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Psycosmos: The Sacred Secret Of Humanity
Psycosmos: The Sacred Secret Of Humanity
Psycosmos: The Sacred Secret Of Humanity
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Psycosmos: The Sacred Secret Of Humanity

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Throughout this book, the authors will discuss many subjects and events in detail which may be unknown to the reader. With that being said, this book is more of an introduction to the realm of the spiritual unconscious and should be treated as a motivational work for the soul. This book, Psycosmos – The Sacred Secret Of Humanity, is an abridged version of an earlier Award-Winning work published, titled Psycosmos – A Synthesis On Human History & Spirituality. This earlier work was created to be a synthesis of critical information, and as such, this book pulls directly from it. The key word in the title is 'synthesis', which the Oxford dictionary defines as "the act of combining separate ideas, beliefs, styles, etc.". This implies that this book should be taken as a simple learner's approach to the incredibly advanced subjects found within. The subjects discussed in this book are an amalgamation of ideas from all over the world, and as such, there is not enough time or space to further emphasize everything in intricate detail. If the reader resonates with certain aspects of this book, the reader should take the time to do their due diligence and study these topics in greater detail. This has been emphasized so that the reader understands that the authors are presenting as much information as they have allotted, but this does not mean that the authors have ascribed everything about each topic. The intent is to simply relay this information, synthesize the important knowledge, and make it easily digestible and understandable for the reader. These subjects and events are not only complex but righteously invoke intense intellectual, emotional, and spiritual reactions. Everyone must understand that there are many subjects, events, systems, and people (good and bad) that are misunderstood, misaligned, and provoked. This is ultimately due to a fundamental lack of true understanding of the history, spiritualities, and philosophies of humanity as a whole.

The readers will have to truly consider subjects from deeply opposing points of view, and this information may challenge the very belief system of certain individuals who have not researched the sacred truths. It is recommended that the reader takes this book chapter by chapter, orderered from start to finish; do not jump around the novel looking for answers. The design of this book ultimately comes from two opposing points of duality that we seek to study and conquer; the true meaning of the Christ, which in itself is a key secret that most are unaware of, and the nature of the beast within. The authors do not seek to attack, mock, or undermine the ideas, beliefs, or faiths of anyone. The authors do, however, seek to challenge these things in a robust, but respectful manner, and where applicable, harsh but fair criticism will be given. With that being said, it should be made clear that readers may be offended by some of the statements in this book. The authors implore the reader to not take offense to these statements, as they are filled with the utmost amount of respect and love towards humanity as a collective. The extent of context required to fully understand these subjects would require a new Library of Alexandria to hold it. In a digital age, this may be plausible. Nevertheless, this book will strive to place this information, as well as our observations and insights, into the proper context as best as possible. In doing so, everyone will see a fuller picture of human history and human destiny - one that is indeed dark and bloody, but also full of light, potential, and the promise of a bright future.
Release dateJun 1, 2023
Psycosmos: The Sacred Secret Of Humanity

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    Psycosmos - Matthew Lamoureux


    In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.

    —Genesis 1:1

    In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word was with God in the beginning. Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. (John 1:1-4). This verse of scripture from one of the world’s largest spiritualities exemplifies the principles of the creation of reality and the cosmos present in all faiths and creeds. Oftentimes, Word is substituted for Logos or Christ instead, but the meaning is still the same; in essence, creation came from an initial thought (Logos) which extended forward evolutionarily into physical manifestation, resulting in all of creation as we know it. God, or The Universe, created itself through itself. What we see in this verse is the same event that scientists refer to as The Big Bang Theory; compact matter exploding outward from a central point which led to all of creation. Even the contemporary theories of science can be metaphorically reflected in this seemingly simple, yet truly profound observation. For the Words spoken can extend to and reflect every single question, metaphor, observation, and facet of existence itself; the Word has power, and within its secrets, we shall discover the light of all mankind.

