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Flip Your Switch: A User's Guide to a Whole New Mind
Flip Your Switch: A User's Guide to a Whole New Mind
Flip Your Switch: A User's Guide to a Whole New Mind
Ebook305 pages2 hours

Flip Your Switch: A User's Guide to a Whole New Mind

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"When you open Flip Your Switch, you're not just reading. You embark on a remark- able journey. Early on, Dr. Teri extols the value of being a whole person and prom- ises that life itself can mean something extraordinary. You visit inside yourself and acquire new lenses to see the world of possibilities. Hang on tight. It will prove to b

Release dateJul 5, 2023
Flip Your Switch: A User's Guide to a Whole New Mind

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    Book preview

    Flip Your Switch - Dr. Teri Baydar


    Firstly, I must dedicate this book to my Daimon and Guide, Samantha Baydar. She taught me Love Consciousness.

    I am so grateful to my clients for their vulnerability, faith, and hard work. I learn from them as they learn from me.

    To all of the minions and volunteers who have shared my passion for love consciousness, I acknowledge you. This book would not have been possible without your contribution.


    By Lama Surya Das

    Flip Your Switch: Why the Hell Not?

    I have known Dr. Teri personally for years, and she’s a good One. I cherish what we have shared together in sacred space. I’m referencing the almost inexpressible and indescribable soul and magic of the winding path of life. At the core of life’s journey, we seek communion and ultimate connection. That’s my interest here.

    What exactly Dr. Teri is can be hard to say or define—teacher, healer, muse, mystic, spirit embodied in a fine female form… Centuries of philosophy and mysticism are processed, integrated, and blended together for our modern purposes and understanding in this fine book.

    When I become clearer, everything becomes clearer. That’s why I love meditation practice, and have been practicing for fifty years now, awareness cultivation, lovingkindness, and self-inquiry. We are all the creators of our own life; this is the art of living, and we the artists. Why give away your brush, your free agency? Observe the impermanence and interconnectedness surrounding you. Realize that autonomy within the connectedness of interdependence. It’s not what happens to you but what you make of it that makes all the difference. This is the secret of self-mastery.

    One of the rules of my recent pandemic-aided Rewirement (forget about retiring!) is not to get lost in the details and fail to see the forest for the trees. Not to sweat the small stuff. To follow my joy path. To realize that life is long enough for those who know how to live. To be there while getting there, every single step of the way. I simply no longer wait, I am.

    A Daimon, a light being like Dr. Teri’s Daimon, Samantha, lives beyond time, space, and form. People like Dr. Teri are in touch with their Daimon and maintain close contact in such a way with that Source of all wholeness, goodness, personal growth, transformation, healing, and wellness, that they themselves embody and radiate it. Her message here in this illumined manuscript is that you don’t have to go on suffering, remain stuck in your rut, over-compromise or give up during these confused, agitated, cacophonous days. You too can be whole and wholesome again, fresh, innocent, healed, and even holy. You can succeed beyond your wildest dreams. Where we meet our Daimon is as close as one can be to the dawn of creation, the Creator, the first note. We can take on the responsibility for creating a new world, transforming our life, no longer being lulled into feelings of inadequacy, powerlessness, fear, anxiety, helplessness, or victimhood. Give yourSelf that chance.

    Assume your Buddha seat, on the spot, on the dot, as you are. Why not? Give it a try. Dr. Teri has, and this book can help you to accomplish just that. Listen to her, hear Samantha, and find yourSelf among the better angels of your true nature, one’s own original goodness, that all-but-forgotten, oft-overlooked, too-good-to-be-true authentic and incorruptible, changeless Edenic Garden. Let’s usher in the kingdom of heaven, not wait for someone else to come and do it. The kingdom is within, as the good books say. Within each and all of us, together. I rejoice and live in that.

