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Adventures of Miss Noodles and the Not So Rotten Egg
Adventures of Miss Noodles and the Not So Rotten Egg
Adventures of Miss Noodles and the Not So Rotten Egg
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Adventures of Miss Noodles and the Not So Rotten Egg

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Hsittiks Seldoon was born in Evermore, Kreechville, on October 1st, "Enchantment Day." A child with an exceptional ability to draw but developmentally delayed speech and reading. However, she is in no pain and is very happy as a Kreechin. She is obsessed with mirrors and exhibits ritualistic behaviors where she separates her veggies by color and washes her hands three times before bed. She feels trapped in her mind and at times expresses anxiety as a goldfish needs water. Hsittiks relies on drawing, collecting mirrors, and stacking cups to gain control of her many thoughts. She gives poor eye contact when communicating face-to-face with others and stumbles over her words when talking in conversations. If the environment gets too noisy, she experiences unrest by beating tabletops with her flailing arms and hands. She often makes weird noises like the buzzing sound from a bee's wings flapping. She makes this noise with her tongue and teeth until she is calm. As a result, she prefers to be alone in total silence and take walks through the neighborhood.

Hsittiks has an Elcnu Eel who keeps her calm for long periods by telling her tall tales. At these times, Hsittiks exhibits behavior opposite of autistic mannerisms she often displays. Elcnu Eel often reminds her that Kreechin children born on October 1st, Enchantment Day, will receive a sting from Retsim Mocnin Poop's bee, Poop. They will be sent to earth to become adults work as teachers to discipline misbehaving children and correct parents with poor parenting skills. Hsittiks Seldoon will intrigue on her adventure from Kreechville to Earth, teaching lessons to boys and girls on Earth. In Kreechville, she is a child, but when she receives a sting from Poop, she goes to earth becomes an adult teacher, a magical jokester with tricks. Her pranks demonstrate her masked autism for a while, but not cured. This fictional book will take you through the radical intelligent world of a child with autism, transitioning to an adult with masked autism.

Release dateOct 6, 2023
Adventures of Miss Noodles and the Not So Rotten Egg

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    Adventures of Miss Noodles and the Not So Rotten Egg - Berry Plump

    Table of Contents



    The Beginning

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12


    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    Chapter 16

    Chapter 17

    Chapter 18


    Adventures of Miss Noodles and the Not So Rotten Egg

    Berry Plump

    Copyright © 2023 Berry Plump

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    320 Broad Street

    Red Bank, NJ 07701

    First originally published by Newman Springs Publishing 2023

    ISBN 979-8-88763-350-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88763-351-0 (Digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    To my sister, a twinkling star, loving and wonderful anywhere you are. May the unconditional love you demonstrate to others return to you in hugs and smiles forevermore.

    The Beginning

    Chapter 1

    Hsittiks Seldoon was born on October 1st, Enchantment Day to Ecila and Knarf Seldoon in a quiet secluded area known as Evermore, Kreechville. Her mom Ecila is a seamstress, and her dad Knarf is a plumber. She is an eleven-year-old autistic Kreechin. She wears the same blue backpack with yellow crew socks each day pulled up to her knees and egg-shaped glasses on her oblong-shaped face, as her wild noodle-like hair dangled on her head.

    Deep down inside, she feels misplaced and prefers to be alone. She likes to take long walks in her neighborhood. Unusually detached as she passes through her neighborhood, she sees the children playing kickball, double Dutch, and jump rope, laughing and enjoying themselves.

    Olim, one of the children playing with slits in his purple shorts, runs to Hsittiks. Olim asks her, Hsittiks, do you want to play tag?

    As he approaches her, she shies with a nod and repetitively fast says, No, no, no, no, no, no. She quickly paces forward, waving her hands frantically to get out of the suffocating position he had put her in by approaching her do not approach zone. Olim expected Hsittiks to respond the way she did.

    He knew because he and Hsittiks go to the same school. Olim and Hsittiks are in same homeroom class. She sits at the desk in front of him. He routinely teases her every morning. Olim passes her desk, pushes her pencil, and brushes her shoulder. Any jester to help get her day started.

    Hsittiks liked Olim. She looked forward to seeing him every morning at the same time. However, her symptoms of autism kept her withdrawn. Hsittiks is introverted, with thoughts of death racing through her mind and no way to slow them down. Her Elcnu Eel brought on these weird thoughts about death.

    Now Elcnu Eel was Hsittiks's favorite elcnu. She understood every word to the best of her ability. While her parents were away gathering materials for sewing projects and attending workshops for plumbers, Elcnu Eel often told Hsittiks tall tales when she stayed at his house. Hsittiks's thoughts became more tangled when her Elcnu Eel told her one of his tall tales about death. He constantly rants off the top of his head as if he was talking to one of his buddies at the barbershop, not considering that he was talking to Hsittiks, an eleven-year-old girl with autism.

