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Lion's Pride
Lion's Pride
Lion's Pride
Ebook403 pages6 hours

Lion's Pride

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While the war between the Alliance (comprised of expatriated soldiers from the United States, England, France, and Australia) and the Resistance (a union of European and Asian countries focused on world conquest) rages, the genetically modified species wage their own battles. Through the bloodshed, one antihero has risen to power; Cougar Reed. Now 19 years old, Cougar is married and his young wife is with a child. Joining Cougar's ever-growing list of enemies is Taipan; the most powerful Timere ever created. Cougar must maintain his focus on the war, while at the same time dealing with the extremely lethal enemies that have aligned against him. As the conflict escalates the price of the war continues to grow. Casualties pile up and dreams are fulfilled while others die a painful death. Now a new Timere has awakened into the world; the Mistress of Death... Black Widow. The gears of war will not cease to allow the young Reed time to catch his breath. His old nemesis is still alive and the Pride is more lethal than before.
Release dateAug 1, 2023
Lion's Pride

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    Lion's Pride - Jim Mohr


    Lion’s Pride

    ©2023 Jim Mohr

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    print ISBN: 979-8-35091-092-6

    ebook ISBN: 979-8-35091-093-3


    Part I

    Part II

    Part III

    Nonhumans (In Order of Power)

    Humans Of Interest

    Bases and Leaders

    Part I


    Doctor Victor Popov, in an attempt to awaken the hidden powers of the mind, has stumbled onto a physical, and paranormal manifestation of the duality of man. Popov’s goal of improving humanity by opening us to the powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and empathic powers has also unlocked the nightmares of induced hallucinations, psychosis, fear induction, and physical harm. The unintended consequences are being noticed by the team under Popov.

    Though human experimentation had long been accepted by most of the civilized world, especially after the worldwide economic collapse, Popov’s team has pushed the envelope. Their subjects have weighed the danger of the experimentation, versus the certainty of starvation, and the people have run to the scientist’s scalpels. Popov’s team has distributed their experiment worldwide and now must snuff out the error unless it should turn on its creator.

    Thirty months later a boy in Southern Wisconsin will have dreams about mountain lions. His story begins here:

    Chapter 1

    Dr. Jenna Andrev – Centre of Genetic Research: Moscow, Russia

    Another positive sample of the hormone in a test subject, another child not showing signs of having any power. This group of failures; the Russian Orlov twins, the Russian girl; Elsa Yetsla, and the Australian; Reginald Jones, all act the same way. The three Russians appear to be subservient to Jones, they act as if he were royalty.

    I check my notes searching for a missed clue. I am startled as the lab door opens. My research assistant; Theo Schneider, stands there, a look of concern on his face. Doctor Andrev, you must see the girl, the Yetsla girl. There is a problem.

    What is it Theo, what is wrong?

    It is difficult to explain. Hurry! Bring the dart gun. He turns and leaves the room.

    Recently, Doctor Popov has decided the Centre of Genetic Research scientists should have access to dart guns loaded with doses of haloperidol. The drug seems especially effective in subduing the children. We asked for real firearms, but Doctor Popov would not hear of us being armed with lethal weapons. The Doctor argued that we are already protected by the security forces surrounding the Centre, and therefore have no need for armaments other than the haloperidol.

    I dash to the security safe and key in my code. The door slides open, revealing the loaded dart gun. The CO2 cartridge is full and it is loaded with six darts. I grab the gun and hurry down the access hall towards the dorm rooms, gun in hand. The dorm rooms are separated into males on one side of the giant T-shaped housing section, and females on the other. One hall connects the T-shaped dorm section to the lab complex. The wings of the dormitory each have twenty rooms, most of which are occupied by the children being experimented on; these are Popov’s children, or at least that is how he sees them.

    My pace quickens when a scream of anger and pain echoes through the hall. I head towards the commotion, towards the girl’s rooms. Ahead of me stands Theo, motionless and facing the open dormitory door. The room is Elsa Yetsla’s.

    Theo shudders as he speaks. I am not going in there, Doctor Andrev. That girl is insane. She is not linking to a dog, cat, or bird. She seems to be fascinated with Reginald Jones.

    I hold the gun to my chest as I cautiously approach the girl’s room. Theo, get Marla. Tell her to come here. Marla is one of our successes. The American girl took the hormone and immediately dreamt of wolves. She and her boyfriend; John Fender, shared the same dreams. We believe that they are both now linked to wolves.

