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Phalliden Bonds: Richie: Phalliden Bonds: Priapic Institute Stories
Phalliden Bonds: Richie: Phalliden Bonds: Priapic Institute Stories
Phalliden Bonds: Richie: Phalliden Bonds: Priapic Institute Stories
Ebook40 pages25 minutes

Phalliden Bonds: Richie: Phalliden Bonds: Priapic Institute Stories

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Behind the towering Victorian walls of Phalliden Priapic Institute, Superintendent Wilkes and his loyal hierarchy shepherd phallus obsessed men through spirited modern journeys of service and reclamation.


A life of sexual compulsion, incarceration, and post-release homelessness lands Richie Ludnell into Phalliden by court commitment. Double mentored by Steve and Mick for intensified treatment, Richie confronts his fears and shame until he enters a bond triggering his personal power and revealing his authentic self. 

Release dateMar 18, 2024
Phalliden Bonds: Richie: Phalliden Bonds: Priapic Institute Stories

Jonathan Allard

Raised and remaining in the Appalachian foothills, Jonathan Allard's years of institutional work inspired his debut Phalliden Bonds series. Along with being a Feng Shui and Human Design enthusiast, he spends his non-writing time gardening, exploring abandoned buildings, and heeding the whims of the cat clowder ruling his small town Craftsman cottage.  

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    Phalliden Bonds - Jonathan Allard



    An echoing shriek and metal crashing against tile woke the two night shift Attendants to track a silhouette vaulting from wall to wall from the far end of the ward.

    I can’t do it! I am going home!, the figure shouted.

    The Attendants scrambled from behind their station, bracing to intercept the charging naked body.

    Richie? What the hell? STOP! Luke yelled.

    I gotta go home! I gotta go home! Let me out!

    Richie dodged the Attendants’ grabs, slamming like a frantic moth against the ward’s metal entrance door while daubing sweaty torso outlines as he banged his fists.

    Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!

    Get his feet off the floor! Bryan shouted.

    Luke approached from behind and slipped an elbow under Richie’s chin to pull him back as Bryan stepped in front and lifted both legs at the crook of the knees. In a squirming, grappling shuffle, they carried Richie to the shower room.

    I NEED FREEEE! FREEE! Richie’s screeches woke other residents who approached their doors.

    Back to bed! We got this! Bryan shouted.

    Once in the shower room, they suspended Richie over one of the claw foot tubs and Bryan released his hold as Luke lowered Richie to pin him against the cold cast iron.

    Easy! Breathe! Calm down, man! Luke attempted to soothe.

    FREEE! Richie’s legs and arms banged.

    Bryan flipped the canvas drape over the top as Luke released his hold and drew it tight under Richie’s chin. Bryan ran to the opposite side to secure the straps before turning the faucet to gush pure cold water. As the tub rapidly filled, Luke held Richie’s head as his arms and legs flailed and thumped against the tub and canvas. When the water soaked through and splashed over the side, Bryan stopped the flow.

    Breathe... focus... come on now. Luke coached.

    Bryan lifted the door of the adjacent ice machine and began dumping in heavy scoops onto Richie’s feet. He howled as the cubes touched his skin and Bryan kept scooping and dumping until a thick layer floated. Luke released his grip

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