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Task Force 88: Gods Of Justice: Task Force 88, #1
Task Force 88: Gods Of Justice: Task Force 88, #1
Task Force 88: Gods Of Justice: Task Force 88, #1
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Task Force 88: Gods Of Justice: Task Force 88, #1

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A planet in despair. An army being overrun. When an invading clone army completely overwhelms and threatens total destruction on the planet Delpha, there's only one group that can stop them. Task Force 88.


A highly skilled combat team of super soldiers, the Task Force Rangers are the planet's only hope of survival. Outnumbered and facing near impossible odds against the clone army, the Rangers must protect three airfields until the United Planet Military Command can send in reinforcements. In addition, a rescue team must be dropped deep into the enemy's lines to find and evacuate Dr. Laura Dunby, one of the UPMC's top research scientists.

Release dateDec 5, 2023
Task Force 88: Gods Of Justice: Task Force 88, #1

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    Task Force 88 - BJ Matthews


    W e’ve got to time this perfectly or we’re gonna be in a world of trouble, Thomas said.

    The squad spent the better part of eight hours traveling on foot to get to the outpost. To this point, they managed to avoid radar detection when entering the Krod airspace and were dropped off in a remote location. Any closer to the camp would have set off alarms and most likely ended the rescue mission before it started. Luckily, they wouldn’t have to travel all the way back, as the ship could land closer to the camp once the mission was underway.

    The squad had now taken cover in the midst of trees, bushes, and rock-like structures.

    How many do we have to account for again? Russell asked.

    Eight men, two women, and one child, Thomas replied.

    They should all be in that small building to the left. Second one from the end.

    Yeah. Everyone got their night vision on?

    The entire squad replied almost in unison to the affirmative. A ship carrying eleven passengers had crashed and landed on the unfriendly Krod planet, all of whom were taken prisoner to a remote outpost location. The prisoners had been there for a week. Diplomatic talks went nowhere. The United Planet Military Command authorized a rescue mission when the Krods refused to turn the prisoners back over to them.

    Russell, you’re on the right with Nathan, Anthony, and Carson, Thomas said.

    Roger that, Russell replied, taking his team to the far right of the rock structure.

    Mac, take Wayne, Douglas, and Ray. You got the left.

    You got it, McKenzie responded.

    Duncan, you, Cassidy, and James are with me. We’ll take the center.

    Right behind you, Major, Duncan replied.

    Remember, Mac’s team’s got the rescue. Everyone else’s main job is to draw fire away from that building. Once the prisoners are out, we’ll form a circle around them until the ship arrives.

    Thomas checked the time. The ship would arrive in ten minutes. They’d worked out a plan to stage a rescue and get off the planet as soon as possible by having the ship touch down on the outskirts of camp. But if they waited too long to start, the camp could be alerted by the sound of the ship getting closer, thereby losing the element of surprise. If they started too early, then they’d have to ward off the entire camp before the ship got to them. But if they timed it just right, they could rescue the prisoners, with a minimal amount of shooting, and be off the planet before the enemy knew what hit them. All the teams were now in position, ready to strike. It was about a twenty yard run for them to get to the camp.

    On my mark, Thomas stated. Ready… go!

    Each team immediately fled from their position, rushing to get to the buildings before they were spotted. Unfortunately, they were seen about halfway there.

    We got company! one of the guards yelled, firing his gun.

    Thomas and Russell’s teams immediately returned fire as they quickly found themselves engaged in a firefight. McKenzie’s team got to the building unscathed. Wayne took out an explosive to blow the door as the other three took defensive positions around him to protect him from enemy fire.

    We’re blowing the door, stand clear! Wayne shouted to the people inside.

    Wayne put the explosive on the door, and the team took positions on both sides of it. Five seconds later, the door exploded off the hinges into several pieces. McKenzie and Douglas went inside to grab the prisoners as Wayne and Ray guarded the door. They were immediately met by gunfire. Several of the bullets glanced off their black armor, and they quickly found the culprit. There was a Krod guard stationed inside the room, but he was quickly eliminated when McKenzie and Douglas both opened fire at the same time. With no other opposition, they quickly found the prisoners huddled together in the corner of the room.

    Rangers! one of the prisoners said.

    Come on. We don’t have much time, McKenzie told them. Go where I go and follow me closely. We can’t afford any stragglers. Everybody good?

    We’re ready.

    Good. Let’s go.

    McKenzie and Douglas led the prisoners outside as they made their way to the rendezvous spot, with Wayne and Ray following closely behind.

    We’re clear, Major, McKenzie informed.

    Roger that. Russell… move back, Thomas said, in between firing his weapon.

    Roger that, Russell replied. We’re moving.

    Russell’s team was holding down the far corner of the camp. As of that moment, they were the far busiest of the team. They were holding off at least fifty enemy soldiers from barreling down on the rest of the team. Thomas’ team had the center, preventing anyone from coming up behind either McKenzie’s or Russell’s team. They were having steady action, but nothing that was overwhelming or too hot for them to handle.

