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The Bone Collector
The Bone Collector
The Bone Collector
Ebook79 pages1 hour

The Bone Collector

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About this ebook

Hazel wants to halt Dan's rise but falls for his secret girly, submissive side in the process.


Dan comes from local royalty and plans on taking his family name even further than his father by becoming a politician, but he won't go anywhere if Hazel gets her way.


Hazel is a blogger and freelance opinion writer and hates how Dan carries himself. Her father is the same way, and she simply can't stand arrogant and misogynistic men because of him.


Little does Hazel expect Dan's secret feminine fantasies, but she's ready to exploit them and give Dan a taste of his own medicine.


The Bone Collector is a steamy romance about a dominant, ambitious woman and the secretly submissive man she wants to destroy. Hazel might hate Dan at first, but can she resist her soulmate?

PublisherClover Cox
Release dateApr 2, 2024
The Bone Collector

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    The Bone Collector - Clover Cox


    Playboy Meets His Match

    (Femdom Feminization)

    Clover Cox

    Copyright © 2024 Clover Cox

    All rights reserved.

    All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form of by any means, including photocopying or other electronic mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the few exceptional cases permitted by copyright law, which includes brief quotations in reviews.

    Cover Design: Copyright © 2024 Clover Cox (All images and fonts are paid and royalty free and available for commercial use without attribution)

    To my readers, always



    How would you describe your relationship with Dan Reid? I asked my first interviewee of the day. I already had several women on record that Dan Reid was nothing more than an opportunistic man whore who didn’t belong anywhere near our state politics. The only thing he would do was enrich himself, his family, and his friends. Nobody should trust him, and I was making it my goal to expose him for being a no-good playboy before the election.

    Will this come back to hurt me?

    It’s important to be brave, I said and reached forward to place my hand over Rachel’s. She was the eighth woman I’d gotten in touch with about Mr. Reid, and I had one more interview scheduled after hers. I was hoping to find at least ten women to come forward to say how Dan Reid was no good and had no business being anywhere near public office.

    Rachel sucked in a sharp breath as she slowly pulled her hand out from beneath mine. I want to be brave, but what if everyone labels me as a whore for having sex with him? You know how they try to turn the tables on women. The public always comes out against us, especially when we try to stand up to a man like Dan.

    The other women I’d interviewed had the same concerns as Rachel, but I assured them that they were all better sticking together. Wouldn’t it be better to take down Dan now before he became a national figure? Wasn’t it better to stop him before he could climb any higher than he already had?

    I totally understand your concerns, but I already have five other women who are prepared to come out against Mr. Reid. I’m aiming for ten, so your story would mean a lot to support the others.

    Two of the women I interviewed had emailed me since to withdraw their statements. No matter how much I tried to persuade them, they told me that this story or stopping Dan wasn’t worth risking their careers, even if I disagreed. Dan was a misogynist and all the women had told me he had the same dirty habit of stealing their panties and never calling them again. The fact that he stole their undergarments as some type of trophy truly disturbed me, not to mention how Dan’s entire platform would hurt the poor and enrich the people who already held power in our community.

    I know, but I’m not sure about this. The relations that Dan and I had were consensual. He didn’t force me to do anything against my will.

    Take a breath, Rachel. Just because you had consensual relations doesn’t excuse Dan Reid’s behavior. Why don’t we start smaller? Why did you even agree to meet with me today if you aren’t sure about speaking out against Mr. Reid?

    Rachel twiddled her thumbs as I awaited her reply, feeling like she would end up chickening out like the two other women who’d withdrawn their statements. I didn’t exactly need Rachel to push my story forward, but having her come out against Dan on the record would only strengthen my case. Truth be told, everyone in my family supported Dan and hoped to see him elected, but I couldn’t look past his behavior nor the disgusting stories I’d heard about him.

    Can I be honest?

    Of course. This is only a preliminary interview to learn about your experience with Dan Reid and how it compares to the other women I’ve spoken to about this matter.

    May I ask why you’re doing this?

    As I’ve said, I want to stop Reid’s political rise.


    It’s my belief that our government would work better if our leaders weren’t misogynistic pigs, but you’re always welcome to disagree. If you ask my father, Mr. Reid is quite the stand-up guy, but his view might differ from others, including yours. I only want to hear what you have to say.

    Rachel fell silent for a few moments and took a sip of her iced mocha before nodding. Okay, I want to share my story, but is there any chance to keep my name private? They’re talking about giving me a promotion at work, and I would hate to lose it because of this.

    I completely understand, and we can give you a new name in the video we’re making, but I won’t be able to hit Mr. Reid where it hurts unless you’re honest with me about the relationship you two had.

    As long as you can change my name, I’m willing.


    Rachel glanced at her hands which she had resting on the table before sighing deeply. She stared at her hands as she spoke. Everything with Dan Reid started off like a fairytale. Of course I knew who he was when we got together. His family is legendary in our town, and I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

    "Any specific details to explain how

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