    In his mind, Hsittiks is an intelligent eleven-year-old girl he plans to tell the tall tale preparing her to go to earth. He knows Hsittiks is at the age Retsim Mocnin Poop surprisingly visits, appearing, and disappearing for the autistic children born on October 1st, Enchantment Day, to remind them when it is the time to age-shift and transition. All he needs to do now is convince her that one day soon, Retsim Mocnin Poop would visit her along with his bee Poop. Poop will fly her to the Dicul Elbbub Nomel, where she will stay two years attending theory classes preparing her and other students to teach on earth.

    At the Dicul Elbbub Nomel, she will receive a bee sting from Poop and spend another ten months to age-shift and transition from child to adult. Hsittiks is fascinated with the idea but unable to express her locked-in feelings activating her anxiety to high levels of agitation not easily controlled. Although her unexpressed thoughts has her mind boggled with thoughts of death and the fate of those without autism in Kreechville and on Earth, Hsittiks is ready to do what is necessary to go to the Dicul Elbbub Nomel. Elcnu Eel says to Hsittiks, "Everyone must die one day in Kreechville and on Earth except those children born on October 1st, Enchantment Day.

    Elcnu Eel tells Hsittiks, All children born on October 1st, Enchantment Day, are born with autism and will never die.

    Hsittiks's eyes grow wider, Never die, never die, never die, she repeats excitedly.

    That's right, Elcnu Eel says while patting her back for comfort. He continues explaining to Hsittiks, Kreechin are allowed to experience everlasting age-shifting and transitioning from Kreechville to Earth and from Earth to Kreechville receiving a sting from Retsim Mocnin Poop's bee, Poop. However, an Earthen-born child can never go to Kreechville. If the Kreechin child or adult entering earth from Kreechville is an age that cannot age-shift or transition, the child or adult will die on earth and go to a sanctuary. Afterward, the dragon will revive them to live behind the firewall. The great fire wall the dragon guards, for an eternity.

    Hsittiks is relieved, knowing she has a chance to live forever. Elcnu Eel says to Hsittiks, Those earthen, whether they have autism or not, experience death naturally in coffins and graveyards. An earthen has no chance to experience the eternal life cycle of age-shifting and transitioning. As Elcnu Eel continues to talk and expresses some of his opinions with a clueless Hsittiks listening, he says, Earthen, research is in vain. They have too many rules. When an earthen performs the hypothesis and theory on a research subject of interest, they forget the importance of researching and experimenting. Kreechin is more advanced because we chance our real predictions and theories. Therefore, the experiments work as we hypothesized. An earthen hypothesis is written for a paycheck and not really for study or discoveries. Elcnu Eel continues to judgmentally ramble verbally out of his soapbox, The reason the earthen scientists or politicians will never find this burst of enjoyment for their eligible autistic earthen subjects (as the Kreechin did hundreds of years ago) is that they lost the elementary and fundamental principles of research and government.

    Elcnu Eel takes Hsittiks by the hand and leads her to the enormous royal blue sofa in the middle of his living room floor with three big brown pillows, one pillow in the middle and one on each end of the couch. He helps Hsittiks by pulling her up by her arms. Hsittiks jumps a few inches onto the pillow, rolling side to side to catch her balance. Swoosh, Elcnu Eel says, landing Hsittiks smack-dab in the middle on the big brown pillow. Elcnu Eel had a way with Hsittiks that only he and she could define, two peas in a pod. Sitting down on the right side of Hsittiks, Elcnu Eel puts his arm around Hsittiks while bringing her closer to him as he gets back to the subject of the evening.

    Here is how age-shifting and transitioning work. Elcnu Eel explains, The earliest an autistic Kreechin child can go to Dicul Elbbub Nomel is ten years old. At Dicul Elbbub Nomel, the autistic Kreechin child will spend two years learning theory through math, health, language, and magic lessons. After the two years of aging stops for autistic Kreechin children or adults, the autistic Kreechin devotes the next year to adjust to their new adult body. There will be questions like, what will the Kreechin do on earth once they transition? How to go back home to Kreechville? Which age a Kreechin should return home to Kreechville without suffering the penalty of never getting back because they missed the age-shift and transition deadline? Hsittiks listens attentively while Elcnu Eel explains the age-shift and transitioning phenomenon, sparking her curiosity. She is fully tuned in to his every word and not agitated, the only conversation which seems to calm her. For example, the ten-year-old will normally age for two years at the Dicul Elbbub Nomel. After two years, the autistic Kreechin is twelve years old and prepared to receive a sting from Poop. Right at the two-year mark at midnight, each autistic child will metamorphically change. This change process is called age-shifting and transitioning. The body will go from a twelve-year-old Kreechin child to a twenty-one-year-old Kreechin adult with masked autism. The Kreechin adult does not start maturation again until arriving on Earth receiving a new burst for life, explains Elcnu Eel.

