly.

    "Fine, I don't mean that. But I'm sure you can find a cute guy to hang out with. Sitting in this shitty bar, and drowning yourself in alcohol won't do you any good. Why don't you come out with me, just this once?

    If you ask me, I think you should make this night a memorable one because very soon, you will be too busy to think about getting back on this guy. Once you get married to him, his family would give you a fancy office in their company and knowing the kind of person that you are, you will spend all your time working so hard to revive our company. This is the perfect chance to get back at that him, Mia. Now come with me I need to set you up with a gorgeous dude." she ordered sternly, making me chuckle at her choice of words. She has no idea that I am still a virgin. She had always teased me for turning down her invitations to parties and clubs. She would never stop talking about her different boyfriends and sharing her sexual escapades with me. I guess she thought I was just too shy to talk about mine, if she find out that I'm still a virgin, she would freak out. I would never hear the end of it because she would tease and mock me for the rest of my life. But in a way, though, I think she is right.

    I never thought about it this way. I know I'm hurting inside for what Riley did, but I never thought of a way to pay him back for screwing my friend. How could I give my virginity to a guy that screwed my best friend? That would be so stupid. I can't stop this stupid wedding from happening, but one thing is certain.

    Riley won't take my virginity.

    I thought to myself as I emptied my second glass of Martini. I don't care if it's a stranger like Carrie suggested, but before the night is over, I'm going to give my virginity away. Riley doesn't deserve it and I'll make sure he doesn't get it.

    Let us go, sis, I want to have fun tonight. Just take me to the best club in town. I accepted, making her scream excitedly as she held my hand and dragged me out of the bar. I feel a little tipsy, but I was still able to notice that everyone was staring at us, even as we walked out of the bar. I don't know why they all think that it is my fault that the wedding was canceled. They should all mind their damn business!

    Nosy people!

    Chapter 7: I'm Back

    Drake's POV

    The atmosphere is tense, everyone was trying to stay out of the living room, and even the guards and domestic staffers were being extremely careful because no one wants to be mistakenly dragged into this matter. I parked my Porsche in the garage, then I walked into the house, my heart beating nervously as I heard their raised voices. It was mostly dads voice, I guess he is still the same, he still operates those strict rules of his.

    Damn, he can yell all day when he is pissed, I always try to avoid him on days like this when he is about to explode in anger. I've been away for so long, and the real reason why I chose to come back for Riley's wedding was that I wanted to show up when everyone is the mood of celebration. I chose this day because I thought that everyone would be too excited to think about my past rebellion. Who would have thought that I would be facing something worse than I have ever imagined?

    I walked through the familiar hallway as I headed to the sitting room. Everything in this house is still the same, nothing has changed. The portraits of the elderly Osbornes that lived before us are still hanging on the wall in the hallway. They are so many, and they are lined up on the wall, starting from the first entrance to the second entrance that leads to the sitting room. Dad had always said that our family thrived and succeeded because we had the blessing of our ancestors. I used to admire these great men in these portraits. Sometimes, when I go against the family rules, I try my best to avoid this hallway because I can always see the judgmental looks on their faces, and at such times, it always feels like they are all glaring at me through the picture frames.

    It used to bother me and make me feel a bit uncomfortable, but not anymore. I don't know why dad chose to be so superstitious, I never understood why he chose to keep those portraits and preserve the legacies of our ancestors. But after living far away from home without their judgmental looks and certainly without their protection. As I walk down the hallway after so many years, I realize that I still idolize these great men, but I'm too tough to be scared of anything or anyone. I've had live a very dangerous life, I joined the American Mafia because I needed to be able to protect myself and also run my businesses without interference from mob bosses and drug lords. It took me years to rise in the ranks and become the godfather. I've seen enough war and bloodshed to wipe off every fear that resided within me.

    My dad was still screaming and yelling at Riley, no maid was hanging around, so my presence was not announced in advance. When I walked into the room, everywhere went silent immediately and they all turned to gaze at me in surprise.

    D… D… Drake? my mom stammered out, still in shock. I turned in her direction, grinning widely. She stood up and ran to me, hugging me so tightly. My sister came running to me as well, and I hugged them both, holding them so tightly. God, I've missed them so much. Dad made sure they didn't contact me while I was away, and I know they were upset with me as well. It's so good to be back home, I never knew how much I was missing my family until now.

