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The law of exception
The law of exception
The law of exception
Ebook190 pages2 hours

The law of exception

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About this ebook

The law of exception is arranged formulacally and arranged systematically by using a simple formula arrangement. From this arrangement, the law of exception creates a concept to seek and find an object that has different and special chsracteristics from other objects that have relationships between one with another in a group. After that, it is explained where the different and special characteristics lie. So that these different objects provide their own uniqueness from other objects.


PublisherAsep Muhar
Release dateAug 26, 2023
The law of exception

Asep Muhar

Author's familiar name is amuh. The author was born on july 18th 1992 in sukabumi, indonesia. The author has ever studied in arrayah university in sukabumi, indonesia. The author was graduated by bachelor degree by program of education management. The author has ever worked in teaching in arabic language and the holy quran (2013-2015), as cashier in landmark arabia company (2016-2017) in riyadh, saudi arabia, as logistic administrator in an office in arrayah university (2017-2022) in sukabumi, indonesia, as driver in alsafeer bus company in mekah, saudi arabia (2022- ongoing). In addition, the author also masters in english and arabic. The author writes a book for the first time. The book is entitle"the law of exception" . Where this book is an initial pioneer in opening new horizons of knowledge that can be obtained by the public in understanding a law that applies in natural and social life.

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    The law of exception - Asep Muhar


    Praise be to Allah, the Almighty God for His mercy and grace, so that the author can complete this book of knowledge. Do not forget to also say shalawat and greetings may always be poured out to the Great Prophet Muhammad SAW, because thanks to him, we are able to get out of the darkness into a brighter path.

    We also express our gratitude to those who have supported the smooth running of this knowledge book from the writing process to printing, which God willing will make it easy for the readers for the success of this book.

    The book of knowledge entitled "THE LAW OF EXCEPTION" has been completed to the maximum extent and as best as possible so that it is useful for readers in opening new knowledge about one of the universal laws that apply to many aspects of life which can be explained by the formulations in this book.

    We realize that there are still many omissions and mistakes which of course are far from perfect about this book. Therefore, we ask that readers provide criticism and suggestions for the work of this book so that we can continue to improve the quality of the book. Thus, we created this book, with the hope that readers can understand a new knowledge that is useful for society in general.