    This book points to the natural wholesome evolution of each human being. Have you ever had a sense there is something more to life? This book can help you understand this next level of being and living. Flip Your Switch takes complex concepts and breaks them down to bite-sized pieces to help you more easily integrate timeless wisdom and universal principles. With this timely practical advice in your life, it can help you evolve in any number of ways. If you want happiness and contentment, fulfillment, meaning, and purpose in your life that you just can’t yet seem to hone in on—this book explains and unpacks the steps to help you achieve your goals. This book gives you clarity to transform and shift your consciousness. This book converts talking into doing. This book helps you overcome what can often be your greatest enemy—your mind and subconscious thought, your self-limiting beliefs, fears, hidden drives, and anachronistic behaviors. Awareness is curative. Living authentically and truly in the holy now is the ultimate therapy and bliss; check it out. Grok it. The combination of Self-knowledge and insightful awareness is the universal panacea, the pearl beyond price sought by seekers of all kinds throughout history and around the world.

    Talking to Samantha, Dr. Teri’s Daimon, is like that. Dr. Teri provides a translator, and portal for directly accessing the Source—one’s own higher power and inner power simultaneously—and the lessons are learned. That’s The Eleventh Commandment, by the way: listen up, learn the lessons, or get left behind. Some might call it reincarnation: ya have to keep coming back till you get the joke, or get the point, or whatever. Just get it, here, now. Why not make the leap?

    In my Forest Gump-like life, I have encountered other ascendant or higher-level beings, ascended masters, and beings of light and love.

    Here is such a person. A light in this world rather than a blight on the landscape. A Bodhisattva, a spiritual warrior for peace and awakening. A compassionate altruist in service to the highest through serving even the lowest. Her Daimon, Samantha, an archetypal light-being or ascended master—whom I have come to know a bit myself, if I may presume—is the real deal. People like Teri seem to have a higher calling, and aren’t the average plodding bipeds pounding the pavements of life preoccupied mainly with thinking what about me and mine, while looking for a safe haven, secure food and drink, belonging and love.

    These auspicious ones have a far more vast and deep God-given (let’s say) assignment. It is to bring down the sacred fire from the mountaintops and tamp down the high voltage of burning bushes and solar flares (spiritually speaking) into am/fm bands, and other energy frequencies. They do this so we can more easily access the frequencies with our radios, TVs, and human senses.

    These communications are both cosmic and practical. They are ultimate, pithy, and also suited to our particular time and place. They are therefore timeless yet timely and fresh right now, with the moist breath of the angelic dakinis upon them. They are delivered in English, in our ears, hearts, minds, families, and communities, for our edification and internal elevation, broadening and deepening, wisening up and thriving, loving life in all its myriad forms and oddness.

    Anyone like me who wants and needs to get in touch and stay in touch with Source, with higher power, with true Self, with their Buddha-like innate nature, with the universe, with divine love and sacred light and life—can vastly benefit from this extraordinary message. I know I have. And if I can do it, anyone can.

    There’s taste and sight, sound and vision of another reality here, a tried and true path, and sacred journey to be made. Why not give it a chance? Why not give yourSelf a chance? I wish that for you. Come and see.

    Lama Surya Das

    Dzogchen Center

    Cambridge, Mass., Sept 2022

    How This Book Works

    This book is designed to help guide you through a personal transformational experience. In Flip Your Switch , unlike traditional teaching and learning methodologies, we do not go about ingurgitating theoretical knowledge and then spitting it up in a certain way in order to get a good grade.

    That’s not how life works. Life teaches us backwards. We are met with a challenge, then inspired to change something or grow, to somehow evolve into better versions of ourselves. In this growth and evolutionary process, we seek knowledge and guidance to make sense of our experience and growth. This book is just that. Knowledge and guidance to help you evolve. It is structured in constellation fashion, kind of like connect the dots. The book is not completely linear, for good reason. Life itself is not linear.

    As you read this book, you will be invited, at different points, to look into other authors, TED Talks, movies, and other forms of personal experience and information gathering. Every person’s journey is unique and created from within, according to their unique divine seed, or Daimon. Be at choice about investigating other external sources of learning to fortify your understanding of the Flip Your Switch process. When you are satisfied in your heart and mind that you have sufficiently explored the principle of a chapter, move on to the next.