    How could you leave that way, why didn't you come sooner? Casey let out in tears as she kept hugging me tightly.

    I'm here now, that is all that matters. I responded calmly, pecking her on her forehead and then repeating the same motion for my mom as well.

    I didn't know you were in town. Riley let out firmly. He looked furious, and for a moment there I thought he was not happy to see me. I squinted my eyes at him, arcing an eyebrow as I gazed at him fixedly, trying to figure out why he wasn't happy to see me.

    Hahaha. Got you bro! he laughed excitedly as he came over and snatched me from my mom and my sister. He hugged me firmly, gripping me in a beat hug. Then he leaned forward and whispered in my ears,

    Help me, dad is threatening to cut me off. I scoffed and pushed him aside gently. I wonder how he wants me to help him when I don't even know how he got himself into this mess in the first place. He seems to be forgetting that I have a bigger issue to settle with my father.

    It's your wedding, Riley, and I wanted to surprise you. Besides, I figured it was high time I came back home and spend time with my family  I miss you all. I responded calmly, a smile plastered on my face.

    "That is it?

    You only came back for his wedding?" my father asked sternly

    Hi dad, good to see you too. I responded casually, ignoring the fact that he had just raised his voice at me.

    "Don't you patronize me, Drake!

    You neglected your duties to your family, you disappointed this family with your actions.

    This marriage was never supposed to be for your brother, it should have been you!" he yelled out furiously before standing up from his seat. He did not say one more word to me, he simply walked out of the sitting room, going up the stairs angrily.

    What the hell is he talking about? I inquired, but no one cared to answer.

    Tell me you don't mean what you just said, tell me you will never abandon your family again. Promise me, son. Promise me! my mom pleaded sadly, with tears in her eyes.

    I never abandoned my family, mom. I kept in touch with Riley and all this achievement you see in our business was all my idea, I did it all from overseas. Riley has worked so hard for this family, he is more than capable to handle everything that concerns this family and our company. He has done so much…

    Riley will never be you! mom yelled out angrily, cutting me short.

    You have no idea how much we need you back here. All your brother does is bring shame and disgrace upon this family. Please, Drake. Don't leave us again. My mom pleaded sadly, and this time, the tears flowed down her cheeks and she wouldn't let me wipe them off. She just hugged me tightly, and I pulled her into my arms, letting her tears drench my shirt.

    Chapter 8: Back Home

    Thanks, mom, Riley let out sadly and he stood up and left the room angrily. This is not how I wanted our reunion to be, I don't know why I'm getting this weird feeling that there is something going on here that I don't know about. I know my mom has always been emotional, but she seems more volatile than I remember. Or maybe I've been away for too long that I don't even know my family anymore.

    I was able to convince mom to go upstairs and take a nap. She made me promise not to leave again, and I did. I had to say anything she wants just to make her go up, and after she left, I turned to my sister and asked,

    What was dad talking about, what did he mean by that? I asked her firmly, leaving no room for arguments and she would have answered me, but we were interrupted by a stern voice coming from the top of the stairs,

    Why don't you ask me instead? my father let out in a firm, stern tone as he walked down the stairs, coming back to the sitting room.

    Sorry, Casey mouthed to me as she stood up and walked away, making a flimsy excuse about going back home to check on the kids. I huffed and turned to dad, wanting to make an excuse to leave, but he was smiling at me and that took me unaware so I couldn't react immediately, I just stood there and gazed at him like a moron, trying to figure out why he turned soft all of a sudden.

    Your mom told me you promised to stay back, you have no idea how excited I am, he confessed. I huffed one more time, pulling my hand through my hair in frustration. I should have known that mom would tell him that I promised to stay.

    Look, dad, I don't know what mom told you, but I need to make it clear to you that…

    "You lied to her, didn't you?

    How on earth could you be so stupid and selfish?

    Our family is falling apart, but all you care about is yourself. Is that how I raised you?

    Do you want to know what I was talking about?

    Well, I'm going to tell you. Mia was the girl I chose to be your bride several years ago. I had her betrothed to you, but you canceled your engagement even before you met her and you ran off to pursue your selfish dreams. At first, her father canceled his business deals with me, and gr severed all ties with my family. He was my best friend but because of you, we went our separate ways and he took his daughter away.