    Yes doctor, immediately, Theo replies as he sprints past Elsa’s door, on his way to Marla’s room.

    My vision blurs for a second as I slowly approach Elsa Yetsla’s door. I smell something… ginger, or ginger cookies. The cafeteria is on the other side of the compound. Am I suffering from phantosmia? Am I smelling something that doesn’t exist?

    A clicking noise and mumbling comes from Elsa’s room. I stand in front of the open door and peer into the dimly lit room. The sixteen-year-old girl is sitting on the heels of her feet; her back is to me. Around her lay piles of her hair, she mumbles while cutting the hair from her head. The smell of ginger again wafts over me as the girl’s form changes from a human girl to a bright green snake, and back again to a girl.

    Elsa, what are you doing? I shout as she stops cutting her hair and her head slowly raises, still facing away from me. A disturbing hiss comes from the girl as if she is a serpent. Elsa put the scissors down. I raise the dart gun, pointing it at her back. I can hear my heartbeat as fear grabs me.

    Elsa slowly stands and turns to face me; her form shifts yet again into the green snake. The snake form is nearly two meters in length with yellow eyes. My body shakes as this vision is truly terrifying.

    Lower the gun, Doctor Andrev. Lower it, or I will sssstrike. The girl’s voice has a serpentine quality to it, it is evil and full of hate.

    I step back, into the hallway, but I maintain the dart guns aim at the girl. Elsa, come with me. Doctor Popov will want to see you.

    She changes back to her human form and looks skyward slowly, as her eyes roll in their sockets. I do not answer to you anymore, human. I answer to my Lord; the great Taipan snake.

    I squeeze the handle of the dart gun tightly as a deadly chill blows over me. Who is Taipan, Elsa? What are you talking about?

    The girl changes into the snake again and moves towards me. I squeeze the trigger. The sound of the dart pops in my ears. For a moment the snake disappears and is replaced by Elsa, she is in the same spot as before. Her human form has not moved, though the snake appears to advance towards me. The snake returns and it is closer to me than it was, the girl’s body dissolves leaving no trace.

    I told you to put the gun down human, the snake says. I fire again, and a third time at the snake. It continues its slow advance. The giant snake laughs an evil, menacing laugh. I am Viper, I will kill you now. Then I will continue cutting my hair, I will continue becoming complete.

    I stagger backward as the enormous snake is only a few meters away from me. Suddenly, a pressure grabs my back. It is as if a dozen strong hands have grabbed me. The pressure moves me away from the door, to a point of safety. The feeling of being moved is odd, unnerving, and terrifying. My feet slide across the floor, my legs lock, and I have no control over them.

    I will take care of her, a female voice, speaking in English says. It is Marla, the American, the She-Wolf.

    The snake stops its advance as it shifts back into Elsa, she is standing in the center of the ring of her cut hair. The girl had not moved from her original location, the snake form I had seen is not Elsa but seems to be a hallucination created by the girl. Marla gently touches my shoulder and enters Elsa’s room. The air is charged as the two girls face each other. Elsa’s look is of pure hatred as she glares at Marla. We have awakened. You cannot stop us, Elsa says in Russian. Marla does not reply; she cannot speak Russian.

    I watch the two girls as Elsa’s head twitches. Her look of hatred is replaced with confusion and fear. Get out of my head, she yells at Marla!

    Marla raises her right hand; it is open as if she were reaching for a glass of water. Then, in perfect Russian, Marla speaks. I am Wolf. I will subdue you, snake.

    Elsa’s body twitches as her arms slam to her sides. She screams in anger and pain, her head twists from side to side. LET ME GO! LET ME GO, YOU BITCH!

    Marla turns her arm, still extended, and her hand still open. Dart her now. Her voice holds authority, more than a seventeen-year-olds voice should. I raise the dart gun again and squeeze the trigger. The dart strikes Elsa in the chest. The girl’s eyes roll back and she falls to the floor as Marla’s arm lowers.

    Marla, what was that?

