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Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 1
Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 1
Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 1
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Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 1

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FOLKS FAMILIAR WITH THE TEXT OF THIS BOOK recommend thinking persons read this book. The author's thoughts are unique, engaging, and needed, especially in the insane world we are currently living in. Individuals, of all stripes, need to read and understand what the author is revealing to them.

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Release dateJun 26, 2023
Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs: The God Notion and Other Things -- Book 1

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    Strikingly Bold Musings That Challenge Old Beliefs - Andrew D Thomas


    Without the aid or benefit of science, psychology, advanced mathematics, and physics, ancestral sapients created the false notion of a god who created everything. With thousands of gods being worshipped throughout different cultures, the Egyptians and later the Israelis (who borrowed Yahweh from the Egyptians) consolidated the deity notions into one God, a fictitious being they called Yahweh.

    Yahweh is a fictional character given divine powers, wherein He was described as omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Yahweh is a fantasy construct that spawned certain religious beliefs and distorted sapients’ relationship with nature by demanding human behaviors that contradict what nature evolved for humans, in terms of natural sexual behaviors and the free exercise of discretionary powers. The religious fanatics of that time confined the fanciful constructions about God, by wrapping Him in mysteries and confounding those mysteries by conducting church matters and masses in Latin, a language few people spoke. Religious clergy and ranked personages then claimed that only they could interpret and know the mind of God and make laws and decisions in accordance with His dictates. They coupled these assertions with the doctrine that only the pope is infallible.

    The clergy then took it upon themselves to dictate dogmas, doctrines, orthodoxies, and rules that must be believed and adhered to by all or face eternal punishment in hell. By these methods of indoctrinated terror, the Church through its clergy and secular governments, not only controlled what humans were allowed to do, but also what they were allowed to believe, for God the punisher, knew one’s every thoughts, and what requisite punishments to apply for thinking or espousing ideas contrary to Church doctrine, etc.

    All these actions from Moses onward were done by those who had a desperate fear of God’s anger and believed these religious actions would assuage His anger toward the humans He created and was perceived as so often punishing.

    That was further coupled with the idea that priests were empowered to interpret and know the mind of Yahweh when no other sapient could. They took it among themselves to dictate beliefs, human conduct, and sacrifices in the name of and for the benefit of a God who never evidenced a need, nor demand for any of it.

    Religious sapients created this fantasy construct without using any sensual connections between God, His heaven, His hell, or reality, by just using fantasy constructs, one upon another, that are made to look real by the uses of all kinds of rituals that awe, which are still used and found effective today.

    The Bible, which is a compendium of mostly legends and fairy tales of sapients and their relationship with their God, describes His behavior in scripture as that which mimics man, not man mimicking God.

    In that connection we find God acting very unstable, very, and very whimsical, and destructive to nature and sapients for no other reason than He wanted to, that today are deemed to be crimes against nature and humanity. In a word, God as sapients contrived and conceived Him, suffers from a variety of mental and emotional disorders now identified by medicine as neurotic and psychotic behavior, which are anything but divine.

    After Jesus was crucified, His religious fanatics, devotees, and clerics developed dogmas, doctrines, catechisms, orthodoxies, and other strictures that further controlled human thinking and behavior. Their efforts focused on suppressing sexual knowledge and conduct far beyond what nature had provided for sapients to sexually enjoy. All Christian sects suffer severe emotional disorders and neurotic tendencies when it comes to any sexual aspect of sapient lifestyles.

    The Ten Commandments, for example, were completely ill conceived and flawed when written. Because they are deemed to have come from God as His commandments, no religious authority believes it has the power, or the right to amend the commandments to bring them in line with medical, scientific, and current cultural knowledge and practices. Because the commandments are said to be the word of God, when in fact they are only the ideations of Moses and his ilk who drafted the commandments, they stand in stark contrast to what nature, and existential life provide and allow for sapients to do and believe, as they may.

    Because they were ill conceived at the outset, each commandment leaves sapients more compellingly in breach of them, even though there are a minority who can fully or partially comply with them. They are evidence of the mistaken belief that an omniscient God dictated to Moses and his ilk, viable, sensible, and forward-looking commandments that are flexible enough to allow exceptions and conformity with natural changing conditions, when they simply are not. The Ten Commandments are not flexible and are thus incapable of any requirements for viability in the real world.