    While rubbing Hsittiks's noodle-like hair from her face, he continues explaining, "If a Kreechin child leaves Dicul Elbbub Nomel in Nectarian, Kreechville, at the age of twelve, the child will be twenty-one in the Earth. For the autistic Kreechin child to return to Kreechville on time, the Kreechin must leave Earth before retirement or transition age. Remember to determine your age as a Kreechin, whether on earth or in Kreechville. You must account for the two years devoted at Dicul Elbbub Nomel. If you are twelve when you arrive at the Dicul Elbbub Nomel, you must devote two years, aging you to fourteen. A fourteen-year-old Kreechin is forty-one years of age when coming to Earth.

    You must be aware that in Kreechville, retirement age is sixty-five. For example, at age sixty-five after receiving the sting and leaving Dicul Elbbub Nomel, the Kreechin adult will be fifty-six when entering the Earth. Elcnu Eel says, If you wait this long on earth, you run the risk of dying from old age, suffering from a tragedy as fatal wrecks and gunshots, or getting sick from diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, or cancers. It is dangerous to wait for this late. At fifty-six, an autistic Kreechin could go back to Earth but plays a game with death. The Kreechin adult would be sixty-five years old on Earth. The Kreechin adult must wait until the age of seventy, seventy-one, seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy-four, or seventy-five before clearing from the danger zone of never being able to age-shift and change and continue the endless life cycle. Something fatal could happen, or one could take the chance and dare death. If a Kreechin reaches seventy-one without any problems or complications on earth and decides to go back home to Kreechville, the Kreechin will live as a seventeen-year-old."

    While Elcnu Eel talked, Hsittiks abruptly says, I'm thirsty. She hops off the couch to get a bottle of water out of the refrigerator and eagerly runs back to listen to her Elcnu Eel. She guzzles down the water, anxious to see what he was about to say next.

    He continues sermonizing as if she did not get up for water. "Seventy-one would be seventeen in Kreechville, and seventeen is seventy-one earth years, which is great if fate allows this transition. The age-shifting is the overall metamorphic process. The transition is the age flipping seventeen to seventy-one no matter if a Kreechin is in Kreechville or Earth.

    "When a thirteen-year-old child born with autism in Kreechville receives a sting from Retsim Mocnin Poop's bees, especially bee Poop, the autistic child undergoes a metamorphic change becoming a thirty-one-year-old on Earth with masked autistic abilities. A Kreechin leaving earth to go back to Kreechville reverses the chart. The rules are as follows (See chart below):

    13 Kreechin—31 Earthen

    14 Kreechin—41 Earthen

    15 Kreechin—51 Earthen

    16 Kreechin—61 Earthen

    17 Kreechin—71 Earthen"

    Elcnu Eel explains the rules to Hsittiks, "You may never transition or age-shift or leave Kreechville or Earth in the singled years. For example, one to nine years of age must stay in their place of birth, whether in Kreechville or on Earth. These ages cannot transition. The age numbers you can go to the Dicul Elbbub Nomel for shifting and transitioning are 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. When a child ages to a zero-ending number (called a Zen number) which is 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 (years old), as the numbers transitioned are 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 (years old) respectively.

    "The rules are a Kreechin cannot leave home in Kreechville before ten years of age. A ten-year-old Kreechin can go to Dicul Elbbub Nomel and age the two years normally. Once the Kreechin child is twelve, their transition to Earth is twenty-one. For example, if a Kreechin enters the Dicul Elbbub Nomel at eighteen, the Kreechin child must normally age two years. The Kreechin will be twenty years old.

    The Kreechin cannot make the age-shift or transition because Earth's age-shift transition number will be zero two. At the Zen numbers, you can attend the Dicul Elbbub Nomel and age normally for two years. However, you cannot leave the Dicul Elbbub Nomel, attending or leaving, on a Zen number, until after you have aged the usual two years and it totals to a Zen number.

    Elcnu Eel explains the double-digit numbers called Dub numbers follow the same rules as the Zen numbers. However, the Dub numbered age, a Kreechin can enter the Dicul Elbbub Nomel. For example, if a Kreechin child enters Dicul Elbbub Nomel at eleven, aging two years normally, the Kreechin will be thirteen years old. When the Kreechin teenager makes the age-shift and transition, the Kreechin will leave the Dicul Elbbub Nomel at age thirty-one.