    This is a small book that can be your touchstone. Come back to it, over and over again. Leave it by your bedside. This book can be a great friend on your personal, unique, experiential journey of self-evolution.

    As you move through the book, you will be prompted and expected to think less and less from your left brain, and more and more with your right mind, or what I like to call your heart mind. As you evolve, more will be revealed to you, both in the book and in life.

    It’s your journey, claim it. Synchronicity is a natural occurrence and it will help you find your way. This is uncharted territory for most people. It is stepping into the unknown. So go easy, and step lightly. Be kind to yourself in your process of evolution. Keep coming back to this touchstone to get informational and energetic nudges to grow yourself.


    A Constant Choice of Being

    What if there were a way to grow yourself into a successful, happy, fulfilled, whole human being and positively impact the world around you? Would you grab that chance or let it slip away out of complacency and fear?

    So many of us try so hard to do the right thing, follow the rules, figure out how best to be successful, to no avail. It seems as if the way the world is set up, you can’t win.

    We become defined by what we do, what we have, and how we look. We, as humans, are suffering from a lack of being whole, fulfilled, and knowing that our life means something. This state of suffering creates feelings of dissatisfaction and defeat, which can permeate into our whole being, affecting us at work and at home.

    This book focuses on empowering each of us as human beings so that we can choose how we live and how we show up in the world. Everyone wants to be happy. Everyone wants to evolve beyond feelings of suffering. Flip Your Switch shares skills and tools that can be adopted. Through practice you can begin to deconstruct assumptions and lift the veil which holds you back from being able to truly see the magic within you and in the world around you.

    There are inherent destructive constructs in the world around us, which influence us in our choices and behaviors, often without us realizing it. These destructive constructs are not real and create a distorted map, leading us astray. This map lacks fulfillment principles and overemphasizes performance. For example, you’re supposed to get good grades, make lots of money, be connected and available 24/7, climb the corporate ladder, be the next Elon Musk by age 35, and more. It never ends. We have become units of productivity; our purpose is to perpetuate a chain of actionable tasks designed to create results to benefit someone (or something) else, not in our best interest or the best interest of the overall ecosystem.

    You’ve become a casualty of this way of doing business and living life. It’s not your fault. But, to evolve and be happy is your direct, individual responsibility. Only you can do this from the inside out. Flipping your switch from feeling unfulfilled and left behind to experiencing opportunities of growth and happiness is the heart of this book.

    You’re not alone. All of my clients come to me in a state of frustration and stuck-ness. Their intuition tells them there is something more to life and they find their way to me. Divine intervention is no accident. That you have picked up this book is no accident.

    I teach and practice the foundations, concepts, and thought experiments shared in this book with my private coaching clients. When they are truly open to learning to evolve and bring more happiness to their lives, these skills and methodologies generate tangible and life-changing results. People’s true stories are shared in this book. Details of their lives have been altered and aliases applied to protect their privacy.

    Breaking the cycle is scary, and it makes us feel even more vulnerable. However, if we can break the cycle in our mind, we can break the cycle in our lives. If you can learn to flip your switch, the landscape of your mind can begin to shift the landscape of your life. Your mental and emotional landscape will not only transform you, it will constructively impact those around you. Flipping your switch will enable you to belong with ease instead of pretzeling yourself out of shape to try to fit in.

    What your life is, or will be, depends on how consistently you choose to be in one of two states of being. There are two ways of approaching life: one is constructive and inherently connected to the ecosystem of life, supporting you in your evolution and happiness; the second is destructive, calculating, and exploitative, undermining you in your evolution and happiness.

    As an individual and human being, you are constantly required to choose whether you will plug into the flow of life (constructive), actively inviting and engaging in your journey to unfold, or be condemned to a superficial life (destructive), skimming across the surface, chasing the next thing.

    If you choose the constructive path, this book is meant for you.

    Part I

    The Basics of the Mind


    To Think Is To Create

    Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t—you’re right.


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