    Religion is and always has been a fanciful notion that created fanciful constructs to give fanciful thinking humans a belief system they thought would appease their God and assuage Him from exacting such pain and suffering on His sapients. Sapient worship of God does not stop Him from imposing all kinds of misery on His sapient devotees. It appears the more they worship, the more they suffer. Moreover, to impose compliance with religious dictates the Church believes that it had to create the notion of hell, sin, and to engage in murdering individuals for different beliefs, retake Jerusalem, establish Inquisitions, sponsor wars, and engage in all sorts of evils, the Church itself would designate as sinful conduct.

    Experience with religion and precatory praying has left analytical sapients with one conclusion, and that is that nothing fails like prayer, mostly because there is no being to hear them or react to them. Praying is another wasteful, fanciful behavior based on wishful desires for help, relief from pain or other adversity, or, to gain reward.

    It is shameful to see contestants in a sports match pray before the event or contest, because all the contestant is asking God or Jesus to do is fix the result of the contest in his favor.

    If granted, that amounts to divine corruption, encouraged by those who espouse religious notions to interfere in all walks of life. Skill is what the contestants brought to the match, and that alone is what each should rely on to determine the victor in that match.

    If a God existed, as fanciful tales tell, they failed to inform us that He would be restricted, by physics existent within the third dimension. Furthermore, the negative-positive powers that control existential activities within this dimension leave all things in a half negative and half positive state or condition. But is it probable or close to possible that a deity exists just to control humans in their daily activities and thoughts, when such a deity would be forced to concerned himself with other elements of the universe, along with other formidable events occurring in the third dimension of this universe?

    God, if He exists, must, by virtue of the negative-positive powers existing in this universe, be neither all good, nor all bad. His devil cannot be all bad because even the devil has some good, leaving him capable of good deeds in furtherance of his complicities with God. The negative powers cannot be negated. While one power may dominate for a while, those forces work to balance more than dominate, Nevertheless, one cannot exist without the other. The opposites help bring reality into existential activities. This means that positive cannot exist without its negative counterpart. That leaves one conclusion and that is that the negative powers and their effects have as much right to exist, and to prevail, as do the positive powers.

    The biggest mistake ever taught to other humans is the assertion that some holy and hellish things remain unchanged for eternity. All things die in this universe. All personages, and all other things, contrived or real existing in the third dimension of this universe must die to repurpose, and in doing so, replenish the universe.

    Dying is simply the discontinuation of something, some person, etc., that is then subjected to repurposing as many other things. Humans cannot continue to live unless their sustenance was first made to die. This is so whether the sustenance be flesh, or plants, or minerals, etc. Those things that died for us went through a repurposing, and the universe continues to exist by its own killings for repurposing. Everything feeds on something as a repurposing activity, starting with molecules on up to the universe.

    Nature or existence, however, arrived to make this universe a mystery because we have not been around long enough to understand it all. We are just beginning universal preschool. It will be centuries before we know enough to make another universe out of one of the multiverses.

    Who knows, but at this stage, no one should care. No one should come into the theater at the very end of the movie because the beginning, like all beginnings, is compulsory to come to know the plot. Let us just muddle with what we have from where we are, in nature’s grand plan.

    Since repurposing is what continues to move everything forward, we must know that information coming to sapients for repurposing, is done in the processes known as comprehension and recollection, within the cognizant realm of one’s brain, as witnessed by one’s behavior. We also repurpose through the process of constructive curiosity, and by turning it into a useful artifact.

    Eventually when all things repurposable are fueled out, the universe’s sustenance will have been exhausted and the universe shall cease being what it was. Do we care, no, because we are no longer us, and whatever occurs will be without the former us even knowing. We should not worry about what is nonsensical to even ponder, at this time.

    Worrying too much about what will occur in the far, far future is a complete waste of time, because we are forced to live moment to moment, where we are most effective.


    The amount of fantasy meandering around sapient minds masquerading as facts, or truths, is beyond overwhelming. The significant problem associated with fanciful thinking in place of analytical, fact-based thinking, is that it is harmful to the ultimate well-being of other sapients, who must arduously adjust to escape the effects of such fanciful behaviors or suffer the consequences of the irrational outcomes we presently experience in society.

