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Resuming the Kalifee
Resuming the Kalifee
Resuming the Kalifee
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Resuming the Kalifee

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The second book opens with all the characters of the first book headed to a grand celebration. The evil Gogatt has not been seen in at least two suns. Things are going so well for the Kalifee people. The crops are good and the brothels are at their highest revenue. The divine lives within all people and the Kalifee know it and express it so well. There is love and love lost. Betrayal is waiting in the wonderful disguise of love, giving, and commitment. These fighting women and men do so much more than fight the enemy. The internal struggle, after all, is the greatest fight of all.

Release dateFeb 28, 2024
Resuming the Kalifee

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    Resuming the Kalifee - Susan Chappell


    Resuming the Kalifee

    Susan Chappell

    Copyright © 2024 Susan Chappell

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 978-1-6624-5216-1 (pbk)

    ISBN 978-1-6624-5215-4 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    Resuming the Kalifee

    It was a grand time for the Kalifee people. The crops were the best they had ever been. The brothel revenue was at an all-time high. And none had been attacked; no woman or child had been taken or killed. It was a glorious time for the Kalifee people. The air was crisp with what was called in olden times Indian summer. It was time for celebration.

    The Califia had planned a party to rival any party seen. She and Niea talked almost every day. Everyone was excited. They planned fireworks, a meal to feed a queen and her army, and a show of shows, Kalifee style—grand, spectacular, and awfully expensive. That didn't bother Califia Ladia. She would pay for it all. After all, she was very generous and wealthy, and she was good at planning and running any show, and this would be a grand show.

    The Gogatt had not been seen in more than two turns of the earth around the sun. The Califia made sure that patrols were out almost every day. Niea and her team scouted regularly. Not a single sign had been seen of any marauders. No slavers, no beatings, no rapes, and no Gogatt. Many trip wires had been located and removed. No one so far had been caught in their evil traps. If it had not been for Vahar getting Cal and Tulie loose from the deadly snares; surely they would both be dead. Everyone was so grateful to her for her skill, bravery, and using what she had to do what she needed to do. Her story would surely become a Kalifee legend—getting that close to several Gogatts, successfully killing all four of them, and saving two of the most talented fighters in the Kalifee, all while being nine moons pregnant. Now that was a matter for a heroine's journey.

    All the travelers were in Central, preparing for the grandest show of shows. Tents were going up everywhere. The finest finery had been prepared, made, sculped, and put together. Every performer, queen, dancer, flyer, acrobat, artist, artiste, actor, actress, and contortionist was honed up and ready for the show.

    Everyone at the hostel was making preparations also. They all were going. Zane and Vahar designed and made the gowns and dress wear for everyone, even the kids. The air was electric. It was on.

    Finally, the day came, and everyone was ready. Miguel and Jamal loaded up the ground cars with all the food and wine they had been preparing for days. All the chargers were loaded. All the gowns and dress wear were packed up carefully. Niea was especially concerned about the gowns. Everything had to be pristine. Most of them would be staying at Grandmama's. Zane and Vahar would be staying at his old place just down the hall from the Califia. The kids would stay there with them. Zane and Vahar were excellent with the young folks. When they arrived, of course, the Califia was busy as usual and would see them later for supper at her place.

    Ladia came in with dessert for everyone. Supper was over. She looked around but didn't see Zane or Vahar. Niea informed her that all the kids were in bed at Zane's old place. Zane and Vahar had gone for a walk. She said, He and his walks, his window shopping, and he always wanted to buy me some kind of outfit. Silly really. I guess he makes Vahar go with him.

    Actually, Vahar loved their late-evening walks. They both love to shop, make, and pick out clothes, especially female. Niea told her about the gown they had for her. Ladia just had to see it. Niea brought it out for Ladia to try on, but she said she would rather have Niea model it. Niea slipped into it and twirled around. She and Ladia were the same size. It was fit for a queen. It was a silver mess over a nude illusion, boat-shaped neckline, formfitting with a flared bottom running into a train. The back was open to down to the waist with shimmering soft chains across the back. The train had a loop for her wrist. It spoke to the queen that she was. Ladia wanted to wear her best kimono. Niea just looked at her grandmama and shook her head, saying that Zane and Vahar had worked extremely hard and she was wearing it.

    It was a splendid evening. Vahar and Zane walked hand in hand along the route they had walked the night Vahar had revealed her past to him. She motioned to the very bench they had sat on. Zane stepped up to the bench, wiped it off, and placed a handkerchief for Vahar to sit. She couldn't help but to think what a gentleman he was always. She felt so fortunate to have this man. What if he and the Califia had worked things out were would she be? They sat and stared up at the stars, still holding hands. Vahar laid her head on his shoulder and sighed heavily. Zane loved that sound. He started kissing her neck, knowing that she loved it. In fact, she loved everything he did to her and for her. Then she asked, You looking forward to talking with the Califia?