    The Author




    List of Contents........................................................iii

    BASIC CONCEPT FOR THE LAW OF EXCEPTION........................1

    A. A Brief Description of The Law of Exception.............................1

    B. Basic Formula of The Law of Exception.................................1


    A. The Sentence of Basmallah in The Qur'an

    B. Inclusion of the sentence Basmallah in the Koran

    C. The Law of Exception for the Sentence of Basmallah

    III. SURAT AL-FATIHAH IN THE QURAN..............................7

    A. Surah Al-Fatihah...................................................7

    B. Verses and Translation of Surah Al-Fatihah..............................7

    C. The Law of Exception for Surah Al-Fatihah..............................8

    IV. THE LETTERS OF MUQATHA’AH IN THE QURAN..................10

    A. The Letters of Muqatha’ah in the Quran................................10

    B. How to Read The Letters of Muqatha’ah................................12

    C. The Law of Exception in The Letters of Muqathaah.......................12


    A. Tawhid.........................................................14

    B. Tauhid Rububiyah.................................................15

    C. Tauhid Uluhiyah..................................................15

    D. Tauhid Asma Wash Shifat...........................................16

    E. Creatures........................................................16

    F. The Law of Exception for God from His Creatures........................17

    VI. CREATION OF ADAM AS AND HIS WIFE..........................19

    A. The History of the Creation of Adam AS and His Wife.....................19

    B. The Law of Exception on Creation of Adam AS and His Wife...............20

    VII. PROPHET ISA AS...............................................22

    A. Prophet Isa AS...................................................22

    B. The Law of Exception to The Prophet Isa AS............................24


    A. A Brief Description of Nine Priests....................................26

    B. Sheikh Siti Jenar..................................................28

    C. The Law of Exception in the Story of Syeikh Siti Jenar.....................29


    A. A Brief History of the Kingdom of Majapahit............................30

    B. Gajah Mada Career................................................30

    C. Oath of Gajah Mada in Palapa Oath...................................31

    D. Story of Bubat War................................................31

    E. Kingdom of Majapahit After the Bubat War.............................32

    F. The Law of Exception of Gajah Mada Oath in the Kingdom of Majapahit.......32

    X. QIBLA DIRECTION FOR THE MUSLIMS..........................34

    A. Qibla Direction for the Muslims......................................34

    B. The Law of Exception on The Qibla Direction of Muslims..................35

    XI. JUMAH PRAYER...............................................37

    A. Prayer..........................................................37

    B. Jumah Prayer....................................................37

    C. The Law of Exception in The Implementation of Jumah Prayer...............38


    A. Holidays........................................................40

    B. The Law of Exception on Holidays in One Week.........................40

    XIII. LEAP DATE....................................................42

    A. Calendar........................................................42

    B. Leap Date.......................................................43

    C. The Law of Exception on Leap Date...................................43

    XIV. DAY OF EID AL-FITR AND EID AL-ADHA.........................46

    A. Celebration Day..................................................46

    B. Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha..........................................46

    C. The Law of Exception on Day of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha................47

    XV. LEADERSHIP IN ORGANIZATIONS...............................49

    A. Leadership......................................................49

    B. Organization.....................................................50

    C. The Law of Exception to Leadership in Organization......................52


    A. The Central Government As The Parent of The Society.....................54

    B. State Government and Provincial Regional Government as The Parent of Society.55

    C. The Law of Exception for The Government as The Parent of The Society.......57


    A. Capital of Country................................................61

    B. Capital of Regional Autonomy.......................................62

    C. The Law of Exception on Capital of Country and Capital of Regional Autonomy.62

    XVIII. THE UNITED NATIONS.........................................64

    A. The United Nations................................................64

    B. The Law of Exception to The United Nations............................65

    XIX. THE DRIVERS IN VEHICLES.....................................68

    A. The Driver in Vehicles.............................................68

    B. The Law of Exception for The Drivers in Vehicles........................70

    XX. NUMBER ZERO................................................74

    A. The History of Zero...............................................74

    B. Using of Number Zero.............................................75

    C. The Law of Exclusion of the Number Zero..............................78

    XXI. THE UNIQUE NUMBER OF NINE.................................80

    A. Number.........................................................80

    B. Number Nine....................................................81

    C. The Law of Exception to the Number Nine..............................84

    XXII. KAPREKAR CONSTANT NUMBER................................86

    A. Kaprekar Constant Number..........................................86

    B. The Law of Exception to the Kaprekar Constant Number...................87

    XXIII. FOOTBALL....................................................89

    A. Football........................................................89

    B. Referee.........................................................90

    C. Coach..........................................................91

    D. Goalkeeper......................................................92

    E. Captain.........................................................92

    F. The Law of Exception in Football Games...............................93

    XIV. THE SOLAR SYSTEM............................................97

    A. The Solar System.................................................97

    B. The Sun........................................................98

    C. Rotation and Revolution of the Solar System............................98

    D. The Law of Exception of The Sun in The Solar System.....................99


    A. History of Relations Between China and Taiwan.........................101

    B. Disputes and Conflicts Between China and Taiwan.......................104

    C. The Law of Exception on The Relation Between China and Taiwan..........107

    XVI. CONCLUSION..................................................110


    Author´s Biography....................................................121



    A Brief Description of The Law of Exception

    When studying at school, both during daily tests and semester exams, we are often faced with multiple choice questions. Question makers usually provide these questions with descriptions of various questions and ask to be found and marked with the correct answer choices.

    Of the many questions, the question writer sometimes makes an inverted description of the problem. Where the description shows that the multiple choice answers mentioned below are mostly correct and there is one other multiple choice answer which is declared wrong. From this composition, the question makers usually put the word except from the inverted description of the question which means that the question is asked to find one wrong multiple choice answer.

