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Professor's Match
Professor's Match
Professor's Match
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Professor's Match

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Embark on a captivating journey through the forbidden corridors of academia with "Professor's Match," a steamy college romance that defies convention and sparks intrigue at every turn.

Join Olivia Turner, a spirited college student with a racy dare on her mind, as she delves into the taboo realm of professor-student romance in her daring blog, "University Match." With each witty entry, Olivia navigates the complexities of forbidden love on campus, igniting a sizzling chemistry with the enigmatic Dr. Sebastian Harris—a charismatic professor whose magnetic presence leaves an indelible mark on impressionable minds.

In a narrative teeming with tension and allure, "Professor's Match" explores the irresistible pull between intellect and desire, blurring the lines between curiosity and attraction. From hot & steamy encounters to clandestine meetings, Olivia and Dr. Harris embark on a journey that challenges societal norms and defies expectations.

With a nod to classic romance themes like slow-burn romance, forbidden love, and the allure of the enigmatic professor, "Professor's Match" offers readers a tantalizing escape into the intriguing world of college romance. Will Olivia and Dr. Harris succumb to the forbidden allure of their burgeoning connection, or will external pressures and societal expectations tear them apart? Find out in "Professor's Match," where love knows no bounds and passion ignites on the campus of Darlington University.

Release dateMar 5, 2024
Professor's Match

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    Book preview

    Professor's Match - Sara Brown

    Professor's Match: A College Romance

    Professor's_Match_Kindle_march_3_2024Un-namedShadow Lyons3542024-03-05T00:44:00Z2024-03-05T02:24:00Z8727023131332Aspose2345104815730716.00001b0dc3dbfc60cb4ca3ba40ef8bc7edebf03004676a6d7c4eb7064d30a83cce79

    Professor’s Match

    A College Romance Guide

    Sara Brown

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    Chapter 1: Forbidden Beginnings

    Chapter 2: Setting the Stage

    Chapter 3: The Allure of the Forbidden

    Chapter 4: Bad Boys and College Parties

    Chapter 5: The Unplanned Encounter

    Chapter 6: Conflicting Emotions

    Chapter 7: The Professor's Perspective

    Chapter 8: A Clandestine Meeting

    Chapter 9: Navigating the Unknown

    Chapter 10: Love in the Shadows

    Chapter 11: Secrets Revealed

    Chapter 12: A Change of Heart

    Chapter 13: Healing and Redemption

    Chapter 14: The Masterpiece Unveiled

    Chapter 15: Facing the Consequences

    Chapter 16: A New Chapter

    Epilogue: Ever After

    Chapter 1: Forbidden Beginnings

    In the lively world of academia at Darlington University, where the air buzzed with the enthusiasm of eager minds, the campus was a thriving hub of academic passion.

    Among a mix of diverse ideas and ambitious goals, my college experience unfolded like a story beyond textbooks and lectures. I had no idea that the unpredictable twists of love would soon intertwine with the carefully mapped routes of academic pursuits.

    Within the vibrant atmosphere of Darlington University, I found myself immersed in a love story—written not with ink, but through shared glances, stolen moments, and the undeniable pulse of something extraordinary.

    I, Olivia Turner, a spirited and adventure-seeking student, found myself on the edge of a challenge that would reshape my entire collegiate journey. At the heart of this transformation was University Match, my brainchild—a blog renowned for its clever commentary on college romance.

    I wanted to write about the intricacies of college romance. I wanted to navigate the rollercoaster ride of emotions that define college romance. Through the lens of personal experiences and shared tales, the stories that echo in the corners of lecture halls, resonate through bustling student centers, and find peace in the hidden alcoves of university life.

    Unknown to me, a seemingly lighthearted dare from friends would propel me into uncharted territory, igniting a series of events that would promise to redefine the very essence of my college experience.

    One evening, amid laughter and the clinking of glasses at a local student hangout, my friends stirred up a daring challenge that sent ripples of mischief through our spirited gathering.