    From these words, the physical manifestation of the human figure emerged. Through trials and tribulation, great and terrible victories, and the enduring faculties of the mind, body, and spirit, humanity has progressed to the modern society seen today. With luck, skill, and grace, the hopes are that humanity will continue this progressive evolution into the future. The key secret to this evolution is actually two separate, yet identical thematic properties of the human being & soul; wisdom and love. Without wisdom, humanity is far too chaotic, and thus destroys itself. Without love, humanity is far too orderly, and thus atrophies over time. These aspects of humanity are the basis for the creation of the sky-towering structures seen in large cities, automobiles, technologies, home buildings, politics, financial systems, organizations, hospitals, child-bearing success measures to sustain the species, and everything involved with the higher realms of the ethereal. We mention the ethereal because that is the most important aspect of the human experience; our connection to God, the Universe, the Monad, the All, or Oneness. Without this connection, human beings would not be sacred, compassionate, loving, wise, or just. It is this key factor that this book will hone in on so that the reader may understand the basis of human history and how it impacts their daily lives.

    Through the combination of many factors, including but not limited to; human evolution, history, anatomy, spirituality, dreams, cultures, empathy, communication, meditation (contemplation), wisdom, and love, it is possible for one to achieve the ultimate innate desire. This desire is the treasure of the human soul - something far above the buildings which kiss the sky, and something more valuable than all the money in the world. To communicate this effectively, the authors look to bring information centered around the ‘esoteric’, which means hidden, or holding a far greater symbolical meaning. ‘Esoteric’ should not be confused with the word ‘occult’, which is similar but differs in the sense that occult has a negative connotation to it. Thus, a concept can have a far greater esoteric meaning without having to deal with the occult. Through hard work in these fields of gnosis (knowledge), the individual may ascertain the cosmic alignment of all faculties within the human organism, align with the cosmic realms of physical manifestation, produce the lifestyle they humbly desire, and align their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual quadrants of the psyche and soul to bridge the gap between their Earthly existence and the Universe. This is the true definition of Psycosmos; any knowledge that can be used to increase love and spread wisdom to align humanity with the higher aspects of our consciousness.

    This book will be broken into three volumes. All three volumes combined are written at a beginner’s level and epitomize the truth behind the meaning of Psycosmos.

    •Volume I - The Father EL - is centered around our traditions, our past, and our connection to nature, the universe, and God.

    •Volume II - The Son RA - will detail the events over the last two-thousand years which have shaped the world we see today.

    •Volume III - The Holy Spirit ISIS - will focus on more recent events over the last few hundred years as well as our modern era & our collective future. It also details and exposes the greatest secrets of humanity.

    The authors did not invent Psycosmos; only the word which defines it. The name itself is a combination of the words ‘psyche’ and ‘cosmos’, referring to both the mind and the universe. It is easier to understand a concept if a definition is placed on a name; thus, Psycosmos was born. Psycosmos is not an ideology. An ideology would imply that the aspects of Psycosmos are ideas created by human beings when they are in fact created by nature. Psycosmos is a philosophical school of better living and higher mindsets. Throughout human history, Psycosmos has existed, often under different names. It is eternal, and too often, this universal truth and wisdom has been deliberately presented as fragmented amongst the religions of the world. These fragments appear to be entirely unrelated or at least springing solely from the impulses of primitive man. They are also presented as irreconcilable with one another, and as no longer being of any use to us in the modern age. Nothing could be further from the truth in the most spectacular way imaginable! This eternal wisdom comes from the universe, from God itself, and we human beings uncover, refine, and, at times, abuse it. Yet it endures and continues to be our greatest gift. It is inextricably linked to human consciousness and experience. It sustains and guides us, but does not depend upon our physical existence. Even after human beings are no longer living, Psycosmos will still exist. There is no stopping or ending Psycosmos, for as long as there is life in the Universe within God’s mind, the principles of Psycosmos, too, will exist.

