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Lost Legacy: Echoes Of Deception
Lost Legacy: Echoes Of Deception
Lost Legacy: Echoes Of Deception
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Lost Legacy: Echoes Of Deception

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The Lost Legacy Series

Dive into the shadowy world of "The Lost Legacy" series, where the lines between honor, betrayal, and justice blur in the underbelly of modern Japan.

Book 1: Echoes of Deception

In the intricate and dangerous world of Tokyo's power struggles, Peter

Release dateDec 22, 2023
Lost Legacy: Echoes Of Deception

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    Lost Legacy - Haldwin Walker

    The Lost Legacy: Echoes of Deception

    Haldwin Walker



    The Los Angeles sun began its decent, casting a golden hue over the city.

    Amidst the backdrop of the setting, the Carlton Suite stood tal , a symbol of luxury and history.

    Peter Anderson took a deep breath as he stepped out of the taxi following a long, tireless trip from San Diego for a short hotel stay with his fiancée, Sara Kojima. The weight of the bouquet of roses and lilies in his hand served as a reminder of the special evening he had laying ahead of him.

    The Carlton Suite was not just any hotel; it was a magnificent, brand-new and exclusively private hotel.

    With every step towards the hotel's entrance, memories of his last relationship and its painful end rushed back. Those memories had changed him, made him more guarded. But now, with Sara in his life, there was hope of a new beginning. And as he walked through the chamfered glass doors, he hoped this evening would be a memorable chapter in their story.

    Peter’s last break-up three years ago had changed his life in several ways.

    Firstly, he had become emotional y unavailable and had trouble opening up to people he met. He considered himself not to be good at many things, but was an exceptional bodyguard. His primary focus on fitness and health placed him above many people. He boasted a particularly handsome and virile physique that came with strength. He had never been someone to be nervous or afraid, and naturally found confronting challenges to be nothing out of the ordinary.

    The taxi parked opposite a roundabout in front of a well-kept driveway, just a short distance from the clear, chamfered glass entrance. As evening approached, the crimson sun began to set. Unsure of what to expect, Peter 3

    looked forward to the evening but also felt nervous. He stopped to glance around the building before walking into the main reception area to finally meet his waiting fiancée. Her name was Sara Kojima who was twenty-five years old and is the daughter of a wealthy Japanese philanthropist and successful business owner known as Tadashi Kojima, a business extraordinaire. She wore a tight-fitted red linen dress adorned with pristine jewels, along with red high-heeled stiletto shoes. Her eyes appeared soft, and her face was relaxed. Accompanied by a bouncer in a black suit, black tie, and navy-blue shirt, she was well-protected. The bouncer, with his broad, in-shape shoulders, stood firm and was hired to escort her around the building.

    Peter looked at her in awe, admiring her beauty momentarily before walking towards her. I hope you love the flowers I've carefully chosen for you. he said anxiously.

    She replied, "I think they look great! And I think our reservation is ready.

    I've been waiting, and I'm starving!" She walked towards the elevator leading to the top-floor dining hall, urging Peter to follow.

    Upon entering the dining hall, just a few stairs up from the reception, both Peter and Sara were struck by the serene atmosphere. The hall was fil ed with exclusive and extravagantly expensive furniture, as well as an old-fashioned rock-crystal chandelier hanging from the centre of the ceiling.

    At the front of the stage, a contemporary music band played soft classical tunes. The music was faint but exquisite, contributing to the airy and translucent ambiance.

    Peter and Sara arrived at their reserved table and began discussing what they would like to order from the menu.


    I've never been to a fancy restaurant before, so I'm not familiar with the menu. Peter chuckled.

    I recognize some dishes on the menu. You could order Bun Rieu, which is basically shrimp and crab noodle soup. When I was young, my dad used to take us to a local restaurant where we'd order a lot of noodle soup, it's been my favourite ever since. Sara responded.

    Since you insist, I'l give it a taste. Peter said.

    After ordering the main course, Sara and Peter waited for the entrée to arrive. She giggled, I hope I look alright. Sorry, I've said this before, but I'm a little nervous.

    He chuckled, It's ok, you look good.

    She tucked herself into the chair and said whilst flicking her hair, Do you remember when we first met? It felt like it was just yesterday. You told me that you found me quite annoying and that everyone does things for me, and that you were just there to help whilst I get over the breakup with my ex. You even said I shouldn't take any hard feelings because you prefer someone who is more emotionally stable.

    Peter swayed his shoulders, looking slightly up behind her and sighed quietly.

    Sara drew closer to Peter and crossed her legs, beginning to slowly stroke her foot against his ankles. And here we are, moments before meeting my dad to tell him how much you love me and want to marry me, she said as she reached over the table to caress his hand. I'm so happy my dad made the decision to fly out from Tokyo for a few weeks to come visit LA, he's always busy with work and hardly finds time for me.