    If sapients do not strive to balance the welfare and positive outcomes for most sapients, personal endeavors will eventually become inundated with the negative outcomes from other human fanciful thinking. Fanciful thinking, as a replacement for analytical thinking, brings about no substantive improvements for the majority of that society’s citizens, who must attempt to endure under such fatuities.

    It is shameful for the powerful to go about making deprivational economic and personal rights decisions through the voting system, by advertising to the gullibles to vote for candidates who will diminish their economic welfare and restrict the exercise of the rights they presently utilize and enjoy. Why give them up for those fanciful goals that help the wealthy few, especially those nebulous goals espoused by one political party, while further depriving the voting gullibles with nothing less than more deprivations, along with increasing social, and personal, frustrations?

    It is difficult to comprehend how citizens who are dissatisfied with their lives continue to engage in fanciful beliefs and behaviors that are self-abusive and self-denigrating. Gullibles who vote, for those who simply increase their miseries do so and later experience the doubling down on their behaviors and well-being that will bring them the possible loss of our democratic society. Our society is more beneficial for us than bad for us, yet those who fail to see reality as it is will lose the value of what they have through that fanciful thinking they presently engage in.

    If something hurts you, and you increase the hurt, by what you think and subsequently do, what at the end of such activity have you gained, but more hurt? More hurt is all that fanciful thinking coupled with erroneous beliefs will get you. Yet it seems that despite the obvious economic and social damage many are experiencing through their negative behaviors, they still fail to see that they have brought society to the tipping point. Rebuilding from such a catastrophic loss, still fettered by millions of self-destructive humans, is not a likely, achievable, endeavor.

    The reasons for such devastating human behavior exhibiting herd-like mentalities today, are the same behaviors earlier sapients experienced in their troubled times. Herd-type human thinking does not change that much over the centuries. When humans become overly afraid of what they are economically, socially, and politically facing, especially when coupled with poor to devious leadership, populations panic and seek untenable solutions to problems they helped raise by believing the fanciful and nonsensical tenets they were fed and swallowed without ever analyzing the relevant facts.

    They adhered to the deviants’ script and chose hate, bigotry, self-harm, and delusional adhesion to the pied pipers holding destructive intentions.

    Reality is existential and must be managed in real time along with realistic, fact-based cognitive processes and subsequent appropriate actions. But our culture gave rise to these failings by the way parents raised their children in terms of what they taught them to fancifully believe and to shun relevant, verified facts for the fanciful. Alternate facts are not in the realm of actual reality. Our cultural values, along with the lack of analytical thinking diminish morality, social welfare for all, and a benign view of immigrants and diversity, which have previously brought us all to an unfavorable position and national condition, where, if nonsense such as alternate facts prevail, our society shall implode.

    Self-denigration assists those who make political, social, and personal decisions that are against their best interests. Their brand of going along to just get by is what assists the deviants to persuade the gullibles to stand by for more self-allowed depravities. Fanciful-thinking humans prefer what hurts them, rather than what helps or enhances them, and others.

    Self-denigration is not new to humans who embrace the Christian orthodoxies that assert man to be irretrievably sinful, evil, and hell bound. This type of conditioning facilitates the herd-like behaviors, and gullibility’s that further lends themselves to alternate fact hoodwinkers, who presently have society at the tipping point.

    If we sapients are fettered by beliefs from religious institutions that suppress sexual preferences developed by nature over time, and cause sapients to cower when religious intimidating powers present themselves, we are doomed, and the sad thing is that we did it to ourselves. Nothing of positive value will come from all the past failures that by insidious choices, are repeating, repeating, repeating.

    It is correct to state that a religious adherent is also the epitome of a doctrinally formulated, sexual hypocrite. They cannot be less, but they can be deviously more in their quest to ignore the precepts of nature. Nature will eventually prevail, it always does. In time religious beliefs will conform to reality, or die, instead of distorting reality into what is religiously, nonsensically, fanciful.

    This book attempts to bring to sapient minds the true-false interplay of existence, that tests reality when fanciful attempts are made to intervene to distort and bring about the wrong or incorrect solution. Bad things happen to humans when fact-based reality, no matter how harsh or hurtful, is put aside for fanciful presentments as solutions.

    Part of this disclosure covers the toxicities of religious beliefs, dogmas, doctrines, orthodoxies, and suppressions that cause sapients to suffer because they are not permitted to exercise and manage their bodies and physical-emotional natures in conformance with nature rather than a belief system that promotes what is unnatural, and harmful to sapients the world over.

