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Story of Blood
Story of Blood
Story of Blood
Ebook268 pages3 hours

Story of Blood

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The man was determined to see what happened and he climbed and climbed the mountain while in distance he was hearing the sound of scared animals even the monsters were scared and crying. But he did not let this stop him and he pushed forward and forward until he reached the pick of the Mountain; there he saw something that he had never seen before it was a blue but bright light that was eating the vegetation even the stones seem to cry, a bluish light.

He approached a big blue and broken object it seemed to be a stone, he tried to touch it but it was too hot; he could not understand what he was seeing; he approached the liquid and the liquid itself was hot and hurt his hand as he was approaching the blue stone that was in front of him it seem to create a heat around him and it was sending more and more heat.

He felt extremely tired and decided to sleep next to the big and broken rock that was next to him, it was beautiful, it was blue it seemed to affect everything in its path and yet it was warm, it seemed like safety, it seemed like home, so he closed his eyes and started to dream. In his dream he saw for the first time in his life images that were not familiar to him that were coming like a movie inside his head something that he had never experienced before; he was not controlling this, he was like a spectator and another person was the narrator.

Release dateMay 15, 2021
Story of Blood

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    Story of Blood - Stephan D. Alexander


    Story of blood


    COPYRIGHT 2021 Editura LETRAS

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    ISBN ePub 978-606-071-307-4

    Publicat de Letras

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    Story of blood


    Story of blood

    Black Rock Tribe

    Wasps and kings

    The Proposal

    The Year of Power

    Walk Toward Home

    Other Sides

    Contest of Power

    A Miracle

    The Ruling Council

    Like Golden Sand in a Hourglass

    Ceremonial Place

    News from far away

    The Last Golden Age

    Year 400

    Year 1013

    Story of blood

    Somewhere on a distant and strange place on a big and beautiful planet with blue skies, lots of green and open fields full of life and trees so tall that seemed to touch the sky, a small tribe of five was in search of food.

    The small group of people was in a hurry; they were looking around and they were very careful. They were surrounded by beautiful vegetation, fresh grass that seemed to have no end. They were very close together and were looking for everything out of the ordinary since they knew that now is the time when the monsters wake up. Men and women were very quickly gathering fruits and berries in a straw basket, while one of them, a tall man was throwing a bone towards the tree.

    He was throwing it only one time and they had to gather as much fruits fallen from the tree as they could, before any animal could hear them.

    In front of this small tribe there was another man, not as tall as the other man but this man was the leader of the tribe and he was looking for any beast that could pose a danger for them.

    Suddenly, a noise frightens all of them and they stop gathering fruit. They knew the monster of monsters, the ruler of the forest, was spotted here many times.

    They knew this beast very well and although they could not speak about it they would often draw it on the cave walls so that everyone would know how this beast is looking like.

    Cunning, very smart and vicious

    They look around but don’t see any monsters, animal or even a small squirrel. One man from the group points up as he sees something that he had never seen before he cannot describe it as they did not have words they do not have any communication between themselves they used gestures not words.

    The man seas a great ball of fire hitting the tallest mountain that he has ever seen. This man was a curious person and he wanted to see what was there, but the others tried to stop him as they understood that he wanted to go there where he was pointing to that direction and trying to explain that he wanted to see if all of the group was concerned for him and then tried to explain him in gestures that it was not a good idea as the monsters will awake soon and they will be in trouble. The only place of safety was the cave that they call home which was very far away; if they go now with the berries they will be safe. But the man made his choice and he explained in gestures of his hand that he will go and explore.

    The small tribe was concerned for him as they knew the only strength lied in numbers but eventually they left to their home.

    The man was determined to see what happened and he climbed and climbed the mountain while in distance he was hearing the sound of scared animals even the monsters were scared and crying. But he did not let this stop him and he pushed forward and forward until he reached the pick of the Mountain; there he saw something that he had never seen before it was a blue but bright light that was eating the vegetation even the stones seem to cry; a bluish light, he approached a big blue and broken object it seemed to be a stone, he tried to touch it but it was too hot; he could not understand what he was seeing; he approached the liquid and the liquid itself was hot and hurt his hand as it was approaching the blue stone that it was in front of him it seem to create a heat around him and it was sending more and more heat. He felt extremely tired and decided to sleep next to the big and broken rock that was next to him, it was beautiful, it was blue it seemed to affect everything in its path and yet it was warm, it seemed like safety, it seemed like home, so he closed his eyes and started to dream. In his dream he saw for the first time in his life images that were not familiar to him that were coming like a movie inside his head something that he had never experienced before; he was not controlling this, he was like a spectator and another person was the narrator.

