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Feeling antsy and need to get away? Then Take off this weekend for Deckstan County, with a peaceful country back setting,"BOOOM!" full of friendly people, or are they? "Howdy neighbor!...AH, #uck you!!...Huh?... and always cafe courteousy, " $hut up! and take your order!"... You're in for a violent and deceptive twist turn as this wasn't the vacation you had in mind. Expecially with a crooked "Protect & Serve" drug dealing local sheriff, and of course, all of you're local gentle hearted country club biker gang, tearing the community apart with their ways. A place where no one is safe, expecially, an unsuspecting young girl just passing through town, that finds herself trapped in the mids't of chaos, between rival'ry drug wars and deception, as she finds that her one wrong turn could be her last.....But in the middle of the druggie drama, she meets one biker, found willing to get her out, and to help her escape the nightmare amoung them. But it won't be easy for either of them, for there is no rest or safe place in the realm of those who don't sleep,.... and never stop... What was mean't to be a simple shortcut, turns out to be a week she'd never forget...................
..........................................................Welcome to Badland!.................................enjoy your stay........................
Release dateAug 11, 2009

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    Book preview

    ~Badland~ - Clydal Vania

    ~ BADLAND ~


    x. ~ CLYDAL VANIA ~



    iUniverse, Inc.

    New York Bloomington

    Copyright © 2009 by Clydal Vania

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    ISBN: 978-1-4401-5873-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4401-5874-2 (ebook)

    Printed in the United States of America

    iUniverse rev. date: 8/8/2009


    ~ Acknowledgments ~

    ……… ~Intro~………


    The Kidnapped,

    ~ Chapter.#2, ~

    The Drugs,

    ~ Chapter.#3, ~

    ~ The Corruption, ~

    ~ Chapter.#4, ~

    ~ The Murders, ~

    ~ Chapter. #5, ~

    ~ The Gang, ~

    ~ Chapter.#6, ~

    ~ The Suspicion, ~

    ~ Chapter.#7,

    ~The Temptations,~

    ~ Chapter.#8, ~

    ~The Snooping,~

    ~ Chapter.# 9, ~

    ~ The Shootings, ~

    ~ Chapter.#10,~

    ~ The Come Down,~

    ~ Chapter.#11, ~

    ~ The Horror ~

    ~ Chapter.# 12, ~

    ~ The War, ~

    ~ Chapter.#13, ~

    ~ The Terror, ~

    ~ Chapter.#14, ~

    ~ The Boiling Point, ~

    ~ Chapter.#15, ~

    ~ The Massacre, ~

    ~ Chapter.#16, ~

    ~ The Bad Man, ~

    ~ Chapter.#17, ~

    ~ The Betrayal, ~

    ~ Chapter.#18, ~

    ~ Dope Fed Bitch!?, ~

    ~ Chapter#19, ~

    ~ The Helpless, ~

    ~ Chapter.#20, ~

    ~ The Captured, ~

    ~ Chapter.#21, ~

    ~ The Tested, ~

    ~ Chapter.# 22, ~

    ~ The Prowler, ~

    ~ Chapter.#23, ~

    ~ The Powerless, ~

    ~ Chapter.#24, ~

    ~ The Trust, ~

    ~ Chapter.#25, ~

    ~ The Demise, ~

    ~ Chapter.#26, ~

    ~ The Trial, ~

    ~ The Conclusion, ~

    ~ Acknowledgments ~  

    …………….These people ………

    ……………And this place you are about to go………..

    ………………Are the product of terrible proportions………..

    ………And are all of the place that drugs can take you……

    ………….And in no way it is cool………….

    …………….And it no way is A place to ever be………..

    ………Except here in this story where you are safer …..

    …..Because taking drugs yourself…..

    …... may totally $uck your life up….

    ……….Really ……please …..don’t be an idiot…..

    …….Don’t take hard drugs ever……

    ……….Or you may find yourselves too………

    …In the heartlands………Of …BADLAND!..........

    ……… ~Intro~……… 

    ……….sometimes corruption begins in a town of dormants………

    ……………………..(scene fades in)………………………

    …………(To a car driving up an old café dirt road)………….

    (the car stops and a beautiful young woman steps out…..)

    …..exhausted from her travels she says…….

    "…..Wheew …. What a long drive it is out here……….

    …………….Hmm the place looks packed" the girl thinks.