    One by one, Russell, start moving! Thomas said.

    Nathan was the first one to move back, immediately followed by Anthony, then Carson. Russell was the last to retreat from the spot, making sure the others got there OK, and giving the rest of the squad some additional time by holding the enemy off even longer.

    Russell, we got you! Thomas said.

    Thomas, and a few other Rangers, dropped to a knee and started firing to keep the enemy at bay for a minute as Russell ran back toward the squad’s position. With several bullets glancing off the back of Russell’s armor, he successfully made his way back to Thomas’ position. The entire team then waited another minute for McKenzie to get there with the prisoners. The action and gunfire was increasing and getting heavier by the second. That was the tough part of being called on for a rescue mission without really having much of a scouting report. They didn’t know how many soldiers they were going up against. They could only hope they’d seen the worst of it already.

    With the team back together, and the prisoners in tow, Thomas had to get them all back to the ship that was coming. All right. We got five minutes. My team in the rear. McKenzie and Douglas up front. Russell, Nathan and Anthony to the left. Wayne, Carson, and Ray to the right. Let’s move!

    The team quickly moved out, though they were encountering heavy resistance. The enemy Krod soldiers, increasing in number, were also getting closer. The team closely surrounded the prisoners, hoping any bullets would deflect off them instead of hitting the group they were protecting. That was the good thing about their armor. It took quite a lot to weaken it before something could penetrate, though there were weaknesses anyway, depending on the location of where they were hit.

    Thomas and his team were walking backwards, following everyone else very closely, or as closely as they could while not looking at them, and also firing their weapons. The child, about six years old, stumbled as the group rushed forward and fell down. His mother screamed as she lost her grip on his hand. The soldiers pushed on, not realizing the child had fallen. They were busy in their own right, and couldn’t hear much with all the gunfire. Then there was a half second lull in gunfire that let Thomas hear the crying pleas of the boy’s mother. He quickly looked to his right and saw the boy laying on the ground, crying as the group kept moving away from him. Thomas immediately broke away from the group to grab the boy.

    Major! Cassidy yelled.

    Keep moving! Thomas shouted back.

    Thomas quickly got to the boy, and knelt down overtop of him, as he kept firing his gun at the oncoming soldiers.

    You OK? Thomas asked, not taking his eyes off the enemy.

    My leg hurts, the scared boy answered.

    Everything will be OK. You’ll be fine. I’m gonna get you out of here, OK?


    Don’t be scared. We’re gonna make it.

    Thomas continued to kneel in front of the boy to protect him as a few bullets grazed off his armor. Suddenly, a few bombs exploded perilously close to their position. Fearing that one was going to come too close to the child, Thomas laid on top of the boy to protect him. The boy was lucky that he did, as a bomb exploded a few feet away from them that would have surely killed him had Thomas not been over him.

    Thomas! Russell yelled, turning around in time to see the explosion. He was slightly encouraged when he saw Thomas start to move around, though he wasn’t out of the woods yet.

    A small chunk of metal from Thomas’ shoulder armor was torn off his suit. He immediately rolled over and continued firing his weapon. Thomas knew he was going to have to make a move. The longer he waited, the longer he got detached from the rest of the unit. And the enemy was getting closer. If he waited any longer, he was going to end up surrounded. A few seconds later, he heard familiar voices coming through the radio of his helmet.

    At your six, Major, Wayne said.

    Wayne and Russell had broken off from the main group as they began encountering less resistance the further they got. They weren’t about to let their leader and friend get left behind.

    Grab the boy and go, Thomas told Russell. We’ll cover.

    You coming? Russell asked.

    Right on your tail.

    Russell did as he was ordered and picked the child up in his left arm, leaving his right arm free to fire his gun if the need arose. He quickly ran to the rest of the squad as Thomas and Wayne backpedaled, keeping the rest of the Krods at bay as they sprayed, fired, and exploded everything they had at their disposal. McKenzie had successfully led the rest of the group to the meeting point as they waited by a cluster of rocks. They seemed to no longer be in danger as they were no longer engaged in combat. She had the prisoners sitting by the large rocks, giving them ample cover as they surveyed the area for enemy fighters.

    OK, let’s keep moving, McKenzie said, pushing the team forward to go through the trees, still guarding the prisoners in case they ran into some stray soldiers. We gotta get to the clearing on the other side of these trees.

    What about Thomas and the others? Douglas asked.

    We gotta get to that clear patch and get these people to safety. Thomas is coming.

    A minute later, they looked up at the sky as the ship came roaring in, setting down in an open patch mixture of grass and dirt just beyond the edge of the trees.

    We are on the ground, Black Squad, the pilot radioed.

    We’re coming to you, McKenzie replied. You should see us in a minute or two.

    Roger that.