    He wasn't sure he was ready to do that just yet. She had really hurt him, but he couldn't be mad. He had his exquisite Vahar and his beautiful son, Kedif. Funny how things turn out sometimes. They both heard noises of people talking, then the music started. Zane stood up and held out his hand for Vahar. She knew he wanted to dance. They walked over to an outside dance floor with a live band. Zane led her to the floor, and they danced the night away beneath the deep blue night with a vestibule of dancing star light swirling above their heads. It was perfect.

    The next morning, the kids were up with Jamal and Cal. They had packed a picnic and were headed to one of Central's many spectacular parks. Miguel and Niea were off to themselves, having an argument about Elijah. Miguel let him get away with everything. He had become a very spoiled, disrespectful, destructive, arrogant brat. Miguel never set any boundaries nor held the child accountable for his actions. He was always cleaning up whatever mess the boy made. Niea was at her wit's end. Ladia was off to her office; she had a lot of last-minute preparations to finish up for tonight's shindig. Vahar and Zane slept in late. It was quiet when they got up.

    Cal and Jamal took all the kids to a really nice play/picnic area. Once there, Elijah tried to tear up a swing set at the park. He wanted one the metal bars to use as a weapon. Jamal stopped him. He swore at Jamal, and Cal was on him. She had never been able to tolerate foul language. She said that it was the sign of a lazy mind. He spit at her and said his Da would fix it. Then he turned and ran. Cal caught him and headed back to his parents. He was not going to ruin their day. She carried the child in a one-person hold. He got loose and hit her in the stomach. She punched him hard in the chest and he went out. She carried him the rest of the way back. She put him in a back room and assessed him. He was okay, but he was a hateful child. There was no telling what kind of adult he would become at this rate. Cal felt if something didn't change in the way he was being raised; it was not going to be a happy story. And furthermore, she didn't want his undisciplined, rude, wretched, willful self around her kids.

    Miguel and Niea were sitting in the breakfast nook. They obviously were not talking to each other. Cal rolled in and stared at them both, I had to knock your boy out. He's in the back room. I checked him out. He's okay. With that, she turned to leave. Niea stopped her. Miguel went to see about his son. Cal turned and said, I don't want your son around my kids. You understand? Niea sat down hard and started to cry. Cal said, Both of you are going to have to discipline your child. He's headed toward being a real jerk.

    Niea knew she was right. But no matter what she did to try to guide the child, Miguel would undermine her. He would fix or take care of anything that his son had done. Could he possibly think that was love? She was at her wit's end.

    Niea thought she could take Elijah and leave Miguel, but she was unsure if she could handle the child alone. If Miguel would leave, she knew that Cal, Jamal, Vahar, and Zane could help her get him on the right road. Her problem was not so much Elijah as it was Miguel. She loved him with all her heart, but this had definitely put a rift between them. Miguel wouldn't do anything to upset his son. No matter how much Niea would tell him that he needed to be firm with their son and discipline him, he just couldn't. Just as Cal was leaving, she said, I don't want Elijah anywhere near us at the party. She turned and left. Niea knew she meant what she said; she also knew she was right. Who would want Elijah around their children? Nobody!

    They all got dressed for the celebration. Miguel kept a close eye on Elijah. He was calm for now. Elijah had grown weary of Cal. She had never hit him before. He now knew she meant business. He thought about getting even with her, but then he knew he would have to face Jamal. He didn't want to get on his bad side too.

    Everyone was dressed and ready to party. They took pictures and had a toast to all those who had gone before them. Miguel and Niea had spoken only a few words between them all day. Miguel and Elijah would ride in a separate car. Cal meant what she said, and Jamal agreed. Elijah was bad news.

    The celebration was incredible. There were games and rides for the kids, food and dancing for all, alcohol for the adults, and a show that was fit for a queen. Zane and Vahar danced most every dance. Seemed like everyone was watching them. Cal and Jamal joined the escapades. Jay, Aaden, Kedif, and Shona got in on the fun. Miguel was watching from across the way. He saw Niea dancing with a handsome man. She was having a good time. He turned to check on Elijah, but he was gone. Miguel looked all through the party, but no Elijah. He left the party and hit the streets, walkways, alleys, and parks, looking and calling for his son. Finally, he gave up and returned to the party. It was the finale, last dance, last call for alcohol. He approached Niea. She turned and said, What is it, Miguel? He needed to talk to Grandmama. He couldn't find her. Then she seem to appear out of nowhere. She had a severe look on her face. She walked up to Miguel and Niea, saying she needed for them to come with her. She informed Cal they would see the rest of them back at her apartment. Cal just knew it was about Elijah.

