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Life After Death
Life After Death
Life After Death
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Life After Death

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This book is a complete experiential visionary rendition of every person’s life after death. It offers a novel analysis of the places the soul enters after death, dematerialized and emancipated.
It proves the continuation of the spiritsoul’s life in other dimensions and the development of activity whose purpose it is to complete its perfection in likeness of Perfection iteslf.
All the formidable obstacles in dispelling darkness, superstition, and ignorance are overcome and the student of the invisible worlds triumphantly enters the worlds of the region beyond. A vivid and fearless account, a clear and unambiguous presentation, it gives us extensive details about what follows death. A living mirror in whose depths appear all the after-death activities of the spiritsoul in the neighboring dimensions, where it takes refuge.
Life After Death informs the student or reader about all the after death happenings and prepares them for the wondrous miracle of discarding the mummy–carrier–body during the time of the great judgment. It has nothing to do with fear and bitterness. On the contrary, it is inspiring and encouraging and through truth it teaches and provides perfect spiritual relief and omnipotence.
It urges us to wonder how detrimental our current ignorance is. While, in contrast, knowledge of the truth arms our physical Mind with fortitude, because it provides us with hidden esoteric knowledge that brings the soul close to us and with whose aid we perceive the profoundly hidden secret of our eternity.
With this book, the reader embarks on a personal initiation, with which they will acquire the method of an accommodating death and use it automatically during the holy moment of their release from the restraining matter–flesh.
Read this revelatory book. It concerns all of us because it is unique in the manner it provides solid proof of the immortal region of our being.
Release dateOct 13, 2023
Life After Death

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    Life After Death - Nikolaos Margioris



    The book Life After Death by Nikolaos Margioris, writer and contemporary metaphysical Master and Mystic, was translated from Greek into English between 2001-2002 by Eleni Kalkani, at the initiative and personal financial cost of Ilias Katsiampas, director of the Omakoio of Trikala and Thessaloniki and student of N. Margioris.

    Initially, our purpose was to have the natural heirs of N. Margioris publish the book through a publishing house abroad or later through Amazon.

    After a period of futile efforts, permission was requested by his students to undertake the task along with the relevant responsibility concerning the cost, initiatives, and agreements required to this end, which was granted by the heirs.

    Permission was granted and in the year 2021 work began on editing the English translation meticulously and thoroughly as well as proceeding with the necessary steps required for publication. This task was undertaken by the specialized team at Mediterra Books the publishing house owned by Platon Malliagkas. The aim was to produce an English edition of the book of the highest quality in printed and digital form through the International Digital Platform of Amazon and other such platforms.

    The entire venture was undertaken under the umbrella of the YOGA ACADEMY NIKOLAOU MARGIORI-OMAKOIO, an Association founded in Trikala (ancient Trikki) in 2012 to honor, preserve, and highlight-promote the work of Master Margioris, as foreseen in its charter.

    An appeal was made to the members and students of the Academy to assist in the funding of this endeavor. Despite the economic recession, many members were kind enough to offer financial support, regarding it as a special honor to contribute to this undertaking. Consequently, we were pleased to find ourselves able to proceed with the task of editing and publishing the book Life After Death that had already been translated into English with Ilias Katsiampas personally covering the cost so that the publication of more of the 180 texts of N. Margioris would gradually ensue.

    To honor the members of the Academy who were kind enough to contribute to this cause, we would like to mention them by name: Ilias Katsiampas and Niki Foufa, who played a leading role in and contributed financially and decisively to this undertaking, Lambrini Polyzoi, Vana Katsiampa, Christos Manasidis, Athina Kyrtsou, Thaleia Zimou, Despina Dendrinou, Kornilia Palosy, Georgia Galanopoulou, Andromaxi Vouldi, Maria Ntafalogamvrou, Andriani Gianakopoulou, The students of the Omakoio School in Athens and others.

    It should be noted here that the translation and publication of the book Raja Yoga by Master N. Margioris in English has been completed and is already in circulation via Amazon and Smashwords in printed and digital form at:

    Finally, it is worth mentioning that four other books have already been published in English, in printed and digital form, via the international digital platform of Amazon by the student of N. Margioris, Ilias Katsiampas, in order to pave the way and inform those interested about the manifold experiential work of Master N. Margioris.

