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How to Dream Wild: Crafting the Life of Your Dreams
How to Dream Wild: Crafting the Life of Your Dreams
How to Dream Wild: Crafting the Life of Your Dreams
Ebook167 pages2 hours

How to Dream Wild: Crafting the Life of Your Dreams

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If you've ever believed that extraordinary lives are reserved for the fortunate few, think again. This book is your wake-up call, a reminder that you hold the pen to design your destiny. Settling for mediocrity is no longer an option.

In these pages, you'll embark on a transformative journey guided by a mix of tough love, enlig

Release dateNov 11, 2023
How to Dream Wild: Crafting the Life of Your Dreams

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    How to Dream Wild - Carrie T. Marshall


    Introduction: From a Dream to Reality

    You’re here! I am so stoked you decided to start this wild ride. Welcome to How to Dream Wild! I'm absolutely thrilled to guide you on this transformative journey. My name is Carrie, and I'm not just your average coach—I'm a certified master coach with years of experience under my belt. I've had the honor of coaching hundreds of thousands of individuals from all walks of life—people who began as mere dreamers and evolved into extraordinary individuals living their most authentic lives. And guess what? You're next in line.

    Why should you listen to me? Because I've been in the trenches, helping people rediscover their dreams and turn them into reality. I've seen firsthand the power of dreaming wildly and the incredible transformations that can happen when you do. I've also been the invisible hand behind numerous books—I've ghostwritten enough to fill a small library. But this time, I'm stepping into the limelight, putting my name on the cover, and chasing my wild dream of empowering you to chase yours.

    Dreaming is the first step to conquering your world—or at least your corner of it. And I'm not talking about just any dreams; I'm talking about wild, audacious, pinch-me-I-must-be-dreaming dreams. Whether you've lost your dreams in the hustle and bustle of daily life or you're looking to amplify the dreams you already have, consider me your dedicated co-pilot on this journey.

    This book is different from your run-of-the-mill self-help guide. It's a no-nonsense, action-packed roadmap to making your wildest dreams come true. We're not waiting for the stars to align or for some cosmic sign; we're taking action, and we're taking it now. I'll share inspiring stories of everyday heroes who dared to dream wild and reaped the rewards. You'll receive actionable tips, a step-by-step guide, and a treasure trove of resources to fuel your dreamer's fire.

    So, are you ready to dive into the exhilarating, challenging, and immensely rewarding world of wild dreams? Buckle up because it will be a rollercoaster of emotions, experiences, and breakthroughs. But don't worry, I've fastened my seatbelt and am right here with you, ready for takeoff.

    Grab your Dream Wild helmet (safety first, darling), and let's set the stage for a life you've only dared to dream about. Connect with me on social media using the hashtag #dreamersinthewild for more tips, tricks, and inspiration. I'm here, cheering you on every step of the way.

    Let's get this dream show on the road!

    My Personal Wild Dream

    Let's stroll down memory lane to my junior high days, where I was the reigning queen of invisibility. Imagine a young Carrie, a virtuoso in the art of blending into the background, a girl who could've snagged an Oscar for Best Invisible Person in a Leading Role. At home, I was a storm of dreams and stories, my imagination fueled by a veritable library of books I'd devoured since my early years. But at school? Picture Harry Potter donning his invisibility cloak—that was me.

    The paradox of being a wallflower: yearning to be seen but paralyzed by the fear of standing out. My fellow introverts, you're nodding along, aren't you?

    If you asked my junior high classmates, they'd probably say, Carrie, who? Sure, I had a loving family and a tight-knit circle of friends outside of school, but the school halls were my personal Bermuda Triangle—where my confidence mysteriously disappeared. I adored my English class, a sanctuary for a bookworm like me, but anxiety was my constant companion even there.

    Then came Lindsay Hale, a force of nature with untamed hair and a come at me, world attitude. One day, she bounced over and casually dropped the question, Wanna be besties? Just like that. I said yes, half-expecting a one-day friendship but secretly hoping for a lifelong bond.

    Lindsay was my personal life coach before that was even a thing. While I tiptoed around the social scene, she was belly-flopping into it with gusto. She taught me how to laugh like no one was listening and live like everyone was watching—in a good way. If I'd said, Let's climb Mount Everest, she'd have packed her bags before I finished my sentence.

    Essentially, Lindsay was my inaugural guide to the world of wild dreaming. Her audacity taught me to unshelve my dreams and let them breathe. She was my wake-up call, showing me that my dreams weren't just youthful fantasies but blueprints for an extraordinary life.

    I tell you all this because nowadays, when I tell people I was a shy introvert growing up, they all balk, Not you! Yes, it’s true. I speak on stage to thousands, have a successful podcast, and talk to strangers for a living. But back in my younger years, I cried when my mom prodded me to order pizza on the phone because I didn’t want to have to talk to anyone. She finally had to bribe me with $20 and a written script before I got the guts to order the pizza.

    Fast Forward to when Life Came at Me

    With examples like Lindsay and a mom who wouldn’t let me stay hidden, I eventually learned how to go out into the world and start to meet people. I also learned how to become good at talking to strangers. It felt like I blinked, and one minute, I was a wallflower in junior high; the next, I was knee-deep in diapers and deadlines. Marriage and motherhood swooped in like a whirlwind, and suddenly, I was navigating the stormy seas of postpartum blues and Pinterest-perfect parenting. Moms, you know the drill: the never-ending cycle of love, laundry, and a little lunacy.

    As our family grew, so did the opportunities. My husband Curtis got an exciting opportunity—an offer to be a founding partner in a startup. I saw that wild dream sparkle in his eyes and knew we had to go for it. The challenge was that he had to take a significant pay cut to make it work. So, I strapped on my Superwoman cape and said, Honey, chase that dream; I've got our finances.