    …..Hey maybe somebody inside knows a shorter route" she says to herself.

    (Heading towards the front of the café)

    ………….Steps inside surprised to see only a few customers…………

    She finds her booth all dusty as she sits down.

    …….whoosh………..poooof…….cough… cough…..hecheew…wheew…

    Ahh…. Eeeww….. uhh don’t they clean round here?......

    (In the sniffles she picks on up the menu.)

    (Looking at the picture food she thinks)

    eeek people actually eat this ugly food…..yeesh ..

    (Looking out the window she thinks back again)

    "…….. Geeze, by the looks of the parking lot outside,

    ………..I’d say this place was packed to the brim……….

    ……….I had a hard time finding a parking space…….

    ………..Yet, but there’s hardly anyone even in here at all…….."

    (She was startled when she hears)

    ‘………Can I getcha something hunn!?....."

    ………Wheew! Oh gosh (she jumps) Yeeah geeze scared me…….

    ………Oh um, just some coffee will be good ( saying it with a nervous smile)

    ( the waitress lookin down at her like she’s the weirdo slowly replies)

    ………Uhh …yeah…sure thing hunn……..( n walk on away)

    "……..Wheew,… (she wipes her head in light sweat)

    …….( Telling herself ) Dang! calm down geeze,……

    ........( asking herself ) ….Why am I so on the edge here?....

    ~ Intro ~

    …..I guess because this place is so dececretly creepy…….

    (Looking down on the table to a rolled up old newspaper)

    ( Glimpsly slowly she reaches over and picks it up )

    ( Her eyes zip straight to the front page headlines )




    ………..Death,… ect……….

    ( she’s startled again when she hears )

    …….Ya new round here ain’t ya hunn?!......

    (Her head jumps back back up to an older woman,)

    (Sitting in the booth in front of hers…………)

    the girl reacting in a kind of nervous tone responds,

    Ahh ohh, uhh…yeah….just… I.. think im kinda lost……..he..

    (the old woman responds) …really? Where ya headed huh hun?...

    The girl replies, Oh, I’ve just been driving like forever. he he

    The old woman responds curiously, "Like? Wheeew!

    your definitely not from round here with those words…."

    Uh, yeah im just passing through trying to reach…uhh…

    Oh umm, here, it’s on this….here….

    (Reaches in her purse pulling out a huge map )

    (Slapping it down covering almost the whole table)

    Running her finger down the map saying…..

    ‘…. Ohh, its here… ah, there! …uh DockisVille….

    ( turning to the old woman asking)…

    Uh would you happen to know….

    (cut off by another voice she jumps interrupted)

    ……….MORE coffee hun?!... turning back at the waitress,

    ……….(Responding terribly intimidated)…uhh, yes I..I mean no.. I mean no thanks.

    … Ahhh, sure thing hun.( the skaggely waitress walks away in her moth eaten apron)

    ~ BadLand ~

    (Getting back to what she was saying to the elderly old woman)

    Ah yes, I meant, a faster route through the next county line, uuhh…

    (Suddenly the old lady bursts out of her chair yelling…)

    ….. DECKSTAN COUNTY!?.......

    (The girl stiff startled responds…)

    ……Uh, whatever comes after this county?

    …..About thirty miles up the highway…"

    ( Looking onto her map) …But it doesn’t say which county comes next after this

    ( Again the old woman interrupted) …Yeah! Deckstan County !..

    (…Spookily she reaches over and touches her hand)

    "…. Young hunn, listen to me, don’t go that way darlin,

    ( the lady speaking in a sweet old lady tone)


    (The girl looking back down to her map responds to her…)

    "… But it looks like if I drive straight through, I can reach……

    (cut off again the sweet lady now yells aggressively) … NO! DO NOT go that way!

    (Taking her finger she points out) You have to take the interstate round and…

    (The woman takes her finger follows it all through the map)

    (The girl responds) But that will take me … (looking down at the map)

    (continuing) ….. Over a hundred miles out of the way………

    ……… No, I think if I cut straight through here to…

    (The woman bolt from her booth and grabs her finger violently yellin…)

    ……No sweetie, no no hun! …..Stay out of deckstan county!..

    ( As the old woman shakes the girls finger asking…) Ya hear me hun?....

    (…. The girl trying to speak up is cut back off before she could speak)

    ………No!! …..(woman now speaking in a creepy tone).. …STAY OUT!!!