    These works preserve the plethora of his views, arguments, profound analyses, and testimonies. The author’s link on Amazon is:

    And on Smashwords:

    We would also like to thank and congratulate the natural heirs of the Master, his children Andreas and Kallia, who supplied us with his authorial works and are making a genuine effort to assist the various Omakoios in their endeavor to republish and promote all of his books, of the total 180, that are out of print as well as for this significant opportunity–possibility to make his multifarious work internationally known through the publication of his book Life After Death in the English language.

    Warm congratulations to all the other brothers and sisters and fellow travelers who assisted in the works of the Master with their unique contribution, as well as to all the Schools-Omakoios arising from Master N. Margioris. Heartfelt blessings for the greatest success of this joint endeavor.

    On behalf of the Yoga Academy N. Margioris-Omakoio


    Ilias L. Katsiampas



    Niki D. Foufa



    There are many significant reasons that compelled us to choose Life After Death as the second book to be translated and published in the English language.

    After the publication of the book Raja Yoga, which discusses the supreme practice of training the human Mind for its preparation to transform into a hypermind, it was deemed necessary to support all those who are interested with a deeper understanding of certain aspects regarding both the significant matter of the afterlife for all incarnated beings, as well as the esoteric presentation of the stratification of Creation, the Esoteric Laws that govern it and the Divine Order that reigns over everything. It is a complete philosophical orientation which gradually restores the deeper yet lost truths that govern the formed and unformed side of Creation.

    There is an urgent need in our days for the human mind to become re-trained not only with the special activities that are included in Raja Yoga but also in the Esoteric Philosophy of the Initiates, the only one that is fit to gradually restore the faltering human mind to the spiritual side of Life, Nature, and Creation-Divinity.

    The books Life After Death and Raja Yoga by N. Margioris can play a pivotal preparatory role in comprehending the whole concept, the evolutionary course of the soul between life and death – death and life, as well as the complexity of Creation, situations that always require a Master and guidance (See: From the Master’s Mouth to the Student’s Ear). These books PUBLICALLY reveal for the first time these issues and the entire Esoteric Science of the Spirit in incredible depth and detail.

    Finally, the oral didactic testimonies and special tutorials of N. Margioris taught by teachers He appointed are extremely profound in analysis and provide additional specialized experiential details, interpretations, and special guidance throughout the entire elevation spectrum of the steps of ascension in the esoteric and spiritual course of every spiritsoul.

    Ilias L. Katsiampas, president of the Academy N. Margioris-Omakoio and in charge of the Omakoios of Trikala and Thessaloniki, Greece

    Niki D. Foufa, member of the Academy N. Margioris-Omakoio and in charge of the Omakoio of Loutraki-Corinth, Greece


    Master N. Margioris was born on the island of Samos in 1913 and grew up there until he moved to Alexandria, Egypt, where, at the age of thirteen, he experienced his first Samadhi–Divine Union. He studied Economic Sciences and then spent several years in India studying archaeology and yoga sciences at the side of great Masters.

    Upon returning to Alexandria, he and his associates founded the first school of Raja Yoga. When he returned to Greece in 1958, he immediately became active in several esoteric venues, teaching all the esoteric sciences, as he had done in Egypt before that.

    In 1972, he founded the Association of Saint Patapios, where he tirelessly lectured until his natural departure from this world in 1993. In 1976, he created his neo-Pythagorean school, the Omakoio of Athens, in which he provided all knowledge that could be beneficial, his contribution culminating in the creation of executives and teachers.

    In the Omakoio of Athens, one could find the essence of Yoga and its major philosophical and practical systems, ancient Hellenic Initiation, Egyptian Initiation and esoteric Christian Initiation. All these in a harmonious co-existence of possibilities and opportunities, corresponding to the distinct psychosynthesis and needs of each novice seeker.

    Between 1970 and 1993, in only twenty-three years, he authored and published over 180 works, while at the same time he never stopped teaching, practising his healing work, training his pupils and executives, organising educational excursions, regularly teaching courses and seminars on Kriya, Raja, Kundalini, Karma, Gnani, Esoteric Philosophy, Initiation, Therapeutics, Hypnotism–Orthopsychy, Meditation, Scientific Spirituality, and many other topics. He also received people in his office on a daily basis, helping them deal with their particular problems and needs, in this way contributing to their resolution and, in general, always being available to offer whatever assistance each individual needed, whether exoteric, esoteric, or spiritual.

    In his lifetime, he inaugurated two new Schools–Omakoios, the Omakoio of Lamia of his pupil Dimitris Tsaparas in 1990 and the Omakoio of Trikala of his pupil Ilias Katsiampas in 1992. After his transmigration in 1993, the Omakoio of Athens was run by his assistant Smaro Kosmaoglou.

