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Poker Night at Samuel's: A Jim Kuhl Story
Poker Night at Samuel's: A Jim Kuhl Story
Poker Night at Samuel's: A Jim Kuhl Story
Ebook173 pages2 hours

Poker Night at Samuel's: A Jim Kuhl Story

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About the Book

Poker is a universally enjoyable and strategic card game. The setting at Samuel Newcastle’s mansion is comprised of a unique group of people. Such a delightful opportunity, each Wednesday night, for them to escape from their frenzied lives. Samuel had personally chosen each of these men and women because of their unique talents to help in his secret mission.

An unexpected adventure begins when they are stranded at Samuel’s mansion because of a massive snowstorm. These diverse poker players start telling stories about themselves. But then they are informed by Samuel of an imminent danger, and they agree to become warriors. Their first task is to defend Samuel’s property from being attacked. After this experience, they officially become members of Samuel’s Secret Justice Society, a group that applies justice to those who otherwise may escape any type of judgment.

Today’s world is full of fear, uncertainty, and a conception that justice is not equally applied to all. This book has a universal appeal because readers, regardless of background and social status, can use their imaginations to judge the characters and to consider how justice should be applied.

About the Author

Jim Kuhl lives on the banks of the Wisconsin River with his wife of fifty-one years. The quiet life is appreciated as they are retired from hectic days in the corporate and financial world. Now, it is about gardening, reading, river life, and visits with children and grandchildren. Jim discovered that doing what one wants to do makes the days pass by quickly.

PublisherRoseDog Books
Release dateJul 20, 2023
Poker Night at Samuel's: A Jim Kuhl Story

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    Poker Night at Samuel's - JIm Kuhl

    Wednesday Night Poker

    It started as an occasional get-together to socialize over a beer and a friendly card game. When it became an obsession is hard to tell, but now every Wednesday night is poker night for twenty souls. Usually, a few people cannot make it each week due to some conflict, but Samuel Newcastle can count on at least twelve of them to knock on his hilltop mansion door each Wednesday evening. Even if Samuel is not home, the group meets at his house, with his live-in housekeeper Rosa hosting the bunch of gamblers.

    Samuel Newcastle never did have a traditional job. His grandfather and father were wealthy lawyers who made their fortunes in lucrative lawsuits against large corporations.  The plan was for Samuel to follow in their footsteps and become a member of the law firm, but he could not bring himself to do it. He was a brilliant student throughout elementary, high school, college, law school, and a PHD program, but applying his knowledge to everyday life was not a connection he could make. Instead, he found fun in playing games of probability that he thought he could outwit. Playing against computers quickly became boring for him and going to crowded casinos with the unhealthy atmosphere bothered him, so he started to invite selected people to his house for a friendly game of poker. He loved the socializing, the intellectual discussions, and the plying of wits against one another. Being invited to become one of Samuel’s poker buddies was a privilege and many inquired about coming.  It was because of this high demand that Samuel decided on a twenty-person limit.

    This Wednesday was a bit unusual in that all twenty people showed up.  Samuel was not expecting even twelve because of the below freezing February weather and the prediction of a late-night snowstorm. But then, his poker buddies were unusual in each of their individual ways. By seven o’clock all twenty were in his second story poker room, throwing dice to determine who would play at each of the four tables. Rosa was busy being the bartender and serving the usual snacks. All the elements for a pleasant evening were in place.  

    Clean Teeth

    When the 19th century grandfather clock chimed 9:00 P.M., everyone in the poker room commented on how fast two hours had gone by. One of Samuel’s rules was to take a half-hour break at 9:00 for discussion and to allow those needing to leave early an absolute period to do so.  No one left early this night, so all twenty walked over to Samuel’s study for cognac, where Samuel announced that the topic of the week was cleanliness.  Each week he picked a general topic on which his guests were to state their opinion and provide solutions to critical problems. Samuel has always been a neat freak, and everyone in the room knew that he picked this topic a few times a year, so each of them have prepared opinions and ideas to make him feel at ease.  Since the break time is limited to half an hour, only a couple of thoughts get expressed before the gaming resumes for another two hours.