    Human, that is what you’ve created. We’ve sensed them but could not act. If we would have, you humans would have thought that we were the aggressors. Marla stares at the unconscious body of Elsa Yetsla. We’re done with you. John and I are done with you. You’ve created monsters, these… She pauses as if thinking. Homo Timere, as you would call them. You fear them, they are humans to fear. Marla turns to leave and stops midstride. Doctor Popov is in imminent danger. He has discovered the Taipan. John is going to him, but if my Alpha is late, the doctor will die. You should flee this place regardless of the doctor’s condition.

    Chapter 2

    Dr. Jenna Andrev – Centre of Genetic Research: Moscow, Russia

    My body aches with the exertion of running. I am so out of shape, but I must hurry, I must find Doctor Popov. I pass the T intersection, continuing straight towards the boy’s rooms. My feet slide as I turn the corner down the main hallway and suddenly am face-to-face with John Fender.

    John grabs me with his powerful hands and shakes me; his anger causes my hair to stand on end. His touch hurts, it feels like the bite of a dog. You! He shakes me again. I was in your mind; I saw what you know! He pushes me back, into the corner of the hallway. You’ve known they existed, not like us, but they still have power! You knew!

    My head swims as an invisible power slams me against the wall, I cannot move. It feels like the power that Marla had used to move me. This is different though, this time the pressure has bite; like a wolf is grabbing my flesh in its mouth. The mysterious feeling of hands holding me, their squeeze takes the breath from my lungs. I am restrained so only my eyes and mouth can move. John, stop. You’re hurting me, I squeal, with what little air remains in my lungs.

    His gray eyes survey me and he growls. There is more? You and the good doctor have distributed the hormone. You have infected the CDC in America, the World Health Organization, and the Chinese Office of Disease Prevention! The American CIA has helped you?! He growls again and the pressure builds on my frame, my chest feels as though it will be crushed. What have you humans done?

    John releases me and I slide to the floor gasping. John, it is for your kind, I inhale deeply. To better humanity. We distributed the hormone to create more like you.

    John stares at me, I can feel his power. You have also created ones like him! He points towards Reginald Jones’s room. The Wolves are leaving. Play your games and try to be God. They will kill you all. You will learn the errors of your ways; you will learn, and others will die because of your actions. He briskly walks past me, stops, and turns to face me. The dogs are finished with you. You will receive no aid from any members of my family. Rely on the birds and cats to save you, human. Your comfort will come from a murderer, a soul worse than the snakes. He leaves, heading towards the T intersection, towards the girl’s rooms, and Marla.

    I bend over, trying to calm my nerves, trying to relax-catch my breath. Ahead of me lies the hallway lined with doors on either side. Reginald Jones’s room is the second one on the left, past our newest subject; Ivan Bol’shoy.

    I approach the door to Reginald’s room-as I know now as Taipan. I hear coughing and wheezing from someone inside. My knock on the closed door is gentle, the fear has sapped my strength. Reginald? It is Doctor Andrev, is everything all right? I can hear the shuffling of feet from inside the room. The door opens and I am face to face with my mentor, Doctor Victor Popov. His face is pale, his eyes are wide with terror.

    Between shallow, raspy breaths he speaks. Jenna, we were so wrong!

    What is it, Doctor Popov?

    Him, he points back into the room, his eyes are black, he is soulless, evil. He calls himself Taipan. Doctor Popov staggers and grabs the doorjamb. He… told me that he wanted more hormone. I refused… Inside the room, a weak, sedated moan sounds out. Give me your gun! Doctor Popov reaches for my dart gun. I relinquish it to him. He reenters the room, and the sound of the CO2 cartridge firing startles me. Doctor Popov returns, dart gun still in hand. We must get rid of them, Reginald, and anyone like him.

    I nod as I speak, Elsa also changed; she calls herself Viper. She told me that she answers to her Lord, the Taipan snake.

    Doctor Popov drops the dart gun, a look of shock and fear on his face. They are failures. Get them all out of here! Now that we know that they are linked to each other they must go.

    I grab Doctor Popov’s hand; it is clammy and shaking. Doctor, we should euthanize them. They aren’t right. Elsa was causing me to hallucinate. I think the others, like Marla and John, can sense them.

    Doctor Popov pulls his hand free and rubs his face. No, they are my children. I cannot kill them. Get them out of here. Drop them off in Mozhaysk. Let them die in the street. Strip them of all their belongings and remove any identifiers. Let them suffer under the rule of humans. Let them freeze to death.