    Peter smiled and responded, saying, I can't wait to meet him. I've never had the chance to see your culture and meet your family.

    I told my dad al about you. I would sometimes talk all day about you to him. I asked him if he wanted to meet you and he said he'd be very honoured to meet you she said. The waiter, dressed in a white long-sleeve shirt and a blue waistcoat, arrived and handed the entrée and drinks to the couple.

    Thank you. she said before raising the drink as a toast with Peter.

    I'm so excited. This place seems fully booked. Dad did mention once that he has hired people to occupy a place for the sake of security, but who knows. Sara said.

    Peter responded, "I think he cares more than anything for your safety.

    He's your dad; he wants to protect you."

    Don't let him frighten you. I stil call him daddy because I still feel like the young girl. I can't wait for you to be his son-in-law, she said as she giggled nervously.

    At the top of the building, the members of staff and the guards were watching very closely to ensure that Mr. Kojima's arrival was as welcomed and secure as possible. The helicopter that landed on the top of the suite was a Sikorsky S-92, modelled for very important people. The Sikorsky was a very large, spacious, twin-engine aircraft that seated nine people and accommodated on-board entertainment. The interior was designed with polished oak wood fitted with gold crystals, making the aircraft suitable for corporate and luxury travel. The rear butterfly doors opened upwards, giving Mr. Kojima plenty of room to exit. As the helicopter rotors slowly 6

    came to a stop, two bodyguards approached the aircraft, equipped with clear tube earpieces.

    Good evening, Mr. Kojima. Your arrival was well awaited, the guard said.

    The bodyguards escorted Mr. Kojima out of the aircraft towards the hotel doors located at the bottom of the stairs leading away from the helipad.

    The dining hal was crowded with people and waiters. The atmosphere was enormously dense with conversational chatter radiating around the room.

    Peter and Sara had just finished their meal and had ordered a waiter to bring the bill. Shortly after an extended wait, a waiter arrived and handed Peter the receipt.

    Peter reclined back in his seat and raised his eyebrows, glancing at the bil .

    Peter reclined back in his seat and raised his eyebrows, glancing at the bil .

    He couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the amount as he wasn't used to such extravagant dining experiences. In his mind, he understood that Sara and her family were wealthy, but it stil took him some time to adjust to the idea of spending so much on a single meal. Nevertheless, he didn't want to let his concerns show, so he masked his surprise with a slight smile and reached for his wallet.

    He brought out his wallet and paid the bill as shown on the receipt, shortly before handing it back to the waiter. That was a good evening, he said.

    We still have time to wait in the lounge before dad arrives. I enjoyed the meal, and I think I'll leave a tip, she said. As they proceeded to leave the table, heading towards the main lounge, Sara left a fifty-dollar bil inside the menu as a tip before leaving the busy dining hall.


    Moments after they arrived in the pristine, large pearl-grey lounge, a bodyguard approached Sara and told her, I am delighted to be presented in front of you, Mrs. Kojima. I am grateful to see you again. You look absolutely magnificent. Your father has been waiting patiently to meet you and your fiancé and will be making his way down shortly. She responded,

    Ok, I will meet up with him shortly. Please hurry... Mr. Kojima wil be waiting for you in his private suite, the bodyguard urged.

    I think we should be ready to leave. she said. Peter followed Sara, exiting the very busy lounge and walking across the polished, patterned marble tiled floors. The walls were made of sleek and composite silver, rustic black brick. While Peter was following Sara, he glanced across the tapered hallway to notice multiple satin leather cream-coloured chairs decorated with red pil ows and iconic paintings depicting nature and animals. Beside the chairs was a stainless steel waterfall cascade that was long, wide, and very picturesque. As Peter reached the reception, a bodyguard raised his hand and said affirmatively to Peter, "You are required to wait. Mr.

    Kojima has prohibited anyone from passing this point until he decides otherwise."

    The bodyguard gave Sara space to walk past as she proceeded down the long hallway to meet up with her dad. Meanwhile, Peter overheard a conversation between Mr. Kojima and his personal assistant.

    Have all my belongings been moved to my penthouse? Mr. Kojima asked his assistant.

    We have had issues with the delivery as it was stuck in transit coming from Tokyo. They have asked if you would like to reroute the delivery, but it will take no longer than a few weeks to arrive at your penthouse. I apologise for the disruptions, Mr. Kojima, his assistant said falteringly.


    Get into contact with them immediately. I want to talk with them. I want my belongings here now! Mr. Kojima shouted.

    Yes, Mr. Kojima, we wil be getting into contact with them shortly, the assistant replied.

    Sara ran past the reception to see her dad and said, Dad, are you ready to meet him? He is waiting at the reception. We can't wait.

    Calm down, my daughter. I am not ready yet. I need to sit with my assistant to resolve a few issues with the delivery company quickly before we can proceed with the evening.

    Well, can we make it quick? I want him to meet you. I can't wait for you to meet him, she said gladly.

