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BEAT THE ELITES!: 5 Steps to Stop the Elites and Save America
BEAT THE ELITES!: 5 Steps to Stop the Elites and Save America
BEAT THE ELITES!: 5 Steps to Stop the Elites and Save America
Ebook179 pages3 hours

BEAT THE ELITES!: 5 Steps to Stop the Elites and Save America

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A small group of "elites" has been working for decades to undermine America. 

They've been making us poorer while they get richer, taking aw

Release dateOct 4, 2023
BEAT THE ELITES!: 5 Steps to Stop the Elites and Save America

Ashley Hayek

Ashley Hayek is the Executive Director of America First Works. With over 15 years in political and non-profit consulting, she served as the National Coalitions Director for the Trump-Pence 2020 campaign. Her greatest joy comes from being the wife of a US Marine and a mother of five.


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    BEAT THE ELITES! - Ashley Hayek

    CHARGE 1


    Unexpectedly, Marisa became the new face of America’s seniors. Before retiring, Marisa was a small business owner and public school teacher. Now in her mid-70s, she lives modestly in a central California mobile home park forty minutes from her daughter and grandkids.

    Everything was okay—until Joe Biden’s inflation caused utility, food, and fuel prices to soar. Marisa has had to come out of retirement and find work as a substitute teacher to try make ends meet. She’s cut out as many expenses as possible, including internet and home repairs. She uses less heat and air conditioning. She doesn’t drive to visit her family as often in order to reduce gas costs. And Marisa now relies on Meals on Wheels and free lunches at a local senior center.

    This is not the retirement I envisioned. It is disheartening, she told a CNN reporter. Middle-class elders feel forgotten and invisible.²¹

    Every two years, We the People vote to elect some from among us to represent our district and state in Congress. In effect, we’re hiring a few people in our community to go to Washington and act on our behalf. Their job? To do whatever they can to meet our needs, keep our country safe, and stay out of our way as we pursue our dreams for the future.

    That’s why the first thing these newly elected Representatives and Senators have to do before they can start the job is take the Oath of Office.

    I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.²²

    Adopted when the first Continental Congress met in 1774, the Oath has been used throughout our history with just a few tweaks along the way. The current version was made a legal requirement nearly 150 years ago, and there’s a lot to like in it. But what I want to focus on is the last part. In front of their families and constituents, the nation, and God, these men and women we choose to serve us as members of Congress promise to well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter.

    So, how are they doing? Are the people we send to Washington doing right by us? In far too many ways, the answer is a resounding NO. As Marisa’s story illustrates, the American people are struggling, which means Washington is failing them. Worse, those we’ve sent to the Capitol are getting richer while the people they’re supposed to serve are becoming poorer.

    Before I explain, let’s take a quick step back. Since America was founded, her freedoms made possible the greatest economy in the world. Here, wealth was not just for those lucky enough to be born with a silver spoon in their mouth, as the old saying goes. Instead, any American could make it. It didn’t matter where you were born, who your parents or grandparents were, or how much education you received. If you had a good idea and the determination to make it a reality, you, too, could succeed.

    So powerful was this dynamic that it made possible the American Dream. Unlike other countries, people here were free to make anything of their lives. This opportunity was as powerful as it was unprecedented. As a result, millions came to our shores—via legal means, I should add—so they, too, could be free of the Old World’s oppression. And once here, they got to work creating a better future for themselves and their families.

    The freedom found here also empowered Americans to come up with world-changing inventions. The list of these innovations is far too long to fit in this book, but it includes the telephone, telegraph, light bulb, airplane, assembly line, medicines, refrigerator, computer, internet, satellite, and much more. (As the mother of five children, this list wouldn’t be complete without another great American invention: the disposable diaper!) The point is, the land of the free made it possible for everyday folks to innovate, produce, and make their and other people’s lives

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