    Other musings in this book are intended to cause sapients to think about what they are not used to by virtue of their prior programming. Other poems are posed herein to amuse the reader. The reader need not agree with what is presented, but the reading of what is written will compel readers to reconsider what they thought were not subjects for reconsideration.

    A Poetic Musing of Sapient Culture


    Some traditions we must observe in the following ways.

    If traditions morally facilitate requisite endeavors, they must be adhered to.

    If traditions morally impede requisite endeavors, they must be modified or discarded.

    If tradition expresses the idea that existing morale principles cannot be modified, the idea must be discarded because morality changes, after social values change.

    If traditions are used to confuse by combining morality, and ethics with religious precepts, the differences must be taught, and the lessons repeated so that the least knowledgeable among us learn to know each of them better.

    If traditions are abused by some subculture or authority, traditions must be more strongly asserted, upheld, and restored to their honorable, efficient uses.

    If traditions become obsolete, and several new or modified mores vie to become prominent traditions, the most beneficial, facilitative, and efficient of the lot must be chosen, tolerated, and then culturally observed.

    If new traditions coming into the culture become divisive with the lingering obsolete traditions, those members of society preferring the lingering older traditions must accept the fact that new, efficacious life forces will prevail, and the refusal to accept change will not succeed where change, like all else, must be accepted and managed.

    If traditions fail to serve sapient endeavors during each successive generation, the purpose for which they arose and were applied must be examined, for traditions must not be bolstered by doctrines or dogmas that are not acceptable, to the nongullible among us.

    Traditions provide a constant guide to human behavior, but, only for so long as the traditions are not forced to linger beyond a tradition’s normal lifecycle, the determinate of which is always change.

    If traditions facilitate most human endeavors, the facilitations usually result in something sapients call happiness.

    An older tune still correctly expresses cultural changes, in the Cole Porter lyrics from, Anything Goes.

    "A glimpse of stocking

    Was looked on as something shocking.

    But now, God knows,

    Anything goes.

    Good authors too who once used better words

    Now only use four-letter words

    Writing prose.

    Anything goes."

    If God Exists, Would He Abide with the Ongoing Atrocities of Established Religion?

    Areligious devotee declared that no man shall play God. Yet sapients were made to play God in the sense of creating new things, new procedures, and changing certain aspects of nature, and man, as allowed by nature, and the competencies of the human condition.

    It may come to one’s conclusion that sticking up for what one perceives as God’s domain, not changeable by human activity or intervention, does not know the mind of God, if such exists, nor do they understand the role sapients are to engage in through time. It may come as an eventual, but unavoidable shock for sapients to conclude that God created nothing, for God is simply a notion.

    Religious sapients from earlier times created, devised, and built on a fantasy foundation the notion of a single god who created all that exists. To show the calamity of such a notion some religious person then came up with the seven-day creation of the universe, and the tragedy of Adam and Eve, who were supposedly shielded from reality only to be duped by another of God’s creations, all of which instigated the wrath of God that we seem to perceivably live with in current time.

    It is not incorrect to state, that the religious stories are fanciful constructs, replete with nonsense. After an analysis of the human condition based on experiential evidence, the imposition of a religious belief system on humans, coupled with punishments carried out by the Church, and buttressed by notions of punishments imposed after one’s death, assist the Church in imposing angst and terror on believers and other gullibles, further establishes the facts that those institutional behaviors, constitute crimes against humanity.

    Religious inhibitions and strictures are by design, stifling and damaging, to sapient cultures.

    It was not God, though we would like to blame Him, who created the nonsense, but sapients filled with fantasies, devising him out of fanciful notions, and embedding Him in different flavors, under different names, in most Western, and near Eastern cultures.

    The sapiently created god did not create man, nor existence, for nature did, through an evolutionary process, constantly informing us through our human, secular experiences.

    It is an example of the irrationality of religious believers, that their dogmas, and doctrines, etc., have not changed to comply with the realities of the present. The Church and its minions refuse to discard old, inapplicable notions, which do not meet nor satisfy current, cognitive experiences. The question then is why. The answer is that the Church and its divine thinkers cannot come up with new fanciful constructs that could adequately replace the old fancifuls, leaving the Church stuck with its old fantasies rendering it archaic, in all its presentments.