    With mischievous grins and a glint of excitement in their eyes, they proposed a bold dare that would shatter the conventional boundaries of my blog, University Match.

    The challenge was pretty daring—write about the interesting idea of catching a professor's attention and explore the forbidden allure of a romance between a professor and a student.

    As the playful dare echoed in the air, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation, and I felt the collective gaze of my friends fixed upon me. Initially met with a nervous chuckle, the idea of venturing into such uncharted territory sparked a twinge of uncertainty.

    However, the magnetic pull of the dare, coupled with the shared excitement of my friends, kindled a flame of curiosity within me.

    With a twinkle in my eye and a daring smile, I accepted the challenge—a daring exploration into the complexities of forbidden love on campus—with a mischievous grin concealing the quiet beginnings of curiosity and anticipation.

    Thus, Professor's Match was born, its first entry emerging as my fingers danced on the keyboard. The unsuspecting subject of my affection was none other than Dr. Sebastian Harris—an enigmatic figure within the hallowed halls of academia.

    Dr. Sebastian Harris, a man of distinguished appearance and scholarly demeanor, cast a commanding presence that resonated far beyond the lecture hall. Tall and slender, his well-defined face framed by a cascade of chestnut waves, hinted at a man in tune with both sophistication and contemporary style.

    His distinguished appearance carried a youthful vibrancy, evident in the stylish suits he effortlessly wore. Tailored to perfection, these ensembles not only complemented his physique but also highlighted his natural charisma.

    Dr. Harris knew how to effortlessly bridge the gap between classic academia and a more modern sensibility, leaving an indelible mark on those fortunate enough to witness his presence.

    The chestnut waves of his hair, luxuriously styled, contributed to his magnetic appeal. Far from a mere aesthetic detail, his hair spoke of a man who valued both elegance and approachability.

    His thoughtful eyes, harboring a wealth of knowledge acquired through years of teaching dedication, added depth to his charismatic persona.

    Beyond his physical attributes, it was Dr. Harris's mannerisms that captivated both students and colleagues alike. His lectures were not mere readings of facts; they were impassioned explorations that ignited the flames of curiosity in even the most disinterested minds.

    The memory of our first meeting at the watering hole lingered in my mind, a vivid scene etched with the glow of dimmed lights and the subtle murmur of conversation.

    Encouraged by my friends who stayed behind me, their silent nudges pushing me toward the enigmatic figure by the fountain, I found myself transfixed by Dr. Harris.

    His silhouette was illuminated by the soft glow, and as he sipped from the fountain, my gaze fixated on his mouth—full and plump, an irresistible temptation. At that moment, an unbidden desire surged within me, igniting an immediate and overwhelming attraction.

    I couldn't help but imagine the taste of those lips, yearning for a connection that seemed destined to elude me.

    Come on, you swore you'd follow through with the dare, and there he is, my friends teased, their eyes fixed on Dr. Harris.

    Summoning courage, I approached Dr. Harris, intending to greet him with a simple Hi. However, nerves got the best of me, and I tripped over my own feet.

    Desperate for support, I instinctively reached out and grabbed hold of Dr. Harris. As I steadied myself by clutching his arm, I couldn't help but notice the firm muscles beneath his tweed jacket.

    Oh, I'm sorry Dr. Harris.

    The words tumbled out of my mouth, accompanied by the anxious flutter of butterflies in my stomach. His devilish smile enveloped me, casting an enchanting spell and adding to my overwhelming mix of nerves and embarrassment.

    Dr. Harris swiftly reacted, his hands instinctively encircling my waist as he effortlessly helped me regain my balance on steady feet.

    What, oh no, that's okay ...


    Right, that's okay Olivia, accidents happen, he replied, his voice carrying a charm that echoed through the air.

    As he strolled away with an easygoing stride, he brushed against my shoulder in passing. Caught off guard by the unexpected contact, I hadn't realized how close we were until I felt the warmth of his hand gently grazing mine.

    In that

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