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Autism in Practice
Autism in Practice
Autism in Practice
Ebook136 pages1 hour

Autism in Practice

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About this ebook

This is an informative work that joins a variety of resources already available, with the aim of disseminating knowledge and providing crucial information related to the autistic universe. Our goal is to inform all people who, in some way, are connected to this universe.

Autism, in a concise definition, is a neurological condition characterized by differences in social behavior. To date, there is no definitive cure for this condition. Therefore, it is extremely important that everyone who comes into contact with people on the autism spectrum is well informed.

Being equipped with up-to-date, accurate and objective information, combined with preventive actions and attitudes, can significantly improve the quality of life of people affected by this condition and also those around them.

Our work explores, explains and clarifies essential definitions and characteristics related to autism. From identifying signs to treatments, as well as best practices for dealing with individuals affected by this disorder, we cover creating environments that meet your needs. We also highlight how to deal with autistic children and address care in adulthood, along with permitted practices for social inclusion and difficulties that may arise in the social environment.

This book is intended to offer support in everyday situations faced by autistic people. It is a source of practical and up-to-date information, suitable for those new to this diverse world, and who need a solid foundation of information and principles to adopt best practices regarding the well-being of our loved ones who experience this unique condition in relation to to social interaction.

Release dateSep 12, 2023
Autism in Practice

Edmund Santorine

Vorrei condividere un po' di me e del mio lavoro come terapista infantile, con un'enfasi sull'autismo infantile. Nel corso dei quasi quattro decenni dedicati a quest'area, ho avuto il privilegio di lavorare sia con adulti che con bambini nello spettro autistico. Questo viaggio è stato segnato da testimonianze dei danni causati dalla mancanza di informazioni e conoscenze su come funziona il mondo autistico. È doloroso osservare come la mancanza di conoscenza generi paure infondate, promuova la creazione di falsi miti e segregi le persone autistiche dalla vita sociale. Questa mancanza di comprensione aumenta notevolmente il peso delle difficoltà che naturalmente accompagnano coloro che vivono in questo mondo speciale. Come professionista in questo ambito, mi sento obbligato a promuovere la condivisione di informazioni al fine di umanizzare maggiormente ogni persona in relazione all'integrazione con l'universo autistico. Il mio obiettivo nello scrivere questo libro è fornire una fonte affidabile di conoscenza e guida per coloro che desiderano comprendere meglio l'autismo infantile e supportare in modo più efficace i bambini nello spettro autistico. Nelle pagine di questa guida troverai non solo informazioni pratiche e aggiornate, ma anche un approccio compassionevole e inclusivo progettato per aiutare a costruire un ambiente più accogliente ed empatico per tutti i bambini, indipendentemente dal fatto che siano affetti da autismo. spettro oppure no. Spero che questo libro serva come strumento prezioso per promuovere una comprensione più profonda e una più ampia accettazione dell'autismo infantile, consentendo ai lettori di sfidare gli stigmi, superare i pregiudizi e coltivare una società più inclusiva e solidale. Insieme, possiamo fare la differenza nella vita dei bambini nello spettro autistico e creare un mondo in cui tutti possano prosperare ed essere veramente apprezzati per quello che sono.

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    Book preview

    Autism in Practice - Edmund Santorine

    Autism in Practice

    A guide

    For Everyday Life


    Edmund Santorine



    July 2023


    Some Initial Words 4

    About This Book 8

    Chapter 1: Introduction to Autism 10

    1.1 What is autism? 10

    1.2 Understanding the Autism Spectrum 11

    CharacteristicsAutistic 11

    Communication and language 11

    Social interaction 12

    Behaviors and interests 13

    Sensory sensitivities 15

    1.3 Five Myths and Realities About Autism 16

    Chapter 2: Identifying Autism 18

    2.1 Early Signs 18

    2.2 Diagnosis and evaluation process 30

    2.3 Screening resources and tools 31

    Chapter 3: Communication and Language 33

    3.1 Strategies to promote effective communication 33

    3.2 Language development 46

    3.3 Use of alternative and augmentative communication 48

    Chapter 4: Social Skills and Interaction 51

    4.1 Stimulating social skills 51

    4.2 Fostering friendships and interpersonal relationships 54

    4.3 Dealing with challenges in social interaction 57

    Chapter 5: Sensory Sensitivities and Self-Care 61

    5.1 Recognizing and managing sensory sensitivities 61

    5.2 Strategies to promote self-care 64

    5.3 Sensory-friendly environments 66

    Chapter 6: Education and Inclusion 69

    6.1 Inclusive educational models 69

    6.2 Adapting the school environment for inclusion 71

    6.3 Collaboration between school, family and professionals 74

    Chapter 7: Strategies for Daily Life 78

    7.1 Routines and organization 78

    7.2 Dealing with challenging behaviors 80

    7.3 Emotional support and stress management 83

    Chapter 8: Therapeutic Interventions 87

    8.1 Behavioral therapy 87

    8.2 Evidence-based approaches 88

    8.3 Complementary and alternative therapies 89

    Chapter 9: Transition to Adulthood 91

    9.1 Preparation for adulthood and independence 91

    9.2 Transition support and support programs 93

    9.3 Employment and community life 95

    Chapter 10: Resources and Support 97

    10.1 Organizations and Support Groups 97

    10.2 Recommended Books, Websites and Materials 98

    10.3 Legal Support and Rights of Autistic People 100

    Chapter 11: Additional Information 102

    Caregivers’ self-care: 102

    Inclusion in Society: 103

    Autism Around the World: 105

    Ongoing Support: 106

    Conclusion 109

    Some Initial Words


    What is autism? How to deal with autism and how should we behave towards people who are affected by this behavioral difference? There are many difficulties faced by those people who live together, who provide support, who are responsible for the support and care of a person who is affected by this, as we have already said, behavioral difference, difference in perception and social interaction.