    I peer into the room, into the darkness. From the light of the hallway, I can see Reginald’s face looking at me, his black eyes absorbing the light. Doctor Popov, how many times did you dart him?

    Once from my gun, once from yours. Why?

    He must be unconscious… His eyes are open.

    Yes, my dart was one of the 10mg doses of haloperidol, plus your dart. He is out. Now get them out of here. Have the twins removed as well.

    I enter Reginald’s room, to check on him. I cannot tell if he is awake or not, his eyes do not move. My vision shifts as I see fire, smoke, and death. I smell burnt flesh, burning wood. In the vision, I see the vials we use to inject the hormone into the children. As the hallucination leaves, and my vision returns, Reginald’s eyes close slowly. He is smiling.

    Chapter 3

    Dr. Victor Popov – Centre of Genetic Research: Moscow, Russia

    18 Months Later

    Eighteen months, and no word from my expelled subjects, the Timere. Eighteen months, and no threats, no dart guns, no hallucinations. Maybe it is passed, maybe they are dead. I can never forgive myself for my failure. The evil properties of the first group of Timere had to have been influenced by Taipan, the others here do not exhibit those same properties.

    Our research has answered several questions in the time since the failures were expelled. We have discovered that 5% of the time one injection causes the Imperium gland to grow. DNA is altered, and the gland is self-sufficient; producing the hormone on its own, to feed the nonhuman subject their powers. Half of those who change are Homo Mentis Lector. I will call them Psychokinetic’s. For the other half, I have adopted the name given by my former pupil Marla. They will be called Homo Timere. Each hormone injection to a human gives a 5% chance of them changing.

    The ring of my phone startles me awake from my thoughts. Yes, this is Popov.

    Doctor, people are approaching the main gate. They are… The phone goes dead as the sound of gunfire rings out. The cold April night comes alive with sirens, the Centre is being attacked.

    Explosions sound from the front gate. If it is Reginald… Taipan, I know the guards are dead. We will all be dead. He is after the hormone. I must destroy it; I mustn’t let him grow more powerful. I will burn this place to the frozen ground. The papers, the computers, the subjects, all must perish in the inferno.


    Doctor Andrev, wake Ivan. Tell him to meet me in the genetics lab. I can hear Jenna’s sigh through the phone. Jenna? I ask again, as more explosions and gunfire ring out. They are closer than the previous barrage. However, they are still in the security section of the Centre.

    Yes doctor, I am here. What are your plans, her voice cracks with fear?

    I just destroyed the hormone lab, along with all the hormone, save for one vial. I have it, it is sealed and protected from the elements. I need you to wake Ivan, send him to the genetics lab, and then flee out the back exit. Find a safe escape. Ivan will sense you, and you both must take this vial and flee. I am destroying the Animalia lab now.

    No Doctor Popov, let us both come with you. It will be safer if the three of us are together.

    No Jenna, if Reginald catches all three of us, we all will die, and he will have the hormone. He cannot be in three places at once. This way, if Ivan doesn’t reach me, I will flee. If you cannot find a safe path, then Ivan and I may escape. Do what I ask, NOW! More gunfire rings out, screams, and the smell of smoke blows through the air vent in the lab. Jenna, I will burn this lab as well, our failures have come home to kill us.

    Very well Doctor Popov, I will get Ivan. Kill all the Timere animals, release the Psychokinetic ones. We do not need the Timere turning snakes and spiders on us. Doctor, please hurry to us, please be safe, Jenna says.

    Thank you, Jenna, I have loved working with you. Reginald will be expecting you to have the hormone. Do something unexpected. One thing though, do not let Ivan inject himself with the hormone. His sanity is still solid, any more and he could slip. You both are the only hope of keeping it from Reginald.

    Understood Doctor Popov. I’m getting him now. The phone goes dead. I survey the caged animals and the DNA samples. The dogs whine, they sense the evil approaching. I put the phone down and pull out my lighter and open the full bottle of accelerant. I will not save these animals; they all must die. I spray the flammable liquid on the animals and as it ignites, strange memories come to mind. The children’s dreams, the animals in the dreams. The animals would repeat words I have used at every hormone injection. You are predator, you will never be prey. Why is this? What world has opened to my children?