    He only agreed to this deal because his business is crumbling and he needs my help. I was so happy to have my friend back, but now your brother has done the same thing again. Why do you boys keep doing this, where did I go wrong?" he let out sadly, and for the first time in a very long time, I saw sadness on my father's face. Too bad I can't help him,

    I'm sorry dad, I never knew how much this union meant to you. But, I don't want to…

    Don't say it, son. Don't reject my offer so soon. Why don't you go back home and take your time to think about it? The villa on the beach is still vacant, and it is still yours. He smiled and walked away, tapping me on the back in his usual loving way. I smiled when he mentioned the villa, I thought it would have been taken by Riley or Casey. I guess they always knew I would come back for it someday, they all know how much I love that house.

    It is the first house I had ever bought with my money, it is so beautiful and classy. It has a private beach, a swimming pool, a gym, and everything else that I need to live comfortably. But I don't want to head up to the villa, at least not yet. I have too much information swirling around my head, I need to process this information. The only thing that can help me think straight is alcohol and some crack.

    I know just the right place to go. It's called Avalon and it is the best club in town. I know the owner, we go way back. She sells cool party drugs and she sure knows how to make a brother forget about his issues at home. I've dated her before, and I don't intend to go down that path again, but that doesn't mean that we can't share some crack and screw each other till morning. Trust me, one night with a beautiful morning would help me clear my head, then I can figure out what to do about my family, especially, my brother Riley, who doesn't seem to know that he is in danger.

    Mom came down and walked me to the door and she promised to send some maids to help me settle in nicely at the villa. I did not realize how late it was until I stepped outside. It's past eight and everywhere is so dark. I called Liam as soon as I got into the car and I told him to move my things from the hotel down to the villa.

    Mom is sending some maids over to help me while I'm there. Please keep your dick in your pants, don't screw anyone! I warned sternly and I ended the call before he could respond in his usual sarcastic tone.

    I drove straight to the club, and I called Vikki to lead me to a private table where I won't be bothered by anyone. I could feel everyone staring at me, they don't understand why the boss is personally serving me.

    I ordered for a bottle of Hennessey and some party drugs and cracks. She obliged me immediately and she flirted with me while she served me but I acted ignorant to her seduction. In my heart, I already know that I am going to screw her tonight. But I need some time alone to clear my head of all these thoughts. I poured myself a glass of Hennessey and I dropped two pills into my drink before gulping it down. I poured some coke on the table and I took a sniff at it, letting it go into my brain and reset my thoughts.

    Many whores were flocking around me, flirting and partying with me. I let them flirt with me, I even shared my party drugs with them and we were all having fun. Then all of a sudden, my eyes caught sight of an angel that was walking into Avalon with another girl by her side. She walked straight to the bar and she almost staggered while walking, but she regained composure and kept on walking until she got to the bar and sat on the barstool. She was looking so stunning in a short red gown that hugged her figures and highlighted her long perfect legs that did perfect justice to the stilettos on her feet. She had full makeup and her Auburn hair was falling down her shoulder in waves. I fell into a trance as I watched her order for shots of tequila and before I could say jack, she gulped down the four shots and she laughed excitedly as the other girl cheered for her. I'm guessing that is her sister or her friend, I really don't care. The only question on my mind is

    What the hell is she doing here?

    Chapter 9: Avalon

    Mia's POV

    There is a very thin line between aiming to look nice to get a guy's attention and wearing the sluttiest outfit to the club. I'm so close to the latter, all thanks to my crazy sister who simply wants me to go naked to the club tonight. She didn't bother taking me to my room because she knows I don't know any outfit that could be worn to a club. I'm more of a workaholic and I've been trying to save our family from going bankrupt, I have little to no time for clubbing and partying. Yet she finds it so easy to tease me always and call me a party pooper and a fun-sponge. She has no idea that I'm planning on losing my V-card tonight. Hell, she doesn't even know that I'm still a virgin. If she did, she certainly won't be asking me to put on this slutty outfit to the club tonight, rather she would personally set me up with a cute and irresistible guy and I'll be persuaded to accept her kind offer because to Carrie being a virgin is simply a crime against the vagina. One time I overheard her chatting with a friend and I shuttered at her naughty words,

    "The vagina

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