    Her dad placed his arm around her waist shortly before turning the corner.

    Mr. Kojima's personal assistant followed them towards the private suite before shortly being moved out of Peter's line of sight.

    The bodyguard adjusted his stance and told Peter assertively, Mr. Kojima wil let us know when he is ready for you to meet him. Please be patient!

    As Peter returned to take a seat, he began to admire the paintings situated on the marble walls. After gazing at the very expensive and luxurious suite, he started to ponder the value and importance of Mr. Kojima and the customs Sara, and her father live by.

    Peter continued to wait agitatedly before the bodyguard immediately placed his hands to his earpiece to answer the incoming message. OK, we wil inform him immediately.

    Peter looked shocked, and his attention was drawn to what the bodyguard had said. The bodyguard proceeded to tell Peter, "We apologise for the 9

    wait. It is understood that you would like to see your fiancée, but unfortunately, the building's security has been compromised. You wil not be able to see her until it is safe."

    Peter looked shocked with his eyebrows raised, and his heart rate began to increase with the thought of the evening not going as planned. His anticipation began to rise.

    Peter decided to ask the bodyguard, What happened? Mr. Kojima's safety was threatened, and it is being dealt with accordingly. Please be patient, he replied.

    After a while of waiting, the bodyguard had instructed Peter to follow him.

    They made haste up a set of stairs, where they reached a door leading to the main lounge.

    As they reached the first flight of the stairs, both Peter and the bodyguard had entered the main lounge, where they had found Mr. Kojima sitting restlessly. His shirt rough and untucked, Mr. Kojima leaned forward and said, I thank you for your patience. I will not forget it. I was about to enter the elevator when a bloody waiter attempted to attack me and my daughter! The guards were able to control the situation. I was told al the main exits in the building were blocked off! My security then advised me to sit here and recover until they have found a suitable route for me to leave by. My daughter managed to reach the lift with one of the guards before I came to this room. My bodyguards should have brought my daughter to safety. Damn it! We have to move!

    After twenty minutes of waiting, a bodyguard approached Mr. Kojima and said Mr. Kojima, we have been advised to ask you to follow us urgently.


    Mr. Kojima decided to follow the bodyguard towards the elevator. Behind the bodyguard was Peter, following very closely. The bodyguard told them, Our only way out is through the stairs. For security reasons, we have blocked the usage of the elevators from the lounge floor.

    As they took the long set of stairs, they reached a small walkway that separated them from where the elevator was located. The walkway was decorated with large plants.

    They entered the elevator with haste.

    Press the button quickly, Mr. Kojima said very loudly.

    Peter reached his arm out and repeatedly pressed the button going down.

    As Mr. Kojima explained the situation to Peter, he revealed that during the attack, he had sustained an injury. As they were trying to separate him from his daughter, one of the attackers managed to land a blow, leaving a gash on Mr. Kojima's arm. His suit jacket was torn, and blood seeped through the fabric of his pristine white shirt. Despite the pain and discomfort, Mr. Kojima remained stoic and focused on ensuring the safety of his daughter and Peter. His bodyguards kept a watchful eye on him, ready to assist if needed. The seriousness of the situation became even more apparent to Peter as he saw the visible wounds on Mr. Kojima, further solidifying his understanding of the importance and influence Mr.

    Kojima held in the world.

    The elevator had an open view over the nearby corporate buildings and the open parking spaces. The view was graced with palm trees and a driveway that circled a small piece of land filled with flowers and a large tree. The driveway was not far from the height they were at, but the view of the parked vehicles was enough to catch his attention.


    As they proceeded to enter the elevator going down, Mr. Kojima told Peter in front of the bodyguard, "It is within my best interest to speak to you as the fiancé of my daughter, my son-in-law. You were dating my daughter, so you have my trust. But the evening has been compromised.

    My officer in charge, Hiroto, has taken Sara into his hands, and we have been advised to re-join them before we leave."

    Peter responded, You are the father of my fiancée and deserve my respect. This came as a shock and a surprise, but I would definitely like to rearrange another night with your daughter.

    I will do my best to honour your request, but for now, we need to leave as the building's security has been compromised.

    Mr. Kojima shook his head in agreement and responded, Your respect is most valued; our family is strong, and we hold ourselves together. You wil be a great addition to our heritage.

    As the elevator was approaching the last few levels before the ground floor, Mr. Kojima was able to see in greater detail the extent to which the entrance was blocked off.

    Kuso! the bodyguard shouted. "We must take this floor to leave, Mr.

    Kojima. Peter must follow. We are heading down towards the ground floor and are posing a potential risk by continuing as we are." The bodyguard said.

    The bodyguard halted the elevator and led them onto the floor, which was extremely luxurious. The floor was made of marble, decorated with multiple long, gold rectangular markings. The ceilings contained five diamond halo lights that sat beneath a brown wooden board that held the lights together. The wal

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