    Over the course of time, many new Schools–Omakoios, as well as groups, –initially from his pupils and later on, from the pupils of his pupils– were established. By way of example, we cite the Pythagorean Omakoio in Athens of Dimitris Tsaparas, the Omakoio of Thessaloniki of Ilias Katsiampas, the Omakoio of Corinth–Loutraki of Niki Foufa, the Omakoio of Komotini of Eleni Tsatsou, the Omakoio of Palaio Faliro of Eleni Kossyfidou, the Omakoio of Glyfada of Eleni Mavraki, the Omakoio of Corfu of Soula Pouliasi and Giannis Sgouros, the Omakoio of Peiraeus of Kostas Dimelis, the Omakoio of Karditsa of Lefteris Tsiapoulas and other groups under the guidance of the former pupils Eleni Antoniadi, Anna Giavasi, Sophia Papadimitriou et al.

    Equally important are the executives and assistants of works undertaken by the individual Omakoios, whose distinct presence contribute to his work as a whole.

    Detailed biographical facts in English about N. Margioris, his writings, the sphere of activities of his Schools–Omakoios, and his work in its entirety can be found at our site:

    With the publication of the two books by N. Margioris Raja Yoga and Life After Death an avenue of global accessibility has now opened to the authentic and profound analysis of the practices of Raja Yoga as well as the revelatory presentation of the course and evolution of the soul After Death throughout the entire esoteric spectrum of Creation.

    We believe that these two works will constitute a Landmark/Springboard and a sturdy Signpost for all sincere seekers on the spiritual path, looking for the theoretical and practical support required for this purpose, as well as the responsibilities one must undertake and the adjustments one must make on this course of esoteric ascension.

    With these thoughts and hopes, it is with great pleasure that we offer this invaluable document for study. We hope you enjoy it and acquire knowledge from the analyses-interpretations and the special, rare, and extensive presentations it contains.

    In all cases, of course, the Master–pupil relationship is what will ultimately construct Sound Knowledge / Thought / Judgment and Sound Practices, which can gradually guide the pupil towards experiential knowledge and true ultimate actualization.

    We suggest that this and every other similar metaphysical work be studied seven times (as the Master urges us to do with all of his work) in combination with regular practical training at the feet of an entrusted master of Esotericism.

    Ilias L. Katsiampas – Niki Foufa


    The present book by the contemporary Greek Mystic Nikolaos A. Margioris first circulated in the Greek language in a 256-page edition in 1982 and has since then been reprinted twice.

    Today, after 41 whole years, we are pleased to say that we are in a position to present it in the English language globally, offering all people–seekers–pupils the opportunity to attain profoundly ESSENTIAL knowledge about the mystery of death and the afterlife course of the soul as well as the entire spectrum of ascension and evolution of every human spiritsoul.

    What’s more, among other things, the book emphasizes the importance of the significant and catalytic relationship that must exist between Master and pupil throughout the entire course of training, evolution and spiritual ascension.

    The author firmly believes that along with whatever specialized instruction and analysis he provides with the present book, he also helps people comprehend and perceive the great value esoteric cultivation has on the individual and society and guides them to commune with and reconsider the moral values and testimonies of the Great Spirits of Humanity from all over the world, so that each of us more responsibly assumes our personal obligations as an individual, social and spiritual being before our own self and before animate and inanimate Creation–God.

    All teaching, especially one of a Metaphysical–Spiritual nature, requires a close relationship and frequent contact between Master and pupil on a daily basis, so that the initiation is reliable, continuously evolving, of high quality, substantial, vibrant and more effective.

    All other relationships, such as the present one through the book, no matter how thorough and profound, are solely of a purely informative nature about the potential for growth and moral/spiritual evolution–perfection of each individual. It is attained by a person who will truly desire it and voluntarily follow it within the context of a close training course and with disciplined application of its practices in their daily life.

    The author has made every effort to render the topics discussed as comprehensible as possible for the reader and is not responsible for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, and contradictions that may have slipped into the book or may be perceived as such due to a limited or complete absence of esoteric education on the reader’s behalf.

    He also takes no responsibility for whatever misunderstandings, misinterpretations, individual experimentations and side effects, since the book does not constitute a personal life coach but a descriptive means of information and knowledge on behalf of the author. Every individual is free to comment on and question the topics raised, to judge them, accept them, or reject them, and if they ever so decide, then and only then should they apply the practical segment, always by the side of an experienced and appointed master of Esotericism.