    (the girl just sits staring all stunned)

    (as she beholds the true image of this lady)

    (grinding her half rotted gummie teeth holes)

    ( And smelling the vagrance of her dinosaur perfume)

    ~ Intro~

    (on her ripped up torn ancient rotted leather jacket)

    (As the old woman slowly gets up and leaves out the door repeating)

    …… Stay out! Stay out of Deckstan Count!

    (Her voice echoing as she seemingly floats on away)

    …………..Stay out…………

    …………….Stay out…………

    …………Stay out of Deckstan……………


    ….Deckstan…… (Echoing)

    (Sitting there puzzled to what the lady was trying to tell her)

    (She looks back down to the map)

    (Looking at the main routes through)

    (Hearing the woman’s voice repeat itself eerily)

    (Then she looks around the whole place)

    (To the few but all customers looking up at her)

    Or what the heck’s in my coffee!(She thinks)

    ~} Meanwhile ten minutes later getting into her car} ~

    (She dials a number on the cell phone)

    deciding to take the old women’s advice

    I mean who knows, She might be hiding in the back seat!.........

    Ha, never know…

    (She takes off driving towards the maps cross state)

    as she approaches she arrives at the counties inter cross road)

    She stops at the roads between the interstate……….

    And the shorter route she had first planned…….

    And that she had been warned to keep away from…..

    And then it happened………………………

    Your service is temporarily out of order………..

    As she looks anxiously upset into the phone…………

    ~ Intro ~

    As she stops in the center of the dormant crossroads intersection.

    Now that she ‘s sitting there staring down the two roads…….

    The one she was advised looked all green and sunny,

    And the road was dim and dark with an unreadable rusty sign,,

    With splits and cracks and potholes in the road…….

    But when she looked back to the map, She thought.

    Ah but that takes me too far out of the way.

    It’ll take me hours to catch up on schedule,

    And when she realized that she wouldn’t even be able to call

    And tell who she was calling She would be a few hours late…….

    She looks up at the roads

    Then back down to her cell phone, she cracks,

    (Saying) "………. Ahh Screw It!! Pops it into first gear thinking,

    ….Ah what’s the big deal anyways?...........

    ………Deckstan couldn’t possibly be that bad……….

    …………..Turns and drives away down the road,

    ……….Towards Deckstan County………………

    ………..And Without Knowing it…………….

    ………….She takes a luring and violent turn…………….

    ………………..Into Badland….……………


    The Kidnapped, 

    ……………..Meanwhile …………………..

    …………..Thirty miles up the road …………….

    …………………………….At a mechanical repair shop…………….

    ……..A massive drug deal ………………

    ……………..Is going terribly wrong…………………..

    ………….Scene fades into the shop window …………………..

    …………….to an argument with four bikers……………..

    A man speaks, ……What!...what do you mean you lost half the product!?...

    ( The other man answers) " …..I.. Just … I don’t know!........

    ……………It just….. Vanished from the stash box…I…I…."

    ( The first voice responds ) ….This …is the third time idiot! Slapp!!...

    ( Bottles breaking as he grabs at him continuing his rant and rave )

    "………..This is the $ucking third time we left you and Joe Blow on the deal,

    ( raising his voice) And $hits gone missing every time….."

    (The voice raising its tone even louder) ….Either money, OR THE $HIT!!......

    ( The other guy responds in pleas ) …Im so sorry D, Really I am……..

    (Continuing) ………..It wont happen again ….I swear, I swear……

    ( The First voice concludes its tone) ..You’re damn right it wont happen again!..

    …………Hey!....Big C!...Crazy H!.....Get em boys!!.......

    (Suddenly a scuffle breaks out in the garage)


    (Gunshots firing,… Glass breaking………)

    (Suddenly the solo biker goes running out the front door and away down the street…….)

    ( The yelling in the background indicated the others after him)

    (Voices hollering) Get Him!....get him!...........(As monster Harley engines fire on up)

    ~ The Kidnapped, ~ ……………….As there, down the road, a car appears in the distance………….

    …………~ Meanwhile ~…………….

    ( The girl still fumbling around with her cell phone……………)

    ………..Suddenly begins to pass by the jogging man…………….