    Ladia called to have her car brought round, and they all got in. No one had said a word yet. Niea knew her grandmama. She would talk when she was ready. Ladia stared at both of them with a stern look. Niea knew it wasn't good. Turned out the safety office had their son in lockup. Niea looked at Miguel and started to say something. Ladia put her hand up, Your boy is being charged.

    Niea said in a high-pitched voice, With what?

    Ladia said with revulsion, Arson, destruction of property, attempted murder, and he killed a dog.

    Neither one of them knew what to say. They rode the rest of the way in silence. Niea knew in her heart now what had happened to her dog Shags.

    When they arrived at the safety office, Elijah was being sedated. He had torn up everything in the holding area, tried to scratch out the eyes of an elderly man being held there, and he had defecated on a passed-out drunk man. They would have to talk to him in the morning. The Califia led Niea and Miguel into the magistrate's office. He was a stately man with thick gray hair. It was obvious he had come from the party and was a bit rushed. He was pleased to see the Califia, but when he asked everybody to sit, his mood change gravely. He looked at Niea and Miguel. This is your son, Elijah? They both nodded their heads, scared of what was coming.

    I have known the Califia her whole life and would like to help you, but your boy's crimes are too great. He will be leaving with an away team tomorrow. It is for juvenile delinquents. That is the best I can do for him. How long he has to stay will depend on his behavior and his progress. As his parents, you will be responsible for restitution to those that were harmed. As far as I can tell, you will have to pay fifty thousand coins and maybe some community service. He looked at Ladia. Sorry, Califia, but the boy is dangerous, and I do believe he is mentally ill.

    Ladia stood up and shook his hand and thanked him profusely. They left and no one said a word. They arrived at Ladia's apartment still in silence. Everyone was asleep. Zane and Vahar were at an after-party of performers. Ladia still hadn't really talked with Zane. She could tell he really loved Vahar, but he looked at her the way he had always looked at her with love.

    Ladia motioned for Miguel and Niea to sit. She pulled out a bottle of wine, pouring each of them a full glass of wine. They drank in continued silence. Then Ladia looked at both of them. So has this been going on for a while? Niea nodded her head. Miguel was looking at the ground. How did things get so bad and you said nothing to me? Miguel was still trying to make excuses in his mind and Niea just shrugged her shoulders.

    We need to be at the safety office in the morning around eight. The team will be pulling out soon after. You will need to bring the first month's payment of two thousand coins. This payment happens every month or your son will go into a lockup until payment is made. Due to his young age, the team would be a much better choice for him. I encourage you to pay on time. And no, I will not help you with any of this. You are responsible for it all.

    Niea and Miguel knew this was final. No need to protest. Both of them were still trying to get their heads around Elijah's behavior.

    In the morning, Cal and her crew were up and ready for a day of adventure. Ladia asked the children to wait for the grown-ups down in a play area just outside her balcony. They would be with them soon. Jay led the way. He had learned much from Cal and could handle the others very well. Vahar and Zane were just getting up. They entered Ladia's breakfast nook holding hands and in a fabulous mood. Zane saw them all sitting around. He got himself and Vahar a cup of tea and took a seat. He asked about his son, Kedif. Ladia assured him the boy was in good hands with Jay and the other children. Ladia took a sip of her tea and told them what had happened. Cal knew something had to give soon, and here they were. But where was Miguel? He was missing. Niea wondered if he had returned to his old formula of visiting a brothel when he couldn't deal.

    A moaning sound was heard in the service area at the back of the apartment. Jamal went and found Miguel passed out with an empty bottle of wine lying next to him. Jamal got him up on his feet. He was quite hungover. It was time to go say goodbye to Elijah. Miguel got cleaned up and they all left for the safety office.

    Elijah was in four-point walking restraints when they arrived. They were getting ready to load him up. Miguel went to hug him, and Elijah spat at him, calling him a namby-pamby spineless asshole. Then Niea tried to talk to him about what had happened; he curled his lip at her and cursed. Then she said that they were saying he was mentally ill. Elijah got as close as he could to her, staring her dead in the eyes. He looked feral, insane, and he was angry. His speech was pressured, and his face was red. He spat out his words like they were poison. Me crazy! What about you! You are a has-been fighter that has lost all her marbles and tried to kill herself. You couldn't even do that right. And you're not my real mother.

    One of the officers stepped up and asked if that was true. Miguel confirmed. The officer said they would need to talk to his birth mother as soon as possible. Miguel said he could get in touch with her. Ladia had heard everything that was said. She knew that Miguel couldn't handle this child. He was not equipped to raise a child, especially a boy like Elijah.