    We wholeheartedly wish you an interesting, pleasant and useful journey of study into the Esoteric Experiential Knowledge of the Mystics included in this book.

    The Spiritual Light has once again come to flow and spread from Mother Hellas to the whole World.

    Greece, 25-8-2022



    LIFE AFTER DEATH was written within the first three months (January-February–March) of the year 1980 in the city of Athens. The writer worked without interruption, with the exception of time devoted to fulfilling his running obligations to the magazine OMAKOIO and his speech-writing. Neither foreign nor Greek books were used as aids in the writing of Life After Death. However, where any phrase from some other source is used, reference will clearly be made to the original author.


    My book, LIFE AFTER DEATH, has been written for all people. This means that I dedicate it to the entire human race. I do not exclude anybody from this dedication. It is as much for those who have truly sought to learn what exactly happens after their death and what their end is, as for those who have uncritically agreed to and accepted annihilation and nonexistence with their death.

    On whichever side the friend-readers may be, I have two words to say to them. After they read the present book, they must address their soul and ask it if it agrees with my writings… Then, a secret dialogue will start between their outer and their inner self and it will not be long before I come to mind…

    But whatever their soul tells them, they must believe it. And that is because the soul knows that what I have written is true and that within it its own fate is enclosed as well.

    Athens, September 26th, 1979


    Εικόνα που περιέχει ανθρώπινο πρόσωπο, πορτραίτο, άνδρας, ρουχισμός Περιγραφή που δημιουργήθηκε αυτόματα

    The writer of the book LIFE AFTER DEATH Nikolaos A. Margioris

    Εικόνα που περιέχει ρουχισμός, άτομο, ανθρώπινο πρόσωπο, ασπρόμαυρο Περιγραφή που δημιουργήθηκε αυτόματα

    The writer of the book LIFE AFTER DEATH Nikolaos A. Margioris


    The first edition of this book came out in 1982, a full eleven years ago. Now that I am writing the preface of the second edition, it is January of the year 1993. However, Metaphysical writings never get old because they are immortal and they have the true spirituality in their deep meaning, the vibration of which is retransmitted to the readers of metaphysical writings when they commune with reality, gaining enlightenment.

    By dying, man discards his exterior clothing in the three-dimensional space and leaves at the immensely rapid speed of hyper-light, finding himself, within minimal time, in distant worlds, where the legendary speed of our light is for those regions of Omni-creation what the rapidity of the oxcart and the horse cart is for us here down on Earth.

    The spiritsoul of man is immortal and eternal, and it never sustains any influence of dissolution or injury or elimination from eternity. There is no reason why and no possible way to keep the soul from its Divine Destination, which is only ONE: its equalisation to the Eternal, Immortal, Heavenly Father.

    It is made and formed and born by God Himself, our Progenitor Father and Creator IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS, consisting solely of one material, His very Essence, His very Spirituality, His very Power….

    We, the people, late angels, and particularly Angels in His Image and now Fallen angels, though not His enemies, have forgotten our heavenly rights, have lost our angelic identity and have identified with the temporariness of our external attire, which is made of temporary matter, and with which we identify so much that as soon as it is worn and discarded by the spiritsoul, we believe that our spiritsoul self dies and is lost, while in truth the contrary occurs and our internal spiritsoul is liberated and returns to its celestial adventures that anybody who was incarnated had temporarily lost and forgotten. Thus, THERE IS NO DEATH, BUT THE SOUL HAPPILY LIVES ITS LIFE AFTER DEATH.

    Athens, January 14th, 1993



    This topic is of great importance and concerns all of us since time leads every rational or irrational, soulful or soulless, evolved or unevolved, wise or unwise, useful or useless, short-living or long-living form to this end. All the formed beings have the same end, which is dissolution, whether they are made of dead or living matter.

    We see an eternal course toward an end where there is nothing to restrain it or to redirect it somewhere else in an attempt to overthrow this order of things, which some superior-in-power-and-in-thought mind defined as the end. Birth and death. These two points present and annihilate all life-forms, shapes, and presentations, from viruses and microbes to humans, and from plant cells to the age-long cedars of Lebanon.

    It is this unchangeable course that we shall examine together, dear reader, in the pages of this book titled Life After Death. It is the appearance and disappearance of the worlds and of the beings that human sagacity called LIFE and DEATH or arrival and departure. It concerns an arrival and a departure of the spark, of the essence of the sform expression of our own world, in different shapes, corresponding to the destination and the aim of everybody as foreseen by the Divine Plan.