    Many great men, women, and children have become one with Psycosmos throughout the ages, yet it is generally a select few who get to embrace the beauty in the full understanding of this field of empathetic wisdom. With that in mind, if the reader feels as though they cannot connect with, agree with, or understand the content within this work; do not be discouraged. There is a time in everyone’s life when they choose the path of Psycosmos which is so beautifully designed for them - perhaps it is not the reader’s time in that regard. This, however, does not mean that disagreeing with this work is in the best interest of the individual who is settled in finding their spiritual purpose. In truth, this work may cause a semblance of cognitive dissonance to some, or in other words, it may question the very reality in which one lives to the point where one cannot, and will not, accept it. For the individual’s sake, we implore the reader to remain calm whilst studying this book and to keep an open mind. Only those who wish to harm themselves will choose to attack the knowledge within this work – they would be those who fight the laws of reality itself, and this never works in the individual’s favor. Karma, or the old saying ‘what goes around, comes around’ is very real; it is energy created through emotion and action. It can be either very positive or very negative and depends on every action that an individual takes.

    The empirical and historical evidence presented in this work is not a collection of opinions. Rather, they are a collection of over a decade’s amount of research formulated into a synthesis of theories, quotes, references, artwork, and facts. If these facts are too difficult to understand, embrace or conceptualize, then the authors recommend putting down this work and coming back to it when the reader feels called to it. The modern era is riddled with false information geared to make individuals weak of mind, body, and spirit - forcing them without their conscious consent to live in a false reality. People who embrace this false reality are coined as heroes and intellectuals in the media and mass society. People who reject this false reality are coined as radicals, incoherent and naïve. The truly naïve are those who agree with the corporations, media, movies, television shows, music, and other business entities without having a detailed understanding of what our ancestors traditionally knew or understood. Naturally, these concepts are taught opposite to the truth in the modern world today. This explains the voluminous amount of depression, anger, resentment, wars, diseases, and other negativity plaguing our modern utopian society. Psychologically speaking, there is little hope for the person who believes they are intelligent because they agree with society in the modern era. Only someone who is humble and open-minded with joy, love, and a yearning to learn in their hearts will find the truth. Esoterically, this is known as playing the part of the The Fool. The Fool is the first card in the deck of Tarot, and is considered the beginning of the Hero’s Journey, as well as the inspiration behind the Joker card in a standard deck of playing cards today. Those who oppose learning new things, believing themselves to be wise enough to no longer require expanding their knowledge, become manipulated by an ever-changing society and eventually get left behind.

    Indeed, the psychosis of the modern world runs deep; the grasp of the Demiurge (the matrix, or simulation) runs amuck and rampant, and the hearts of men and women are downtrodden and of lower vibrational frequencies. It is up to the individual if they choose to fully embrace this knowledge if they ever hope to see through the matrix which has been created around them. This book is a culmination of many puzzle pieces to depict the overall messages and secrets of humanity. These secrets can be used to awaken one’s higher self and live a fulfilling life. This work is not the only source on these aspects. Many sources have been outlined in the bibliography which were necessary to create this great work. However, this book is a modern equivalent to some of the older traditional schools of thought mixed in with the understanding of the current state of today’s societal conceptions. The truth is a difficult thing to discover - even more so than many believe. It has taken the authors over a decade of preparation to deliver these works to the world. Do not forget the sacrifices of the past; live in the present and use the sword of truth to attack the future.

    Along with this wisdom comes a warning by the authors. A serious warning awaits at the end of this book – If humanity does not awaken and raise its collective consciousness, the future is doomed. This is not a false prophecy or meant to fearmonger in any way – this is a reality of our world and the time which approaches on the horizon. This book is currently being written in the year 2021 A.D., and the events of the next decade will define the outcomes of the next 100 years. It is scientifically and mathematically provable that this cycle of time is pertinent to our future. The individual will understand that the only way to combat this is through the understanding of the ancients and how to apply these understandings for the present and future.