    From what is obtained at school, both during the test and the exam that gets a description of the exception question, it becomes a source of inspiration in itself. At first it was a simple question and asked to find one wrong answer. Through this knowledge, it can develop into a new law called the "The Law of Exception" which explains a law that applies universally to many aspects of life's problems. And this is the material for the study of new knowledge that can be learned and understood by many people.

    In this knowledge, The Law of Exception is explained and then its application in several aspects of the study, which gives its own uniqueness and interestingness that occurs in a pattern according to the established formula.

    Basic Formula of The Law of Exception

    In The Law of Exception, there is a formula that becomes the basic pattern to explain a law that is universal and can be applied to many aspects of the study. Thus adding new knowledge in understanding the phenomena of natural and social life that occurs in this world.

    Below is the formula used as the basic pattern in understanding The Law of Exception and its application in many aspects of the study as follows:




    in its application, an object that have different characteristics that are exception to The Law of Exception as written in this book are divided into two, namely: one or few in number.

    From the formula compiled as above, it is used as the basic reference pattern used in understanding The Law of Exception to reveal the secrets of natural and social phenomena that apply in general. Where from a group of study objects there must be study objects that have different characteristics from other study group members. And in this case, it becomes the object of exception based on The Law of Exception which gives its own uniqueness and interest to this study.



    The Sentence of Basmallah in The Qur'an

    The sentence of Basmallah as a sentence that is spoken before starting an activity has a very important meaning for a Muslim. When going to do any activity or activity, reading Basmallah becomes something more complete. Because what he does will bring him closer to Allah SWT and distance himself from the temptations and interference of spirits. This sentence that is often said in every activity can certainly bring goodness and blessings to the perpetrator.

    The basmallah sentence is part of the remembrance of Muslims to Allah SWT. Every day, of course, every Muslim often utters this one sentence, including during prayer, before reading the Qur'an, and before starting his activities.

    Understanding the meaning of Basmallah makes every Muslim aware of its various virtues in daily life. Every Muslim is encouraged to read Basmallah every time he starts an activity or activity. The meaning of Basmallah in general is to intend everything that is done in the name of Allah. Basmallah can also mean asking Allah for blessing or smoothness.

    The form of basmallah in the form of the sentence Bismillahirrahmanirrahim which is used as the opening of each letter in the Koran has its own charm and uniqueness. And this sentence also brings differences of opinion among the scholars. In responding to this Basmallah sentence, there is a lesson that every Muslim can take in worshiping Allah SWT.

    The number of details of Basmallah in the form of the sentence Bismillahirrahmanirrahim in the Koran is described as follows:

    There are 114 sentences of Basmallah in the Koran;

    The sentence Basmallah in Surah Al-Fatihah is used as the opening letter and the first verse;

    The sentence Basmallah in the letter At-Taubah is not written, either as an opening letter or in the whole verse;

    The sentence Basmallah in Surah An-Naml is written twice. Where the first is mentioned as the opening letter of An-Naml and the second is mentioned in verse number 30 which tells about the making of a letter by Prophet Sulaiman AS addressed to the Queen of Saba in Yemen; and

    The sentence Basmallah is written as the opening of every letter in the Koran except the letter At-Taubah.

    Inclusion of the sentence Basmallah in the Koran

    The inclusion of the Basmallah form in the form of the sentence Bismillahirrahmannirrahim is mentioned in at least three parts in the Koran as described below:

    Surah Al-Fatihah verse 1

    (بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ) 

    Meaning: In (mentioning) the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    Surah An-Naml verse 30

    ( إِنَّهُ مِن سُلَيْمَانَ وَإِنَّهُ بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ  )

    Meaning: Verily (the letter) is from the Prophet Solomon and indeed it is: In (mentioning) the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    The opening of all letters except the letter At-Taubah

    ( بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ) 

    Meaning: In (mentioning) the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

    The Law of Exception for the Sentence of Basmallah

    Based on the law of exception to the sentence of Basmallah according to the formula (W = M + E), the sentence of Basmallah is structured as follows:

    The sentence of

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