    This topic of the irreversible course of the soul has been preoccupying me since childhood, as it preoccupies every person. I used to gather all the knowledge, as well as every possible experience related to this recycling of life from birth to death, and store it in my mind. Finally, the time has come for me to decide. Life After Death is currently written in my soul and not in my physical brain. With the consent and encouragement of my soul, my hand picks up the pencil to write the soul’s beliefs and the truth about life and death.

    Death does not exist. Only the form presentations change and reappear as new from the reinvigorating essence that is always found in every form expression, whether it is rational or irrational, living or dead matter, as exoteric science calls it. These waves of life look like the waves of the sea that arrive at the beach and then break on it, only to dissolve and be lost, while new ones continue to arrive, without their content being annihilated or disappearing. Only their shape is dissolved and becomes material for the shape of the coming waves.

    Still, I can say that the sea itself, with its seawater, obeys and complies with a superior quality that forms waves with its great power at suitable and predefined moments, like the radiation that is distinguished for its frequency, intensity, wavelength and the power it has within it.

    Have you ever really thought about it? What else is life but a crashing point of this radiation of the essence on and in a region that is a weave of elements and electromagnetic fields. Into this netting –our natural world– it crashes and suddenly acquires a temporary physical appearance in order to appear in a shape and then to disappear, since as I said at the beginning, it must unceasingly continue its course (the spark – essence – soul – spirit – crumb). 

    However, the form expression may upon contact with the essence, which arrives as a wave –entelechy– as Aristotle named it, be shaped, depending on its conciseness in quality and quantity of essence, into small lesser beings, great beings, medium beings, rational or irrational beings, conscious or unconscious beings, depending on the quality and quantity of its content, as I said before. By approaching these metaphysical or supernatural studies, we discover, to our surprise, that all of nature adheres to unshakable laws that are immovable, and that everything is made in such a way that it causes awe, astonishment and admiration in every true searcher.

    But, which mind and which genius planned and governs this perfect rapport of all these infinite powers that exist in and constitute nature? Who directs but also who maintains these heavenly-run powers that form and deform the shapes? Who makes it so that this Divine Plan never cedes and always incites millions of formations and deformations, that this superforce shapes and de-shapes, graces and de-graces the worlds and the beings?

    This genius, this great mind, this architect and maker, this eternal creator, –nature, as many people call it in order to reduce its power and its renown– is God in our own language. So, God is the first power, the generating thought that conceived and made the worlds that we see in their uniqueness with its novel tool of the intellect: perfection.

    It is this perfection and this power that we shall study along with all the elements that entered our soul in every way possible and by all means available for these elements to enter and imprint the human soul. In the specific chapter on the soul, the reader will find all the interpretations and descriptions of the phenomena of the soul that frame the life of every person and separate it from the one of irrational beings.

    This microscopic essence of life, this spark envelops its holy spirit, the crumb that is of the same immortal and all-wise essence as the Father. So, our spirit that is enclosed in an armor of soul, its authorized hypotactic, is the homoousian of the Father’s hyper-essence, which means that our soul as well, in the form it gave our physical body, worked with its inner spirit as a model and presented our body to us in the image and likeness of the spirit.

    Of course, this does not mean that we resemble our Progenitor and our Father Himself in our external form presentation but that in the depth of our essence we have the same essence as what constitutes and is expressed as the highest intellect and as our single forefather. Here we see, upon initial examination, the Creator and the creature. The Father and the Son, the partial and the whole, the great fire and the spark that drew away from its center. God and man. Essence – builder and… buildings. Father and children. Creator and creatures. Would this perfect mind, whose perfection is evident in the merest of expressions, the forming expression for us who do not realize its formless hypostasis, ever create and present offspring that would be annihilated within a few Earth years? This aspect of His proven perfection is, if anything, at least a judgment passed by fools.

    His spiritual perfection, a tiny part of which we, his offspring, possess, could not but have foreseen a fate different to this one of our presence–birth for a life on…Earth for a few years. The thoughts and the convictions of this human annihilation are unworthy of words and terribly superficial. They belong to the protoplast and primitive souls that, drunk on the delights of matter, of vanity, try to justify their downfall and their passions with the supposed inexistence of life after death. The materialistic and godless theories cover the voice of their eternal soul with their exhalations and cannot become synchronous with it and its secret voices and explanations about the past, the present, and the future.