    Religion and religious beliefs and the ability of devotees to fancifully compose religious strictures that stifle progress, deprive humans of what nature provided, leave most in a state of emotional and behavioral deprivation.

    Humans who claim to know God’s mind, play God as they did when they devised Him in the initial, notional creation. These problems were initially created by the great temple builders, who sought to stifle believers’ questions with the awe created by their structures, coupled with their uniforms, costumes, and rituals.

    All who representationally appoint themselves as God’s agents utilize fantasy constructs in their attempts to enhance the notional creations.

    Ranked clergy ignore the need to change doctrines and dogmas to conform to sapient real-life circumstances, by stating that they are unchangeable because they came from God and cannot be subject to any reconsideration. Truth is, that these same people ran out of fanciful notions that current, educated humans would accept as real, rather than imaginable. Most people do not want to be guided by fantasy constructs, but by reasonable, flexible rules that facilitate human interactive conduct.

    If God exists, sapients would inherently know of His existence, and religion would not have to rely on proselytization to convince, or attempt to persuade all, of His existence. There would be as there is now, no need for religion, because it is simply a bag of fantasies with rules that cause it to be very toxic to humans. They have been taught to defy any statements that relate to the toxicities brought upon humankind by the imposition of religious notions. Study the reasons for the Inquisitions.

    What is the nature of prayer that it must be pursued with such fanatical persistence?

    The fearful sapients of old thought that praying precatorily to God would assuage Him and cause Him to withhold His anger against them. They blamed themselves for catastrophes because they could not know better. Earlier humans did not understand nature and its ramifications, and they were terrified because they could do nothing about the horrendous challenges nature imposed on them. They imagined a person like themselves was responsible for these catastrophes. So, they decided to try to influence Him with behaviors like prayer, rituals, rules, and other strictures that controlled themselves in his name.

    Preachers and priests can choose any type of nonsense to preach to gullible minds, because they were made to believe that this verbal diarrhea came from God to them, through the mouths of these preachers. And if the gullibles disbelieve, or misbehave, they face hell from which, when cast there, cannot ever, leave.

    Church clerics and preachers from other Christian sects, called denominations, love to intimidate gullibles by reminding them that Christ will come again to judge them, but, according to scripture, were they not judged upon death, and either allowed into heaven or cast into hell. What then is the reason to take those souls from heaven and hell just to judge them again. There is no sense to this assertion, leaving one to conclude that this notion like all other Church strictures are asserted as intimidations to ensure compliance with religious rules, etc. Religion is a very toxic belief and enforcement system.

    If never baptized, so the doctrine goes, even those who never sinned, such as a child born and quickly died, must suffer because he died with original sin infecting his soul, because of something someone did to displease God who then imposed this punishment on each succeeding generation. Scripture speaks to it. Even Jesus had himself baptized. None of this makes any sense except to see the ritualistic act as an appeasement to Him, who must be appeased. would God forbid His own son reentry into heaven because he was not baptized while living on earth?

    Religious literature is filled with stories of God being affronted by sapients being subject to all sorts of punishments that defy reason, for why God would create humans He knew would offend Him. Why would He not create amenable humans who just pleased Him?

    If He had those creational powers, surely, He could have used them more wisely, or are we seeing the sapiently created God who is also a masochist and a sadist, suffering from different neurosis and psychosis, as evidenced by His whimsical behavior directed at nature and at sapients. Or is He presented with the foibles of humans and those who created Him.

    If God created Adam and Eve, why did He leave them exposed to knowledge if He knew the knowing would denigrate them, for the happening means He did nothing to stop it from happening. He chose to treat Adam and Eve in a way that reflects negatively on God’s behavior toward His original sapiens. The method used by God to give them knowledge is crude and shows no remorse for treating innocents with temptations they were never advised about beforehand. Should we not eat apples? Are there many of us who talk to a snake, or snakes? This nonsense is all coming from human stories out of ancient imaginations.

    If we can think of better ways for God to behave, should He not also be able to come up with better behavior patterns, or was He just made human like, by those pesky sapients who notionally created him.

    Clerics attempt to avoid discussing these godly idiosyncrasies by saying it is just God’s will expressed by God as His will. Rational sapients would retort that He could behave better still.

    The problems the earlier sapients faced when they created the god notion was that they had no knowledge of psychology or any scientific knowledge that may have assisted them in creating their notional god so they defaulted back to making Him behave as would any other sapient.