    It took about two minutes, but they finally emerged from the trees, seeing the ship directly in front of them. With McKenzie in the lead, she led the squad, and the prisoners, to the ship, safely getting them inside as they waited for the last three members of the team to get there. The pilot of the ship was only supposed to wait a few minutes before taking off and was noticeably anxious to get going.

    How much longer? the pilot asked.

    Until everyone’s here, McKenzie radioed back.

    What if they ain’t coming?

    They’re coming!

    Not much of a rescue mission if we don’t get off the ground.

    We all go home or none of us do.

    The pilot mumbled something undecipherable, but clearly wasn’t happy with her answer. Regardless, he complied with her directions and kept the ship on the ground, not that he had much choice in the matter. He nervously looked through his cockpit window, looking for enemy soldiers. After another minute of waiting, Russell came charging out of the trees and into the clearing, still holding the child in his arm. He immediately took him to the ship to an appreciative and crying mother who was waiting there for him. Russell then turned around and waited next to McKenzie.

    Where are the others? McKenzie asked.

    Should be here soon, Russell replied.

    I can only wait a few more minutes, the pilot stated to anyone listening.

    You’ll wait till we’re all in. We all leave together or we all stay here, McKenzie told him once more.

    We wait a few more minutes and that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. We’re supposed to be in the air already by now.

    Change of plans.

    The longer we wait, the more they have an opportunity to get their radar and defenses up in order. We might have a tough time dodging their firepower on the way out of here.

    I’m sure you’ll manage.

    McKenzie clearly wasn’t phased or bothered by any of the pilot’s worries. She was only concerned with getting Thomas and Wayne back on board. The pilot once again mumbled something that nobody cared about. A minute passed by before the squad heard anything else. They heard gunfire in the distance, but it was Thomas’ voice that they were waiting for. Another minute passed, and they were starting to get worried. One thing was for sure, though, and that was that they weren’t leaving without him. If Thomas had gotten captured, they were staying behind to get him. Even if that meant the ship leaving without them. They weren’t leaving anyone behind.

    How much longer do you wanna wait? McKenzie asked.

    For what? Russell replied, worried that she was itching to get going.

    Until we go back in and find him.

    Russell anxiously looked at the trees, still not seeing a sign of their leader. Thomas, what’s your status?

    There was no reply. Russell and McKenzie looked at each other, though neither said a word. They didn’t want to acknowledge the possibility that their friend and leader wasn’t coming. Suddenly, Thomas’ voice boomed through their radios.

    We’re coming in! Thomas hurriedly said. They’re hot on our heels!

    Want us to meet you and provide cover? Russell asked.

    No. Everyone get in the ship and get ready for takeoff, he replied, almost out of breath from running. We’re jumping in. Cover us from the ship.

    Roger that.

    Russell directed the rest of the squad to get in the ship. They loaded into the vessel and he told the pilot to be ready.

    Ain’t gotta tell me twice, the pilot said.

    Carson and Ray sat on the edge of the opening on the side of the ship, facing the trees, ready to unload some ammunition at the first sight of trouble.

    Seeing movement, Carson stated, seeing two bodies running closer to them through his night vision shield. Two people. Gotta be them.

    That’s them, Ray confirmed. I’m seeing a whole mess of people behind them.

    Stay ready, Russell told them.

    We got him, Carson said, taking aim.

    Thomas and Wayne emerged from the trees and headed straight for the ship, running as fast as they could. A group of Krods were only a few yards in back of them. As soon as their teammates were clear of their line of fire, Carson and Ray unleashed a barrage of gunfire over the heads of their friends. A bunch of the Krods were hit and instantly fell to the ground, cutting the number of pursuers down significantly. Wayne dove into the ship first, closely followed by Thomas, as Carson and Ray continued their shooting. Without needing to keep the center open for their teammates, they were joined by Nathan and James, both standing up in the middle as they fired their guns.

    Now! Russell yelled to the pilot. Get us up!

    Ain’t gotta tell me twice!

    The pilot had no problem complying with that order, and immediately got the vessel off the ground. The Krods did try to bring down the ship from the ground, but their guns were not enough to bring the ship down, and they were countered by fire from both Black Squad and the ship itself. As the ship raised into the air, the pilot checked their defense shields.

    Let’s hope they don’t have a lock on us yet.

    Luckily, they were met with no resistance as the ship left the Krod airspace. Even after leaving the Krod planet, Thomas wanted to make sure they weren’t being pursued.

    How are we looking? Thomas asked.

    The pilot checked the radar. Nothing on the systems yet.

    Keep an eye on it.

    Will do.

    Even the slightest blip, I wanna be notified.

    You got it.

    Though they appeared to be in the clear, they wouldn’t relax until they were further away. It wasn’t until they were about six hours into their journey that the squad started to breathe a little easier. They were scheduled to meet up with a military transport ship, where the prisoners would be transferred to be debriefed before they were taken back to their own planet. Knowing they were getting close, Thomas went back into the cockpit

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