    The direct problems for a person affected by the autism spectrum are also not few; However, a factor that greatly enhances this whole problem is exactly the lack of knowledge about the variables related to autism, and a certain reluctance in promoting social rapprochement; This reluctance is not a prejudice, it is a fear we have in the face of what we do not know; The cure for this fear of getting close is information, knowledge, and for this it is necessary to invest in information. We need, along with many other needs, greater information; Each and every person close to the autistic universe must be informed about what it is, how to deal with it, how to treat it and how to include autistic people in the social sphere.

    The importance of paying more attention to people affected by autism is based on several reasons that aim to promote a more inclusive and welcoming society. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects people's communication, social interaction and behavior, and although it is more common than previously thought, it is often misunderstood or stigmatized due to a lack of information.

    One of the main reasons for paying more attention to autism is to promote greater social enlightenment on the topic. Lack of knowledge about autism can lead to prejudice, discrimination and exclusion of those affected. By providing accurate information and educating society about what autism is, its characteristics and challenges, we can combat stereotypes and promote acceptance and inclusion of these people in different aspects of life, such as school, work and the community.

    Furthermore, it is important to highlight the need for support and understanding from the family of people with autism. The family plays a fundamental role in emotional support, access to appropriate services and treatments, and creating an inclusive and welcoming environment. With greater knowledge about autism, family members can better understand the needs and challenges faced by people with autism, seeking adaptation strategies and promoting their development and well-being.

    Another relevant aspect is the recognition of the rights of people with autism. Ensuring equal opportunities, access to health services, inclusive education and adequate employment are fundamental to promoting autonomy and active participation in society.

    Information plays a crucial role in this process, as it allows people with autism and their families to know their rights and fight for their implementation.

    Admittedly, we know that much has been done to better include people identified as autistic; but we need, and can do, much more; We know that public policies are powerful tools in meeting social needs.

    We, as a society, have the right and duty to impose social needs on governments, on the people who make policies, rules and legislation; This is why we live in a democracy and therefore, it is for this reason that we elect representatives and defenders of social rights.

    We defend the idea that we need to give more prominence to autistic needs; The more this need is highlighted, the more this need is brought to the general public, the greater the engagement of the responsible bodies, those who have the effective power to promote social improvements, in the sense of favoring those people who are characterized by this behavioral and social difference.

    A society, matured by information, will understand that a fair society is one that adapts, that is flexible to accommodate all citizens of this society; This is because, at the end of the day, society is, in truth, the sum of all its citizens.

    By paying more attention to autism, we are promoting a more inclusive society that values ​​and respects diversity. Through social enlightenment, family support, recognition of rights and the search for better public policies, we can offer people with autism the opportunity to live a full and participatory life, contributing to a fairer and more equal society for all.

    Misunderstanding the real meaning of autism and the lack of adapted information can generate a series of negative consequences for subordinate people and their families. These consequences are worsened by the lack of acceptance and adequate structures to meet the specific needs of people with autism.

    One of the consequences is stigmatization and distrust. When society does not understand the phenomenon, it tends to create stereotypes and prejudices towards autistic people. This can lead to social exclusion, difficulties integrating into educational, professional and community environments, as well as limiting access to services and opportunities.

    The lack of information also creates difficulties for families. Parents and caregivers often do not know how to deal with the challenges of autism, whether in terms of communication, social skills or behavior. This can cause flu-like feelings, isolation, and emotional overwhelm. Furthermore, the lack of knowledge prevents the search for appropriate interventions and therapies, which are essential for the development and well-being of people with autism.

    The lack of specific structures and supports is another consequence of the misunderstanding of autism. The lack of health services, inclusive education, psychosocial support and inclusion programs in the labor market make it difficult for people with autism to access basic needs. The lack of a greater volume of applied structures also hinders social inclusion and active participation in society.

    These negative consequences can be overcome through greater social engagement on the topic of autism. More comprehensive and inclusive education about autism is essential to combat the lack of information and lack of acceptance. It is necessary to promote awareness campaigns, train health, education and social services professionals, and create spaces for dialogue and exchange of experiences between people with autism, their families and society in general.

    Furthermore, it is necessary to invest in infrastructure and services that meet the needs of people with autism. This includes the creation of diagnosis and treatment centers, inclusive schools with qualified professionals, professional inclusion programs and public policies that guarantee the rights and equal opportunities for people with autism.

    Awareness and social engagement regarding autism are essential to combat the negative consequences caused by a lack of understanding and acceptance.

    By promoting greater education and sensitivity regarding autism, we can build a more inclusive society that values ​​diversity and offers support and opportunities for

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