    The heat from the flames sears my arm and I leap back, free of it. The animals scream as they burn. The fire system has ceased to work, no water falls from the sprinklers. The fires at the front of the building must have overloaded the system. The cries of the burning dogs, cats, and birds make my ears hurt. The smell of burning flesh, insects, and fur feeds the nightmare inferno.

    I must get to the genetics lab. It is on the other side of the science wing. Ivan will be closer to it than I am, he doesn’t have a key to enter, however. As I leave the burning Animalia lab, I smile. Ivan is the third most powerful Homo Mentis Lector I have created. He can find a way into the genetics lab.

    Explosions, gunfire, and more screams startle me from my mind’s wanderings. I am exhausted, my mind is mush, and my will is spent. At my feet lies a long-knifed scalpel. A tool for small dissections. I grab it and begin the journey to my destination, to my favorite student; Ivan, my child who dreamt of tigers.

    I round corners and I reminisce about the night that Ivan had his first dream. That was the night that Reginald and the others were removed. It was my last meeting with Reginald. Ivan had dreamt of saving people from a great fire. His empathy power awoke then. It sorrows me that his empathy wasn’t more powerful. The boy is such a loving soul.

    My feet slip as my legs churn around corners and down hallways. More gunfire, another explosion. They are closer than before, probably at the main door to the science wing. I cannot escape from this; I know now that I must kill Reginald. My fingers ache as I grip the scalpel tighter.

    Ahead of me is the genetics lab. Inside it, there isn’t anything linked to the hormone. It is full of Theo’s work on the genetics of various animals and insects. He has always believed that some secret to our children lies in the animal’s genome. Traces of the modified gene resemble some of his research; a beagle dog, a dove, a calico cat. Later, he saw the Timere traces; a black widow spider, a cobra, the vampire fish; payara.

    I arrive at the lab and discover the door is gone, twisted metal and shrapnel litter the floor where it once stood. I smile as I enter the dark room. In front of me stands the dark shadow of a seventeen-year-old boy. My son, I knew you would find a way in.

    Ivan steps forward. The light from the hallway illuminates his face. His green-yellow tiger eyes comfort me. The Taipan has come back, hasn’t he?

    Yes Ivan, he has. I want you to flee. Take this. I hand him the hormone. Leave out the back exit. Find Doctor Andrev and give it to her. Do not let Reginald get that hormone. Explosions and gunfire again ring out, they are well inside the science wing.

    Ivan looks towards the sounds. Let me fight him, let me defend you.

    I grab his arm. No! He will kill you. I could not bear to lose you! Take the hormone, find someone who can benefit from its power. Ivan, don’t inject that hormone into yourself. You are precious to me and it will drive you insane.

    He remains looking towards the science wing entrance. I can beat him.

    Ivan! I shake the lad. He looks at me lovingly. He is not alone, he has other Timere with him. They will kill you and take the hormone. If Reginald gets it, he will enslave all humanity in a world of psychosis and hallucinations. Find Doctor Andrev, flee here.

    The boy lunges forward and embraces me. For a moment I hear what I think is purring, it must be my guts. I haven’t eaten in days, my insides are empty, and I am tired. I love you, father Popov, I will never be prey.

    My pride in this boy causes tingling to run up my spine. I hug him tightly. Run Ivan, don’t look back.

    In a moment he releases me and is gone, towards the rear exit. I look at the scalpel, it is time for the Taipan to die.

    Chapter 4

    Taipan – Centre of Genetic Research: Moscow, Russia

    For a fleeting moment, I sense a Psychokinetic. Powerful, but not that wretched Wolf, John Fender. The Wolves are gone, they fled long ago.

    My human servants have all willingly sacrificed their lives for my purpose. Willingly I say, with the insanity and images I placed into their feeble minds. Now, it is only me, and my two twin Piranha. My dear Viper is covering the rear of the Centre if Popov should flee out of some hidden hole in the back of the place.

    Behind me, the two Russian twin Piranhas click their recently sharpened teeth. With their deboning hooks in hand, we are ready to complete my ascension to God status. All I need is more hormone.

    Ahead of me lies the genetics lab. The destruction of the hormone lab assures me that Popov knows it is me who has come. He will not ruin his work to spite me. No, he will not. He will secure some trace of it. He will hide it either with Doctor Andrev or with that putrid German man; Theo Schneider.