    Cal, Vahar, Jamal, and Zane had a good time with the kids, but there was a dark cloud right there. Cal had arranged to meet up with Tulie and Keddie. Tulie was pregnant and had to go to the infirmary. They had missed the party. Tulie was a small-framed little lady. The medic there said that they would have to do a Cesarean to retrieve her baby and she needed to take it easy. They were both shook about Elijah, but they all knew something had to happen sooner or later.

    Ladia sat Miguel and Niea down. She was obviously upset. She held her composure. She always did. But she needed answers. She and Niea spoke briefly about when the behaviors had started. Ladia knew of Niea trying to fix things and not reporting as she should, just like she had done when Cal's behavior had gotten out of hand. This was so much worse. This was a child, and it sounded like he was on his way to some real horrors. Then she turned her attention to Miguel. She said, Sounds like you did not discipline your son at all. You let him do whatever he wants, and you picked up the pieces. He never had to face any consequence of his behavior because of you. And now he hates you. Why?

    Miguel just looked at her with pain and horror in his face. He had messed up before, but this took the trophy.

    Finally, Miguel said, I want to talk to him.

    Ladia said, No! They are not going to let you interfere. And, Miguel, seriously, son, what were you thinking watching this boy go so far over the edge and you continued to pamper him? How is he going to be a responsible grown man? Did it ever occur to you that you need help?

    Miguel looked at Niea. She turned away, but she knew she had a hand in this too. She should have asked for help a long time ago. Ladia excused herself; she had matters of state to attend to now. She recommended that they find a therapist and start some real evaluation of both their behaviors—Miguel's permissiveness and Niea's need to fix everything herself.

    There was only one therapist Niea wanted to see, and that was the healer Schade. Miguel thought that would be to strange for him, but he agreed he would go. Ladia contacted the wellness center and arranged for them both to stay there for a while. She made therapy part of their restitution agreement. Ladia warned Miguel if he tried to contact his son or didn't meet his obligations, there would be consequences.

    The next day, everyone was packing up and saying their goodbyes. Niea hugged the boys, and Shona jumped into her arms. She was such a happy child. She gave her whole heart to anyone who wanted it. Cal called for her to come on as they had to go. Shona kissed Niea, jumped to the ground, and, as she was running away, said, Happy about your babies. They were off, and Niea was stunned. No! No! No! She couldn't be, no! She knew Grandmama didn't have a med pack, so she headed to the infirmary. She had to make sure. Her moon time had been irregular for quite some time.

    That evening, Miguel cooked. It helped him not dwell on all this mess with his son. Ladia pulled out a bottle of wine that he had made. She had never had any of it. She started to pour up three glasses. Niea stopped her, saying she would like juice. At supper, Niea was a bit tense. Ladia asked her what was up. It took her a good minute or so to answer. Then she blurted it out: she was pregnant. Ladia and Miguel stared at her, not knowing what to say.

    Then Ladia said, How do you know? Niea told her that Shona had congratulated her on her babies, so she went and got tested. Ladia said, How did a small child know you were pregnant?

    There was no answer. Niea went on to say she was keeping her child. She was unsure if Miguel and she would stay together. Spirit knew she did not want to screw up another innocent child. Ladia saw the pain run through Miguel. It looked like a shudder. He had something to say, but like much of the time, he said nothing. Niea would have to pull it out of him, and she was tired of doing that.

    The next day, Niea and Miguel arrived at the center. Miguel was not sure of Schade's methods. But he had to admit Niea had gotten so much better after working with her. He did want to save his marriage. The way things were now, he was not confident she would stay with him, especially since she was pregnant.

    Back at the hostel, there was a great relief. It made Cal sad to reject a child, but Elijah was becoming more and more of a problem. She was wondering if she, Jamal, Zane, and Vahar could do anything with him. She did feel he was in a better place, especially away from Miguel. Later that afternoon, Shona told Cal she was excited to have some cousins. Cal asked, What makes you say that, my sweet girl? Cal called Grandmama's place and confirmed. Yes, Niea was pregnant.

    It was early in the morning when Miguel and Niea arrived at the wellness center. Schade knew they were coming. She had read the report on their son. It was disturbing for someone so young to comment these kind of offenses. Schade could see and feel the tension between them. She asked them if they want to stay in the same cabin. Niea said not now. She needed time and space away from Miguel. Schade informed them that payment was due every full moon. Miguel was wishing and hoping he would be gone long before the next payment was due. Schade let them know at some point they might have to share a cabin. There were more clients coming next moon or so. Schade had become known as a healer that could really make a difference.

    Their first session with Schade was together. She had Miguel go first. Niea tried to stay as still and quiet as she could. But it was hard. She wanted him to step up and open his mouth and admit what he had done wrong. He always talked about how much he loved his son, making excuses for everything the boy did. As the session went on, Schade was able to get both of them to

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