    Around the same time, my sister announced her pregnancy and her need for a trusty nanny. Who better than her flesh and blood, right? So, I donned my yoga pants as my uniform and took on the role of Chief Childcare Officer for our extended family. It was like running a small, loud, and occasionally smelly daycare. But it worked, and it worked beautifully.

    This chapter of my life wasn't a detour but a scenic route on my dream highway. It taught me that dreams are versatile little creatures. They can morph, adapt, and light up your life like a Christmas tree. It's not just about 'me, myself, and I.' It's about being a dream enabler for your tribe, too.

    Even the best-laid plans can go sideways. After my sister's third kiddo, I hit a wall. I felt like an extra in the movie of my life, and not even a well-dressed one. The guilt of my unhappiness was like an elephant on my chest, making it hard to breathe, let alone speak my truth.

    Enter Jake, an old college friend. During a phone call, I admitted to Jake that I was miserable. I felt like everyone else was going out and creating awesome things, and I was stuck at home living in a Groundhog Day scenario. Jake suggested I speak to his wife, a life coach. That led me to a transformative retreat where I met Jody Moore, the Yoda to my Luke Skywalker. On the very first day of the retreat, she coached me. It was my first time being coached, and I remember telling Jody and the other ladies in the group how miserable I was. Then Jody dropped a truth bomb that shattered my world: You are causing your suffering.

    Ouch, and amen, Jody.

    That retreat was my wake-up call. I realized I was both the villain and the hero of my story. I had the power to change the narrative, to rekindle my dreams, and to be the leading lady in my life's movie.

    Post-retreat, I didn't magically transform into a Zen master. I had to dig deep, confront my fears, and have tough conversations. But guess what? Owning your truth, even when it's uncomfortable, is liberating. It's like winning the emotional lottery.

    So here's the deal: If you're feeling stuck, it's time to dust off those wild dreams and give them some fresh air. If I can go from feeling like a glorified extra to the star of my life, so can you. It's time to dream big, act boldly, and seize life by the horns—or whatever else you can grab.

    Why You Should Dream Wild

    We all get stuck in the daily grind sometimes. You hit snooze, crawl out of bed, and zombie-walk through a job you can't stand. You come home, plop on the couch, and let your thumb do the walking through social media. Sound familiar? I have zero patience for people who moan about their lives and aren’t willing to change it. If you're not thrilled with your life, what's your game plan?

    The world's become a buffet of mindless distractions. You can lose yourself in YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, watching others live their best lives. We all start to feel bitter, resentful, or envious of others and their actions. But let's clear the air: these folks aren't magical unicorns. They're just people who decided to stop scrolling and start living. Think of them as the Lindsays of the digital age.

    So, why are you warming the bench? Why cheer for someone else when you could be the star player? Enough already! It's time to trade your spectator hat for a creator's cap. When you dream wild, you're not just along for the ride; you're grabbing life by the wheel and flooring it down the highway of endless possibilities. You're not a bystander; you're a dynamo, ready to squeeze every ounce of joy from your life.

    Enough with that drab grayscale existence! Let's add some color to that existence of yours. When you dare to dream wild, you're not just elevating your life but becoming a beacon of audacious energy that inspires everyone around you. Trust me, we'll dive deeper into this ripple effect later in the book.

    I get it; life isn't a fairy tale. We've all got bills, jobs, and that one houseplant that's always thirsty. But being responsible doesn't mean burying your dreams under a pile of adulting. If that's the case, then let's shred that contract.

    I see you, especially the parents among you, stuck in supporting roles, your dreams gathering dust in the attic of your life. Your messages flood my inbox: I'm lost, I don't recognize myself anymore. I've been there. You're not alone. The stories I hear are as diverse as a box of crayons, but the theme is universal: a disconnect from your true self, a yearning for that wild zest for life.

    If you're lurking in the shadows, feeling trapped or envious of others, listen up: There's another way. Imagine waking up on fire daily, a golden ticket to chase your dreams. This isn't fantasy; it's an attainable reality when you dare to dream wild.

    Dreaming wild isn't just wishful thinking. It's a transformative mindset, a rediscovery of your soul's deepest desires, and the guts to go after them. It's about declaring to the universe what you want and having the grit to make it happen. If you follow my socials or podcast, you know my mantra: You're 100% in charge of your life experience.

    Life throws curveballs. Jobs vanish, loved ones get sick, but these challenges don't define you. You have the power to shape your journey amid life's chaos. Dreaming wild is about owning the entire ride, not just the destination. This mindset changed my life, and I can't wait to share how it can change yours.

    So, are you ready to leap off the bench and take charge? It's time to stop envying others and start crafting your dream life. Let's dream wild. And don't worry, you're not going it alone. I'm right here, cheering you on, ready for your takeoff. Are you? Let's hit this wild ride together.

    I wrote this book for adults ready to get back into your life. For those wanting to feel alive again and know that you have a purpose. I want us to live more. I want us to feel lit up by our experiences and know that we were the ones who went out and made it happen. If you find yourself in these words, this book is for you.

    A quick note: I share real stories of real people in this book. Rest assured, each individual has graciously provided their consent to be featured. While some names and certain specifics might be changed for privacy's sake, the essence of their journeys and the challenges they tackle remain undeniable—a heartfelt thank you to those who agreed to share their stories. You are my heroes.


    Waking Up To Your Own Life

    Ihave always been fascinated by people who sleepwalk. I have a niece who is a sleepwalker, and we were recently on a trip together. At 3 a.m., I woke up to find her going through her bag,

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