    It had started snowing quite heavily, so half of the crowd was looking out the windows watching how the falling snow glittered through the yard lights as it settled on the contoured surfaces of the backyard gardens. A discussion erupted about the snow, but Samuel called everyone back to attention and repeated the evening’s topic. Of course, everyone followed instructions and prepared for a serious topical discussion as was their custom. That was, until the owner of the largest commercial construction company in the state quickly moved his head back and forth giving everyone a curious toothy smile.

    Samuel inquired about his smile, and, after a pause, David Kennington told the story about an experience he had the past summer with his grandchildren.  His family was at their summer lake home, and it being an unusually cool July evening, they were enjoying a conversation around the fire pit. Someone mentioned how his grandchildren did not always brush their teeth as per their parents’ instructions. The parents expressed concern about how to get them to brush their teeth at least twice a day, especially at night. David listened to their concerns, paused a bit, then asked his grandchildren to sit next to him so that they could hear every word he said. He asked if they brushed their teeth and they all said they did and did a good job doing it.

    Good, David said, Because I wouldn’t want you to kiss any mice.

      Puzzled, one child asked, Kiss mice?  

    Yes, repeated David, You all have seen mice around the cottage. How many of you have seen mice around your yards and house?  

    All raised their hands and said they have seen dead mice caught in traps.  

    You know, David said, Mice and other little critters live in our houses, and they come out at night looking for food. The mice especially are looking for cheese and milk related products and can smell them no matter where they are in the house. Mice are smart and know to go first to the best spot they think food can be had. How many of you have a snack sometimes after dinner?  

    All raised their hands.

    I assume milk and other dairy products, like perhaps cheese are a common treat?  

    Most agreed that it was.

    Well, have you seen other people sleep?

    All said yes in unison.

    Well then, you know that at some time during the night most people roll over onto their backs and often sleep with their mouths open, breathing through their mouths. Food stuck between people’s teeth flavors their breath. I am sure you have smelled other people’s bad breath.  

    The kids excitedly said, Yuk, and made faces agreeing that they had smelled other people’s bad breath.

    Mice have a super sense of smell, and they can smell the breath of these people sleeping with their mouths open, especially if these sleepers have not brushed their teeth. This smell directs the mice to the bed of the sleeper where they jump up, scurry to the body of the sleeper and eventually creep to the gaping mouth. Once at the banquet, the mice clean the teeth making sure that every morsel of food is taken before they start their journey back to their nest. So, you see, you are kissing mice whenever you invite them to do so with food in your teeth.

    David said that he did not get much of a reaction from his grandchildren and forgot about his story until the next family get-together at Thanksgiving.  The adults were having a beverage after the children went to bed and one of the parents brought up the subject of brushing teeth and how the children were making an extra effort to get them clean at night.  All the parents agreed and said that their children all told them that they don’t want to be kissed by mice.  The funny thing is that all the adults said they too make an extra effort to clean their teeth at night and that my story had really freaked them out.  

    When David finished his story, there was silence until Samuel said, You bastard, I won’t sleep on my back ever again.  I know there are mice in this house, and you just gave me the creeps.  Then he laughed and said, "Usually our discussions are technical and scientific, but you struck an emotional chord that is very effective.  In fact, good dental hygiene is critical to a healthy life, and you discovered how to compel people to improve.  Bravo!  Now, let’s get back to the tables.  Since no one had to leave, let’s keep the same tables we had prior to the break.  Agree?"

    All did.  

    Storm Warning

    At 11:30 P.M., Rosa came into the poker room to announce the time and to inform Mayor Bailey that he had a phone call.  The group typically broke up at 11:30 so they could get home for a good night’s sleep as most of them had to go to work the following day.  When Mayor Bailey came back from taking his phone call in Samuel’s study, he announced that the street crews were trying to keep pace with the snowstorm’s fury and wanted to keep people off the streets.  In the past few hours, the snow had fallen at the rate of an inch per hour, with high winds causing blowing and drifting and with no end in sight; the National Weather Service had issued a winter storm warning for the entire eastern half of the state.  