    There is nothing that will save our world except for humanity itself. We are the only ones capable of bringing forth the next generation into a bright and shining tomorrow. Anything and everything we need to enhance the world is already within us, and it falls to each of us to encapsulate our will to build a better reality into existence. From the dawn of prehistory to the modern era, the laws of the universe have foretold and guaranteed this across cycles of time beyond comprehension. We as a species slowly and painfully acquired awareness of this primordial wisdom and developed it into the treasures of human history. This awareness, the gradual insight into humanity and the universe it inhabited, found forms and reflections in art, music, magick, religion, spirituality, astrology, sexual tantra, literature, culture, and everything encompassing reality as we see it. However, these are mere images of the true treasure - the primordial wisdom. Despite countless setbacks and unimaginable catastrophes, this wisdom and its core principles endured, virtually unchanged and patiently waiting to be rediscovered in a new light. Over the course of centuries, across continents and oceans, this knowledge has always been greedily hoarded by the few rich and powerful people who harbor deep disdain for humanity. The greatest and brightest of our ancestors across the world have been castigated, ostracized, vilified, ruined, and even murdered. It is no coincidence that all too many among them openly knew and spoke with reverence and joy about this same primordial wisdom. It is no coincidence that the greatest human institution of evil, the modern governmental forces and banking cartels, have been used almost exclusively to control humanity and keep this wisdom from them. The nature of this wisdom has the potential to allow every human being to achieve true enlightenment, as is their divine birthright.

    This primordial wisdom was intimately known and discussed by the Ancients, under a vast variety of names. In addition, the wisdom was almost exclusively discussed and explained in a combination of codes, symbols, metaphors, guises, etc. Despite this, every culture has a version of this wisdom going back to remote antiquity - this is clear through careful analysis of the startling parallels between cultures. It is frighteningly and wonderfully apparent that even if this concept itself is man-made, there exists a mother spirituality within us; the true prisca theologia of legend. Each description and definition vary, but in general, the tenets and principles of this creed remain remarkably consistent. The magnum opus of humanity, our greatest instance of knowledge and discovery, was the key to primordial wisdom. The human body is cyclically designed to undergo a transformative process once per month, similar in fashion to a lunar cycle of ~28.3 days. The scientific basis for this process is generally referred to as mitosis, but unlike daily mitosis, there is a higher-level cycle that the body adheres to. The pinnacle point of this process lasts approximately 2.8 days and has a number of likely innumerable positive benefits if properly prepared for and cultivated. These include, but are not limited to; heightened awareness, physical regeneration, clearing of mental and physical energies, removal of emotional and spiritual trauma, increased vibratory energy, increased mental faculties, improved mood, and even potentially astral projection and enlightenment. The process can bring about these effects via the cultivation and understanding of a special substance produced in the human brain. This substance, referenced in this work as the Sacred Secretion, does indeed possess spiritual and metaphysical properties, and most definitively possesses a physical form.

    Modern science has given names to the components and has even tracked and expanded upon the chemical formation of this very real substance in the human body. In particular, science has revealed and confirmed the prevalence of the claustrum and cerebrum, as well as the pineal and pituitary glands in the production and development of this substance. These benefits may sound like promising superhuman abilities, or the spontaneous awakening of scripture or satori. They likely seem far-fetched, even outright impossible. However, the truly remarkable thing is what cultures around the world have to say about this idea in the depths of their legends, literature, science, and mysticism. It must be remembered and emphasized that, especially in the Ancient World, these subjects were not neatly divided as commonly believed by the average person. These subjects were intimately and complexly blended, and the entire angle of how ancient people of varying backgrounds viewed them was significantly different from our own. In addition, the Ancient World and its peoples were extensively more connected to the world and universal energies than modern history would lead the reader to believe. Yet despite this, or perhaps because of it, there is a clear line (a silver cord) connecting the primordial wisdom present in its myriad of forms in all cultures. They each have their own name and version of this process, as well as natural variations in specific concepts and practices. Nevertheless, the most ancient pearls of wisdom teach us this exact process. Its names are beyond counting, but many of them are well known. The one used most commonly in this book is the Sacred Secretion, and the reasoning for that is simply due to the authors’ introduction to the subject and personal ease of reference. However, other names include the Substance, the Primordial Substance, the Prima Mater, the Philosopher’s Stone, the Fountain of Youth, the Holy Grail, the Cup of Hermes, Amrita, Ambrosia, Soma, the Christ, the Magna Opus, the Great Work, the Perfect Matrimony, the Chrism, the CHiram, the Elixer of Immoritality, Mana from Heaven, the Golden Apple, Bread & Wine, Ojas, Essene or Essence, the Land of Milk & Honey, the Kundalini, the Seed, the Fruit of Life, Alchemy, the Red & the White, Wedding of the Red King & White Queen, the Green Lion, the Dragon, the Dragon’s Pearl, the Shamir, the Mashach, Holy Oil, Kristos, etc. All of these are names found across time to describe the same thing - the Sacred Secretion. All speak of its potential, presence, and power within every person.