    The double-digits (called Dub numbers) that are alike can age-shift and transition in Kreechville. For example, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99 years of age are like 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99 on Earth. These higher alike number ages are very dangerous ages to age-shift or transition. With these ages, one is tempting death and testing fate. Kreechin children are the same age as the children on Earth when single numbers are doubled (see chart below):

    Kreechin 11—Earthen 11

    Kreechin 22—Earthen 22

    Kreechin 33—Earthen 33

    Kreechin 44—Earthen 44

    Kreechin 55—Earthen 55

    Kreechin 66—Earthen 66

    Kreechin 77—Earthen 77

    Triple-digit age numbers do not qualify. Triple digits such as one hundred years of age and above cannot age-shift or transition.

    Elcnu Eel informs Hsittiks that autistic Kreechin must leave earth at fifty-nine and go back home because Kreechins can continue living their young life as a sixteen-year-old teenager at the age of sixty-one with autism in Kreechville for the rest of their age-shifting transitioning lives and never have to die. However, if Kreechin decides to stay on Earth past sixty-one, Kreechin may end up like Assilem Llerup, a beautiful autistic math teacher from Kreechville who was great with numbers. She did not even use a calculator to solve some of the most challenging math problems. The children on earth admired her genius counting abilities. She remembered thousands upon thousands of numbers. She could repeat numbers and put them in sequential order after seeing them only once. Assilem Llerup liked teaching math, so she stayed on earth until sixty-six. Assilem Llerup became weary and tired from old age. She lost her memory and was unable to continue teaching math. She passed away peacefully in her sleep at the ripe old age of sixty-six on earth. The earthen students wept at the sad news of Assilem Llerup's death. She could have made it back to Dicul Elbbub Nomel if she had not unexpectedly died in her sleep of complications unknown.

    Most Kreechin stay on the earth until the age of fifty-nine because they can leave the Dicul Elbbub Nomel, after aging two years normally at the age of sixty-one. At the age of sixty-one, the Kreechin on Earth will age-shift and transition to sixteen in Kreechville, where the child can continue living forever as a young teenager in Kreechville with autism.

    Hsittiks imagined what the sting was like against her skin. She pictured herself with masked autism exuding normal behaviors of an adult on Earth. She envisioned herself with newly added features like teaching lessons and practicing magic jokes.

    Elcnu Eel tells Hsittiks, Earthen with autism has no way to get to Kreechville. Therefore, no discovery for autism yet on earth, but scientists are working on a method. However, if the autistic Kreechin goes to Earth, gets caught in the life cycle, and cannot make it back to the Dicul Elbbub Nomel on time, they face a horrible death in the fire with the dragon. The autistic Kreechin, to miss the deadlines, are sent to Erif behind the wall of fire for an eternity.

    The images of graveyards and dragons harbored Hsittiks's thoughts as Elcnu Eel explained the time shift for autistic Kreechins, born on October 1st, Enchantment Day. Hsittiks pictured herself never being cured on earth of autism but just relieved for some years of autism. She wondered if there was an Erif, a wall of fire where a dungeon of dragons existed where Kreechin go when they die.

    Hsittiks, the ideal age you want to age-shift or transition is 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 81, 82, 83, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94. These ages keep the autistic individual in the time life capsule cycle for an eternity, and they never die. Although Elcnu Eel is telling Hsittiks a tall tale with spectacular exaggeration, Hsittiks believes him even more. When Elcnu Eel said, never die, Hsittiks's eyes grow wider and more attentive, staring into Elcnu Eel's eyes, something she never does. Hsittiks somehow knows she is ready to go to Earth from Dicul Elbbub Nomel because she is ten years and seven months, soon to be eleven years old. She thought rationally as she sometimes miraculously does, I do not have to die, flapping her arms excitedly, saying, Dit, dit, dit. I must go to Dicul Elbbub at eleven, if I expect to leave Dicul Elbbub Nomel at thirteen and be thirty-one on earth.

    In Hsittiks's mind sometimes, she can rationally think and solve some problems while other times she finds it difficult and express all forms of anxieties. Her unpredictable autistic behavior is unexplainable. Hsittiks thinks and excitingly bounces up and down on the big brown pillow, chanting repetitively, I can go at eleven. I can go at eleven. I can go at eleven. I can go at eleven.

    Elcnu Eel was amazed for a moment. Hsittiks understood what he was saying. Yes! Yes! Yes! you can, Hsittiks, he says delightfully. Be on the lookout for Retsim Mocnin Poop. It could happen any day soon, my girl, he says hysterically.

    An excited Hsittiks calms down slowly. After a burst of energy, she lays her head on the couch pillow and drifts off to sleep. Elcnu Eel carries her to the bedroom. He tucks her into bed, where she nestles into the sheets on her favorite pillow.

    When Hsittiks awoke the next day, her thoughts are right where they were the night before, stuck in a flood of information Elcnu Eel had given her on age shift and transition. Hsittiks's main worry was dying and ate by dragons in Erif

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