    Upon hearing the mayor’s announcement, Samuel offered them lodging in his home and instructed Rosa to make up the bedrooms.  None of the group wanted to leave the premises to fight the elements, so they were relieved by Samuel’s offer, even looked forward to this unique adventure.  No one had ever stayed at Samuel’s house past midnight, but it was well known that the lights were always on in the house until nearly dawn.  They wondered if they would be sleeping, gambling, or something else.

    The answer came at 11:47, when the lights flickered a few times, then went out and did not come back on.  Samuel and Rosa brought out candles, lanterns and flashlights for all to use.  The supply of these items was extensive, so lights were available wherever a warm body decided to go.  The mayor called the city’s emergency management coordinator who informed him that due to the heavy snow and high winds countless miles of the city and county were without power.  An accurate assessment of the situation couldn’t yet be made, but his best guess was that it would be hours before any electric lights would be seen.  

    Samuel only had a few gas-fired generators designated for specific uses.  He toyed with the idea of installing a large generator capable of providing power to the whole property, but his gambling friends assured him that it would not be necessary because he was in an area that would always be first to have power restored.  Even though he knew better, he had listened to their advice, with the price now being paid.

    By 12:15 A.M., everything had settled down, and all twenty were in Samuel’s study enjoying another cognac.  Who or how the idea was first presented is still being debated, but it was decided that none of them would go to sleep that night until all had a chance to tell a true story of personal experience, the topic of their choosing.  This seemed a reasonable decision since one story had already been told, and 19 stories could be heard in plenty of time for them to get to bed for at least a few hours of sleep.  So, David, having already told his story, wrote 19 numbers on separate sheets of paper and put them in a hat for each participant to draw.  Once done, Rosa was instructed to keep everyone supplied with refreshments and snacks.  More overstuffed chairs were brought to the study where they were put in a circle with a series of coffee tables in the center for everyone’s convenience.  By 12:35 AM, all was set, and the first story began.

    Just a Game

    Earl Wiggins, warden of the state maximum security penitentiary, drew number one.  Not being much of a storyteller, Earl paused, sipped his scotch and water, looked at the eager faces and began to talk slowly about the number of times this group had talked about our country’s method of applying justice to criminals and had debated if prisons could reform criminals.  He always defended the state’s prison system and took the side of reforming prisoners, so it was a surprise to this audience when he forgot all political correctness and talked from the heart.

    If you knew what goes on in our prisons, and what happens on our streets, you would be scared to death for your safety and the safety of your families.  I watched the gang activity in my prison and noticed patterns of behavior that I thought were unique to my prison population.  But when talking to other prison wardens about what I saw, they confided in me that they have seen the same thing.  But, as long as these people and I use that term loosely, are in our prisons, we can control them and take the proper precautions.  Unfortunately, these people are too easily released from our prisons and are spread throughout our cities and towns left to play their deadly games.

    I’m sure you are aware that there are ethnic and racial gangs in prisons, which are somewhat easily identified since they wear defining tattoos with specific symbols, many on certain parts of their bodies.  These gangs keep to themselves, and their goal is to fight rival gangs whenever they can within the prison, and even without, by communicating messages to gang members on the outside.  Just look at a daily police report log on any given day and you can easily spot gang crimes that occur on our city streets.

    "Unknown to most people is the unified gang activity known as resurrection.  The goal of this frightening activity is the same for prison inmates and those criminals who are roaming our streets.  That is, commit as many crimes against society as possible before getting caught and punished, then get resurrected by using the system’s inadequacies and flaws, starting the process all over again.  Each resurrection gets points depending on the seriousness of the crimes committed and the freedom achieved after resurrection.  Prisoners who have attained multiple resurrections enjoy the respect, protection and extra favors bestowed on them by the other inmates.  It is these people that I fear,

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