    Earlier sapients knew nothing of the third dimension existing out of ten or eleven; nor that we exist in the third dimension, and so would God if He exists, for He could not exist in any other dimension, and function in ours without abiding by the restrictions imposed on everything by the physics of our existential existence and abilities to act within the restrictions. We are restricted by gravity and cannot sprout wings and fly. Nor can angels and devils. Physics prevents God or any of His minions from performing miracles. They must have had magicians to wow them in those days, causing magical notions to seep into scripture. But God would have known this when he created everything; or did He, because He restricted Himself by the natural laws He supposedly created. That is like saying the tale of the donkey creating the rest of itself.

    Living in the third dimension exposes everything human or otherwise, to the negative-positive powers that compel, and otherwise influence all that occurs in this dimension.

    God then would have His powers restricted by those only permitted in the third dimension. That means He could not be above it all, but if existing, He must be compelled by it all, as is all else that exists in this dimension.

    Therefore, and above all else, God cannot by virtue of His restricted powers, be omniscient, omnipresent, nor omnipotent. He would most likely, like us, be more impotent, power wise, than potent.

    God would most likely be a permanent resident in the third dimension and could not rise out of it. Like all else in this universe, all will come to a programmed end when the universe has depleted itself of all fueling sources that gave life, and substance to our universe.

    There is no infiniteness in our eternity, just a limited time frame, for us and for any god, as is scientifically predicted for our universe.

    We live until we are obsolete, and are terminated, and repositioned to be repurposed into molecules that contribute to reformulations of new things or enhanced old things acting as new.

    Everything must become old because in many ways it all must become somethings new.

    Science, as a change agent, has an easier time bringing change to culture than does anything else. Science does not directly attack the old values, but brings change through a slower process, which is accepted, tolerated, and socially acclimated.

    When it comes to substantial cultural and consequent behavioral changes, resistance automatically arises, especially with respect to religious beliefs and practices. But science is eating away at religion and will slowly replace it as the next power that commands adherence.

    We are still hampered by the behavior of monks who advise secular leaders who are making secular decisions, influenced by religious fanciful thinking.

    Most of these decisions were found to be fanciful and not fit for secular problem-solving, which in the end resulted in leaders making poor decisions. Today that same mindset is still embedded in some minds and the decisional results have the same failing effect as did those made in earlier decisions.

    That accounts, in large part, for the general conclusion that church matters, or church thinking and religious mindsets, should be restricted to religious concerns. Secular concerns were limited to governance issues, without the assistance of religious notions, when making secular decisions.

    Religious ideations and their attempts to infuse or interject their dogmas, etc., into secular matters must be resisted, for religious considerations always originate in the realm of the fanciful, and such ideations continue to suffer from lack of secular realisms, needed for secular decisions.

    We sapients are not sinful. What we are, as is all else that exists, is somewhat evil, but not ever sinful.

    Evil is a natural derivative of the negative-positive powers that exist and function in all of us, and in all things containing organic and inorganic matter.

    Evil exudes from us, around us, and through us, as it does all other matter. When we act or when anything is in some form of existence or motion, evil is in the interplay.

    Evil can cause good intentions to end up as a bad act. Evil has as much right to exist as does good. Within evil, there is good, as well as good within evil.

    An apple pie made by mom is delicious, but the calories and all things that are bad for us that are in the pie, do not make it something completely good. Bad, as a negative is identified as an evil.

    Every aspect of anything can be shown to contain negativities that we call bad, or evil, but the religious ilk like to call all that they perceive as offending God, as something sinful.

    In fact, the religious among us do not know, never knew, nor will ever know the mind of God, because sapients notionally created him, and to look at what offends, not God, but the makers of God, changes from generation to generation, so we needn’t deal with the Church’s made-up notion of conduct, it deems sinful.

    Notionally, behavior in heaven is much like the behavior on earth, for if one consults scripture, we find God misbehaving in all sorts of ways, we were taught to deem such behavior as sinful.

    Sin is but a thought, or acting with self, or an engagement with something, or someone, where a negative act or event renders the behavior, by some, but not by all, as sinful.

    Evil is not a notional construction but a sensed presence that no one denies exists, but not where we find some conduct dubiously identified as sinful.

    If God exists, and we knew it to be so, and we witnessed something done by a sapient that offended Him, we will accept that conduct as being sinful.