    ( He stops the car by jumping in front of her waving his hands)

    "……… Ohh ohh, Help! Heelpp!! ( He yells )

    ( Slowing to a stop she anxiously asks)

    ….What? what! What is wrong (She desperately asks) ( Slowly he answers) ….Everything!! …" ( As he sticks a gun in her face)

    ( The girl terrorized she screams) ….Aaahh!!... No please don’t shoot!!....

    ………aggressively he reaches in and forcefully jerks open her door……

    (The gunman yellin ) ………….Scoot over……Bitch!……….

    ……Terrorized she’s forced to scotch over…………….

    …………Being flung into the passenger window as he jumps inside……….

    (Taking hold of the wheel throws a brief case on the floor)

    And right as he begins to take off……………….

    As the girl is screaming, … Ohh my God, Please doont!!.....

    ( then quick and suddenly he slams on the breaks…….)

    …………As three huge Bikers now stand before them…………..

    ……….Sitting on three huge monster Harley Hogs……………

    ………As suddenly the girl jumps out of the car…………..

    ……….And runs over to them pleading, …Pleease!!...

    ….. Help! Ohh please Heelp mee!!.......Pleeaase !!!

    ………..As the man in the car tries to pop it into gear………..

    ……throws the clutch and stalls……………Putt! Putt! Putt!

    ( As she looks back over to the car crying) … Hes trying to steal my car!!

    (Continuing) …And kidnap me too!.......

    …Ritt! ritt! ritt! (And as the car failed to start again) The man breaks and runs, nt realizing himself leaving the case in the car…

    ….Pulling out his pistol firing it off behind him………….

    ~ BadLand ~

    Not even hitting close to anything but weeds n dirt……………

    ………..Firing on away till his six shooter went, click!

    ( The girl screaming away through all of this )

    ( Hiding behind the one tallest biker)

    ……….. With him taunting, …come on!....Hit Me!........

    …..Then looking back down upon the girl saying………..

    "…. Don’t worry Miss, Old Jerry berry couldn’t fire his way….

    Then lookin back to him runnin stumblin as he finished his sentence…

    ……Out a damn brown paper bag on Crack! Ha…

    (Suddenly the lead biker orders the others after him…)

    "…Damnit you A$$ Hole Berry boy, That’s the last straw!….

    "………….. Your one dead motha $ucka!! You hear me!?

    (Hearing him wheeze in the distance) ..You’ll never catch mee!..

    …Damn! Crazy H! put an end to this chase right now!!...

    ( Suddenly, one of the bikers takes off after him….)

    Rides right by and hits em with a cro- bar……… pow!!..

    As the blow knocked him off his feet…..

    On his back flat out cold…………

    …As he tries to run on off, bink! hits the ground………

    ….As a puddle of blood splatts on the concrete…………

    …………….yeeeks!........that’s gotta hurt……………….

    ……………Anyways, back to the splatt~………….

    (..he was knocked totally unconscious…)

    "…Oh thank…: ( Running to the boots of the biker)

    ……..Thank you! Thank you for stopping that man!...I…


    The biker that hit the man hangs over him…..

    As the lead Biker speaks in………

    ………Well…. It looks like you’ve got our man Crazy H !!...

    (The man responding) … you got it Double D!.............

    ~ The Kidnapped, ~

    (Rudely pushing the poor girl off of him )

    ( She runs back to the taller biker….)

    ……Who She originally felt safe with………..

    ( The two other bikers looking back to Big C )

    …… With the girl all braced onto him………..

    ( the lead biker D smarts) …Hey C, Lover boy!.......

    …………..Go help H out with Jerry scum boy eh!...

    …Sure thing, (Pulling from her brace of comfort,…or fear..)

    (Big C telling her) Now don’t worry, its gonna be ok miss….

    (Signaling her to relax) "…Just wait right here a moment alright?...’

    (The girl still panicked responds) ..okay.. alright…

    (Panting breathing hard nervously at ease tries to calm herself..)

    (The girl again whimpering runs up to The seemingly leader D)

    Again ..Thank you so much for not letting him steal my car…

    .’…My Mother bought me that car brand new….and…. ..Its for taking me back and fourth to my new college University."

    …So thank you so much again…sir…mister…

    ( Unusually he responds) ..Oh, .. Yeah,.. right,… for what!?...

    (Duh she thinks) ‘…..Uhh,….For saving me…?..."

    "…Oh yeah, right!..’ ( He sarcasted his response…)

    …. Oh, were just big old Heroes now!...Aren’t we boys!!...