    He felt as if he was falling into a deep state of mind he felt relaxed he felt very relaxed while he was floating in a blue ocean of images and places that he had never seen before. Without his control the blue ocean was flowing through him and for the first time in his life he felt that everything is connected.

    He woke up and looked at the sky; it was blue and beautiful, the birds were singing and the trees were full with berries; next to him the bluish stone was still very hot.

    He approached again the object and tried to understand it; the stone was big and blue nothing more was inside the part that was cracked except the liquid that was oozing from the stone. Inside the stone was like the surface of water and pointy as the three branches that he saw in his childhood; it was different, he had never seen such a structure before, so he cracked when he was small many stones and its so different colors he understood that what he had seen was a crystal structure that was very different, a crystal structure that was oozing a bluish liquid that also was hot. Suddenly, an idea popped inside his head and he went nearby the tree and he took a branch that he placed inside the blue liquid. As soon as the branch touched the liquid it caught fire and the color was different; this time he knew this color; he has seen it before. Many times as storms were outside and animals were crying he would see sometimes a bright light in the sky and then this reddish yellow color would appear in branches this understood that was bringing the destruction and it was dangerous for the animals but he never knew how to make it; before many have tried many have failed. He takes another branch and he sticks it also inside the bluish liquid and sees as the same thing happens to the branch, it catches fire and the fire it’s yellow towards red.

    He holds the branch and he looks upon the flames, he knows that he cannot take the flame with him because the road is too far and the flame will last with him until it’ll be no more.

    Even so, this is a great discovery and he wants to share this with the tribe, so he is very excited and wants to go back home and to show them what happened here.

    He is thirsty and knows that the road back home it is a long one and dangerous, so he decides to drink some water before going to this long road and even gather some berries. The man goes slowly down from the peak of the mountain all the way until creatures a small river bed.

    He approaches very slowly knowing that around could be monsters and he puts his hands in the water and starts drinking; while he was drinking he was looking in the water and he noticed that the bluish liquid from the mountain reached the river and it was dripping inside.

    Suddenly, he sees his face in the water surface; the image in the water was not matching him; it could not be him. How was it possible?

    Who was this person looking back at him? He touches his face and notices that he is different, he looks upon his hands and he sees his veins having a bright bluish color that was glowing similar to the Big Stone that he saw on top of the Mountain. It was his face, it were his hands, yet they were so different now; he did not felt different, he woke up normal but looking in the water he sees that he’s different, his skin has darken and become more tough. No, he didn’t know what to do; he knew that he has to return back at his tribe but he was afraid that he will not be accepted by the tribe. Maybe they won’t be afraid to take him in, maybe he’ll have to stay outside where the monsters are.

    Even so, he had to come back so he drank more water, took some berries from a nearby tree and he went on his way. He walked a long way from the mountain and he could see how the sun was setting.

    This world was a beautiful one with rich vegetation, animals, even monsters, the rivers were full of fish and the few humans that were alive were having a healthy life but a short one.

    As he was going back home he started to hear monsters cry, in a blink of an eye he was attacked buy one of those monsters. Luckily, it was only one and a very small one; even so the small ones were always very fast and in comparison to a human being a small monster was about 3 m high. This particular creature had a beak, two small hands with claws each having 3 fingers, two long legs with also three toes with claws, and one long tail that was the length of half of its body.

    The creature hit the man with its tail but the human did not even flinch. The man was very surprised to find out that the quick attack from this creature did not even faze him. It was unbelievable; usually a tail attack from this type of creature will send a human to his death or at least crippling him for life instead for him it did not have any effect.

    Confident, the man grabbed the creature’s neck, started to close his fingers; he quickly noticed that with only one hand he broke the creature’s neck, it was so easy for him, like snapping a small branch. He, somehow, was more powerful than ever before, he had never seen humans being able to defeat such a creature before and he was happy because he knew that the stone and the bluish liquid are the ones that gave him this power.

