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What's a Dog Supposed to Do?
What's a Dog Supposed to Do?
What's a Dog Supposed to Do?
Ebook39 pages

What's a Dog Supposed to Do?

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What’s a dog supposed to do when candy is left around and no one is watching? What would you do?

What’s a dog supposed to do when she doesn’t like the food she is given? What would you do?

These and other questions plague Percy, a yellow Labrador Retriever, as she adjusts to the world of her human family. She finds herself constantly getting into mischief over doing things that come naturally to a dog.

In her attempt to fit into this strange world of humans, Percy asks her readers what they would do if they were in her place.

Release dateJul 21, 2023
What's a Dog Supposed to Do?

Elizabeth Scarlata

Elizabeth Scarlata had taught young children for more than thirty years in New York City. She currently divides her time between Naples, Florida, where she resides, and vacations in Falmouth, Massachusetts. The many lessons she has learned through her teaching experiences, coupled with her love of animals, have served to provide her with inspiration for developing creative activities for her two granddaughters, as well as ideas for her writings. Elizabeth has a blog highlighting her experiences.

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