    In order to aid in bringing about the prophetic visions of the ancients and the thriving of this great wisdom, Team Psycosmos was created. Team Psycosmos is a familial organization that embodies an understanding of the natural laws of the universe in conjunction with ancient and modern wisdom. Just as the ancients did, the authors recognize the intimate connection between the individual mind and the universe. Team Psycosmos is a people. It is a group of those who are on the path of spiritual betterment - those who experience life in accordance with the truth of the natural laws and will of the universe. The wisdom within these pages will teach the reader that through practice, effort, and willpower, any individual is capable of touching the realm of the absolute with their mind, heart, and soul. The authors seek to synthesize knowledge from across the corners of the world to provide a framework of contemplation and spiritual connection. By doing so, it is believed these teachings will help each individual achieve inner peace and a connection to higher consciousness through the utilization of the great process. This wisdom will ultimately save the human race and the planet Earth, fulfilling each individual’s life’s purpose and connecting them to the universe. In other words, this book is the penultimate representation of synthesis and synchronicity expressed by the authors to their greatest ability. Just as primordial wisdom is the treasure of humanity, we hope that this compendium will be used in a similar fashion. The wisdom within has been painstakingly compiled, edited, and analyzed over the course of an entire decade. There is no claim of possession of the knowledge within, nor the credit for its unveiling. The authors only wish that this book be used for the development and growth of all people. The synthesis and interpretations are our own and come from careful contemplation, research, and insight. Do not take this explanation lightly – it is the culmination of four young men’s works along with the countless eras of ancestors which came before them, all for the betterment of those who follow. The future of our planet and each individual’s fulfillment depends upon this principle being understood by all – whether they are aware of it or not.

    This wisdom does not require any established religion to function and thrive. It exists outside of human conceptions of religion, history, and biology. Too often, because of modern culture, it is wrongly assumed that people of today possess more understanding and insight into the world than our ancestors. Let us not forget that our ancestors were the ones capable enough to carve human civilization from primordial chaos itself. Let us not forget they did so with surprising grace, ability, and dignity, and that everyone today reflexively takes for granted what is known and understood about the universe. Let us not forget these people created the very calendar system that we still use and have not improved upon for thousands of years. We make these assumptions instinctively; not due to superior intelligence, not because of monuments, schools, books, or physical collections of knowledge, but because of how many generations endured and perished desperately ingraining it into their progeny. It is a mistake to assume that only physical mannerisms and proclivities for food can somehow be genetically imprinted. Wisdom of the mind, heart, and soul endures not in the literal genetic pool of any one family or race, but it endures and thrives in the spiritual blood of humanity itself - our collective consciousness. The wisdom of the ancients is quite literally within us - perhaps our modern arrogance comes from a disconnection from our conscious awareness. It is far from an unforgivable error, but one that we must correct by uncovering once more the true wisdom of humanity, the true treasure of our story together as the children of our creator. This wisdom is a gift for the present that can heal the world by mending the broken souls – thereby mending the collective spirit of humanity. No people are barred from partaking in it, and no people or person can strip us of it and hide it away, nor can anyone claim to have given it to us. It is our gift; all of ours, by the suffering of our ancestors and the right of our existence. In the same way, this world is ours to inherit and steward, for better or worse, and we must preserve and protect our connection to our Great Holy Mother. Only through open hearts, strong resolve, ready hands, and the primordial wisdom kindled in our souls can we pass on the same, and more: a clear, open, azure blue sky for the next generation.