    The truth of the matter is that an act that displeases someone of a religious bent is an opinionated offense. Because God never addressed the matter with sapients in a way that brings universal understanding and agreement, that clarifies a conduct as certifiably sinful.

    All else is church devised policy, and the clerics do not correctly speak for God, because their mistakes on all matters of consequence to humans is replete with negatives, such as bigotry, hypocrisy, church-sponsored murders, sadistic behaviors toward the gullible and indefensible, and so on to the point where anything coming out of the church as doctrine or policy is replete with errors, and disrespected for the errors, and Church declarations should be ignored and denigrated as incredulous as are so many its other matters.

    The Church and all those who profess to be religious in some form should not be allowed to attempt to proselytize children who have few if any defenses against the monstrous tales known as church doctrine because it simply trains them to prefer the fanciful over the factual.

    Take as an example the rather incredulous notion that God created all that exists in six days and rested on the seventh.

    Young children will unquestionably learn this nonsense and live with it as truth until they are faced with undoing this lie, as well as all others the church has devised over the centuries of making fanciful constructs it imposes on its followers who must accept and believe it all or face a judgmental sentence to hell. A true believer has completely given his mind over to the control of those who assert that they speak for the Church who speaks for God. Ain’t God got no tongue of His own?

    Here is a suggested outcome of what occurs when God rushes creation of everything into six days and rests on the seventh.

    If there is any truth in what the Bible says of man’s creation, let’s look at what church doctrine would have us see.

    It was said that man was made of clay, and a female made from a rib bone nearest his chest. Genetics aside, men without the rib bone have become subjected to women who have lost none and continue to fascinate men with other body parts not associated with the lost bone-rib.

    Men will never collect from women the value of that lost rib bone carried by women who now have the power to dominate men. While men are not physically inferior, they are most definitely emotionally inferior to women who win out in any emotional, spousal, or domestic contest.

    The best example of women’s dominance over men was first displayed when Eve bested Adam. The besting contest never comes to rest, and women still dominate.

    God, after the seventh day of rest, decides to visit Adam in this divine place called Paradise. It was a place designed by God to keep all knowledge away so two humans could live in total ignorance of most things, while sublimely residing in this divine place.

    This ignorance was deep enough so that the two knew little enough to even conceived of having children for they knew nothing of their bodies and little else, about anything else.

    Let us visit, as God did, finding Adam at sleep while lounging near creekside.

    God finds Adam in a moody, nonengaging frame of mind while lounging near the creekside. God is concerned and asks Adam, Adam, what is wrong with you? Why are you in this sultry mood? Can’t you appreciate and just be thrilled over what I have made for you? You mull around in this sultry mood. Just look at the beauty of this place where the animals are friendly toward you, while the fish jump and play lovingly, all around you.

    Adam replies, God, I do not know why I am moody, do you?

    God thinks for a while and jumps for joy while startling Adam, and says to Adam, I know what you need, you need a woman to please you.

    Adam retorts, God, what is a woman? Why do I need a woman? Should she not have been made by you when you made me? Will she resemble me or you?

    God ignores the retort and says, I will make for you a woman who is of a different gender.

    Adam replies with a question about gender.

    God ignores the question, and asks of Adam, If it is okay with you, Adam, I must put you to sleep and take one of your ribs while you are at heavenly rest.

    Adam replies, God, do what you think is best.

    God wakes Adam. When Eve later wakes, and after perusing her, God gets excited and happily says to Adam, Look at her, isn’t she beautiful?

    Adam nonchalantly replies while shrugging his shoulders and says, Yes, God, she is as you said, just beautiful.

    God, still excited over the beauty of Eve, tells Adam, Adam, give her a hug.

    Adam asks, God, what’s a hug?

    God explains a hug and Adam unenthusiastically gives Eve a hug.

    God a bit frustrated over Adam’s nonchalant attitude but still excited over Eve’s beauty tells Adam, Adam, see those bushes over there? Take her behind those bushes and make love to her. Yes, just over there.

    Adam, not understanding God’s directive, asks what making love is, and God explains it all to Adam who remains near the bushes over there.

    Two minutes later Adam returns and reports that nothing is happening behind the bushes over there.

    God asks why, and Adam explains that Eve said she has a headache.

    Adam asks, "God, what is a

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