    Shrapnel and twisted metal cover the floor of the lab and amidst it all, I sense a human. It is Popov. He has a key card to this lab, so the destruction of its door must’ve been the work of the mind reader I had sensed earlier.

    Doctor Popov, I call out. My Australian accent will give me away. It doesn’t matter because he knows it is me. The Piranha click their teeth as I extend my hallucination power outward. I feel his mind and I weave the images into it. Doctor Popov, come now. Your son has come home, won’t you talk to me? When last we met, you were rude to me. I step into the doorway. He is there in the dark, arms behind his back. In my years as his subject, I never saw him stand like that. He is up to something. There you are, Doctor Popov.

    I reach out with my psychosis-sensing power, he is close to breaking, and his exhaustion, hunger, and his terror have weakened his mind. Yet, he has a fear that can be exploited… snakes. The Piranha enter the room and walk past me. They stop between Popov and me, though they allow a clear path for my power.

    Reginald, why have you returned?

    Come now, you know. One thing though, I say as I raise my arms and push the hallucination of my black and gold snake image into his mind. My cloak moves with my arms, and he gasps. The illusion is doing its work. His hands come forward revealing a silver knife. I am Taipan! My shout makes the Piranha click their teeth and tap their hooks together, they are giving me glory. Doctor, give me the hormone.

    I destroyed it, his voice is thick with fear, It is gone.

    I push my illusion further; I make it slither and pose. I’m not a fool. To him, my voice is a hiss. Wetness runs down his leg, I can see it in the flickering light. Give the hormone to me, now! I will swallow your soul Doctor Popov; I will consume you if you do not give the hormone to me.

    He drops to his knees in terror. I gave the last of it to Ivan, to Tiger. He’s giving it to Doctor Andrev. They fled out the rear exit.

    I know that he is truthful, my illusion has him on the brink of insanity. That is too bad for you, Doctor. You have inconvenienced the great snake God, now your mind must feel the bite of that weapon that you have conveniently brought with you. There is no reason for me to soil my scales, you will do it yourself.

    One final push of my power and Popov’s mind unhinges. Without hesitation, he strikes himself in the right eye with his knife, burying it up to his hand. In the dim light, I see the other eye dilate and go lifeless. Blood and clear fluid run from the wound as he falls forward, dead.

    My Piranha click their teeth in satisfaction. I look at them. They went out the back. It’s up to Viper to catch the cat and the human. I exit the lab. Come, I yell at the Piranha. They would have followed me regardless of my command. These humans are taunting this great snake, I may have to strike.

    Chapter 5

    Tiger – Centre of Genetic Research: Moscow, Russia

    Without concentrating, the back door is ripped from its hinges. The freezing April air strikes me, causing my skin to cry in pain. I am not dressed for this weather. My healing power will only prolong the frostbite, it will not save me from it. If I cannot find clothing, I will freeze.

    The harsh winter has left a layer of snow over a half meter deep on the countryside. Before me lies trees and snow, two sets of tracks from human feet leave the Centre. I cannot tell if they are the same person, or if a Timere is in my mind and is causing me to hallucinate. Behind me, the fires burn. I know the cause of this is the snake. I feel sad as I look at the golden flames. Doctor Popov was ready to die, I read his mind. He fears Taipan, and what he will be if he gets the hormone. I will kill Taipan if I see him… I am Tiger and I will not cower to a snake!

    In the darkness, I look at the vial. It is sealed and protected from age and the elements, sheathed in shatterproof glass. I know that it can still freeze, but I do not know if that will affect its quality. I place it in my pocket, to keep it tight and warm… For now.

    I plod into the snow as I sense a being ahead in the dark, it doesn’t seem like dear Jenna. I think it is like my friend, Kaikane. Jenna!? Doctor Andrev!? Kaikane, is it you? My toes burn with icy pain as the cold snow enters my shoes. My paws are not ready for this, I am tamed, I am soft. Doctor Andrev is that you!? My senses now register the being in front of me. It is not human; it is not Kaikane.

    The light of the Centre’s fires cast eerie shadows on the snow. My vision sparkles as snakes seem to grow from the shadows. The blackness is replaced by green snakes, bright and vibrant. I shake my head and growl; this is a hallucination. Stop it, whoever you are!

    A laugh sounds from the dark and is followed by speech. Who are you, Psychokinetic? The voice is from a female Russian.

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