    He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe. —Marcus Aurelius

    Human history is one of the greatest secrets of our existence. History is the study of events and people of the past. Our interpretations of history are what drive us forward as a collective. The phrase History has been written by the winners is, unfortunately, too valid of a statement to ignore in the modern era. Many historians and scientists of today are working with outdated information. Case studies and papers written from the late 1800s to the early 1920s A.D. are still used as major references today. What’s worse, some of these studies from the turn of the last century are more valuable and informative than studies performed in the latter half of the century. Information is the most valuable substance that man has, other than good health. This could be seen as a subtle nod in nature to the division of wisdom and love, respectively. Information provides us with the ability to make better decisions for the advancement of human evolution. Love involves the nourishing emotional quotients of good health, low stress, and life longevity. It is the truly depressed and uninformed who do not care about neither love nor wisdom; self-awareness is key in that respect. Thus, the reader will find in this book that the mind and the body are being harmfully attacked and the common masses are being overwhelmingly misled.

    A great example of this war on consciousness is in the way we perceive the ancient cultures of the world. Many people who undertake modern educational courses are of the opinion that the past observations in our timeline of human history demonstrate a greater ignorance of culture and people. This could not be further from the truth! Our ancient ancestors built towering pyramids along with underground civilizations and constructed the means of times and calendars which are primarily used today. Without the ancient’s traditional inputs of the laws of nature, humanity would be lost -abandoned by chaos in a swirling cacophony of internalized demons, ravaging one another in an endless battle of the ego. In fact, our ancestors had to penetrate through that fog of war and realized that peace was the ultimate answer; even with the many battles of the past riddled throughout the centuries. This should be kept in mind when analyzing the mysteries of our past human ancestors. Tradition is the attribute of human history that specializes in passing down the proper and correct information throughout generations.

    Many scholars have theories on the premises of human beginnings. Some are under the impression that we evolved from apes over the course of thousands of years. It should be known to the reader that the theories of evolution presented by Charles Darwin are simply theories. Same as the theories of gravity from Isaac Newton or the theories surrounding the conception of a human child. This is not a means to attack science; the authors will use science to prove many points within this book. This is simply to explain that theories and facts are two separate things and should be treated as such. Gravity was considered to be magnetism before it became ‘Gravity’, and this theory can still be expanded upon as we make more discoveries in the future. Those discoveries may also be theories that need to be delved into further to be substantially emphasized as factual. The same can be said about the theories of evolution. Many people are beginning to speculate the possibility that human beings evolved from apes consuming psychedelic mushrooms, mosses, or plant materials. This is entirely plausible and should not be taken out of consideration, even if it is not well-accepted. The reason for us to consider this as a possible cause of our modern being is due to how psychedelic plant-based consumables have been scientifically proven to force the human mind to undergo neuroplasticity; the evolution of neural networks within the brain. It is entirely possible that we evolved alongside these plant materials.

    Some choose to believe the stories of the Sumerian Enki and Enlil, two entities said to be ‘Gods’ from the Heavens which came down to grant humanity wisdom. These stories coalesce with the Greek tale of Prometheus, the man who bestowed the wisdom of fire upon humanity. Members in certain esoteric societies believe that it is plausible that human beings had a forced evolution from an advanced species that visited Earth and subsequently assisted our evolution with their scientific technologies and discoveries. The physical evidence for this is in the art, engravings, and

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