    …..But their conversations are cut short,

    ….Due to the scuffled arguments out on the street asphalt…….

    …Where the Hell is it!?.. (Craze H yells down at him….)

    (…Till big C speaks in...) ..Maybe he dropped it off on the way running…

    ( Then Double D says to the girl) … Okay, Listen up Girlie…

    …………..Youd better just get in your car, and get on out of here.!...

    "………Go on git! Git n yur car!... AND GO!!! (pointing vigorously)

    (continuing) Yeah, well take care a this piece a $hit….

    "…Now, go on and run while you can girl…NOW!!

    ~ Bad land ~

    (The girl not hesitating responds nervously)

    …Okay! Thank you guys again, goodbye..

    Runs over and hops in her driver seat,

    (Stumbling on a suitcase on her floor board)

    (In the meantime the scene fades back to the guy on the floor)

    ……………With them beaten and yellin at him…………

    "…Where’s the $hit ya piece a $hit you!...heehee

    (Continuing to raulst him they continue)

    "…Yeah!..Wheres is the $ucking $hit Damnit!!

    (While beating, kicking, and punching at him)

    ……Getting him off with a stomp…………

    ( In a Smumble he blurts on out…)

    "….Blaahh Aarfff! …In the caarr!! …Raaulff!!!

    ……………As all slowly turn their attentions back to the car…………

    ……………………………And the girl………………………..

    ………Who is unwisely curiously opening up the suitcase……

    ……..Shocked looking upon stacks of money and the dope……………

    As Double D slowly approaches the vehicle saying…………. "… … .Oh boy! Little girl………Shame, Shame on you…(Clacking his tongue) ………

    (As the crazy H approaches still holding the cro-bar)

    ……….Hoo boy! Now we cant let you leave…………..

    (….as the scene falls into a horrible situation)

    (Suddenly Crazy H grabs the girl….)

    (With the girl screeming ) "…Aahh! Noo, What I doo?!

    As D yellin, " ..Oh you’ve seen it now! …..’

    …….Now yur comin with us……………girlie girl!..

    (Then big C comes up…) …What are ya doin man!?……

    (D.D stands straight up sayin, "…Im takin the girl Big C!….

    ………………..She knows exactly what were carrying here………"

    (Till C replies) "….So , we helped her, she wont tell anyone….

    ~ Badland ~

    …….Besides, this girl is probably lost out here anyways…………

    …..Ill bet she doesn’t even know where here is exactly anyways…………

    (The girl desperately trying to agree is quickly silenced….

    (Double D responds un convincely) Ohh , that’s good, he hee hee….’

    Then they’ll never look for her here then right!?.."

    …………Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho

    Then suddenly from a dance he stopped laughing………

    And now he speaks a very too seriously………………

    ( And up front speaks the situation)

    ………Yeah, yeah… a girl that was just almost car jacked…………..

    ….And then sees four bikers fighting……

    ………..over a suitcase bag full of drugs and cash money!..........

    ………..And this girl is in college $hit! Hell no!!

    ……….Shell lead em straight to us ….No Way!!!

    …………Shes comin with us now!!!................

    Ooohhh noo! Please!..." (the girl whispers)

    …………….NOW!!! (there boss orders)

    Then big C spoke, " …. Why cant for once…just once….

    We do something decent for a change!?............

    Yeah, C ! Are you stupid!!?...............

    Did you hear what I said!?? get the girl!!…..

    Now help H get the chump!..And throw her in her trunk of her own car!................

    ….Now, Big C your drivin,!

    As for me and Crazy H….

    Where riding in the back with our friend Jerry Berry!...

    …………….NOW! ……………As The whole car jumps…………….

    ………….Get back to the shop on the double!.........

    ………………Double Dee That is!!!

    ……………………Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho ho ho ho ho ho……………….

    ………………….To be continued………………………

    ~ Badland ~ …………………. ~ { Later that night at the garage club house } ~……………..

    …………………….( Scene fades in to a sounding )………………….

    ………..Of punches poppin…….and slappin sloppin……………

    ( As a voice cried, "…..Aaahh, no!...........I…..didn’t……….

    "……Pppppp…Pop!......Eh, shut up!.....

    …. Shutt your mouth!!.........ssssssslllaaapppp!!!! ………

    ( A voice spoke silently, Slappin in the

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