    He takes the creature on his back as a prize and starts running back home. Because at night all kind of creatures were howling at the moon, the plants moved with the wind, but he was happy today, he was victorious today, he had a prize for his tribe so he was running because he knew that he returned victorious. He managed to come out of the forest and now he was in one open with green and tall grass, he was close to his home as he could see the cave.

    He entered inside and all the time looked upon his face with fear.

    The man tried to explain with his hands that he was one of their own, but his people were still afraid. One of them, a tall and strong man, attacked him trying to protect the tribe and as the tall man jumped him he was quickly subdued by the man with blue and glowing veins. Everybody was scared of him, nobody would approach him; some woman and children start crying being terrified of him. He approaches desperate trying to explain who he was but he did not know how. Somehow an old lady from the tribe recognizes him and urged by gestures the others to smell him. Woman children and men alike then approached and started to touch him and discovered that he was one of their own.

    His tribe was very happy and he showed them everything that happened by making drawings in the sand and on the cave walls.

    They mystified to find out the stories that he had show them and they were very happy to have him once again home.

    With the berries they collected and the meat from his prize they made a great feast and everybody ate too much and falling asleep way too early.

    On the very next day the man did not lose any time and as soon as the sun was shining he took water and some berries and set out for the mountain.

    He goes through the forest as fast as he can ignoring the beautiful site of vegetation and the Blue Sky and finally reaches the opening on which he could see the Mountain Peak. He prepared himself mentally for the long climb but as soon as he makes the first step he heard a huge explosion follow by a bluish reddish and yellow light coming from the mountain peak. What could have happened he asked himself?

    The mountain peak was on fire and the man was looking hopelessly on the beautiful mix of colors within the flames, door bluish flames, door dark planes, reddish and yellowish flames all dancing together in a strange symphony of sounds. He knew that he cannot go on that mountain again.

    Mesmerized, he sees how the flames are intensifying and then suddenly are eaten by the mountain itself; he was trying to understand what was happening but he had never witnessed it before and yet it seemed familiar somehow like a distant memory of a place that he never been before. In that memory, a mountain that swallowed and created flames was called a volcano.

    Now in front of him he was seeing how the blue stone was falling down in a pool of lava. His plans of collecting the Big Stone were destroyed in just few minutes now he cannot do anything just watch on this spectacle of dancing colors and loud sounds as the lava was overflowing and falling down. Concerned he went far away from the mountains as he could see that the lava was coming down and he was certain that soon it will engulf the whole scenery but somehow the river was spared.

    Knowing that he cannot do anything to change what was happening before his very eyes he went back to his home. All the birds and animals were scared of this strange phenomenon, this huge volcano that erupted scared even the monsters, all of them hid in the shadows.

    He was back home once again in the huge clearing full of green and grass but he was upset because he wanted to bring something back to his tribe. He was so upset that he took a branch that was on the ground and with all his strength he hit one old tree. He hit the tree so fast and strong that the tree had broken in 2 pieces and started to burn.

    His eyes and face lighten up and he became very happy because he just discovered a wonderful gift for his tribe and that was the gift of Fire. He took another branch that was old and dry and tried to hit another tree with the same speed but not the same force and he discovered that was not the bash force that created the fire but rather the friction between the woods, the speed and the force that created the yellow flames so he takes another branch and two more but this time he does not hit them but rather uses his speed to the maximum of his strength to rub these three pieces of wood against each other and in few seconds he creates fire once again.

    He knew that fire was dangerous and he takes some dust from the ground and covers the flame until the fire was no more.

    He quickly took some branches and went back to his cave, there he met the others and show them the miracle of fire by rubbing two sticks together. The small pieces of wood caught fire and the whole cave was flooded to buy a yellowish light. Children, woman, and Men were looking amazed of such a miracle that was happening in front of the eyes. A small boy tries to touch the flames but he was stopped by the man that explains to them through some gestures that the flame was dangerous to the touch. Everybody was looking and they were amazed of such a thing, the flame was bringing warmth in the cave and light for their eyes.

    The man was happy because now his family, his tribe was

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