    In this preface, I want to give my friends the readers some explanations so that they can easily grasp the meanings of the individual chapters of the book, whose analysis and development is based on these lines that I mention in this preface. So, the everlasting essence of the Father, His eternity, will be analyzed according to what the soul possesses and what the writer strongly believes. At the same time, our psychic life will be studied not through the prism of scientific judgment but through spiritsoul experiences and through the experiences our soul has acquired during its eternal and immortal course.

    The immortality of the soul is evident in these psychic experiences that I mentioned to you. Beyond the definitions of annihilation and disappearance, our inner dominant essence, the soul itself, unceasingly confirms to us the real truth of its immortality. Like every form that is decomposed and recomposed again, in the same way the human form presentation appears and disappears, arrives and leaves with the help of life, in the same way as birth and death. The same occurs continually in the other kingdoms of the form expression as well. Notice how quickly the flowers form-appear and form-dissolve. However, within them, there is the same life-giving essence that arrives and leaves by presenting them until the moment of the perfect withdrawal from the flower–form–presentation.

    The form expression appears in our world as birth. In contrast, the disappearance–departure appears as death. But who can say that this death is not a birth in another world that exists behind our own physical world? Is it perhaps possible that what we call birth in the form of our own world is death somewhere else. Nowadays, on our planet, there are some peoples who rejoice and bless the death of their loved ones, while unlike us, they cry and lament the birth of their beloved persons (Indians, Malays, etc.).

    Life is a period of minimal duration for a travelling soul that passes from the stage of the theater of life and the length of this passage is as long as the length of the presentation. Passing from one end of the stage of the theater of life to the other, every soul wears the mask they bear and as we are uninformed, we believe that we are what that mask represents. Ignorance of the fact that the mask we wear is only temporary, only for the part we are playing, governs most people, as they make their masks and their form clothing themselves. Death takes the mask and the clothing for the part we play. With relief, the soul follows the law of rejection in the same way a tree does with its overripe fruit.

    Athens, December 28th, 1979

    Nikolas Margioris


    In the preface, I let it be understood that death and life are phenomena like all phenomena that take place here on Earth and, by extension, in our entire physical dimension that we know through our five senses, which are assisted by supplementary instruments in observatories and radioscopy labs.

    However, each of the phenomena has a cause that we do not immediately see, but which we suspect when we study the result-phenomenon that it brings about. So, with every result-phenomenon, we reach its cause and we even define the kind of cause of the phenomenon that we are negotiating.

    No energy in nature, whether great or small, appears by chance and accidentally. There is no evidence to suggest it occurs by luck, just like no action, good or bad, takes place by itself. Some origin, some cause must have stirred or pushed the action and the energy to be expressed. All these thoughts I express in writing were known from very olden times and they were formulated by the people who were responsible for their telling. These actions and these energies rely on laws, definitely not exoteric human ones, but on esoteric laws that concern the worlds and the beings that have been living in them for countless years.

    These laws, or rather, inner laws follow an arranged line of energy without ever changing or altering their initial line. Indeed, all the inner laws belong to a center or to a source of origin, a general center of direction and management that some named God and others the First Cause. Aristotle was the one who united the two in one and said that the first cause of creation is what people call God.

    With these preconditions, we reach the conclusion that the Divine constructed the cause and that from this first cause the innumerable causes of every phenomenon were born. Every presentation in the universes, in all the dimensions, follows a standard cause of creation, and with this precondition as its directive line, it shapes its form presentation with creativity.

    Nothing, absolutely nothing, takes place by itself, but only according to a law that is the cause of its presentation in all the worlds of form. The result of the cause or of the law is the phenomenon–presentation in all the different kinds of form. The formation–presentation is made by the phenomenon that is the derivative of the cause and of the unknown law of inner law, as we call the law of creation in Esotericism.

    Therefore, everything belongs to a cause. So, since there is a cause, as a rule, its result must follow. The generator of every phenomenon is the cause. There is direct contact between the cause and the result. Relatively, there is also the absolute certainty of the world that a great and primary law exists and operates for the laws and for the beings, the law of cause and effect.

    This law arrives at the creator and it is the law that decorates the proprietor of the worlds and of the beings. It is its quality that appears in the creation of the worlds. There is no God without His creative ability, His quality to form the worlds. But the worlds that are created by their maker have a cause of their creation. It is this cause of the creation of the worlds by the First Creator that we will encounter in the following chapters of this work.

    This law of Cause and Effect is paired with another law, also esoteric: the law of Retributive Justice. This law, jointly with its sibling law of Cause and Effect, govern all the worlds and all the dimensions. Many people confuse their two different energies

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